[Mainnet King] It’s not too much to use magic to play ball, right?

Chapter 24 Follow-up of the meeting and county competition

"That's true." After listening to the words of the two people, Yukimura felt that it made sense. "In this case, then for the regular lineup, you will fix doubles one. Me and Genichiro will fix singles one and singles three respectively. The remaining singles two and doubles two will remain. If there is a substitute, it will be decided by drawing lots from Renji, the two seniors and the last main selection."

"If there are any powerful opponents in the future, let's talk about it then."

"it is good"

"no problem"


After that, Hisaaki Mori also reminded them that the third-year members would retire from the club after participating in this national competition, and said that before retiring, he and Kumokawa could lead Marui and Kuwahara. In their opinion, these two From now on it will probably be one of the regular doubles teams. As for the rest, it's up to the junior minister to find a solution on his own, and they will try their best to help if they can.


After solving the problem of too many singles players and too few doubles players, the discussion at the meeting came to this regional qualifier.

In country R, ​​the academic year is generally divided into three semesters, with the first semester generally running from April to July, the second semester running from September to December, and the third semester running from January to March of the following year.

The regional qualifiers in the Junior High School Tennis Championships usually start at the end of April, and officially start in May. In July, there are competitions held in Kanto, Kansai, Kyushu and other places, and finally in mid-August, which is the summer vacation. National competition held during this period.

There are less than three weeks left until the opening ceremony of the nearest regional qualifiers.

Seeing how the first-year students paid so much attention to the regional qualifiers, several seniors who had participated in the national competition looked at each other. Finally, Hisaaki Mori said bluntly that there was no need to take the regional qualifiers seriously. At most, pay attention to the semi-final opponents in the Kanto region. Final opponent.

As for the county competition at the beginning, Lihai University used to have a few main candidates and quasi-prime candidates to participate in the competition. Of course, to be precise, those who accumulated experience in participating in county competitions were basically quasi-prime candidates. Choosing is only responsible for holding down the formation to avoid overturning.

"But because our Rikkai University has a new minister and deputy minister," Hisaaki Mori paused, then said, "It would be best for you to show up."

"In this case, in the regional competition, I will play singles, Arashi and Mori-senpai will play doubles, and the other main and semi-main selections will be drawn."

"Agree" None of the elected members have any objections to this.

"Okay, no problem!" This was the right choice for someone who never expected that he would have a chance to play.


A few days before the start of the qualifiers, through the tennis club trials, Kumokawa Kei replaced Hondo Ishiichi as the main candidate, and Hondo Ishiichi became the semi-main candidate. After that, the two brothers Ishiichi Hondo and Naoto Hondo and the first-year Nioh Masaharu and Marui Bunta competed for the last main selection spot. Among them, Hondo Ishiichi won the last spot with a slight advantage, and one of the four semi-main selection spots was finally taken by Jack Kuwahara.

Finally, according to the pre-match arrangements and lottery results, the candidates for the county competition finals are as follows:

S1: Yukimura Seiichi

S2: Main Hall Ishiichi

S3: Hisaaki Mori

D1: Amamiya Arashi & Mori Juzaburo

D2: Ryu Renji & Yumikawa Kei

Substitute: Genichiro Sanada

Except for Singles 1 and Doubles 1, everything else is determined by drawing lots. As for the lineup before the county competition finals, it must be random based on the draw. (Judging from Sanada's luck, he must have been selected to play doubles a few times.)


Kanagawa Prefecture's prefectural competition is not difficult for Rikkai University. After all, players with some strength in Kanagawa Prefecture will choose to join the Rikkai University Tennis Club, which is the overlord of Kanto, instead of other unknown tennis clubs. This is also This caused the Ritsukai Tennis Club to crush other tennis clubs.

In order to make the game less boring, Amamiya Lan tried to trick Maori into making it more difficult. For example: wearing the maximum weight that the body can bear, no moves during the game, and competing with each other to see who can catch the most balls and lose. Invite guests to dinner and challenge to end the game as quickly as possible...

But even after adding so many unfavorable factors to themselves, they still beat the score to 6-0 in every game. And although there was no tacit understanding between Amamiya Arashi and Mori Juzaburo at the beginning, after a few games, even the warm-up was successful. After failing to win the competition and getting along with each other in daily life, the two gradually developed some tacit understanding (although there is some, but not much).

In the prefecture competition, Yukimura only played once in the singles in the five-game match. He sat on the coach's bench in the other games, and except for that one game, which was won 5-0, the other games were all played. Several games were won by three singles, and the game ended with a big score of 3-0.

Not surprisingly, Tatekai once again won the championship in Kanagawa Prefecture. In the eyes of some viewers, it would be strange if Tatekai didn't win the championship one day!


Lihai Tennis Club·Meeting Room

"What do you think after these games?" During the prefectural competition, Yukimura, who tested the lineup several times through drawing lots, decided to fulfill his duties as a minister and listen to other people's opinions.

"The opponent is too weak, I can't even see anything," Morijiu said helplessly.

Even if Amamiya Arashi and Mori took the initiative to move to the doubles position, the rest of the Rikkai Tennis Club could still cause a dimensionality reduction blow to other schools participating in the county competition.

It's like when Sanada went to doubles a few times, it was one on two.

For them, the county competition is to give the first-year students more competition experience.

"The next game is the Kanto Tournament. I hope I can meet some worthy opponents."

"That's how it is in the Kanto Competition. As a seed school, Rikkai University usually skips the first round."

"Our opponent in the finals is usually the Ice Emperor, unless there are any special circumstances."

"Besides that, there is also Yamabuki Academy that you should pay attention to. I am quite good at training doubles players."

"Others, like Qing Gaku's Yamato Yudai, we should pay attention to it, but Qing Gaku's group is usually eliminated around the top eight. After all, there is only one minister who deserves attention."


Hisaaki Mori, Kei Kumokawa and their cousins ​​explained to their students some things that other schools need to pay attention to.

Sanada was a little confused when he heard the seniors talking about Seigaku, "Isn't Seigaku's Tezuka very good? Isn't he going to play?"

Hearing Tezuka's name, Amamiya Arashi asked Sanada directly, "Genichiro, you don't think that the seniors of all schools in the world are like Tatekai University?!"


Seeing the curious looks from a few people, Amangong Lan had no choice but to explain, "Qing Xue pays attention to ranking according to seniority. First-year students have no chance to play at all, and given the atmosphere of their tennis club, they just don't talk about it."

"What! Xiao Tiangong, don't speak half of your words—" Maori protested dissatisfied, "This is very unfriendly."

Yukimura and Yanagi were also a little curious about this, "So, Arashi, do you know something?"

"I heard that there were some people in the Seigaku Tennis Club who couldn't bear to see the first-year students being so powerful, so they went to compete with them. With Tezuka's temperament, in order not to embarrass the seniors too much, he didn't use his dominant hand. After playing ball, even though he beat the seniors, he was still discovered. After that, the seniors who were not as strong as others felt that Tezuka looked down on them, and then he seemed to hit him with a tennis racket. It seemed to hit his arm or something. Amamiya Arashi tried to use concise language to summarize the 'violent incident' that occurred in the Seigaku Tennis Club. "Afterwards, it seemed that the coach and director of Seigaku had to apologize to the senior who injured Tezuka in order to settle the matter, and then only canceled the incident." A senior has been elected to the main position, and no one has even resigned."

Rikkai Daisho Selection:......

"Hey~ This is all over now?!" Hisaaki Mori felt unbelievable, "Physical condition is very important for athletes. As long as that man named Tezuka left any hidden injuries..."

"No wonder Qingxue is becoming more and more lonely, with such a trend..." Yun Chuanqi said calmly.

Sanada slammed the table and said angrily, "You're too lax."

Mori, who was lying on the table, was a little frightened by Sanada's sudden anger, so he directly pulled Amamiya Lan and asked what was going on.

Amamiya Arashi whispered about the love and hatred between Tezuka and Sanada. While Amamiya Arashi was talking about this matter, my cousins ​​grabbed Nioh Masaharu Marui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara and sneaked up behind them. .


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