Super Seminary: Time Travel, Start the Twelve-Winged God

Chapter 79 Take the initiative and offer your first kiss

Dukao looked serious, and with his wisdom, he could see it clearly.

He was definitely interested in her.

She probably couldn't run away, but he wasn't angry, and she wasn't his biological daughter, just his adopted daughter, whom he picked up when he ran away.

Not that important, but a good thing.

Add a little special connection and she able to play a bigger role.

Nothing else was said.

Standing here with a plain face, his hands behind his back, he looked slightly majestic.

The same was true for Ruici and the Great Elder next to him. They had slightly different ideas, but their reactions were the same, and they both chose silence.

Watching quietly.


Luo Tian's smile remained unchanged, his head turned in her direction, and he came closer again.

"Qiangwei, don't you think your statement is funny?"

"What's so funny?"

Du Qiangwei's body muscles tensed, and she was still extremely angry in her heart. She wanted to insert the knife in her hand directly into his eyes, as angry as she wanted.

"You have the final say on who I want to teach? I have limited resources and I don't want to waste them on you. Do you understand?"

Luo Tian raised his right hand, and in the midst of her angry and then horrified gaze, he lightly flicked her supple red hair, making it fly in the wind.

"Remember what I just said? It would be a pity for a beauty like you to go to the battlefield. It would be better to warm the bed. Why are you so tired? Do you like killing people?"

"Keep your mouth clean!"

Du Qiangwei took back her left hand. Since Luo Tian's head was very close, she stepped forward with her right hand, held the blade in her hand tightly, and stabbed it hard.

Insert it directly into his pupil to inform his eyes. Anyway, with the current level of technology, it can definitely be cured.

But it's still useless.

"Naughty little wildcat."

Luo Tian smiled. Time was still tight. He had already felt another more detailed gaze. It was estimated that compared with the original plot, those things would be much earlier.

In order to save your own energy, prepare early.

In her unbelievably dull gaze, Luo Tian put away the blade with his right hand, grabbed her tough waist with his left hand, and pushed hard.

She couldn't help but take a few steps forward.

"Okay, let's go and have fun. Stop messing around. In this world, the weak have no say. Of course, if you are willing to go home with me, then besides that, I am quite doting on my wife. , not so stingy.”

"Time is quite tight, I don't have time to chat with you."

Such words are heard.

Du Qiangwei's eyes widened. She had already stabilized her steps and stood on the ground of the playground, holding a sharp black blade in her hands.

A strong sense of insult fell from the sky.

Very angry! Can……

It was more of a kind of weakness, and the whole person seemed to be paralyzed.

Looking at the blade in his hand.

It was obvious that it could cut even solid steel, like steel bars, just like cutting noodles, but when it came to his body, it seemed like they were just two feathers, extremely gentle and without any lethality.

A little skeptical about life.

The weak have no right to speak, while the strong are respected.

She agreed with this statement. She had said this to others before, but she didn't expect that it would fall on her now. It was really ironic.

"Haha, why did you ask me to come here?"

She laughed self-deprecatingly and gave up.


After exhaling a breath of fragrance, she looked up to the sky and felt relieved, as if she had put down those heavy burdens and felt relieved.

Getting ready to leave this place of shame.

But he was caught by another person.

"Hello, I just heard that your name seems to be Qiangwei, right? Don't leave, why don't you come over and have a chat?"

Qin Lan is quite familiar with her, has a sense of presence, and fights for her daughter. In other words, it is indeed a bit boring.

Du Qiangwei frowned and looked up and down carefully. She found that she didn't recognize him at all.

"who are you?"

"My name is Qin Lan, come here to chat? We're watching a show. Don't leave in a hurry. Why don't you see what he's going to do? Aren't you curious?"

Du Qiangwei looked back, indeed a little curious.

She wanted to know why he eliminated her without even thinking about it, without even a decent reason, just because she was a woman? It's a humiliation.

Very angry.


She still remembered the scene when Luo Tian got out of the car, and she didn't have much favorable impressions of the woman in front of her.

Just a lowly woman.

However, it's not too annoying, maybe she was forced to do it.

Thinking of this, she felt calm in her heart, and she stopped thinking wildly and asked:

"Why are you telling me this?"

Qin Lan smiled, but did not speak for the time being, turned around, and pulled her a little closer.

"One more person will make it more lively. Come and have a look. You won't miss a piece of meat."

Du Qiangwei stared at her for a few seconds.

"I do not want to talk."

Without saying anything else, she turned to look at Luo Tian. The blade in her hand had disappeared, and she used micro-wormhole transmission technology to send it into the weapons arsenal.

Cross your arms and stand here straight.

Like a prosecutor, staring at him.

Luo Tian took a few steps and stopped in front of the other two female members.

Smile gently.

"Go and stand over there. The next war has nothing to do with you. Don't worry, I will take care of it."

"Wow! So handsome."

Li Feifei couldn't help it after all. Being so close, she seemed to smell some extremely charming scent, and she could no longer stay rational.

He rushed out instantly and wrapped his arms around his neck.

He got so close that he almost kissed her, his whole body pressed against her.

"Handsome, no problem, I will listen to you, whatever you say will be whatever you say."

Li Feifei's eyes were blurred, her heart beating faster, and she freed up her right hand to caress his face.

"It's so beautiful. This is the first time I've seen such a beauty in my life. Handsome boy, are you interested in falling in love? I have saved a lot of money to support you for the rest of my life."

"I will support you forever."

Luo Tian's lips curled up. Come on, he won't be polite. He was so willful that he changed his plan on the spot, lowered his head and kissed her, holding his thin waist with one hand and putting his other hand on the back of her head.

Quite straightforward, hugging each other.

Li Feifei's pupils shrank, she really didn't expect that he could be so fierce and such a real man.

His eyes became more fascinated and he closed his eyes.

The first kiss was handed over like this.


Xin Zhao finally reacted, roared, and couldn't help but shake Ge Xiaolun hard.

"Brother, look! This guy is so cocky! He is so cocky! I must become my teacher. No wonder this guy got out of the car with his arms around him, he's so domineering!"

Ge Xiaolun followed him.

His body swayed left and right, but he still didn't come back to his senses. Yes, he was stunned.

Liu Chuang was not much better, dumbfounded.

Among the four brothers, only Cheng Yaowen, who is a prince, is better and more plain. He has no interest in women. His biggest goal now is to restore the Deno civilization.

The current goal is to protect China.

This is his new home.

Now, the only home.

Guard with your life!

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