Super Seminary: Time Travel, Start the Twelve-Winged God

Chapter 2 Seriously injured and dying, still invincible

Luo Tianzuo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

His eyes widened a little.

"1/, System, are you drawing a little too much? Also, what does Eternal Dominion mean? Please introduce the realm."

A little confused, but more of a doubt.

[This reply is not supported for the time being. Please wait until the system upgrade is completed before asking this question. 】

Luo Tian frowned, "System, what do you mean? Why don't you just answer it?"

[The final right of interpretation belongs to this system. If the host has any questions, he can choose to terminate the symbiotic relationship with this system. 】

The corners of his mouth twitched twice.

"System, are you acting dictatorially?"

[It can be said that the authority of this system is higher than that of the host itself, so the host is asked not to make trouble unreasonably. 】


Luo Tian spit out a mouthful of lava and nodded.

"That's true. You did give me all this. It would be nice to have it."

I figured it out and I feel much better.

I'm not going to ask anything else, such as why I chose him, that's not important, maybe it's just pure luck.

laugh it off.

"Time, space, soul, balance, light, darkness, thunder, metal, wood, water, fire, earth."

"Do 12 wings correspond to 12 abilities?"

Luo Tian held his right elbow with his left hand, and touched his chin with the index finger and thumb of his right hand.

After thinking about it carefully, I seem to understand a little bit.

"The outer major is time and space, and the inner major is soul and balance? The rest are auxiliary, with light and darkness as the main means of attack, and elemental control to increase countermeasures in battle, as well as in daily life."

Nodding slightly, he already had a clearer understanding of these abilities based on the corresponding messages he felt from his body.

These abilities are not simply that, but conceptual, transcending the level of laws and extending to the purest basic rules.

Among them, the most important thing is balance, which allows him to maintain a strong state and use his own power even if he is seriously injured and dying.

Second is the soul.

He turned around and glanced at the wings behind him. He could still see them very clearly through a thick layer of lava.

Each feather is extremely clear, and there are six pairs of feathers in total. The overall appearance is black, but it is not simply black, but a colorful sense of chaotic darkness, which looks mysterious and a little bit coquettish.

It seems to have a touch of special effects.

The appearance is quite high.

But this is not that important. The energy contained in it is what he cares about most.


It's not just that, it also includes the power of fantasy creation and reincarnation.

Extremely terrifying.

The same goes for light and darkness, not just light and darkness, but also symbolizing life and destruction.

For example, Holy Light Blessing, Divine Healing, Super Divine Ascension, Dark Fall, Bewitching Demonic Sound, Phantom Curse, etc. are truly broad concept abilities.

The rest is the same.

balance! Let all these be integrated and sublimated to reach even more extreme power.

The smile on Luo Tian's lips became a little arrogant and arrogant.

Although seriously injured and dying.

It was only 1/1 million of the perfect state, but the power he felt was still extremely terrifying, and he had a real feeling of being able to control everything.

"System, what level does my current state belong to in this universe? Also, how do I recover? You should be able to tell me about this, right?"

[The current state of the host: everything that exceeds the sum total of the current universe. Recovery method: Enter another higher universe and swallow the origin of heaven. 】

Luo Tian's eyes widened a little.

"System, are you sure? Is this body of mine... so awesome? Are you sure what you said is not empty words?"

[If you don’t believe it, you don’t have to ask. 】


Why do you feel like the system is a little impatient?

Luo Tian blinked in the magma and moved it twice with his hands. The magma felt like warm water to him, and the terrifying pressure from the surroundings did not have any impact on him, but it did not. Can understand a thing or two.

The temperature here is absolutely terrifying, coupled with this even more terrifying pressure, he once knew everything, absolutely nothing can withstand it.

and many more!

Luo Tian woke up with a start and finally noticed his extremely clean original state.

"Oh! Where's my phone? Where's my clothes? Damn it! My phone has a lot of my information in it, some of which I haven't even looked at yet."

He became a little panicked.

He moved his hands and searched for it in the magma. He used his soul to sense and felt everything that was completely melted.

Next to it, the texture of the magma is a little different from the surrounding ones, with some more metal impurities.

" mobile phone, brother, why did you melt?"

It's really a bit sad. This mobile phone has been with him for 5 years, a full 5 years! Raising a dog has extremely strong feelings, not to mention that it contains countless "learning materials" that are the source of his life, as well as those single-player game data.

Especially heartbreaking.

With both hands, he grabbed the special bit of magma and recovered his mood. He was ready to use the power of time to restore his phone and protect it with the power of space.

However, when it came time to actually do it, he hesitated.

His eyes sank slightly.


"Forget it, the old ones won't go, and the new ones won't come. I can go and play for real, so why should I go see those?"

"You're right, from today onwards, I'll stop drinking!"

"Bah, it's a cross-section of words."

"It should be, starting from today, put an end to fantasy and only pursue reality. Since I came to this world and have such luck, everything must come according to my heart."

"This world needs a master."

"The way of heaven is dead, Luo Tian should stand! Life is eternal, my little skirt!"

Raise your right hand high and cheer.

Luo Tian seemed to have found the soul of Chu Er who was once forced to be buried, and his whole temperament also changed drastically. He seemed to have become calmer and more mature.

In the past, when one person was full, the whole family was not hungry.

Don't dare to love.

She has low self-esteem and is afraid that she will not be able to give her a good life.

just now!

"I am coming!"

You should have everything and live up to the beauty that the system has given you.

Without hesitation, the six pairs of wings gently flapped, setting off a swirling undercurrent in the lava, and he himself flew upward at an extremely fast speed.

Extremely fast, traveling through lava.

A lot of magma streaked through his body and washed through his hair, as if washing his whole body, leaving him in a cleaner state to welcome his new life.


Luo Tian couldn't help laughing, he really liked this feeling. Accelerating the speed, breaking away from the gravity of the earth, using only the strength of his own body, he left the lava layer and crashed directly into the earth's crust.

The hard stone was as soft as air to him, as if there was no obstruction, allowing him to once again understand the power of his body more clearly.

Be more confident.

Completely believe what the system says.

More arrogant!

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