In the outer space of the earth, the space battleship built by Big Gray Wolf Bald Qiang and the others is sailing away from here.

Inside this space battleship, Pluto and his group of seven people were looking through the portholes at the strange yet familiar starry sky outside. This seemed to be no different from the Earth in the first universe, but it was completely different.

There are also seven people in their group, yes, seven people. In addition to Pluto, Tianyu, Lion King, Ye Lingyun, Whale Shark King, and Scorpion King Long Ying, there is another person.

Pluto's wife, Tianyu's mother, Phoenix tribe's princess Phoenix, the last person.

After studying the supernatural energies simulated by Pluto, Big Big Wolf obtained enough data and began to debug the parameters.

But before the summons, Hwarang quietly told Hui Tailang that he would look for commonalities in the supernatural energies of Tianyu and Pluto, and finally he could find out the parameters of the other person.

If Pluto has any regrets, it is definitely his wife Phoenix, who was burned alive for the sake of peace between the wolf clan and the Phoenix clan.

It was because of her death that Pluto closed his heart again and again. From then on, he only believed in the justice of the strong, while the weak only had the fate of being dominated and destroyed!

According to Hwarang's guess, his system should be able to directly summon anyone in the plot, whether they are dead or not, they can be summoned directly.

And things were exactly as Hwarang thought. Six people came out directly after a summons. When he saw the extra sixth person clearly, Hwarang could clearly see Pluto's eyes and expression at that time.

For the first time, Pluto's strong and domineering aura showed signs of disorder. His cold eyes became extraordinarily gentle, and he could not help but walk slowly towards the figure he had been thinking about all day long.

It's really her, Phoenix, his wife!

As a king, Pluto probably didn't want people to see his weak side. Hwarang left the stunning hammer behind and left there with Big Big Wolf.

Then one person and one wolf squatted at the door, holding two popsicles and chatting. However, it was obvious that their minds were not on talking, and they all pricked up their ears to listen to what was going on in the room behind them.

Hwarang is knowledgeable, but gossip is human nature. Suppressing nature is bad and should be released.

But until Pluto walked out of the house with his wife, daughter and subordinates, they still didn't hear anything. They all blamed Big Big Wolf. Why did he use such good materials when he built this house?

Pluto bowed slightly to Hwarang and thanked him, "Thank you..."

This is already a very big understanding, he is the king of Hades and has never bowed his head to anyone, but Hwarang saved his wife and it was impossible for him not to thank him.

Along with Pluto, who thanked Hwarang, there was also the Lion King standing next to him, bowing almost ninety degrees.

In the beginning, it was because the Lion King had no power lock and could not carry out super-beast weapons that the Phoenix tribe captured the Phoenix, leading to his final death. Although Pluto did not blame him, the Lion King had never forgiven him in the past 100,000 years.

Seeing Phoenix again today can be regarded as untying the knot in the Lion King's heart. The Lion King has always valued love and justice, and has clear grievances. Hwarang saved Phoenix, which is equivalent to saving him.

He recognized this love and wanted to repay it.

Hwarang did not refuse Pluto and Lion King's bows of thanks. It was a simple task for him, but it was completely different for them. It was inappropriate not to let them thank them.

"Now that everyone is here, you should be setting off too."

"Yes, go and see the known universe." Pluto nodded, he should have an idea now.

"Okay, I won't interfere with anything about you. Just follow your own ideas. Have a safe journey." Hwarang clapped his hands and then stretched out his hand in front of Pluto.

Pluto was stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly and stretched out his hand to hold it with Hwarang.

After letting go of his hand, Pluto led the people straight away from here, hiding his figure without using anything, and came to the outer space of the earth.

He took out the controller Hwarang gave him and pressed it lightly.

In an instant, a space battleship several thousand meters long suddenly appeared in front of the seven people. It was painted in silver gray and had a slender and elegant shape.

Compared with the rough and dark ship that Big Big Wolf built for Kallia before, the one in front of him now can be called a work of art.

However, in the eyes of Pluto and the others, this thing is just a means of transportation. You must know that the weakest among them has a few tenths of the energy of a black hole. Although it does not sound like much, it is almost invincible in the known universe, even if it is sacred. Keisha is no match.

As long as they are willing, they can travel across space with their own strength and easily reach from one galaxy to another.

But there is nothing they can do now. They have no star maps and routes, and they have no idea where the various civilizations in the known universe are. The only one who knows where they are is the Demon Queen Morgana.

After Big Big Wolf taught her a lesson, he put something on her body. Judging from the location, she is now on a planet millions of light years away from the earth. There is a high probability that it is the Death Song Academy of the Death God Karl in the Styx Galaxy.

Morgana had no place to go except there, after all, she was completely alone this time.

There is no other choice. Pluto and his team can only choose to go to the Styx Galaxy to let the God of Death Carl and the Demon Queen Morgana first experience what is the real ultimate fear, the black hole...

Hwarang and Big Big Wolf huddled together and watched the space battleship on the screen disappear from the surveillance range, confirming that Pluto had left the solar system and started his journey.

"Going far away..."

Big Big Wolf reached out to close the screen and looked at Hwarang, "If you release such a powerful guy without any restrictions, aren't you afraid that he will overturn the known universe?"

Hwarang looked at Big Big Wolf after hearing this, but did not answer him immediately. Instead, he continued to lick the remaining popsicles until all of them were licked into his stomach.

Throwing the wooden stick into the trash can, Hwarang completely collapsed on the sofa. "If there is only Pluto, he will indeed overthrow the entire known universe."

"Under Pluto's order, only the strong can survive. In his eyes, there are no truly strong people in the known universe. Even the Holy Kesha is only a relatively strong person."

"But after he has his phoenix, things are no longer certain..."

"You bastard, it turns out that you asked me to bring his wife here not just to reunite his family!" Big Big Wolf showed a surprised expression.

He didn't expect that this guy Hwarang actually had such a brain and could think so far.

Alas, I made a mistake, I made a mistake...

"What do you mean?" Hwarang saw what was hidden in Big Gray Wolf's surprised expression.

This is looking down on him. He is usually a bit lazy, but as the chosen one, a time traveler, and a system host, he is also very smart, right?

"No, no..." Big Big Wolf turned and left in an extremely perfunctory manner, not wanting to say another word with Hwarang on this topic.

What kind of person is Hwarang? Wouldn’t he know?

What to pretend to be...

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