Mortals cultivate immortality, I have a Chaos Tower

Chapter 219 The chrysanthemum is blocked, and the shadow wolf frantically runs away for his life

The night is like ink, shrouding this ancient and mysterious forest.

The breeze blew through the treetops, carrying a bit of chill and uneasiness, as if even nature was nervous about what was about to happen.

In this depressing atmosphere, Ximen Zhi stood quietly under the shelter of an ancient tree, his figure as motionless as a sculpture.

Only his eyes were shining with the light of thought, deep and blurred, as if he could see through everything in the world.

Next to it, the shadow wolf was bound by a heavy chain. Its body was huge and powerful, and every time it struggled, the chain made a harsh sound.

Its heart-rending scream is not only an expression of pain, but also seems to be telling some kind of deep-seated anger and unwillingness.

Its cry penetrates the forest, making people feel desolate.

Jiang Shuiling stood not far away.

The bonfire shone on her, adding a soft glow to her worried face.

She looked at the suffering shadow wolf, her brows furrowed, and her heart was filled with sympathy and worry.

Walking to Ximen Zhi's side, there was an imperceptible tremor in her voice: "Ximen Zhi, if this continues, will Shadow Wolf really be fine?"

Hearing Jiang Shuiling's words, Ximen Zhi turned his head slightly. His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. That unfathomable temperament made Jiang Shuiling feel in awe.

He stared at the shadow wolf and noticed the green light flashing in its powerful wolf eyes. It was a symbol of wildness and vitality, and was also a precursor to its imminent explosion of power.

He replied calmly: "Don't worry, the shadow wolf's vitality is far more tenacious than we thought. This is the critical moment for it to release its power. It needs to stimulate the dormant energy in its body through pain and struggle."

After Jiang Shuiling heard these words, although she was still uneasy, she also understood Ximen Zhi's intention.

As the night gradually deepens, the entire forest seems to be covered by a mysterious veil.

The leaves swayed gently in the breeze, making a subtle rustling sound, which seemed to be telling ancient secrets.

At this moment, the entire forest was filled with a tense and depressing atmosphere, and every animal cry seemed to indicate some kind of upcoming change.

Lin Fan stood aside, his tall figure looking particularly majestic in the moonlight.

He held the Qiankun Ax tightly in his hand. This legendary weapon exuded a faint cold light.

His eyes were as solid as a rock, showing the calmness and determination unique to a warrior who had experienced countless battles.

Even in the face of unknown dangers, he showed no fear, as if nothing could shake his faith.

Night turned to dawn, and the first ray of morning light penetrated the dense woods and shone on the bound shadow wolf.

The shadow wolf's hair shone with a faint luster in the sunlight, and its ferocious face looked particularly ferocious in the morning light.

Its cry became particularly sad at this time. It was not only physical pain, but also a vent of unwillingness and anger towards fate.

Ximen Zhi walked slowly in front of Shadow Wolf. There was no emotion on his face, as if everything was expected.

He took a deep breath, determination flashing in his eyes. Then, he nodded to Lin Fan as a signal.

Lin Fan understood what he meant, and he tightened his hands on the Qiankun Ax slightly, and all the strength in his body began to gather in his arms.

He took a deep breath, then swung the ax in his hand with all his strength, slashing at the chain.

The ax brought a fierce sound of wind, and finally with a "click", the heavy chain was cut off by the axe.

At the moment the chain broke, the Shadow Wolf let out a deafening roar. The sound echoed throughout the forest, as if it was about to shatter the forest.

The surrounding birds and beasts fled in all directions due to the sudden loud noise, and the entire forest became chaotic because of this roar.

The shadow wolf broke free from its restraints, and its body was like a black lightning, quickly running deep into the forest.

Its movements were agile and vigorous, leaving only a series of blurry figures.

Fortunately, Lin Fan and others were prepared and followed the figure of the shadow wolf and ran straight forward.

Lin Fan and others shuttled through this mysterious forest, following the mysterious shadow wolf.

The shadow wolf is agile, and its ghost-like figure moves quickly in the forest, like a bolt of lightning traveling through the darkness.

Lin Fan and others had to go all out, use their deep inner strength, and follow at extremely fast speeds.

Lin Fan shouted to his companions as he ran: "Follow it, it will lead us to the destination of our trip."

His voice was full of firmness and determination, and although the road ahead was unknown, his eyes shone with a desire to explore the unknown.

Behind them, Ximen Zhi's voice gradually became fainter, and finally disappeared among the dense trees and the sound of wind.

Lin Fan felt worried in his heart. He knew the importance of Ximen Zhi.

So, he used the Qiankun ax to chop down the trees on one side at regular intervals, leaving obvious traces so that Ximen Zhi could follow their footsteps.

Lin Fan, Jiang Shuiling, Zhong Ling'er, Jin Buke and others followed Shadow Wolf's back and kept moving forward.

Their figures shuttled through dense forests, crossed mountain streams, and even climbed steep rock walls.

Each of their movements demonstrated extraordinary skill and a deep understanding of the natural environment.

The Shadow Wolf is extremely fast and seems to know the forest well.

Lin Fan and others relied on their deep internal strength to barely keep up with its pace.

Behind them, Ximen Zhi's figure had completely disappeared, leaving only the traces they left in the forest.

As time goes by, the forest environment becomes more and more dangerous.

The clouds in the sky became thicker, making it difficult for sunlight to penetrate, and the entire forest was shrouded in darkness.

From time to time, Lin Fan and others heard the roars of wild beasts in the distance, which were signs of unknown dangers hidden in the forest.

They carefully walked through a dense thorn bush. The sharp thorns in the thorn bush were like sharp blades, and they had to deal with them carefully.

Only Ximen Zhi has no trace of him.

Going deep into this ancient and mysterious forest, Lin Fan and his companions walked through the dense trees and vines, their steps were quick and vigilant.

The sky was obscured by thick clouds, and only sporadic light penetrated and fell on the damp ground, forming mottled shadows.

As they went deeper, the surrounding air became more solemn, and an ominous atmosphere filled the air.

Lin Fan felt an unusual aura, the aura of an ancient beast, powerful and dangerous.

Suddenly, a strong demonic energy came from the front, almost suffocating everyone.

Lin Fan's face suddenly became extremely serious, and he warned his companions in a low voice: "Everyone, be careful, there are powerful monsters lurking here."

His eyes became sharper, and his muscles tightened, ready to deal with danger at any time.

Jiang Shui Ling and Zhong Ling'er followed closely behind, their eyes full of vigilance.

Jin Buke held the weapon in his hand tightly, his eyes flashing with the light of battle.

They walked slowly through a dense thorn bush, taking every step with extreme caution.

The sharp thorns in the thorn bushes are like sharp knives, enough to scratch the skin, but this is no longer a big problem for them.

At this moment, a huge shadow suddenly emerged from the depths of the woods at a staggering speed.

Lin Fan and others immediately prepared for battle.

They have seen countless battles and never flinched in the face of powerful enemies.

This monster beast that suddenly appeared had sharp claws and silver-gray fur. Its eyes flashed with blood-red light, revealing a ferocity and cruelty.

It opened its huge mouth and let out a deafening roar that echoed throughout the forest, seeming to declare its territory and power.

Faced with this sudden threat, Lin Fan waved the Qiankun Ax without hesitation and rushed towards the monster.

"Shadow Wolf!"

Jiang Shuiling exclaimed.

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