Super Seminary: Time Travel, Start the Twelve-Winged God

Chapter 85 The light of the sun, Di Leina!

The tone of speaking was quite unpleasant.

But he quite liked it, and felt that the good mood had returned. The main reason was that he finally noticed something.

——I didn’t do it deliberately, but for these women, they seemed to be protected by some kind of power. Just now, he used his soul power to invade Dukao's memory, trying to confirm whether he had seen anything. This was very important, and he discovered this matter.

Very shocked.

I thought about it for a moment.


Maybe it was my future self that did it. Well, is my mysophobia that serious? It seems so.

Wait, maybe, it’s not me.

Luo Tian thought of another thing, which was his original plan - with more wives, there were more things to pay attention to, and it was too tiring for him to do it by himself.

And Ge Xiaolun and the others need to be systematically upgraded. He can do this, but he doesn't want to play with technology, which requires brains and is troublesome.

Maybe, that's it.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved and did not think about it any more. His mind returned to the scene.

Smile and take two steps forward.

Looking at her condescendingly.

"What are you doing? Let me tell you, I am the light of the sun, the main god of the Sun Star. If you dare to get close to me again, be careful I will blow you up with solar flares, and I will blow you up to nothing."

Di Leina was afraid of Luo Tian's approach. Her IQ was not low, and she could tell that all the men had averted their eyes, and he was the only one still like this.

Being so arrogant and still standing in the middle, with such good looks, you can tell at first glance that he is not an ordinary person.

She protected her chest with her left hand, and her head was still soaked in milky white bath water. The water was not transparent to light, so she would not be too shy.

Lift your right hand out of the bath water.

Pointing at Luo Tian.

"You made me do this, a small solar flare bombing."

〖Instruction error, fusion equation deviation...〗

The air was frozen and nothing happened.

"Damn! I forgot to change the sun. Wait, I will blow you up right away."

Di Leina glanced at her head and felt extremely embarrassed. She quickly introduced the current solar energy-guided fusion method. She had been to Aquamarine once before, so she didn't need to calculate it again. The speed was very fast.

Unfortunately, he didn't want to waste time.

Although there is already a power that comes from the future and has the same origin as his power for protection, but here, it is not good after all.

Perceive with your own eyes that are beyond common sense.

After fully understanding her own appearance, she looked quite similar to her wife-in-law, quite perfect, so she borrowed Su Xiaoling's clothes and spent a little energy to get a set of clothes from home.

A wave of his right hand.

The bathtub disappeared, the bath water disappeared, everything was sent to his home and placed in categories.

That bathtub is good. It is used by the Lord God. It is quite good.

Don't waste it, you can use it later.

And Di Leina herself, at this moment, had an extra set of clothes on her body, which fit her well. The most important thing was that they were particularly in line with his aesthetics and could bring out her beauty, making her even more charming. .

She was stunned.

The changes were too fast and I couldn't react.


Without the support of the bathwater, she lost her balance and sat down on the ground.

He noticed the extra clothes on his body.

She can guarantee that this is definitely not hers. She has never seen it before, even if it fits her well.


Di Leina raised her head sharply and reacted quickly, knowing very well that this matter had nothing to do with him. She was even more angry. Being able to change her clothes and choose something that fit her so well meant that he had seen it in detail.

Anger arises from the heart!

I felt like I was being tainted, but the next second I was about to insult him.

Luo Tian took two steps forward and put his right hand on her head. He was still condescending. He did not regard himself as an outsider at all, as if the intimacy between the two was a matter of course.

Di Leina looked up at him, stunned for a moment, and showed a cute and youthful expression.

I was about to turn this emotion into anger, and wanted to open his hand and teach him a lesson. But at this moment, he heard the loud noise made by the genetic engine in his body.

〖warn! Unknown energy intrusion, trying to block it, turning on the Lieyangshen blocking device, but the blocking failed, the Lieyangshen No. 1 protective net was broken... Warning! Unknown energy is rapidly invading, and the obstruction fails...the gene lock is broken...〗

〖warn! The current genetic restrictions have been completely lifted. Unknown energy is invading and tampering. It is trying to send a distress message. The message failed and the message was destroyed...〗

〖warn! The central control center is broken and can no longer accept any instructions. Please... the system is being upgraded. Lord God, please don't worry. The Lieyang God system is serving you. 〗

〖All permissions have been lifted. The current updated version, the fourth generation divine body of Lieyang, has been upgraded to the light of the sun and is receiving external light energy for charging...〗

Di Leina's jaw dropped.

Her seductive lips were so open that she could fit a goose egg inside.

What shyness? What anger?

All disappeared, all transformed into incredible shock. She was still sitting on the ground, supporting her body with her hands, looking up at him.

She didn't understand, she was confused.

Hum, I have lived for so many years, and now I am so confused. What is going on?

She clearly heard the sound of the previous gene engine, and felt the changes in herself. The light around her seemed to become more friendly, obedient, and a little hungry.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the surrounding sunlight has become slightly distorted, and more light is converging towards her and disappearing.

With such a change, she really couldn't come back to her senses.

At this time.

Luo Tian withdrew his right hand and still looked at her condescendingly. He leaned forward slightly and moved his right hand from her head to in front of her.

"Get up, stop sitting."


Di Leina didn't know why, but she felt that he was more pleasing to the eye. Maybe it was due to the feeling brought by her body, or maybe her mind was really stupid. The fourth generation of divine bodies is already the highest level of life in the known universe.

He didn't do anything and went straight from a mascot to a real god. If you don't feel happy, that's fake.

She loved this feeling of power.

It all happened so fast that she was so dizzy that she didn't fully recover even after being pulled up by Luo Tian.

"Clap clap."

Luo Tian patted her butt twice to remove a little bit of dust on her skirt. He also patted her confusion away and came back to her senses.

"What are you doing!?"

He yelled so loudly that he couldn't stop it.

Di Leina reacted quickly and became extremely wary of him. She covered her butt with both hands and jumped back.

"I'm warning you, don't touch me. I'm a goddess, the main god of Lieyang Star."

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