Mortals cultivate immortality, I have a Chaos Tower

Chapter 241 Looking for the enemy, the ghost cultivator appears in Jinque Mountain

The Wolf King, who had always been the guardian of tranquility in the team, suddenly stood upright, its sharp ears standing upright, sensitively capturing every movement around it.

From its vigilant posture, it is not difficult to see that this abnormal situation also shocked it like never before.

Lin Fan quickly stood up, his eyes flashing with determination.

Faced with this unknown danger, he could not hesitate at all.

But the problem now is that this mysterious enemy only launched an attack on the shadow wolves responsible for guarding the perimeter. This makes it difficult for Lin Fan to determine the specific location of the enemy, let alone the number and strength of the enemy.

The surrounding team members also felt the tense atmosphere. They all picked up their weapons and looked nervously at the darkness around them.

In this case, darkness gives the enemy the best cover, making it difficult for them to respond effectively.

Lin Fan took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

"Don't panic, stay in formation and be alert to your surroundings."

He whispered to the team members. Although his voice was calm, every word revealed unquestionable determination.

The Wolf King turned uncomfortably next to Lin Fan. Its black hair looked even deeper under the firelight.

Suddenly, it rushed in one direction, as if it had caught some signal.

When Lin Fan saw the Wolf Dynasty charging in one direction, he hurriedly led Jiang Shuiling, Jin Buke, Ximen Zhi and Zhong Ling'er to rush over.

Lin Fan and Wolf King's rapid sprint broke the silence of the night, and Jiang Shuiling, Jin Buke, Ximen Zhi and Zhong Ling'er followed them without hesitation.

In the night, the wolves screamed continuously, each sound piercing everyone's heart like a sharp arrow. It was a sound of despair, grief and anger that they had never heard before.

When Lin Fan and his party finally rushed to the source of the sound, the sight in front of them was heartbreaking: the bodies of shadow wolves on the ground were so bloody that they were difficult to identify.

The Wolf King stood among the corpses, looked up to the sky and let out a low and angry howl. The sound echoed in the night sky, full of mourning for his companions and anger towards the enemy.

Lin Fan's heart was deeply touched by this scene. A trace of pain and anger flashed in his eyes, and his clenched fists revealed his mood at the moment.

At this moment, a skinny man with a dark face slowly walked over. He was wearing a large black robe and holding a white soul-calling flag, giving people an eerie feeling.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Shuiling couldn't help but said loudly: "Ghost cultivator!"

Zhong Ling'er also immediately echoed: "It's a ghost cultivator!"

They had all seen ghost cultivators in the Netherworld Valley of Qingyun Sect, and were deeply impressed by this kind of cultivator full of yin energy.

Unexpectedly, there are ghost cultivators in Jinque Mountain.

Zhong Ling'er's heart moved, and she couldn't help but guess: "Could it be that the ghost of Pavilion Master Li is still lingering and has been followed here?"

Although her voice was weak, it was full of doubts and worries.

Pavilion Master Li was once a master of the Qingyun Sect. He devoted himself to ghost cultivation and his cultivation was unfathomable. He was also an accomplice of Elder Xuan Bing.

However, Lin Fan shook his head, with blazing eyes, and said coldly: "This is not Pavilion Master Li. Pavilion Master Li's cultivation is not that strong!"

Lin Fan's words revealed a profound insight into the enemy. He could feel that the aura exuding from the ghost cultivator in front of him was far from ordinary, and his cultivation was far superior to any opponent they had encountered before.

The ghost cultivator approached slowly, and every step seemed to step on everyone's hearts. The white soul-calling flag swayed gently, seeming to be calling for something.

There was no trace of life in his eyes, only deep darkness and cold murderous intent.

Lin Fan's eyes were like daggers, locked tightly on the ghost cultivator in front of him who exuded a cold aura. Although he was facing a powerful enemy, there was no trace of fear on his face.

He asked again in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

But the ghost cultivator didn't seem to be interested in Lin Fan's questions. His eyes shone with a strange and greedy light, as if he saw some precious prey in Lin Fan and his team.

"I didn't expect that there would be monks arriving here. I haven't tasted fresh blood in many years!"

The ghost cultivator's voice was full of evil and fanaticism. If the ghost cultivator could have saliva, he must have swallowed it greedily at this moment.

As Lin Fan's most loyal partner, the Wolf King was obviously extremely angry at the ghost cultivator in front of him.

It howled dully, the sound filled with anger against its enemies and grief for its companions.

Then, without any hesitation, it pounced straight at the ghost cultivator, showing its powerful and ferocious side.

However, the ghost cultivator just waved the soul-calling flag in his hand lightly, and a mysterious and powerful power suddenly surged out.

Not only did he easily block the Wolf King's attack, he even made the Wolf King take a few steps back. However, the ghost cultivator himself did not move at all, standing in place, as if all attacks did not pose any threat to him.

This scene deeply shocked Lin Fan and his team.

They had seen the power of the Wolf King and knew its status and power among Lin Fan's many companions, but the ghost cultivator in front of them easily put the Wolf King at a disadvantage, which undoubtedly showed the strength of the enemy.

Lin Fan frowned. He knew that facing such a powerful enemy, they could no longer act like ordinary enemies and had to develop new strategies.

He turned to look at Jiang Shuiling and Zhong Ling'er, and whispered: "Be careful to protect yourself, this ghost cultivator's cultivation is no small matter."

Lin Fan raised the Qiankun Ax in his hand, and a majestic aura suddenly spread out.

As Lin Fan gradually accumulated strength, the light of the Universe Ax in his hand became more and more dazzling, and a domineering aura spread around like a turbulent wave.

This power made the surrounding air seem to freeze, and Lin Fan's eyes were firm, like ancient stars, deep and charming.

When the ghost cultivator saw this situation, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Interesting, a monk with Qi refining skills can actually emit such a powerful aura!"

His voice was low and mocking, but he couldn't hide the shock in his heart.

Lin Fan suddenly remembered something, and his voice was cold: "The Phoenix Essence and Blood Treasure Map, is it your fault? It's a trap set to hunt down the monks!"

When he mentioned this matter, his eyes became sharper, as if he wanted to penetrate the ghost cultivator's mind.

The ghost cultivator obviously did not expect that Lin Fan would ask such a question. He was silent for a moment, and a complicated light flashed in his eyes: "Interesting, many years ago, a monk asked me the same thing."

His words seemed to reveal deep memories, but they were also full of ambiguity, making it difficult to understand his true intentions.

Lin Fan did not get a direct answer from the ghost cultivator's words, but he knew that now was not the time to ask further questions.

He took a deep breath and said, "Whoever stands in my way will die!"

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