Mortals cultivate immortality, I have a Chaos Tower

Chapter 87 The thugs arrived and Lin Fan was completely angered

The attitude of the neighbors was very evident.

No one wants to leave this place where their ancestors have lived for generations.

In the ancient Xueting Village, time seems to flow slowly and is isolated from the world.

The village is surrounded by dense ancient trees. These towering trees have witnessed the lives of countless generations. The leaves sway gently in the breeze, seeming to tell the vicissitudes of history.

Lin Fan stood in the small courtyard of his home with deep eyes, looking at the familiar stone roads and blue-tiled houses, feeling a strong sense of reluctance in his heart.

The yard left to him by his parents carries too many memories and emotions.

Every brick, tile, flower and grass in the courtyard is closely connected with his childhood.

Lin Fan took a deep breath and felt the warmth from the earth.

Neighbors in the village share the same sentiment.

They gathered at Lin Fan's home, determination and helplessness written on their faces.

These faces were both strange and familiar to Lin Fan.

Everyone's eyes flashed with deep attachment to their homeland, as well as confusion and worry about the future.

Lin Fan walked towards them, every step he took was firm and powerful.

He has complicated emotions, including missing his parents and worrying about the fate of the village.

He clearly knew that if Xueting Village disappeared, his roots would also disappear.

Those childhood memories, those little moments with my parents, will have nowhere to put them.

Standing in front of everyone, Lin Fan took a deep breath and said in a sonorous voice: "Uncle and aunt, since no one wants to leave here, I will find a way to work with everyone to protect our Xueting Village! No matter who it is, don't try to touch our Xueting Village. Every plant, every tree, every brick in Ting Village!”

Lin Fan looked at the helpless neighbors and said righteously.

Ximen Zhi frowned and reminded Lin Fan in a low voice: "Brother, as far as I know, there are monks of the Golden Core stage in Yan country!"

There was a trace of worry in Ximen Zhi's voice. He was worried about Lin Fan's safety. After all, in his eyes, Lin Fan was just a monk in the late stage of Qi refining.

Lin Fan turned his head, his eyes flashing with determination, and his voice was as solid as a rock: "For the sake of my family, I don't care what background or cultivation level the other person has!"

Lin Fan's determination seemed to be unbreakable, his eyes were determined, and his body seemed to contain unknown power.

He knows that facing a powerful enemy may be a life and death battle, but in order to protect his homeland, he is willing to face any challenge.

His eyes were filled with the fire of fighting, the courage to give up everything for his family and friends.

Ximen Zhi was infected by Lin Fan's determination. He clenched his fists and the fire of fighting ignited in his eyes: "Brother, I support you!"

His voice was firm and powerful, expressing his unconditional support and trust in Lin Fan.

at this time.

The tranquility of the village was broken by a sudden noise.

The sound of chickens and dogs in the distance was particularly harsh, accompanied by the panic of the villagers.

"These scoundrels are here to kill us again!" a villager muttered angrily.

The sound was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples in circles.

Worry and fear appeared on the faces of the villagers. Murong Jue's name was like a terrible nightmare in their hearts, making people tremble every time they mentioned it.

Lin Fan stood at the entrance of the village, his eyes were firm and deep, as if he was thinking about something.

The events of a year ago reappeared like yesterday, causing ripples in his heart.

"The lesson I taught Murong Jue last time wasn't enough?"

He whispered to himself, recalling Bai Yikong's punishment to Murong Jue - destroying his first level of cultivation.

This incident was legendary in the village and gave the villagers a brief period of peace.

The villagers gathered around Lin Fan, their faces full of anticipation and awe.

Everyone wants to know whether this young man who was once picked up by the Qingyun Sect is now capable of protecting them from Murong Jue's oppression.

"At the beginning, I was honest for a while!"

Someone said, with a hint of helplessness in their voice.

"Later, Hai Wangba climbed to some high branch, and it is said that he also went to Qingyun Sect. Murong Jue became arrogant and domineering again!"

Another voice continued, revealing a sense of powerlessness and anger.

An old woman's voice trembled as she asked, "By the way, have you seen the Sea Kings in Qingyun Sect?"

Her eyes were full of curiosity and expectation, as if she was seeking some solace.

Lin Fan nodded slightly, with a faint smile on his face: "I met him once, and that time Neptune was beaten very badly!"

His voice was calm, but beneath this calmness, there was unfathomable power.

These words were like a shot in the arm, making the villagers feel a little better.

There was a renewed spark of hope in their eyes.

The villagers gathered around Lin Fan, with a hint of relief on their faces. After hearing Lin Fan's words, the fear and worry in their hearts eased a little.

Neptune's poor performance in Qingyun Sect gave them an unexpected sense of comfort.

After all, in their hearts, Neptune Ba and Murong Jue were both aloof and arrogant beings.

However, this brief peace was broken by a loud noise.

With a sound of "Bang!", the door of the village was violently kicked open.

An arrogant voice immediately sounded: "Hey, if you people don't get away quickly, do you want to cause trouble if you gather together?"

The voice was harsh and overbearing, breaking the tranquility of the scene.

Lin Fan raised his head and stared at the visitor with burning eyes.

He recognized these people at a glance. They were Murong Jue's men. They not only beat him, but also robbed a valuable cabinet from his home.

These memories were like sharp knives, deeply engraved in Lin Fan's heart.

Facing the arrogant attitude of these scoundrels, Lin Fan's anger was completely ignited.

"court death!"

His voice was cold and stern, and there was anger in his eyes.

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