The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 82 The 4-eyed lady told the truth

The beautiful rising sun did not last long.

Large, thick gray clouds covered the sky, and soon it started to rain. Residents hurrying back from outside the town filled the streets, creating the illusion of a festival. Many people without umbrellas simply huddled in their cars and listened to music and chatted. When passing by, they could still hear folk music from the car radio.

Tomorrow is the day when the wolf pack team sets off.

The Black Hawk helicopter, which was actually gifted by Peggy Carter, will be disassembled, packed and shipped to Europe through a secret channel of logistics providers. Several members of the Wolf Pack team will also board a cargo ship and cross the Atlantic Ocean directly to Ruper's home country.

Then launch a direct attack on Umbrella's Paris headquarters.

After such an out-of-control tragedy as the Raccoon City Incident, the Umbrella Company was unable to conceal the truth from government-level national organizations, so it was only a matter of time before it was completely over. Today's Umbrella is like a piece of fish on the chopping board. When the kitchen knife will be chopped off depends only on whether the federal government, which has the evidence, is fully prepared.

Of course, the "federal government" mentioned here, in addition to the major local families, also includes Hydra who are eager to put an end to this incident.

So the Wolfpack must act quickly.

But Watson did not focus mainly on action. For him, he only needed to be responsible for destroying the opponent's resistance. What Watson is really thinking about is how to build a power of his own.

It is really difficult for a person to move forward.

After reviewing the previous events, Watson had to admit that without the help of leaders or individuals of several major forces such as Master Ancient One, Director Carter, and Batwoman Brucey, it would have been impossible for him to solve the problem so smoothly.

Being alone is only for gods.

This is indeed a world that advocates personal force. If you have cosmic power and can easily annihilate a planet and destroy a powerful civilization, then you can really be a lone ranger with peace of mind.

But Watson is far from that strong now.

Without the destructive infection of the black light virus, he didn't even think he could beat the Hulk.

Watson was forced to temporarily put aside the salty and decadent thinking of the homeboy Gerry to formally face this difficult problem. He does not have the kind of system that comes standard with time travellers, and he will not give himself power, wealth, subordinates, and weapons out of thin air.

Even loyalty cannot be guaranteed.

Even if it is to recruit a scientist, Watson cannot simply recruit the person and then leave the person there to mature the research and development of the technology tree like a game.

Watson must treat every matter and process carefully. Even if he wants to study the black light virus on his body, he must be careful whether any of his subordinates will leak the information, so that the enemy can master the method of dealing with him.

Who can say for sure about betrayal?

Even Captain America Steve and Iron Man Tony will have to stand on opposite sides due to conflicting positions. That is to say, the consequences of Thanos' snap of his fingers in "Avengers 3" were too tragic, otherwise it is unknown whether the two men can take the initiative to reconcile.

Touched the hard drives in his hand.

This contains all the research data and results of the Umbrella Group over the years. Mrs. Viper originally wanted to escape Raccoon City and rely on this data to make a comeback, but she did not expect that Watson would be advantaged in the end.

Perhaps AI is the most reliable.

Watson thought to himself that the fourth person in the wolf team was a virology expert who was obsessed with scientific research. Maybe he should get in touch with him. Although Siyan is a woman, she has no normal emotional thinking at all, and she doesn't even care about moral principles.

In a nutshell, she is a mad scientist.

Although the other party had a physical relationship with Luper, Watson felt that Four Eyes did this just to protect his right to collect various samples on the battlefield and study the virus privately.

I just don't know why this woman didn't choose to stay in the laboratory. The game information of "Operation Raccoon City" did not explain this clearly, but simply mentioned the description of "a mad scientist who lacks common sense".

After thinking carefully all night, Watson realized that compared to other forces on the earth, he did not have as obvious an advantage as he imagined. He must rely on other "cheating methods" to ensure that his power is free from negative factors such as betrayal, civil strife, and mediocrity.

The so-called "cheating methods" are alien technology.

Perhaps in the future, when he fully masters the full mimicry ability of the black light virus, he can secretly control other forces by devouring the original owner's disguise, such as transforming into "Mrs. Viper" and returning to Hydra. But as far as the current situation is concerned, acquiring alien technology is the simplest and most direct means of development.

How to go to space, that is the question.

Moreover, the black light virus should be able to directly learn the language and knowledge of alien races by devouring and absorbing it, just like it does with earthlings, right? Watson looked at his palms a little uncertainly. He really hadn't had the chance to do this kind of thing before.


"What now?"

"Turn it two degrees to the right and get a feel for it."

"and then?"

“If it feels right, shoot.”


The beer bottle that was hung as a target five hundred meters away swayed, as if it had been blown by the wind passing by the bullet. But the shot was a complete failure for Watson, who missed his target.

"If you went to the battlefield, you would have been shot in the head by now, Pretty boy." The ghost sitting on the ammunition box next to him raised the vodka bottle and took a sip: "The enemy will not give you so much time to aim."

Watson, lying at his feet, said nothing and continued to aim with the sniper M14.


The ghost suddenly smashed the empty vodka bottle in his hand to the ground, making a loud cracking sound. He was trying to distract Watson. This was also a part of sniper training. On the battlefield, there was no guarantee that a shell would explode next to him.

If you are not mentally stable, you will miss the shot, and if you miss the shot, you will die.

Seeing that Watson had no reaction and didn't even shake his body, the ghost took the last bottle of vodka from his feet with satisfaction and opened it. The transparent wine was poured into his mouth.


Gunfire rang out again.

The ghost picked up the telescope hanging on his chest and took a look. This time the wine bottle was broken. He looked down at Watson and raised his eyebrows: "Not bad, but you still have to try to be faster."

"Then let's hang up 10 more bottles."

Watson stood up.


Ghost grabbed Watson's shoulders and dragged him back: "What you need is continuous practice to develop shooting skills, just like running exercise. Running 1 laps in one day is different from running 100 laps every day for 10 days. Two outcomes, do you understand?"

"But don't we have nothing to do today?" Watson put the M14 on his shoulders. He tilted his head slightly to the right, trying to stay away from the ghost's mouth full of alcohol.

"Who said that? Isn't drinking a serious business?"

The Russian man slapped Watson on the shoulder hard: "Tonight we are going to have a good fight. If a man can't drink well, then he is not worthy of being called a man, you know? You and Bertha were flirting with each other in the pub a few days ago. Don’t worry, I was afraid of being hacked by that woman, so I didn’t say anything to you..."

You can really say such cowardly things with confidence.

Watson rolled his eyes.

An hour later, Willie's Bar.

Sitting next to Beltway who was covered in sweat, there was a circle of empty vodka bottles piled at Watson's feet. He drank it all by himself, and there was another pile at Fatty's place. The shirtless ghost was sitting opposite, trying to beat three with his drinking capacity.

This guy is really tough.

In the first wave, he drank over the weakest Victor, and now Beltway is shaking so hard that he can't sit still, and it looks like he's about the same. Sure enough, after downing another bottle of vodka, the fat man from Puerto Rico lay back and fell completely unconscious.

"Cлeдyющnn (next)!"

The ghost shouted excitedly in Russian, holding the wine bottle and pointing at Watson: "The Japanese have fallen, the Federals have fallen, and now it's your turn, German! Come! Accept my challenge!"

Watson continued to roll his eyes and slapped the cap off the bottle of vodka in his hand.

Ten minutes later.

The German team won the match.

Watson turned his head and saw Michela on the side shaking her wine glass. She was still slumped in the arms of a French mature woman with her eyes blank. This scene seemed to replay the history of a few days ago, even the clothes were exactly the same.

Seeing the birth of the champion, Michela, who is also from Germany, was stunned for a few seconds, then put down his glass and started applauding. Luper glanced at Watson before he reacted, and also echoed: "That's amazing! Our wolf pack's wine barrel is going to be replaced this time!"

After slapping her hands twice, she felt that Four Eyes should also participate in the celebration, but no matter how Luper shouted, the drunk woman had no reaction. In desperation, the French mature woman simply patted her face gently with her hand, simulating the sound of a slap.

The scene was extremely embarrassing.

Watson looked around the tavern. There were not as many customers this time as last time, and Wade Wilson, the guy with a weird brain, did not appear. This is a good thing, after all, the famous Mr. Deadpool is a troublemaker.

And like Loki, he's a bi(crossed out) pansexual.

He really didn't want to deal with this person.


It didn't take long before there were a few drunkards in the motel again tonight. Since all the men except Watson were in pieces, the drinking party ended quickly. After briefly saying goodbye to Michela, Watson walked out and began to go back downstairs to his room.

But he immediately met Si Yan who was leaning against the railing to sober up in the corridor.

The door behind her was open, and a few pieces of clothing were scattered on the floor. He must have run out while Luper was taking a shower.

Watson actually wanted to have a conversation with Four Eyes today, because among the entire wolf team, it seemed that this short-haired woman had never had any serious verbal communication with him. But this can't be entirely blamed on Watson. After all, Four Eyes has hardly been completely awake since arriving in this town.

As an otaku in his previous life, Watson was very familiar with Si Yan's expression as if he had stayed up late to become an immortal. There is no way to have normal communication at all, so let’s wait until we have the opportunity next time.

"good evening."

After simply saying this, Watson planned to walk directly past Siyan.

But he didn't expect that Si Yan suddenly grabbed his left arm with force.

Looking back with a blank expression, Watson thought this woman might be drunk and crazy. Sure enough, her face covered by short hair was full of alcohol. She looked at Watson with confused eyes, leaned her head over and said:

"You...are not human..."

Watson's right shoulder muscles tensed momentarily.

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