After all, Samael failed to fly again.

When the ax blade cut along the center of the two horns for the third time, half of the fallen angel's body lying on the floor finally stopped moving. A roar sounded from nowhere and echoed from the ceiling of the church, sounding full of hatred and malice.

Hundreds of years of hard work were ruined. How could this not make Samael furious?

It has placed a heavy bet on this coming.

Unlike manifesting a weak clone in the human world, descending requires you to completely overcome the powerful body and strength of your own body in another dimension, so it is inevitable to invest a considerable amount of soul energy. This failure greatly damaged my vitality. If I had to wait for natural recovery, it might not take nearly a thousand years.

Of course, if the lords of hell knew about this, they would definitely applaud this guy for daring to invade the territory of the ancient mage, and then gloat over it as it crumbled... Although Samael may not know that the ancient wizard one.

But no matter what, it can no longer return to Silent Hill without anyone noticing.

Watson stood up slowly.

Holding the handle of the ax with both hands, he looked more like an evil spirit than an evil spirit. He was so frightened that the cultists next to him shrank back desperately, and no one dared to speak at all.

After scanning the area for several times, the mages confirmed that the evil god's power had completely disappeared under the action of the dispersing magic circle. Fortunately, Watson acted quickly and ended the battle before they ran out of mana. Otherwise, if it dragged on any longer, Master Hamil would have to open a portal to pull in support.

"So I'm making soy sauce again?"

Reaching out to take the weapon, Uncle Hamill looked a little unhappy. Sharp eyes turned around on the cultists, hoping that one of them would jump out and take action without fear of death. He watched for a while and asked Watson in a low voice: "What are we going to do with these people?"

If these madmen are left alone, they will probably summon another evil god. As for taking them in and providing ideological education and so on... this is obviously taken for granted.

Kama Taj is not a charity organization.

Although the old man didn't say it explicitly, the implication was already obvious.

"I think since we are all adults, we should bear the consequences of what we do. Besides, you don't think they can summon fallen angels by just drawing a totem, do you?"

Watson looked at the cultists: "These people have sacrificed countless innocent lives in the past hundreds of years, and they have done it over several generations. Of course, there will always be a few survivors of this kind of thing. Of the Avengers who have come down, one of them happens to be arriving soon."


Uncle Hamil seemed to be remembering some distant past events, and suddenly became emotional. He didn't even ask the Avenger what was going on.

Watson looked at the other party, suddenly remembered something, and quickly patted Uncle Hamill's arm: "Wait a minute, didn't Master Ancient One tell you how to deal with Silent Hill in the end?"

The old mage smiled and twitched his beard: "She said it's up to you to decide. She will always find you no matter what happens in the end."


Leaving a few mages to collect Samael's body, Watson and Uncle Hamil pushed the door open and walked out of the church. The bloody sky had cleared up at this time, the rotten ground and buildings had returned to their original appearance, and the pungent-smelling white fog once again occupied the town.

"I think I'd better leave quickly."

After taking two puffs, Master Hamil couldn't help but cover his mouth and nose, and said to Watson angrily: "I'm going back now to urge those young men to hurry up. Do you want to go with us?"

"No, I'm waiting for the Avenger here."

"That's okay." The old man said and turned around and walked back.


The heavy door of the church was closed again, leaving Watson standing alone in the wide square. After waiting for a while, he simply returned to the steps and sat down, quietly looking at the foggy scene outside the square.

If this is the first time you see this scene, then Silent Hill can really give people a sense of tranquility and silence. After experiencing the horrifying scenes before, Watson began to feel that this place was not so weird again.

I sat there for more than ten minutes.

The church was quiet.

With Uncle Hamil's efficiency, he should have left here, but no one has come out of the church behind him until now. This building is like a spiritual prison. Even if the door is unlocked, no one is willing to open the door and escape. Even though they watched the beings they worshiped being hacked to death, those cultists still chose to stay where they were.

Although Watson knew that these people would definitely die as long as they were still in Silent Hill, this act of self-abandonment still made him feel a little...familiar.

Wasn't it like this in my previous life?

The sound of gentle footsteps came from far away.

Watson came back to his senses, turned around and saw Alessa walking from the edge of the square with small steps.

"I thought you wouldn't come."

"how could be?"

Hearing Watson's words, the little girl tilted her head and showed an innocent expression: "My current strength is indeed no match for that fallen angel, but since you have dealt with him, I can continue my revenge."

In other words, I'll kill the BOSS and you can bully the soldiers. Is that what you mean?

But Watson was just thinking about it. This was what the two had discussed. And in addition to revenge, Alessa also has another very important thing to do this time:

Seal Silent Hill and give access to Watson.

The two actually talked for a long time in that room at Brookhaven Hospital.

At first, Alessa only thought that the beautiful boy in front of her was a lunatic, and she didn't believe how powerful his so-called 'large group of mages' were. It wasn't until Watson opened his mouth to ask, "Do you have a daughter outside?" that she began to re-examine the other person's identity.

So there was Watson's move to smash the altar totem.

With the altar destroyed, Alessa was able to watch the entire battle.

She realized that the skills used by those "mages" were a completely new field for her. Recalling what Watson said, "Silent Hill will either be destroyed or blocked", Alessa made this decision after careful consideration.

His broken soul was already dying, but Watson at least helped open the door to revenge.

And whether there are other factors involved, only the little girl knows in her heart.

"This is it?"

"This is it."

Watson reached out and took a silver-gray pocket watch, which was a key to the world in Silent Hill. However, this does not mean that the holder can create and control monsters like Alessa, it is just a permission to enter and exit.

According to the little girl, it is difficult for people who have no deep hatred in their hearts to win the favor of Silent Hill. Therefore, Watson must sacrifice enough souls to this simple-thinking consciousness in order to gradually obtain similar permissions.

The fallen angel Samael, who captured the supernatural energy of Silent Hill, has been expelled, and this land no longer needs to capture souls so frequently. Therefore, the little girl will completely drag Silent Hill into the dimension space by sacrificing the souls of the cultists, and no one will be able to enter here without permission.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course I will." Alessa grinned, and her eye sockets suddenly turned dark: "I will not let them die easily. I will use my last strength to make these people regret what they did to me." offense."

"What about your daughter?"

The "daughter" Watson mentioned refers to the plot of the Silent Hill 1 game. The protagonist of the game successfully escapes holding the little baby girl that Alessa condensed with her last strength before she died. After the baby girl grew up, she also visited the place of birth again, and thus began the story of the third generation of Silent Hill.

"You know what? I've seen so many people's pasts over the years."

The darkness in Alessa's eyes dimmed a little. She took Watson's hand and jumped towards the church door like a child coming home from school: "Although most of them are painful, there is still happiness. and a small part of happiness, and this is what I want my daughter to feel to the fullest..."

"If she can live her whole life peacefully in a corner of this world and never have to return to Silent Hill, that will be the happiest thing in my life."

Having said that, the two of them had arrived at the main entrance of the church.

Alessa stopped, turned around and threw herself into Watson's arms and hugged his waist. At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and the shrill air defense sirens sounded again. And this time, the church that lost its power of shelter could not escape the fate of surface rot.

A tall triangular head made of ashes appeared in front of the gate.

"Are you coming in?"

Alessa let go of Watson, she raised her head and showed a cute smile, but the darkness deep in her eyes had begun to burn.

"I have to go." Watson shook his head.


The powerful arms of the triangle head pushed open the door, scaring the panicked cultists inside into retreating.

"That's it, farewell forever, big brother."

The little girl took two steps back, lifted up her skirt, bowed to Watson, and entered the church with one leap. The rotten door slammed shut in front of Watson, shaking ashes everywhere.

I think your daughter is the biggest reason why you are willing to give me this pocket watch.

Watson looked at the silver-gray pocket watch in his hand. There was a photo of Alessa in school uniform on the inside of the opened cover. He heard no more tragic movements from the church, then turned around and slowly left towards the main road of Silent Hill.


After walking for dozens of minutes, Watson found the pickup truck he had driven. He started the engine skillfully, turned the steering wheel full to the left and pressed the accelerator to the bottom. The pickup truck roared onto the road and headed towards a small town more than 200 kilometers away.

The fog on the road was almost too light to see, and the view had never been so clear and clear. The dense mountain forests in the distance are bathed in the afternoon sunshine, showing the green natural scenery before your eyes. Watson lowered the windows on both sides, and a refreshing cool breeze suddenly poured into the car.

A slap hit the radio button, and a rough singing voice came out.

"...But some stupid with a flare gun..."

(But some idiots use flare bullets)

"Burned the place to the ground!"

(Turning the place into a fire scene!)

"Smoke on the water, fire in the sky!"

(Smoke lingers on the water, and the sky is filled with fire!)

Watson whistled happily until his ears sharply picked up an unusual noise coming from the back seat, and he finally reacted.

Crunch! ! !

The brown pickup truck braked suddenly, leaving a long tire mark on the road, and finally came to a reluctant stop. Watson pulled out a short knife and looked toward the back seat, but saw nothing on the seat.

His eyes slowly moved down.

A masked nurse was tied up and stuffed under the seat. As if she felt someone was staring at her, she twisted her body and let out an unexplained whimper. A small playing card hung on the neck covered with black and purple veins, with Alessa's face drawn on it in an extremely child-like style.

Watson didn't have to wonder who did it.

This is simply revenge.

After removing the dirty bandage that wrapped the entire head of the other party, Watson saw the same "model face" with no specific facial features such as eyes, ears, and mouth, only a rough facial outline.

"Can you speak?"

Watson patted the faceless nurse.

However, after waiting for several minutes, the other party was still dumbfounded, twitching from time to time to prove that he could still move. After gesticulating a few times with the knife on the faceless nurse's neck, Watson temporarily gave up the idea of ​​killing her.

There's something weird about this thing.

How could the monsters in Silent Hill run so far on a sunny day?

After thinking for a while, he drove the pickup truck into the grove where he met with the Kama Taj Masters last time, and dialed Master Wang's phone number. Soon, Uncle Hamil, who received the message, walked out of the portal:

"Didn't you say you wouldn't leave with us?"


Watson showed the faceless nurse in his hand to the other party: "I need you to take this guy back to Karma Taj and lock it up. Don't kill it yet. Let's go back and find someone to study it."


Michela had a long dream.

This time it was a sweet dream.

Slowly opening his eyes, he felt his whole body breathing a little easier. An indescribable sense of relief floated in the girl's heart. She sat up from the sofa, trying to find Watson's figure in her field of vision.

But the room was empty.

The girl couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and then she noticed a piece of paper on the coffee table in front of her. There is a small string of beautiful German words written on the paper, and there seems to be half a painting.

Michela grabbed the piece of paper and brought it to her eyes. On it was a drawing of a sleeping woman lying on the sofa. This was undoubtedly her. It's just that the painting is a bit ugly, and you can even see some traces of alteration.

As for the line in German, it goes like this:

Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, I went out and ran around first. I'm sorry for scaring you last night. This painting was made out of boredom last night, but I definitely painted it with my hands seriously, the hands you think of. laughing.


Seeing the last line of words, Michela couldn't help laughing.

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