Mortals cultivate immortality, I have a Chaos Tower

Chapter 215: Trapped in a maze, Lin Fan and others find a way out

Jiang Shuiling leaned against a big tree, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Despite the dangerous environment, her heart is filled with the passion and curiosity of an explorer.

Jin Buke and Ximen Zhi were checking the weapons to make sure everything was ready.

Jin Buke's killer sword shone coldly in the firelight, while Ximen Zhi's bow and arrows were ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

Zhong Ling'er sat quietly aside, her eyes sometimes staring at the bonfire, sometimes looking at the surrounding darkness.

She knew that this journey was full of unknowns and dangers, but she had full confidence in Lin Fan and the team.

As the night went on, the sounds around him became even weirder.

The roar of monsters in the distance made people shudder, as if to remind them that there were countless dangers lurking in this dense forest.

Early the next morning, they continued their journey.

The road in the dense forest becomes increasingly difficult, and sometimes it is even necessary to cut down trees to move forward.

Lin Fan walked in front, carefully looking for the route.

His eyes revealed firmness and vigilance, and any unusual movement could not escape his perception.

They passed through patches of thorny jungle and crossed several fast-flowing rivers.

As they get deeper and deeper into the core area of ​​Jinque Mountain, the surrounding environment becomes more and more dangerous.

Sometimes, they can even feel some powerful aura peeking at them in the dark, but when they turn around to check, they find nothing.

When the second day's trip came to an end, Lin Fan and the others faced a confusing phenomenon.

Lin Fan first noticed this abnormality - they seemed to have returned to yesterday's campsite.

The surrounding scene was extremely familiar, and even the traces of the campfire were vaguely discernible.

Ximen Zhi also noticed this situation. He pointed to an obvious mark in surprise,

"Look, isn't this our camping site yesterday?" His voice was full of surprise.

Zhong Ling'er added softly: "It should be, there are still traces of us lighting the bonfire here!"

There was a hint of uneasiness in her words.

Jin Buke looked around, with an incredible expression on his face.

"Maze, have we entered the maze?" His words silenced everyone.

Lin Fan said slowly: "It would be great if there was a hunter among us!"

His words stirred everyone's hearts and seemed to touch a certain key point.

At this moment, Lin Fan's thoughts suddenly drifted to Su Tianyu.

Su Tianyu, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is a hunter who is famous for his keen intuition and deep understanding of the natural environment.

Lin Fan couldn't help but fell into deep thought, thinking about Su Tianyu's various behaviors.

How could he become a traitor like this?

They have fought side by side and faced countless dangers and challenges together.

Every move and every decision made by Su Tianyu seemed so effective and reliable.

His laughter, his bravery, and his concern for his teammates have always been deeply imprinted in Lin Fan's heart.

The memory was interrupted. Lin Fan looked up and looked at the dense forest around him, and a thought arose in his mind - maybe this forest really had some strange power that made them walk into a trap without knowing it.

He took a deep breath and determined to uncover the mystery.

"We need to look more closely at our surroundings."

Lin Fan's eyes penetrated the darkness of the Jinque Mountain forest,

His voice echoed in the silent night air,

As if with a trace of unquestionable determination,

"Maybe there is some kind of mechanism or magic circle hidden here to keep us going in circles."

Jin Buke, a warrior who was always known for his bravery, seemed a little uneasy at this moment.

His eyes roamed every corner of the forest, trying to find anything out of the ordinary.

"Perhaps it is a trap, or perhaps it is because we are not familiar with the terrain and trends of the forest. The most important thing now is not to identify whether this is a trap or whether it is our own fault. The most important thing is how to get out!"

His words were full of determination, but also revealed a hint of confusion.

After listening to Jin Buke's words, Jiang Shuiling pondered for a moment, and then slowly put forward his own opinions.

Her voice was calm and firm, "When we move forward tomorrow, why not cut down a big tree every time we walk, with the crown of the tree pointing straight in the direction we are going!"

Her eyes sparkled with intelligence.

After hearing this, everyone applauded Jiang Shuiling's suggestion.

Although this method is simple, it can effectively solve their current dilemma.

With clear direction guidance, you shouldn’t get lost again.

Deep in Jinque Mountain, Lin Fan and his companions continued their journey.

On the morning of the third day, Lin Fan stood at the front of the team holding a heavy Qiankun ax. His movements were decisive and powerful. With each stroke of the ax, a big tree fell.

In this ancient and mysterious forest, their actions were extremely cautious.

As they went deeper, the forest seemed darker and duller.

The dense canopy of trees almost blocks out the sky, and only sporadic sunlight can penetrate through the gaps and shine on the moist ground.

Lin Fan's movement of swinging the Qiankun Ax seemed to be the only sound in this silent forest.

Ximen Zhi, Jiang Shuiling and Jin Buke followed closely behind. Every time they walked a certain distance, they would carefully adjust the crowns of the felled trees to ensure that they pointed in the direction they were going.

While this slowed them down, it gave them a sense of security they had never experienced before.

On the fifth day, when Ximen Zhi suddenly screamed and pointed at a scene ahead, everyone's hearts sank.

Following the direction of his finger, they saw a shocking scene - a row of felled trees, with their crowns pointing straight ahead of them.

Lin Fan and everyone stood there, watching this scene.

It turned out that after five days of arduous trek, they were back to the starting point.

This discovery caused each of them to fall into deep contemplation.

This forest seemed to have some mysterious power that kept them spinning in circles.

"This is impossible... We obviously have such obvious marks."

Jiang Shuiling's voice was full of doubts and confusion.

Her eyes roamed the surrounding trees, trying to figure out what the problem was.

Jin Buke clenched the weapon in his hand, with unconcealable frustration on his face.

"Are we being manipulated by some kind of force?" His voice was low, with a hint of fear.

Zhong Ling'er leaned against a tree. Her eyes were full of confusion, but at the same time there was also a kind of determination.

"We can't just give up. There has to be a way to find a way out."

Lin Fan stood there in silence for a long time.

His eyes finally fell on the dense trees around him, and he took a deep breath.

"This forest seems to hide unknown secrets. We need to find its patterns and find the key to crack this maze."

"I have an idea. It may be a bit damaging, but it may help us get out of this dense forest!"

Siemens said calmly.

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