The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 99 Newton happens to be buried in London

Two figures chased each other in the light snow under the London night sky.

The neon lights and streets below me flew past, gradually turning into the fleeting lines of light on the highway. Watson always kept a good distance, and he was always paying attention to the movement behind him. Whenever the Death Angel briefly increased its speed, Watson would speed up the pace appropriately. He even deliberately stopped several times by hitting obstacles to allow this artificially intelligent guy to maintain a little "pursuit enthusiasm."

The battlefield unknowingly moved to a park.

In this cold weather, even lovers in love would prefer to choose a place in a bar lounge. Not to mention the homeless people. If they can stay in the nest for a second longer to conserve their energy, no one will want to come out to blow the cold wind.


The heavy boots of the Death Angel towered on the ground, drawing a long snow trail. Watson was much more relaxed. The cushioning ability allowed him to stop effortlessly on the park bench and even cross his legs. Although his face was completely covered, his arrogant look was worthy of a beating.

"Be judged!!"

Roaring and raising his sword, the Death Angel rushed towards the man on the chair. The chop was easily dodged by Watson, and the poor bench was cut into two pieces. Before the opponent could retract his hand, the dog-legged knife that had been prepared in advance swung down like lightning and slashed directly at the right arm joint of the Angel of Death.

The sharp blade tore off a string of sparks on the armor.

The Angel of Death twisted back half of his body at the last moment, at the cost of losing his balance. Watson would not wait for this guy to regain his footing. He swung the second dog-leg knife from his side, but the target of this attack was not the body, but the spell sword burning with blue flames in the opponent's hand. .

next moment.

The harsh clang sounded like a bell, echoing in the endless deep chamber.

The sword was struck from the side. This angle was not very good. Watson could see that obvious cracks had appeared on the blade of the originally intact dog-legged knife. I don’t know what material the sword was made of, but it was unusually strong. The Angel of Death reacted quickly, kicked Watson hard in the abdomen, drew out his long sword and took advantage of the situation to retreat a few meters.

The severed kukri blade fell to the ground with a painful muffled sound. Conventional cold weapons are sometimes too reluctant for superhuman combat.

Watson was very distressed about his damaged weapons. These two custom-made knives were not cheap, and he did not expect that one of them would be destroyed after just a few uses. Perhaps the bone spurs on the blackened arm can be used to improve the hardness, but this is a weapon with obvious characteristics, and Watson does not want to use it here.

He has other options.

"You! Your sin is unpardonable!!"

The part where the cursed sword was struck was not left unscathed. A clearly visible cut appeared on the sword body, and the face behind the Death Angel's mask was filled with anger. He assumed a standard European long sword starting position and rushed towards Watson in large strides. The blue fire burning on the sword became more and more intense, giving Watson the illusion of seeing a Star Wars Jedi.

The opportunity is here.

He let go of the two dog-leg knives and ran forward quickly. An ordinary hammer appeared in Watson's hand. He ducked to avoid the sword edge and hit his opponent's abdominal cavity with the hammer with all his strength. The moment before launching the attack, the entire body covered under the clothes suddenly turned black. With a weight of nearly 300 kilograms and double strength, using inertia, the Angel of Death was knocked into the air with one blow.

Unless he has the ability to fly, he can only obey Newton's laws of mechanics and fall freely.

Fortunately, Watson doesn't have to worry about Newton's coffin board.

The heavy body stopped suddenly the next second it passed by the Angel of Death, turned back at exactly the same speed, and struck the lumbar spine of the human body in mid-air with a hammer again.

He heard the sound of bones cracking.


Only then did the two dog-leg knives finally fall to the ground.

The Angel of Death fell heavily, and Watson didn't give him a chance to breathe. He grabbed one of the opponent's ankles, and just like the famous scene where Hulk treated Loki more than ten years later, he picked him up and smashed him to the ground. . The hammer, which was squeezed and deformed by the huge force, fell aside and completed its mission.

The back of his head came into close contact with the stone brick ground again, and the vibrations passed unstoppably through the armor, mercilessly impacting the Death Angel's brain. The whole world was spinning, and the cursed sword came out of his hand and slid onto the snow a few meters away.

"Do not......"

In his hazy vision, a pair of feet walked towards the sword and stepped on it under the shoes, holding the top of the blade firmly with tactical gloves. The Angel of Death realized what this man wanted to do, but he was unable to get up at all. He could only stare and let out a dry voice. But Watson ignored the opponent and reviewed Archimedes' lever principle. He slightly adjusted the position of his foot on the sword body, and then used his right hand to lift it upward with all his strength!

The cursed sword was broken.

Not even a sound was made.

At this moment, all the scenes in the eyes of the Death Angel fell into silence. Inexplicable severe pain swept through his body like a tsunami. He held his head and rolled on the ground. Although he couldn't hear the sound he made at all, his throat was stretched to the point of almost tearing.

Looking at the screaming Angel of Death, Watson put down half of the cursed sword in his hand. Since breaking, the weapon has returned to its original appearance, without even a hint of blue fire coming out.

The black cat appears in the thin white snow.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Watson actually saw its eyes turn blue in an instant. If someone like Master Gu Yi, who can enter the star world, watches here, he will definitely be able to find the soul fragments wrapped around the black cat.

Unfortunately, Watson couldn't observe it. He just watched the black cat take small steps and step on the cursed sword. After turning around for a few times, he walked towards the angel of death who gradually disappeared on the ground. The snowflakes in the sky were gradually increasing, and soon the remains of the chopped seats were covered with a layer of white frost.

The Death Angel slowly sat up and took off his helmet.

This is a picture of a middle-aged man with gray hair on his temples. From the twitching corners of his mouth, it can be confirmed that the other person is still alive. But the man just opened his eyes blankly forward, until a snowflake drifted into the corner of his eye, and the natural reaction of blinking subconsciously finally gave him a glimmer of life.

"who I am......"

Whispering something unclear, the man suddenly began to stretch out his hand and tear at the armor on his body. The gloves, wrist guards, shoulder horns, breastplate and cloak were thrown to the ground one by one. The Angel of Death, who was only wearing a gray and black undergarment, sat on his knees on the snow, breathing in the cold air.

He looked like a person who was wrongfully imprisoned and finally escaped.

"I have a son..."

After standing up and looking at Watson with confused eyes for a while, the Death Angel clutched his abdomen and left. His steps stumbled, looking very thin in the increasingly heavy falling snow.

Watson looked at the black cat on the ground. The other party showed no reaction at all to the death angel's departure. It was sniffing the discarded armor parts one by one. Obviously, there was something on it that the black cat was very interested in. Watson guessed that it should be something like magic arrays, because in addition to physical brainwashing, this set of 'Sorrow Armor' is also one of the methods used by the church to control the Angel of Death.

Based on his doubts about the black cat, Watson did not catch up and give the Death Angel a finishing blow. He saw the black cat shaking its head and turning around, and he didn't know what method was used to turn all the armor parts and the remains of the magic sword on the ground into fly ash.

"Are you satisfied?"

Crouching down and looking at the black cat, Watson felt his palms heat up. He took off his gloves, only to find that the cat claw marks on his palms had not disappeared at all. Does the other party want to completely kill the Angel of Death? Then this may require the use of the black light virus. Watson actually didn't want to do this in his heart. The Angel of Death did have a son in the comics, and he was secretly brainwashed and transformed by the Church of Saint Duma.

If he died here today, this child would become the new Angel of Death.

After all, if Black Cat hadn't taken the initiative to intervene, Watson wouldn't have interfered with this matter. Although he was indeed curious about the 'mysterious vigilante' at first, it was just curiosity. He still had a lot of things to be busy with, didn't he?

"You want that man's soul?"

A pair of green cat eyes looked at Watson.

More than half a minute passed.

"...You want me to go find St. Dumas Church?" Watson tilted his head, and after thinking for a few seconds, he added: "Is there what you want there?"

The black cat jumped into Watson's arms and rubbed his hand.

"Hey, I didn't promise you..." Before Watson could finish speaking, the black cat in his arms turned into black mist and quickly disappeared.

Do you really think I'm a tool?

Standing up again, Watson decided to put this matter aside for now. Cats are such an animal. Sometimes they simply ignore people or lose their temper very willfully. There is no need to ask for trouble at this time. The cat will still come back to find people when it is very hungry.

Of course, he felt that this guy was not a cat at all.

Maybe Master Gu Yi can do something about this mark on his palm? With this thought in mind, Watson packed up the equipment on the ground, took a few glances around to make sure there were no witnesses, then turned and walked out of the park.

The dogleg knife was attributed to old Howard. Watson decided to take time to find an intelligence service provider, search for traces of the vibranium dealer Ulysses Crow, and snatch a batch from that guy. Vibranium is back. Thinking better... Howard might be able to get his hands on Adamantium.

Watson has already started imagining what his new weapon will look like. He even began to think about how to get a weapon like a cursed sword. The ability to affect the soul was really hard to guard against. And magic weapons are not necessarily fragile. Otherwise, why would those mages like to hit people with their staffs?

Uncle Hamill once said:

In Kama Taj, all mages who don't know martial arts are useless.


As he walked, Watson was gradually attracted by the landscape in the park. There are a lot of stones in this area, and many stone railings half a man high are carved with incomprehensible patterns and words, just like Stonehenge, which makes people confused.

Is this a monument or a tomb?

Watson saw several tall stone seats surrounded by low walls. The surrounding decoration was very simple, with only a few ancient mottled stone slabs. But it looked very solemn under the night sky with scattered snowflakes. The patterns carved on the wall were completely unrecognizable. Watson just noticed one very conspicuous thing...

There is a sword stuck on the top of the stone base.

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