In the second game, Bimboli, who had been prepared for a long time, was no longer as easily pulled into the illusion by Yukimura and unable to escape as he was in the first game.

Furio also made the decision to abandon defense and attack with all his strength, but there was a disagreement when discussing with Bimboli who to target specifically.

Benbori wanted to focus on Yukimura, who dragged him into the illusion in the previous game, while Furio felt that Yukimura's mental power was a bit tricky, so he planned to deal with Amamiya Arashi first...

Looking at the two people who were still conspiring quietly not to serve, Amangong Lan helplessly signaled to the referee whether it was time to remind the opponent.

"Ahem! Members of the Spanish team, please serve as soon as possible..." The referee coughed heavily and then said in a calm tone.

After hearing the referee's urging, the two men stopped discussing. Instead, they looked at each other and both went online.

With a sound of "Bang!", the two tennis rackets hit the small ball at the same time. The small ball, which was hit by the double force, was like a crashed aircraft, with flames igniting around it and a little burnt in the middle...

After seeing the attack from the opposite side, Yukimura was already ready to fight back, but he didn't expect Amamiya Arashi to be one step faster, jump directly into the air, and hit the ball before it reached the best position to fight back. Went back.

When the members of the Spanish team saw this situation, their faces became more serious. And the active junior high school students of Team R, mainly from Yuanshan, started cheering...

In the next game, in order to fight back... Bianboli and Furio showed far beyond ordinary strength and skills, but unfortunately, the score between the two sides continued to widen.

Furio, who can sense other people's emotions, almost couldn't keep the expression on his face. The emotions he felt from Yukimura and Amamiya Arashi were always freedom, happiness... and indifference.

Seeing the two people's ease and feeling the ease on the two opposite sides... Furio couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness.

'e=(′o`*))) seems that there is nothing we can do this year! 'Despite thinking this, Furio's batting movements became more and more capable.

Although he knew that he and Bian Boli could not beat each other, Furio would not give up directly... He wanted to fight until the last moment, even if he would lose miserably.


With the persistence of Furio and Bianboli, the match between the two sides lasted for nearly half an hour. In the end, the two could not withstand Yukimura's mental strength and Amamiya Arashi's fancy moves, and lost the second game 0-6. Second game.

The victory of the doubles match also symbolized that the R national team defeated the Spanish team and became the champion of this U-17 competition. However, as the final, although the championship and runner-up have been decided, the final singles match still needs to be played.

Furio and Bianboli, who returned to the Spanish team's bench, were silent, while Medanore directly picked up his racket and went to warm-up activities without knowing where to go.

In the players' seat of the R national team, the high school students looked happily at the junior high school students who were playing this time, with satisfied smiles on their faces one by one.

And looking at Yukimura and Amamiya Arashi who returned to the contestants' table, several junior high school students led by Marui and Kirihara couldn't help but want to make a move on the two.

"That's enough for you!" Tiangong Lan couldn't help but say.

Yukimura also smiled slightly, "The game is not over yet! Masaharu~"

"Puri~" The seemingly innocent Niou opened his round eyes and looked up at the two of them. His face was full of doubts, as if he was curious about why Yukimura called him.

"Masaharu~ Let me warm up with you!" Amamiya Arashi walked towards Niou eagerly, and then directly put his arm on the other person's neck.

"I..." Nioh wanted to refuse, but seeing the half-smiling faces of Amamiya Arashi and Yukimura, he instantly became quiet and changed his words, "Okay, please."

"..." I, I shouldn't have been tricked! Seeing this scene, Marui couldn't help but reflect on his previous behavior.

Qie Principle stupidly shouted that he also wanted to warm up with Niou-senpai, but was rejected.


After the intermission, Nioh and Medanore, who had finished their warm-up, stood on opposite ends of the field.

Medanore, who got the right to serve, directly served and scored, giving Nioh a showdown.

But Nioh is not someone to be trifled with. Although Medanore is one of the best in the Spanish team, Nioh is not afraid at all.

When it was time for him to serve, Nioh performed "Phantom" many times, using various complicated moves to overwhelm Medanore.

Although most Medanore can fight back, there are still some that cannot fight back in time...

'hateful! 'Looking at the score that was gradually being evened, Medanore couldn't help but curse in his heart.

As time went by, the confrontation between the two became more intense. When one person shows stronger strength than before, the other person will also show stronger strength. It's like making a comparison.

However, Nioh's experience was not as good as Medanore's after all, and he lost the first game with a score of 5 to 7.

Soon, after a short break, the two started the second game.

Nioh calmed down and directly expanded the different dimension, revealing the 'nine-tailed fox'.

Under the increase in the different dimensions, Nioh quickly grasped the rhythm and advantages of the game. With the idea of ​​ending the game as soon as possible, Nioh directly used the inspiration he got from Yukimura's "Illusion" and directly used his mental power to confuse him. Medanore, and has been scoring several points smoothly since then.

However, Medanore's mental power is ultimately stronger than Benboli's, and in terms of 'trap', Nioh's research is far inferior to Yukimura's, so Medanore can break through before the end point of the game is reached. The 'illusion' that Nioh weaved for him.

Looking at Medanore who had returned to normal, Nioh played with his pigtails in confusion, and then smiled slyly.

He directly 'phantomed' into the appearance of Tiangong Lan.

With the blessing of another dimension, he can use many of Tiangong Lan's moves.

Under the attack of various different moves, even though he kept trying to fight back, Medanore was always found to have weak points by Nioh and eventually lost the second game. At this point, the singles matches were tied one to one.

Although the outcome of the U-17 competition has been decided, the next third game is still extremely critical for the two.

In the third game, Nioh almost gave up his 'phantom' and took on the appearance of others, and instead stood on the field in his own appearance.

Facing Medanore's crazy attack, Nioh showed off his skills that he had refined countless times...

The final match between the two ended in a draw. After hearing the result, Medanore, who was lying on the ground, couldn't help but snorted, while Niou showed a satisfied smile.

Although it was only a draw, my opponent was the Spanish team’s captain~

For a person who only came into contact with tennis when he was promoted from elementary school to junior high school, such results are already great!


After the referee announced the result of the game, both of them were helped off the field by their teammates.

Perhaps seeing the pride hidden in Niou's eyes, Amamiya Arashi and Yukimura couldn't help but praise each other.

Nioh, who was helped back to the player's seat, listened to the compliments in his ears and raised the corners of his lips in a good mood.


After the game, what follows is the award ceremony.

The junior high school students unanimously gave up the spotlight to the seniors who were about to bid farewell to their high school careers and enter university.

Byodoin and others happily raised the trophy symbolizing the championship, and the bright smiles of the teenagers were captured by cameras and printed in newspapers.


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