Although Oni Jujiro and Bismarck both agreed to the 'singles' between the two, the coach of the German team gave instructions, saying that Seyfried could only be allowed to play as he pleased.

And with the coach's permission, Seyfried was full of fighting spirit even for just one game.


At the players' table, Nioh looked at Liu in surprise as he was playing singles with Seyfried. In his impression, Liu had always been a low-key and quiet person. He didn't expect that he would be so unruly today. Back.

A smile gradually appeared in Niou's eyes.

Yukimura also looked at Yanagi on the court thoughtfully, and then said with a smile, "Renji once thought of becoming a singles player, but... he seems to have participated and appeared in more doubles games..."

"There's nothing you can do about it~ Data Tennis! Even if you are very good at singles, in the public's mind, it is still suitable for doubles!" Amangong Lan spread his hands after hearing this, and then said, "But this time Seyfried It's really a good thing. At least Renji has achieved his wish to some extent..."


Just as Amamiya Arashi and the others thought, Liu wanted to see Seyfried ignore his partner at the beginning and turn doubles into singles, so secretly, Liu also contributed to the situation.

Looking at Seyfried who was full of fighting spirit and glowing with white light on the opposite side, Liu let out a sigh of relief, and then began to focus on looking at the yellow ball that was hit, calmly analyzing various information in his mind. data.

"Lower left...97.81%"

"Come forward...86.76%"

"The ball in front of the net..."

"Lob shot..."

"Cut the ball..."

"The landing point is about three steps to the left..."


As the "singles" between the two began, Liu Ye kept spitting out a series of words from his mouth.

Facing the words that were gradually coming true, Seyfried couldn't help but feel the pressure doubled even with the blessing of 'the limit of perfection'.


In a moment of nervousness, Liu successfully seized the opportunity to score.

"Damn it!" Looking at his calm opponent, Seyfried glared at him viciously, but Liu didn't care.

"The pressure brought by military advisors... has increased again! Data tennis is indeed terrible!" Marui sighed secretly as he looked at Seyfried on the court.

"It seems Renji didn't concede a few goals this time~" Amangong Lan looked at the field with wide eyes.

Yukimura smiled and replied, "Maybe the data is enough?"

"Yes, but if it really doesn't work, we can still output the data... Anyway, it's unlikely that Renji will lose." After hearing Yukimura's words, Amamiya Arashi muttered unconsciously.


The conversation between the players off the field did not affect Liu on the field. He still spoke a series of words calmly, and then as he hit the ball again and again, these words slowly turned into facts.

Seyfried, who has the increase of 'Seamless Limit', is a little crazy. He has obviously improved a lot, but the battle with Liu always makes him feel that he is not as good as before!

"2-0, R National Team, Liu Renji scores!"

Another goal, with Liu's 'prophecy' landing accurately, even Seyfried's attempt to intercept in advance seemed to be a step too late.

"... Country R, ​​there are so many talented people this year!" Retru couldn't help but sigh.

At first, he thought that Tezuka would be the strongest junior high school student in Country R, ​​but he didn't expect that he would lose to the player named Yukimura Seiichi... and before that, there was Fuji who had appeared in the preliminaries. Amamiya Arashi, who defeated QP in three singles matches, the 'transformable' Nioh Masaharu who appeared in doubles two matches, and... the current Yanagi Renji.

"Tennis Desert... It is estimated that after this U-17 session ends, this title will gradually be taken off their heads." Polk also sighed unconsciously.




After trying his best, Seyfried finally seized the opportunity and scored a goal.

Perhaps the 'pressure' brought by Liu before was too strong, so even though he only scored one goal, Seyfried still looked excited.

"Did you make a mistake? It's not a big problem..." Liu whispered while looking at the yellow ball still spinning at the baseline.

Although I don't like that guy Tezuka, I have to say that his method of combining moves with different effects is still somewhat useful... Looking at the ball that was finally scored, Seyfried thought rather arrogantly.




After Seyfried successfully scored a goal, he seemed to have an idea and began to boldly try various combinations in the game.

If you are lucky, some can score, but there are also many who directly give Liu points due to touching the net, going out of bounds, and the like.

Just as Seyfried made a bold attempt and Liu carefully collected data, the scores of the two rose alternately, but in general Liu scored more.

Looking at Seyfried's various operations, Bismarck sighed helplessly. Although many of them were effective, they were... unstable! In his opinion, Seyfried's operations are just trying his luck! Bismarck glared at Seyfried with hatred, and then glanced at Onijujiro opposite with envy. At the same time, he thought in his heart: The guy opposite was lucky, and his partner was more reliable and stable.

At this time, the ghost was also quite depressed. At the beginning, he thought he could have a good game, but he didn't expect... the doubles would be directly changed to singles... Although he was willing to give his juniors a chance to practice, he just... felt a little uncomfortable.


Yoo and Seyfried, who seemed to be fighting fiercely on the court, did not notice the emotions of their current partner. The two were still fighting in the eyes of the audience.

But... anyone with a discerning eye can see that Liu clearly had the upper hand in the competition between the two, even with Seyfried's increase.



"Touch the net!"

Two more balls, boldly combined with rotation in different directions, but in order to control the speed and force, these two balls hit the net directly.

Seyfried bit his lower lip, a look of eagerness on his face.

Including the points of these two goals, the score between the two has reached the final point of the game, and besides... the R national team is a bit ahead.

The original score between the two was four to three, and Liu scored two goals. Now adding these two balls that touched the net...the gap between the two sides came to five to three.

Looking at the scoreboard, Liu no longer restrained himself, but started attacking with full firepower.

Finally, after half an hour, Liu, with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, won the first game of the doubles with a score of 6-3.


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