The National Competition and the Kanto Competition are about a month apart.

During this period, all the teams that qualified for the national competition were doing "devil training" in order to seek breakthroughs and get a good ranking in the national competition.

The schools that are most anticipated in this year’s national competition are as follows:

Kansai - Tentenhoji Temple, Minister Hara Tetsuya voluntarily abdicated, handing over the position of minister to the first-year candidate Shiraishi Kuranosuke, who is known as the 'Bible'. (Tai Zenzhi first handed over the position of minister to Hara Tetsuya, but within a month, Hara Tetsuya directly gave the position of minister to Shiraishi Kuranosuke)

Kyushu's Shishi Le is good at violent tennis, and his opponents are injured in every game. This year, there are two powerful first-year regulars who have earned the title of "Kyushu Two Heroes".

The champions of the Kansai Competition, Makinofuji, are coming fiercely. They have already won the national championships the year before last and last year, and they are sure to win this year's championship.


In the Kanto region, Kanagawa's Rikkai University Affiliated High School once again set a new winning streak in the Kanto competition, proving its strength and setting its sights on the national competition. With the addition of the four newly added first-year main players, Lihai University's singles and doubles will no longer be a shortcoming.

Although most of the second and third grade students at Hyotei Academy have withdrawn from the club, under the leadership of Atobe Keigo and the efforts of the remaining first-year students, they have also obtained tickets for the national competition and vowed to take revenge against Kaidai. .

As a famous doubles school, Yamabuki Academy has always been among the top eight schools in the country. This year, a strong singles player has joined...

In a world where tennis is a national sport, even national competitions for junior high school students have attracted the attention of the general public.

In response to people's calls, the Tennis Association changed the format of the national competition compared to the regional competition - in addition to the first game, the final final also needs to be played in five games.

However, no matter how the rules change, one core will not change, and that is - the winner advances.

After entering the national competition, Tatekai University, which had no blind spots, swept all the way. In the quarter-finals, it met its opponent Hyotei Academy in the Kanto finals. It is conceivable that Hyotei, who was not fully equipped this year, lost to Rikkai once. Hai Da, stopped in the top eight.

Li Hai University successfully advanced to the semi-finals.


On the eve of the semi-finals, Tiangong Lan stood under the moonlight with his mobile phone and called Yan Jing and Bing Jing. The main purpose was to let them bring their brothers, sisters, father and some friends to watch his game. The seats have been reserved for them. Elliot will arrive tomorrow morning and the game will be in the afternoon, so he can make it in time.

Amamiya Arashi was about to go back after making the phone call, but met Yukimura Seiichi on the road. Looking at Yukimura who was still asleep, Amamiya Arashi couldn't help teasing: "Seiichi, are you too nervous to sleep? Haha~"

Yukimura looked at Amamiya Arashi with a half-smile, "That's not true, but didn't Arashi sleep too?"

"Ahem~ I'm contacting my family about this, right? I'll ask them if they want to come to see the semi-finals tomorrow." He coughed lightly and put away his thoughts of teasing the beauty. After all, if the scheming beauty gets too much trouble, Well, I guess the unlucky one is me...

Then he directly pulled Yukimura Seiichi towards the room, "Let's go, let's go, it's not early now, let's go back quickly!"

Yukimura looked up at the clock on the wall, feeling a little helpless at Amamiya Arashi's excuse. However, looking at Amamiya Arashi's abrupt change of subject, he didn't say much. He glanced at the hands held together and followed him. We walked towards the room together.



The next day

Should it be said that it deserves to be a national competition? Even the semi-finals were crowded.

Amamiya Lan couldn't help but sigh: "Is that why so many people like tennis? Although I knew a little about it before, I never seem to have a specific impression!"

Obviously there weren’t so many people there a few days ago! What's going on today? !

Listening to Amamiya Arashi's words, several of his friends: Sanada pulled his hat to show that he didn't want to answer the conversation, Yukimura smiled the whole time, and even the angle of his mouth seemed to be frozen, and Yanagi was flipping through his notebook. , and nodded from time to time.

Looking at these three people, Tiangong Lan felt hopeless. They were still teenagers around thirteen years old, but each of them looked so lifeless, like an old man in his sixties or seventies who had seen the harsh world...

Amangong Lan: →_→

Sanada: (.?v?v?.)

Yukimura: (^_^)

Liu: expressionless

Oh~ Forget it, let’s look at Senior Mori. Then he turned around and saw a sleepy Curly with two hands holding different people - one hand on Morijiu’s neck, and the other on Morijiu’s neck. Holding Yun Chuanqi's hand.

Kumokawa Kei looked at Mouri with a smile, and then Morihisaaki seemed to stuff something into Tousaburo Mouri's mouth...

Tiangong Lan who saw this scene:...

Li Haidai is hopeless, these guys can be buried on the spot. (?_?)?⌒●~*Does anyone still remember the competition? ! Why do other schools have such upright styles...

"Wow~ Is that Tatekai's Sanada-kun? He's so manly~"

No, I was wrong, other schools are not normal either. Tiangong Lan turned his head with a dark face, feeling very crazy inside.

The person who spoke was a boy with glasses and a crew cut wearing the official uniform of Shitenbo Temple. The guy stood with his feet splayed, covered his face with his hands, and said those words in an extremely shy tone.

The boy wearing a green turban grabbed the boy's hand with eyes and asked in an angry tone, "Asshole Xiaochun, do you want to have an affair again?!"

Li Hai and others were shocked when they heard this, and felt goosebumps all over their bodies. Several first-year students could hardly keep the expressions on their faces.

Maori, who has spent a year at Shitenhoji Temple, is a little desperate: Has the style of Shitenhoji Temple changed from being funny to this? Then I felt happy again. Fortunately, I had transferred to another school, otherwise it would have been like that, right? !

Mori Hisaaki and Kumokawa Keiran came over to explain to Yukimura and others that Shitenhoji, a temple-based Kansai middle school, combines the characteristics of Kansai and temples, and the school spirit is humor and freedom. Regarding the word 'humor', Morijiu strengthened his tone, as if he had some deep hatred for the two words.

Not long after, Shuya Watanabe, the coach of Shitenhoji Temple, appeared. Next to him were Shiraishi, known as the ‘Tennis Bible’, and former minister Tetsuya Hara.

As soon as he saw Mori Juzaburo, Hara Tetsu became angry, "I heard that you have been reduced to playing doubles! Mori Juzaburo~"

"Don't forget that you are my defeated general, Yuan Zhe."

"Asshole~ It's Yuan, not Yuan Zhe"



As the exchanges between the members began, the two ministers also began to talk to each other.

“I hope there will be a wonderful game today, but the winner will definitely be our Shitenhoji Temple.”

"Really? I'll wait and see"


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