There have been no monster incidents for several days in a row, and everyone at XIG is also very relaxed. Lan Lan has been working almost every three hours these days, eating, training and going to the toilet, oh! Also report to the command room.

After all, she is now considered a member of XIG, and at least she gets a salary. Although she can change the material of things, she still likes the feeling of getting a salary after working.

But just today, the GUARD transport plane brought an egg found in the Antarctic ice back to Neon.

But an accident still happened. The slime on the monster egg corroded the plane, and finally fell from the transport plane, just into a scrap steel factory.

In the command room of the air base, Qiao Ji looked at the computer and said: "According to what the two escape pilots said, while performing a flight mission over Tokyo, they suddenly discovered a hole in the fuselage."

"The fuselage...has a hole?" I Meng, Shi Shi and Director Di were all stunned.

" is that egg?" Shi Shi was the first to react and asked.

"GUARD ground personnel are currently conducting an all-out search. Judging from the situation at the scene... I'm afraid the egg has been reduced to ashes along with the fallen transport plane." Dunzi turned around in his wheelchair and looked at the three of them.

On the other side, the three living treasures and the doctor with brain problems speculated on the origin of the egg.

"Yes! These are ostrich eggs." The doctor confirmed.

The last four of them realized it was a monster egg after seeing the news, and then thought of a way to make money.

It has been 12 hours since the monster egg disappeared, in the canteen of the air base.

Kajio looked at Gao Meng who couldn't eat anymore: "Don't worry, just eat a little! Look at Lan Lan, how delicious it is!"

I Meng looked at Lan Lan, who was furiously consuming the ramen in the bowl.

Suddenly feeling three eyes, Lan Lan raised his head and looked at Meng, Kajio and Dunzi: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me suddenly?"

"It's okay, you continue." Kajio smiled awkwardly.

Lan Lan nodded when he heard this, and then continued to make noodles.

"In my opinion, the monster eggs have been burned together with the transport plane." Qiao Ji came over with a dinner plate and sat next to Lan Lan and said.

"But I have an ominous premonition." I dreamed worriedly.

Lan Lan suddenly raised his head and looked at everyone: "I said, are you thinking too simply? That egg is a monster egg! Monster eggs can't be that fragile, right? And didn't you think that there was a hole in the fuselage? ?Maybe the egg had fallen before the accident.

Moreover, is it possible that the hole in the fuselage was caused by monster eggs? "

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. They really didn't seem to think that much.

Lan Lan ignored them and continued to lower his head and cook the noodles.

The three people in the factory and the doctor on the other side decided to use the monster eggs to defraud GUARD of money, which is referred to as ransom.

But they do not have the exact address of the GUARD base, nor the contact information of the air base.

So I could only write a threatening letter and send it to KCB TV station, and let the people from the TV station notify GUARD.

In the command room of the air base, Wo Meng and Lan Lan looked at the threatening letter on the big screen.

"Gutian Xingren? This name..." I Meng felt very confused.

"The photos sent with the threatening letter seem to be real." Shi Shi said from the side.

"A hole was opened in the fuselage of the aircraft. Was this also done by the Gurtian people?" Director Di asked doubtfully.

"Pfft~" Lan Lan couldn't help but laugh, "I'm laughing so hard! Director Di, if the other party is an alien, why do you think they still need money? Just hide with the monster egg, and then hatch the monster. , wouldn’t it be better to capture the earth in one last move?”

Director Di was stunned for a while, and finally realized: "Yes! Why do they want money?"

Everyone rolled their eyes when they heard this. Is this the point?

"Ahem, is there a possibility? In fact, they are not aliens at all. They just got lucky and found monster eggs, and then want to use the monster eggs to make money." Lan Lan continued to say on the side.

Finally, Shishiro asked Meng and Shima to go to KCB TV station and listen to the recording with Dr. Kyogoku.

As soon as I turned on the recording, I heard a strange sound. It was the sound of a heartbeat, but it was not the sound of a human heart beating at all.

"Turn it off, please turn it off!" I couldn't bear it anymore.

In fact, the others couldn't help it anymore. Zhimo stretched out his hand tremblingly and turned off the recording.

"I'm afraid, this is the sound of Aruge holding the egg." Dr. Kyogoku said.

"If you say so..."

"How could this happen? Arugna, who was in suspended animation, must have been exposed to heat, so he began to wake up. That ferocious carnivorous monster, Arugna!

Arugna is a combination of reptiles and mammals. Although the eggs it lays are eggs, the shell covering them is something similar to a protective film.

Arugna will gradually grow larger in the form of an egg and hatch out as an adult. "Dr. Kyogoku explained.

"Once it wakes up, it will be terrible! The egg can hatch at any time." I murmured in my dream.

"If we are not willing to pay the ransom, then..." Reiko stopped mid-sentence.

"The Gurtian people will let Aruge use it to destroy the city!" Tabata added.

"Actually, as long as you find the base of the Gurtian Stars, you can know everything." I Meng looked at them and said, "Have you never thought about why the Gurtian Stars want money? They can put forward more conditions, but They just want money.”

"You mean the Gurtian star is a fake?" Lun Wen looked at him and said.

"It's possible, but we can't confirm it blindly, so now we can only find out their base." Zhimo looked at him and said.

Suddenly the phone rang in the conference room, and Reiko ran over to answer the phone.

The other party called from the Gurtian star, asking for eight pieces of gold to redeem the monster eggs.

I dreamed to record the voice of the call and finally sent it to Lan Lan.

At this time, Lan Lan was making a laser pistol in his room. This gun did not need to change the magazine, but only needed to inject energy.

For example, Ultraman Decai's light energy allows him to maintain sufficient ammunition at all times.

A message appeared on the computer. I put down the laser gun and clicked on it. It was a phone recording.

‘Lan Lan, help me analyze this recording to see if it is human. ——I dream. ’

"Hey, if you still want to bother me with this little thing, why can't you find someone to blame?" Lan Lan said speechlessly, but started to analyze the sound.

After finally confirming that it was a human voice, Lan Lan took out the communicator and said: "My dream, I'm sure! It's a human voice. They are not Gurtian people at all, they are humans."

In the conference room, I Meng nodded, and then looked at everyone: "Miss Lan Lan has confirmed that this is indeed a human voice."

Hearing this, Reiko patted Lunwen and said, "I'll just say it! This is the voice of a human being."

"The key is, where are they now?" Tabata suddenly asked.

"It's very simple, find their location based on the phone signal." I Meng said while operating the laptop in front of me.

Finally, I found the location in my dream, but it was just an approximate location.

But this was not a problem for Meng Meng. Based on the sound of the Aruge Egg, he began to scan the area and finally found that the Aruge Egg was moving.

In an uninhabited land, the three KCB people came here early due to good luck and found four living treasures.

While they were talking, they didn't realize that the egg on the car down the slope was gradually getting bigger and bigger than the car. In the end, it was the arrival of Shima and Dr. Kyogoku that reminded them of the monster egg.

Unfortunately, the monster egg below had already hatched, and Arugna just looked down at them, drooling from his mouth.

Just when Arugna was about to eat everyone, Dekai kicked it away.

He turned his head to look at the people on the ground and shook his head speechlessly.

Then he looked at Arugna who was getting up and felt nauseated: "It's so disgusting! There is still saliva."

As soon as she finished speaking, Arugna rushed towards her.

Dekai quickly rolled to the right to avoid it, she didn't want to come into contact with its saliva.

He condensed an eight-point light wheel in his right hand and threw it at the three horns on its head.

There was a crisp sound of breaking horns, and Arugna's three horns were cut off.

I originally wanted to fight the monster in close combat, but after looking at the saliva in its mouth, I gave up the idea instantly.

While Arugna was screaming, he charged up a ray of energy and shot it at it.

Serget light!

The light hits its mouth directly, allowing it to eat the light directly.

In the end Arugna couldn't bear the energy and exploded to receive the lunch box.

Dekai breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Aruge getting the lunch box.

It's not that the opponent is too strong, but that it's too disgusting.

Although Lan Lan didn't have any mysophobia, she was a girl after all, so she couldn't bear to see such a disgusting scene.

So I kindly gave it a lunch box, which was considered a favor to it.

Finally, Dekai flew into the sky and disappeared. He released his transformation and turned into a ray of light and returned to his room.

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