Super Seminary: Time Travel, Start the Twelve-Winged God

Chapter 13 Restaurant, beautiful waiter

Super seminary.

Dukao did not know the decision made by the three elders of China. He looked down upon human civilization and did not pay attention to it.

They just use China as a tool to inspire their faith and lead them to grow.

However, he is always paying attention to Luo Tian's affairs now and does not dare to underestimate him. He has a particularly strong sense of tension and does not let him completely leave his sight.

And on the street.

Luo Tian gradually became a little bored. After all, this environment gave him a great sense of intimacy and could not give him any other novelty.

Especially being able to notice the sights around me, to be honest, I feel quite annoyed.

Think back.

I decided to go find Ge Xiaolun and see if I could extract his galactic power and use it to restore his body. The current lack of energy is really not a good feeling.

It is difficult to redefine the concept of the material basis of this universe.

"Well, it's decided then."

He nodded and decided quite happily, just all of a sudden.

Luo Tian stopped for a moment.

Next to it was a restaurant, and I found a familiar person inside.

Rui Mengmeng.

She works part-time here as a waitress and has a pretty good job, but she has a pretty good figure and appearance.

He truly deserves to be the inheritor of the Kamigawa gene. His appearance is nothing to say, almost perfect.

Changing his goal, he turned and entered the restaurant.


The moment he entered, a mechanical sound sounded, which also attracted the attention of the waiter.

A male waiter came over.

"Sir, do you have a reservation?"


Luo Tian didn't give him a good look, but he didn't deliberately show any contempt. Just like ordinary people, he found an empty seat and sat down.

"Sir, here is your menu."

The waiter looked like he was professionally trained. He didn't show any other expressions because of Luo Tian's plain clothes. He handed him the menu with a professional smile and opened it for him thoughtfully.

Pour him a cup of green tea.

"Sir, this tea is free."


Luo Tian replied casually, looking at the menu again, and found that it was quite expensive. With the money he had, it was not enough to have a good meal.

But what does it matter?

"Two well-cooked steaks, one fish-flavored shredded pork, one pigeon soup, one dish of spicy stir-fried water spinach, and finally, this ice cream No. 3 deluxe set. Hurry up and serve what you can get first. I'm a little hungry."

"Okay sir, please wait a moment."

The male waiter still had a professional smile on his face, took the menu with both hands, recorded the dishes he ordered, and finally nodded, turned around and left.

Luo Tian didn't look much and drank a cup of tea.

It's a bit hot and tastes bad.

It's a little bitter, and he doesn't like this. The most important thing is that this is tap water, and the taste is a bit obvious.

Don’t drink it and set it aside.

Turn around and look.

Rui Mengmeng was serving food there. Her makeup was more masculine. She looked extremely capable and a little cautious.

Without concealing it, he looked with his eyes.

Rui Mengmeng noticed his gaze.

"Sister, your dishes are ready."

Putting the dishes down, she turned around and looked at Luo Tian. She was originally going to ignore him, but she found out that he was really handsome.

I stared blankly for three seconds.

Luo Tian smiled and waved.

She woke up suddenly, but for some reason, she couldn't feel any disgust when she saw his handsome face. And because of the waiter training she received before taking up the job, she walked over obediently.

Bow and salute.

"Sir, what's the matter?"

Luo Tian supported his head with his right hand, not hiding the desire in his heart at all. He looked up and down again, using his soul perception to see everything at a glance.

Oh, so clean.

Her gaze stopped somewhere, making her face a little more rosy and her hands clenched a little tighter. There was no anger, more of a shyness.

"Sir, please don't look around. Our store is very formal."

"Oh, you misunderstood, I am not a good person."

Luo Tian gave him a sunny smile and was about to say something, but the food arrived.

"Sir, this is your No. 3 luxury set of ice cream, as well as spicy stir-fried water spinach and pigeon soup. The rest will take a while to be made, please wait a moment."

After speaking respectfully, the male waiter blocked Rui Mengmeng behind him.

Gave her a look.

After Rui Mengmeng saw it, she hesitated for two seconds and finally prepared to leave.

The male waiter lowered his head at this moment, blocking his sight.

"Sir, do you need anything else?"


Luo Tian's eyes followed Rui Mengmeng. He was not angry and still had a smile on his face.

"People have to pay the price for the choices they make. You are not wrong. Unfortunately, I am not a good person."

The waiter frowned.

I felt that he was being too arrogant like this. I clenched my fists in my hands, and I felt like I wanted to punch him twice.

"Sir, you are really joking."

But he is just a part-time worker, and his family still has a mortgage to repay, so he can only choose to laugh with him.

"Call her back, otherwise you will lose this job. There is nothing wrong with standing up for others, but you have to look at your own identity first and see it clearly. This is advice, don't do stupid things. Not everyone can be a good person. "

The waiter's eyes widened a little, and he felt even more resentful.

After taking a look at his clothes, he didn't look rich at all. It was too simple. But that face, and that skin, are really great, I have never seen anything like this.

There is no earthly atmosphere at all.

There is only one possibility - he has never done any manual labor, and he spends a lot of money on his own maintenance. He is definitely a rich second generation. Now, he probably ran out to hunt for women. The clothes he wore looked relatively simple. They were probably hand-knitted, so they should be very expensive!

Angry, but he has a family.

"Sir, please don't be angry. I will serve the rest of the dishes to you as soon as possible."

His tone was still respectful, but a little more helpless, as if he had become more decadent. He turned and left, quickly came to Rui Mengmeng's side, and whispered:

"I'm sorry, can you go back? He is not an ordinary person, and I don't want to lose this job. Please, I still have a family and children."

There was a little more pity in his words.

Rui Mengmeng opened her eyes in surprise, glanced at him, and then looked back.

Luo Tian smiled and greeted her.

He looks very kind.

"it is good."

Rui Mengmeng nodded. She also had younger brothers and sisters to support, and she didn't dare to offend anyone. Plus seeing how handsome he is, I feel like he's not a bad guy.

Turned around and went back.

A little nervous, he put his hands in front of him, holding the wrist of his left hand with his right hand, looking a little restrained.

Back to his side again.

Keep your head down.

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