The eldest cousin has a good ceiling in combat power and possesses extremely idealistic abilities.

But even so, he would not be able to meet the next generalissimo and the combined attack of the two generals at once.

I secretly thought it was a pity that I couldn't take advantage of the victory to kill the evildoer, further weakening the high-end combat power of the Nether Clan.

The eldest cousin shook his fist hard, knocking back the giant dragon tooth and the ferocity holding it tightly.

Then his body quickly retreated, and when the sword in Nitianxing's hand was about to hit him, he escaped from the encirclement of the three people.

The three people's joint attack did not achieve any results, which was contrary to their expectations. They had never thought about hurting their eldest cousin through this attack.

Something that is simply impossible.

Unless there is something wrong with his mind and he chooses to confront them head-on.

The next moment the attack failed, Ni Tianxing turned the sword in his hand and pushed towards his eldest cousin again.

What followed was indifferent, attacking the big cousin from another angle and trying to seal him as much as possible.

Tie Xue Wushuang quickly adjusted his body shape, made a long circle, and rushed to the position behind his eldest cousin.

In an instant, the three of them formed a very tight triangular circle surrounding the eldest cousin.

There was no verbal communication, and time passed by just one breath and one breath, as if it was expected that something like this would happen.

The plans made in advance are the same, and the cooperation between them is extremely tacit.

The current situation is undoubtedly extremely dangerous for the eldest cousin.

It's just one against three, it's not a big problem for him.

But being surrounded by three completely different directions would inevitably make it hard for him to guard against it. The consequences of any negligence would be disastrous.

Standing firm, the eldest cousin frowned slightly, his eyes turned to observe his sobriety, and his expression looked a little solemn.

He seemed to be a little too anxious just now. These guys were a little more difficult to deal with than he thought. He really didn't like the current situation.

This group of guys from the Nether Tribe were more difficult to deal with than the opponents he had faced before.

In other words, the opponents he faced before were not at the same level as the Nether Tribe.

It gave him a fatal inertial logic.

In the past, if it were not for the weak and direct civilizations facing the known universe, I thought that technology could handle everything.

Or maybe it was directly arranged and planned by Hwarang. The fight was just a group fight with no rules at all.

Although they cooperate with each other, compared to now, they are completely on two levels.

The Hades have truly emerged from killing and death, and fighting is the most common thing in their life memories.

How to fight, how to kill the enemy in the fastest and best way.

They clearly know the method and use it in battle, just like they are now dealing with their big cousin.

My cousin has never encountered such a skilled and communication-free group before.


A smile suddenly appeared on the eldest cousin's face. This kind of battle is more interesting!

He had had enough of the previous battles, and this was the only thing he wanted to do now!

No longer preparing to dodge, the eldest cousin clenched his fists tightly.


Stepping on the void, the powerful and violent force directly tore that small space apart. The eldest cousin used this as motivation to face the weapons that defied the sky and ignored them, and pounced on them.

Click, click, sounds like breaking glass, followed continuously.

This speed was so fast that it completely shattered all the spaces along the way, completely beyond the imagination of going against the will of nature and being indifferent.

It was still too late to resist the defense.

He could only hold the weapon in his hand tightly, move towards his elder cousin, and continue the action just now.

At such a fast speed, it was impossible for the eldest cousin to move around.

He has no way to defend himself, so he will force his elder cousin to defend himself and see who has a ruthless temper and a strong mind.

Indifferent's reaction was a beat slower than that of Go Against the Heavens, but when she saw the actions of Go Against the Heavens, she chose to follow them without hesitation.

There is no other way, right?

Two weapons, each of which can hurt the big cousin.

The best way to deal with this situation is to dodge immediately, attack around the two people, and then get close to them.

Using the close combat method that the eldest cousin is best at, he uses a series of terrifying punches to suppress them and kill them.

But my older cousin, who was already a bit above me, just didn't.

Head-on confrontation is his favorite style.


He swung a fist and hit the blade of the sword that was going against the sky. The violent force caused the blade to vibrate violently and let out a shrill scream.

The entire arm holding the knife against the sky was affected by this huge force and instantly became numb.

But such an obviously irrational method also caused an obvious scar to be cut by the blade in the fist in the hand that was going against the will of heaven.

Blood with a light golden lead and mercury texture slowly flowed out and covered the entire hand.

Following the wound, the power invaded the older cousin's body, causing bursts of unbearable pain throughout his hand.

But the eldest cousin didn't care about this. He shook his hand vigorously to shake off the blood stained on his fist.

He forced out the power that invaded his body and continued to rush forward.

The next one is to ignore it.

Compared with the sword that goes against the sky, the sword of Wuwenwen is more slender and slender, a little less heavy but a little more flexible.

Everything just happened happened in an instant, but it was enough to react indifferently.

He gave up the attack on his elder cousin and stepped in front of the counterattack.

Although the older cousin was injured by the punch just now, it did not affect his fighting ability at all.

Instead, he seemed to have taken advantage of the situation. The arm holding the knife was completely numb from the shock, although he could recover quickly.

But fighting against a strong man like his eldest cousin could cost him his life in an instant.

He is the Grand Marshal and the spiritual leader of all the people in the Hades.

He is a person who absolutely cannot let anything happen to him, so even if it is very dangerous, he has to directly face the attack from his elder cousin.

It is very likely that he will be severely injured as a result, or even killed by his elder cousin just like the flurry of swords just now.

Even though he didn't care, he still had no hesitation and used the fastest speed to block in front of his eldest cousin. He must not let his eldest cousin get hurt and go against the will of heaven!

The word "love the fragrance and cherish the jade" has never appeared in the eldest cousin's dictionary.

What's more, from the perspective of my cousin's aesthetics, I can't call it a fragrance or a jade.

Since you are blocking my way, I will send you on your way!

The bleeding fist swung out again, and suddenly blasted out towards Wu Wu's head.

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