The waves under the night sky became more and more violent.

Faintly aware of the rain, the guard with a rifle on the tower turned back into the cubicle, and when he came out, he was already wearing a thick raincoat. The boatmen who were working late at night also became anxious, shouting and speeding up the work pace.

No one wants to be soaked in water.

But all this has nothing to do with the man and woman hiding on the side of the ship.

"It's just a simple revenge story."

Michela leaned on the railing of the ship's side and was silent for a long time:

"More than two years have passed since you left. We all thought that the matter was over, but in fact it was not. Although Hydra originally kidnapped mostly lonely people such as homeless people, Hydra is still a human being after all, and people always People who make mistakes by negligence, even homeless people, occasionally have family members of their own.

There was a homeless girl who was kidnapped by Hydra. She was about the same age as me. My mother was deeply impressed by her. But this girl actually had a younger brother who secretly smuggled out of the country to work as a mercenary in order to earn money to support his older sister, but no one found out about this at the time.

In 1993, the mercenary came back with millions of dollars. He used money to build a small gang, and he wanted to find the murderer who killed his own sister like crazy, and finally found the murderer on my mother's head..."

Michela's tone began to be full of self-blame:

"We didn't know anything about it at the time. My research in medical school was at a critical juncture, so I often lived in the school dormitory. Later, the mercenary took action. He had no interest in asking the reason face to face and took advantage of me. Killed her mother with a sniper rifle as she got out of the car on the street...

Just a simple shot.

I don't know if you can understand what it feels like to lose a loved one, but all I can think about is revenge. My grandmother, who was seriously ill at the time, begged me not to do it, but I didn’t listen. I put on my butcher's leather coat, put on my mask, grabbed my weapon and ran out of Morrie Manor in the middle of the night. "

The girl suddenly stopped talking and took several deep breaths.

Watson looked at her quietly without making any sound.

"I've been looking for him for several days."

Taking a deep breath, Michela spoke again: "I tortured the homeless people on the streets by any means possible, just to attract the mercenary to appear, and finally we started fighting in the small park on the bank of the Neckar River.

His enemy-fighting skills are all honed on the battlefield, and I am no match for him. So I had to take off my mask and try to use my face and words to trick the other person into lowering their guard. This mercenary told me everything about his sister, but I had no intention of letting him go at that time. I chose to fight to the death through acting...

Perhaps because of his female appearance, the mercenary was finally fooled and I cut off his neck. But I had this long scar on the right side of my face and was shot twice. I hid in the sewers to perform surgery on myself, and finally escaped the police pursuit. "


A big wave hit the bow of the ship, causing the ship to tremble slightly. Michela paused momentarily, waiting for the sound to disappear. The wind blowing past her ears now had a faint whistling sound, but the girl's expression became calmer and calmer, and there was no trace of any self-blame at all.

Watson understood that the pain in her heart was worse than the waves.

"Do you still want to hear it?"

Michela suddenly turned her head and asked, and Watson nodded without any hesitation: "I'm sorry to open your scar again, but I never want to do it a third time, so please continue."

" is good."

The sound of the waves gradually subsided, and the girl turned her attention to the sea again: "The news of the mercenary's death spread, and a few months later, his mercenary comrades came to help him avenge him. I realized I have become as sad as my mother, but I can't let my seriously ill grandma be involved.

Fortunately, there was no evidence at that time to prove the relationship between the "Female Butcher" and the Heinzwafen family, so I put on the clothes of the "Female Butcher", said goodbye to my grandmother late at night, and left Heidelberg alone to plunge into the circle of mercenaries.

I had to make myself a target and get their attention.

At first, the men didn't take me seriously. It wasn't until I used a scalpel to cut someone open from head to toe that the title of "female butcher" officially came into being. About two or three months later, those mercenaries finally found me. "

"and then?"

Watson saw the girl shut her mouth again, and after waiting for a while, he couldn't help but ask.


Michela sneered inexplicably: "Then of course I killed them all, and the price was this broken body. But compared to my face, people were obviously more in awe of me in the 'female butcher' costume. "

"But you know what's the most ironic thing?"

The smile on the girl's face slowly faded, and the heavy rain that had been accumulating in the sky began to pour down. Within a few seconds, she and Watson were drenched. But there was still no fluctuation on Michela’s face, as if the rain didn’t exist at all:

"When I disguised myself and returned to Heidelberg, my grandmother had passed away. I stayed alone in that empty manor, not knowing what I should do in the future. After experiencing so many things, I simply could not return to the way I was before. kind of life.

So I finally had no choice but to get back into the mercenary circle, but this time I was lucky enough to meet Luper.

In fact, looking back on this matter now, those mercenaries and I just stood on our respective positions and made exactly the same choice. My mother killed his sister, so he killed my mother; then I killed him, then his comrades tried to kill me... It was a revenge story that kept repeating itself.

But in this story, no one wins. "

Michela raised her scarred face and looked at Watson quietly with a faint smile. The messy and tousled hair had long been soaked, and a few streaks of crystal liquid slipped from the girl's face. For a moment, it was completely unclear whether it was rain or tears.

The world does not stop without you.

At this time, Watson once again deeply realized this.

From these words, he could feel how difficult Michela had been in the past few years. How much does a half-hearted rich girl have to pay to survive in a war dingo circle full of men? And if he had not been in deep sleep at the time, the Heinzwafen family would never have developed to this point.

Although it is indeed a bit far-fetched to put these two things together, looking at Michela in front of him, Watson could not comfort himself so peacefully. An inexplicable guilt began to brew in his heart, and it came to his mouth, but he didn't know how to express it.

Can I just say a polite 'I'm sorry'?

Watson doesn't want that.

"Is this story very different from what you imagined?"

It was a rare opportunity to fully confide in someone, and Michela's mood eased significantly. The torrential rain seemed to make her more relaxed, and her whole tone began to show a hint of lightness. Watson looked at her for a long time and decided to answer the other person's words first:

"is a bit."

"Okay, let's go back."

The girl chuckled and turned around. She moved unexpectedly quickly and didn't give Watson any chance to continue talking: "I'm not like you. I'm prone to getting into trouble if I'm exposed to the rain for too long."


The rainstorm lasted all night.

When a black shadow appeared on the sea in the distance outside the window, Watson thought he had encountered something. As a result, when the vision gradually became clearer, he discovered that it was several offshore platforms connected together.

“This is Roxon Energy’s territory.”

Beltway sat next to Watson and chewed dried fish: "These guys are the big patrons of our industry. They can do anything to extract oil. But it's a pity that a small team like ours can't pick them up." This level of customer.”

"Come on."

Ghost has been holding vodka all day long: "Isn't Umbrella's lesson enough? I will silence you as soon as the task is completed. And these big companies have people who specialize in doing dirty work. If they really come to us, then It will just be a job with no return.”

Watson ignored the daily quarrels between the two people, and just stared carefully at the lights, equipment and people on the platform with wide eyes. These offshore platforms are very large. At this time, a cargo ship is docked at the other end, allowing several cranes to unload the container cargo on the deck.

In addition to the workers and armed guards on the ground, there were also several patrol helicopters, and the flashing navigation lights were still clearly visible even in the night sky with heavy rain.

This ‘Floating Islands’ is obviously not just for oil exploration.

It also has an arms business, and probably more.

Roxon Energy is actually a local Marvel company, with business scope covering energy, technology, biology, military and society. It has appeared in many Marvel movies in the form of car LOGOs, product prints, and telephone trademarks. However, most of the audience will focus on the actors and the storyline. Only a few fanatics and sophisticated fans will pay attention to it. Study this detail.

In the comics, this company was even one of the accomplices who killed Howard Stark.

Most of the people on board, including the Wolf Pack team, were not allowed to land on the platform, so a few people could only wait in the cabin for the ship to unload so that it could resume its voyage to France.

Looking at the busy offshore platform in front of him, Watson suddenly remembered the "Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain" he had played in his previous life. Players have also established such a huge maritime platform in the game to cultivate their own troops, personnel and technology, and finally send these combat forces to perform combat missions around the world.

Maybe I can try doing this in the future?

Another advantage of offshore platforms is that they are movable. Yes, these things like pocket islands can be moved, although it is very troublesome to pack them up. However, there is no shortage of black technology in the world of American comics. S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carriers can fly into the sky, so it is only natural that offshore platforms can dive.

Thinking too far ahead.

The cooperation between myself and Four Eyes has not even begun yet.

Watson shook his head and took his thoughts back, focusing on some more important matters. He found time yesterday to reorganize Mrs. Viper's memory and discovered some important missing information.

Such as a hidden island.

Since biochemical experiments themselves are against the law and humanity, the Umbrella Group has established many secret research facilities around the world, such as research bases in Antarctica and Rockford Island on the edge of the Antarctic Circle. However, these 'secret facilities' are only for the outside world, and the internal senior managers are relatively clear about this.

When the protective umbrella completely collapses, these research bases will also become the objects of competition for many forces.

In Mrs. Viper's memory, there is still a small island that has never been disclosed to the public.

Even the Red Queen's console doesn't have this content.

This nameless island belongs entirely to Mrs. Viper herself, and it is the most secluded of her many safe houses. And the island has enough space to meet the experimental needs of Four long as he can solve the equipment and energy problems required for the experiment.

The few pieces of hard drive data left behind by Mrs. Viper provided a solution: Either he could plunder equipment and raw materials from other bases of the Umbrella Company, or he could use the drawings and data to find a trustworthy person to manufacture them.

If only I could become Lady Viper.

For the first time, Watson began to feel that the upgrade speed of his black light virus was too slow. If he could now mimic the appearance of Mrs. Viper, he would even consider facing Hydra in disguise and then break into them.

‘Mrs. Hydra’ is exciting to think about.

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