A few days after making an agreement with Kirihara, Amamiya Arashi always ran away after greeting Yukimura in the tennis club. In Sanada's eyes, this behavior was equivalent to "skipping training".


‘Bang——’ Sanada’s fist hit the conference room table directly, “What on earth is Amamiya Lan doing!? You haven’t trained for so many days!”

"..." Looking at the faint fist marks on the table, Mao Li swallowed and moved his body in fear, trying to block himself behind Nio Marui and Kuwahara. Unfortunately, although he was sitting, his The upper body is still too high, so——it’s not completely blocked.

"Okay, Genichiro, Arashi won't stop training, it's just something that happened these days." Looking at the furious young tamizen, Yukimura explained to Amamiya Arashi, "After the trials, Arashi will resume normal training. "

Then, he turned to look at Liu, "Renji, are any of the recent newcomers worthy of training?"

"As for the freshmen -" Liu flipped through his notebook, "the one with the best talent is the one who challenged us that day, Kirihara Akaya. Besides that, there is another one, Urayama Shota."


————Tennis Club————


"Hurry up-"


"Do you have this much strength now?"

"Huh-huh-" Kirihara, who had been chasing the ball, was already dripping with sweat. Looking at Amamiya Arashi opposite, there was only a little sweat on his forehead, "Why... why aren't you tired!"

Amamiya Arashi, who hit the tennis ball on the ground with his racket, responded perfunctorily, "Well, of course it's because my physical fitness is better than yours~"

"..." Kirihara Akaya scratched his head: Obviously that's not what I want to ask.

"Kid, the trials are in a few days~ Do you still want to rest?"

"Damn it! I-I will continue to train." Although he said that he wanted to continue training, he was really tired! I haven’t played my favorite game in so many days! Kirihara felt angry inside.

As if he could read Kirihara's inner thoughts, Amamiya Arashi said with a smile, "If you can become a regular candidate in the trial, how about I give you the latest game console?"

"!" Kirihara suddenly became excited, and then started to feel embarrassed, "No... no need, Amamiya-senpai has already had a hard time training with me!"

Seeing the duplicitous Kirihara, Amamiya Arashi felt that this kid was really interesting, "You're welcome~ If you become the main candidate, then we will be comrades in arms from now on, right?"

"I will definitely become the main selection!" Akaya Kirihara, who heard what Amamiya Arashi meant, said confidently. After all, after so long training, his tennis skills have improved a lot, and with the addition of Tatekai Dai's main selection There are eight positions, but he doesn't believe that he can't get any of them!

Seeing Kirihara Akaya who was so confident, Amamiya Arashi thought for a while and felt that the problem shouldn't be big. Then he seemed to have thought of something and began to count the number of people in his mind.

The purple-haired beauty Seiichi, the data-mad Renji, the black-faced god Genichiro, myself, the Mori-senpai who likes to skip training, the white-furred fox Masaharu, the sweet-eating pig Bunta, they all have muscles but they can't use them. Jack, and Hiroshima, the superficial gentleman who was pulled over from the golf club by Masaharu...

One...two, three...nine, ah, I always feel that Chi can't be the main candidate...

Amamiya Lan turned around and looked at Akiya with a look of dismay on his face. Who could this kid beat against the people in the tennis club? ?

At this time, Amamiya Arashi also had the same doubt as Marui Bunta: In this case, would Kirihara Akaya really not give up tennis?ヾ(?`Д′?)?彡


Chiya, who was practicing hard at this time, did not feel the inner struggle and intolerance of his dear senior Amamiya.

————The morning a few days later——————

As soon as Amangong Lan arrived in the classroom, he saw a certain purple-haired beauty sitting by the window, frowning and staring at a piece of paper, as if trying to see the flowers.

"Good morning Seiichi~" Amamiya Lan said hello, and rushed over to look at the note in Yukimura's hand, and then looked confused, "What is this?...Challenge letter?!"

"I'm Kangkang - I'm in the tennis club after school today..." What the hell, why are there so many typos? I glanced at the name at the bottom, Akaya Kirihara. Ah, no wonder, I seemed to have heard that this kid had poor grades before. Amangong Lan supported his chin with his hand and tilted his head to look at his minister.

"It looks like Kirihara's grades..." Before he could finish his words, the smile on Yukimura's face gradually brightened.

"..." Tiangong Lan shrank his head silently.


After class, Yanagi and Sanada came over holding a note.

"So, why am I the only one who doesn't have one!" Tian Gonglan looked at the three challenge letters that were almost the same. Except for the name of the person being challenged, the typos in other places were exactly the same. "But if this kid becomes In the main selection, wouldn’t his performance be in danger?”

"You're so lax - Kirihara Akaya!" Sanada said with a dark face, "The Rikkai Tennis Club will never allow a main player to be suspended due to performance!!"

Genichiro, calm down! Kirihara is not the main candidate yet!

"I'm more curious about how this Kirihara junior got admitted to Rikkai University despite his poor grades -" Liu said slowly, "after all, the deviation value of Rikkai University High School is quite high."

"Maybe the junior is actually quite smart~" Tiangong Lan was confused.

"So what Arashi means is that the junior student made the typo on purpose?" Yukimura looked at Amamiya Arashi with a smile.

"No, no, no, I didn't say anything." Amamiya Arashi shook his head desperately. He always felt that if Yukimura thought Kirihara did it on purpose, it would be better to just let them think Kirihara was stupid!


On the other side, Nio Marui and Kuwahara also gathered together to discuss the ‘challenge letter’.

"Speaking of which, this silly boy is really brave~Pfft" Nioh's eyes were full of smiles, "It seems that there will be some good shows to watch in the future."

"You said..." Marui was lost in thought, "Would that boy be so shocked that he never wants to play tennis again?"

"Probably... not... right?" Niou expressed uncertainty. Anyway, the kid also lost last time. If he loses again this time, it seems... nothing... right?


"Now that the juniors have sent us challenge letters, then the next main selection..." Yukimura looked at Yanagi.

"Should I put you all together? That's okay. I'll adjust it later." Liu took a pen and started to modify the list.

"..." Tiangong Lan looked at Liu with a depressed look, "So have the competition arrangements been released? Why don't I know anything?"

"Hmph, I hope someone knows that in the past few days, I just arrived and left immediately." Sanada snorted towards Amamiya Arashi.

"...Okay, it's my fault. Don't be angry, Genichiro. I've been training at the club these days!" Amamiya Arashi looked at Sanada pleadingly, "I know Genichiro is afraid that my strength will decline due to my lack of training~ "

"I...I didn't!" Looking at the funny Amamiya Lan, Sanada and the roots behind his ears turned red.

"Genichiro is so shy~" Yukimura said with a smile when he saw this scene.


"Okay, okay~ I won't say anything anymore"

"Hehe~" Amangong Lan looked at Liu, "Renji, how are the competitions arranged?"

"Seiichi and Genichiro are in group A, you, Marui and Yagyu are in group B, Nioh, Kuwahara, I are in group C, and Mori-senpai is in group D." After speaking, he paused, "The original plan was for Kirihara and Urayama Put it in Group D”


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