In the thick fog, the little girl's face was blurred.

She was wearing a shabby dark blue school uniform, and her long hair hanging down to her waist was tied into many bundles and looked a little dirty. As Watson approached step by step, he saw the little girl's petite and cute face clearly. But the other party just stared at him and remained silent.

Watson thought that she might mutate and become some kind of terrifying monster.

Fortunately nothing happened.

Until the distance between the two parties was within a few meters, the other party just looked at him silently.

Watson has no interest in playing the Riddler.

He walked directly past the little girl and walked towards the depths of Silent Hill. But at this moment, the entire town in front of him changed. Large tracts of buildings and roads quickly disappeared like mirages, replaced by a bottomless pit.

Watson knelt down and touched it with his hand.

This pit is real.

He turned around and looked at the little girl. The girl was still standing there, but she stretched out a palm towards him. The way he raised his arms seemed to be calling himself to hold her hand.

After thinking for a while, Watson decided to grab the little girl's hand.

This is not a multiple-choice question that requires too much hesitation.

The moment their palms touched, everything around Watson completely changed. A shrill whine similar to an air raid siren rang through my ears, and the clear day turned into night. The buildings on both sides of the road were just like the ceiling in the motel, with all the walls rotting away, revealing the rusty steel beams inside. skeleton.

Large pieces of ashes began to fall from the sky, and the little girl in front of Watson also shattered with this vision, turning into the same ashes and floating in the air.

Watson turned his head, and the road and buildings behind him returned.

After a brief whine, a long-lasting electric noise replaced it. If you listened carefully, you seemed to be able to hear someone praying in a low voice.

"You want me to follow a standard procedure?"

Watson looked around for a while, then suddenly sneered inexplicably: "Well, I really didn't expect to be able to walk to that church smoothly. It's just... the process may not be what you thought."

I looked at the map in my hand again.

This time the destination was temporarily changed from the church to Brookhaven Hospital.

He wanted to see the little girl's true form.

The fallen angel Samael and his fanatic followers were not the reason why Silent Hill became what it is today. They were just a group of bandits who wanted to occupy and exploit this unclaimed land. The one who truly activated the supernatural power of Silent Hill was the little girl in blue:

Alessa Gillespie.

In the second half of the 20th century, Silent Hill was still a popular town, and the coal mines that were continuously mined returned resources. This ordinary town has slowly grown in size and even has its own playground and sanatorium. The believers of Samael also gradually gained absolute control over the town through hundreds of years of slow development.

Later, Alessa Gillespie was born.

She has shown supernatural talents such as precognition, mind reading, and telekinesis since she was a child, and is therefore considered by the cult to be able to lead the birth of the fallen angel Samael. So when the girl was 7 years old, the cult leader placed a sacred object containing the "breath of the spirit" into the girl's body and tried to burn her to death with a fire to fully activate the sacred object.

Due to the needs of the plot, of course the sacrificial ceremony failed.

Alessa, who was severely burned all over her body, was secretly sent to Brookhaven Hospital. Since the sacred objects in her body could no longer be removed, the cult leader did not dare to kill her directly, so he had to hand the girl over to the care of a trusted doctor.

During this period, the overwhelming hatred in Alessa's heart became more and more powerful, and finally merged with the supernatural power accumulated by Silent Hill for hundreds of years. Not only did she create this hellish dimension, she also set fire to the underground coal mine to punish the ignorant people in the town who had embraced the cult.

Silent Hill has completely turned into a ghost town because of this.

Whether it's the "Silent Hill" movie or the game, Brookhaven Hospital is basically a must-go for the protagonists. There they will come into contact with the girl Alessa and gradually learn the truth about Silent Hill.

Revenge against the fallen angel Samael and his group of fanatics has always been the dream of the girl Alessa. Watson originally wanted to go straight to the point and rush into the church to eliminate the group of guys with little fighting ability, but for some unknown reason...

The little girl Alesha asked him to come and meet her in person.

Otherwise, throw Watson back into the real world.

At the moment when the two hands held each other's hands, Watson clearly felt the little girl's thoughts.

After touching the positioning spell on his arm, Watson gave up the idea of ​​summoning Master Hamil now. The mages of Karma Taj are generally low in mana (i.e., mana reserves), so it is better to use them all in the work of dispelling the fallen angel Samael.


Walked a few streets along the way.

Watson saw a tall figure walking on the road ahead.

It was about 3 meters tall, wearing a leather apron that was dragged to the ground; its naked, strong upper body was covered in blood. On its head, it wears a weird triangular helmet. The front end of this helmet is very long. Watson visually estimated that it can exceed 1 meter when it stands up.

The monster was dragging a butcher knife that was almost as long as its height in its hand, and was slowly approaching here with stiff steps like a puppet.

Triangle head.

This is probably one of the most famous monsters in the "Silent Hill" series.

"I think you might be mistaken."

Watson moved a short distance left and right and found that the triangle head was indeed coming towards him, so he opened his mouth to talk to the other party. He thought that maybe by doing this, the little girl Alessa who was driving the monster behind the scenes would hear:

"If you are really a monster born from the dark side of my heart, then you should look like a woman, with a bust big enough to suffocate me alive; and your lower body will not be so tightly dressed, at least it will be slit. On the thigh.”

Hearing Watson's words, Triangle Head seemed to be irritated.

It quickly took two steps forward, picked up the sword and slashed at Watson with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops. A strong gust of wind swept by the blade came towards him, but Watson was calm in his heart and avoided the blade with a slight twist.

Two steps on the wall.

Watson's body rose in mid-air, with two T-shaped swords already in his hands. The triangle head in front of him was still trying to pull back the heavy and long knife, but its target had already launched an attack in turn.

The instant sprint ability of the black light virus is no different from teleportation in this kind of close combat. The moment the sword was aimed at the target, Watson disappeared from mid-air and rushed to the ground a few meters away.

Two clean scars appeared on the triangle-headed waist.

The reason why I say "clean" is because this guy's body doesn't have much blood at all. It paused, then took two steps back and swung the blade again. However, in Watson's opinion, the opponent's speed is even slower than the various models of tyrants in Raccoon City.

It's a pity that the two samurai swords given by Brucey were broken.

Otherwise, the blow just now might break its spine.

Holding both swords, Watson launched again, this time aiming at the opponent's knees. The blade that was slashed at him cut across the side of his cheek, carrying a strong smell of rust and blood. With the reaction speed of the triangle head, it is obviously impossible to prevent Watson from approaching the body from the blind spot of its attack.

At this moment, Watson is completely integrated with Clockwork Man.

He twisted his body like a gymnast, and the sword blade cut through Triangle Head's left knee one after another; Watson's left leg on the ground endured huge pressure, causing his body to rotate on the spot, two The sword blades were aimed at the target again and slashed out in staggered directions.

The sudden loss of mobility caused Triangle Head to half kneel on the ground.

Before it could straighten up, Watson's feet were already on the opponent's shoulders. He kicked hard on the back of the triangular head. This blow was of course blocked by the huge triangular helmet, but even so, the monster's head tilted forward due to the impact.

This is what Watson has been waiting for.

The two T-shaped swords were like scissors, passing through the neck at the gap in the huge triangular helmet, and then cut back instantly with the help of powerful muscle power. The force fed back from the sword body made Watson understand that he had indeed hit something.

With a dull sound, the triangle head fell to the ground.

"When we meet again later..."

Watson jumped off its broad back and stretched his wrist: "I hope you can change your appearance. I remember those nurses who have no faces but great figures are good. You can bring a whole car over. I I promise not to hurt them..."


The triangular head that had been holding up the corpse just now suddenly moved, and a big palm like a cattail leaf grabbed Watson.

Watson responded with a string of tentacles.

As the foreign object penetrated the body, the movements of the triangular head suddenly froze, and the whole body twitched like a stroke. An unprecedented cold feeling entered Watson's mind, and then his vision blurred.

He saw countless faces.

The creatures represented by those faces have completely passed away. These people of different ages and identities have thousands of emotions, all of which impact Watson's soul at this moment. Of course, the slow passage of time has made these emotions extremely mild.

But it still left Watson in a trance.

After an unknown amount of time, he regained consciousness and found that there was nothing left of the triangular head in front of him.

Except for a giant triangular helmet.

Watson covered his forehead and sat down on the empty street, recalling the short but long dream just now. He seemed to be transformed into a triangular head, carrying a butcher knife and killing one life after another. Those hideous and terrifying faces seemed to be integrated with the group of zombies in Raccoon City, silently wailing at themselves.

The picture in his mind continued to accelerate backwards, to the federal New York of 1990, to the Karma Taj of 1945, and finally returned to normal in the experimental cabin of the secret underground base of Hydra in Heidelberg.

All of this has unknowingly turned into a third perspective.

He saw his former self, the 13-year-old boy named Armendo Taxner, being tied up in an experimental cabin and being tortured by experimental chemicals. The beautiful face was bleeding from all the orifices and the canthus was cracked. Dr. Haynes, the female assistant and a group of soldiers outside the cabin had numb faces.

Until he woke up completely from the dream, Watson had no idea who this triangle head was. It was as if the other party had been addicted to killing and completely forgotten himself.

He stood up and walked forward, flipping open the huge triangular helmet on the ground with his feet. There is a head-shaped depression at the rear of the side of the helmet, which is obviously designed to accommodate the head, but the inner surface of this depression...

It's all densely packed with spikes.

After a moment of silence, Watson put away his swords and continued walking towards the hospital. Not long after he left, Alessa, who had disappeared, suddenly appeared next to the helmet. The little girl looked at the helmet silently, then suddenly raised a foot and kicked it several times.


No monsters appeared along the way.

Watson walked all the way to Brookhaven Hospital, which is a quite large building with the atmosphere of the 1970s and 1980s. But under this hellish scarlet sky, any ordinary building looks a lot like a haunted house or a horror asylum.

Gently pushing open the heavy double wooden door.

The sight that greeted him was completely unexpected, with dirty floors, broken tables and chairs, and dried stains—perhaps blood. There are a few broken light strips scattered on the ceiling near and far, emitting flickering light from poor connections from time to time. .

Watson took a flashlight from his belt and hung it on his collar.

The advantage of night vision enhanced by the black light virus is still great. In this situation, there is actually no need to use a flashlight at all. However, in order to prevent the lights from suddenly turning off in the room, it is better to prepare in time.

Closing the door gently, Watson shook his head and walked deeper into the hall.

The noise around me, like a broken radio, became more obvious at some point. The rotten corridor spreads all the way into the depths, as if there is some unpredictable existence there.



Holding the two T-shaped swords and gently dancing them in his hands, Watson suddenly hummed a song. His volume was not loud, and it was basically covered in the loud noise, but it didn't matter, Watson was just humming to himself.

And a certain little girl.

"Is anyone here? If you can hear me just nod..."

"Is anyone home?"

It happened that just as he was humming this sentence, there was a sound of heavy footsteps coming from the corner of the corridor. This was obviously the sound of some kind of large-tonnage creature stepping on the ground.

"Come on...I hear you're frustrated..."

There was no pause in the rhythm of humming, and Watson continued to move forward unhurriedly. Finally, after more than ten seconds, a huge figure slowly walked out of the corner.

This is a big fat guy.

No matter how ugly the bloody face is, the women's stockings worn by the other party alone are enough for any normal person to call him a "pervert". What's even more outrageous is that this guy is not wearing anything else.

The big fat man noticed the person in front of him, so he started to approach with his hands half raised.

Watson lowered his body and launched a sprint, directly cutting off one side of the opponent's knee joint. Taking advantage of the target's loss of balance, he used the trick he used against the triangle head again, launched a running kick from behind the opponent, and kicked the big fat man's neck bone hard.

There was a muffled sound.

"The heaviest I used to be was less than 65 kilograms."

The big fat man turned sideways and fell to the ground. The other intact knee joint was also destroyed by Watson in the next second: "And I am almost 1.8 meters tall. You are doing this just to disgust me."

Leaving the guy crawling on the ground, Watson quickened his pace and walked deeper into the hospital.

There are nothing more than weird, clumsy enemies along the way that can't even stop Watson. However, killing these things would not bring any benefit to his conversation with Alyssa, so he had no intention of wasting time on them.

Watson goes on a rampage in the hospital.

Finding keys, searching for clues and solving puzzles is what the protagonists do, and they don't need to do this at all. Nowadays, most of the building materials in the entire hospital have decayed to the point where only the skeleton is left. When encountering a door that cannot be opened, Watson will directly violently break it.

He even knocked down a few walls.

The navigation map studded on the wall was directly removed by Watson with his sword. As a news reporter in his previous life, his pathfinding skills were quite good, and he found the entrance in ten minutes.

Go down the stairs and come to what looks like an emergency room.

The walls on both sides were lined with rusty stretcher beds, all covered with a layer of medical plastic sheeting, and the surface was covered with dirty stains. Judging from the raised shape, it was obvious what kind of creature was placed on it.

And sitting in the open space near the center was a slender woman.

That's a female nurse.

The uniform she was wearing was already dirty, but it didn't cover up her hot figure. The nurse's uniform with an open neckline seemed to have been deliberately cut a few inches shorter, revealing her long legs like a stage performance design.

However, the nurse's face was wrapped in layers of bandages.

She didn't reveal any facial features at all, which made people wonder how she could recognize objects. At this time, the masked nurse seemed to have heard Watson's movement at the door. She slowly straightened up and walked towards this side with stiff steps like a puppet.

Watson slowed silently.

The strange movement that was originally obscured by the noise of electricity was completely gone now. The masked nurse's forward movement seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, and she stopped on the road while maintaining a strange arm-swinging posture.

it is as expected.

She only reacts to obviously abnormal light sources and sounds.

Watson gently retracted his steps and approached the other party until the distance between the two parties was reduced to close to the body, and even the black and purple blood vessels on his neck were clearly visible. However, the masked nurse still made no move and allowed him to wander around.

She only occasionally twitched like a twitch.

The range is a bit large.

Alessa, aren’t you tired of watching this yet?

Looking at this uniquely charming female monster, Watson thought for a while, and decided to use a more exaggerated method this time to completely destroy the little girl Alesha's voyeuristic interest.

"I can relieve your pain..."

Watson, who had been quiet for a while, suddenly continued humming the unfinished song just now. But before he could finish humming the lyrics, the kitchen knife in the masked nurse's hand flashed with cold light and stabbed Watson's head accurately.


The T-shaped swords in Watson's hands had already been put back on his back. He mistakenly caught the masked nurse's wrist with his wrong hand, twisted the back of his palm hard, and the kitchen knife in the other person's hand fell to the ground with a clang.

This cannot be blamed on the nurse sister.

After all, the hilt of the knife didn't grow on her hand.

Watson grabbed the nurse's shoulders and dragged the masked nurse forward. The opponent's hands and feet were already clumsy, not to mention that it was difficult to stand firmly in high heels, so he could only be half-carried and swayed around.

" cheer you up again."

Continuing to hum the next line of lyrics, Watson actually took the arm of the masked nurse and started dancing the tango. He increased his strength appropriately to prevent the mentally disturbed and violent woman in his arms from breaking free from the grip.

The masked nurse instinctively wanted to break free.

But her feet were already off the ground.

Watson's dance moves were fast and steady, and before she knew it, the masked nurse had been carried around in circles. The two of them walked all the way from the entrance to the big room to the elevator door, and then he pushed the nurse out with a classic finishing move, and then took one of the other's arms and pulled her back into his arms.

The action is pretty standard.

It's a pity that the circle of corpses around them won't applaud.

"Okay, now let's give it a shot! You shouldn't feel..."


A miserable scream came out of Watson's mouth. He kept hugging the masked nurse and raised his head high. The eyes under the dim light were almost split open, just like the former owner of the body before his death in 1944, Little Almendo.

Watson shouted so loudly for the first time in his life.

The vocal cords vibrated so hard that the whole neck was shaking, and the painful screams from it echoed in the large room and spread far through the broken walls. He seemed to be pouring all the pain he had suffered into this scream.

By the time Watson lowered his head again, his eyeballs were already red.

The masked nurse in her arms had stopped moving, just standing there. Watson leaned into the other person's ear and softly read the next lyrics: "You might feel a little pain."

Yes, Watson was not injured.

When the song he was humming came to the last line, he was originally going to scream. In addition to satisfying the occasional bad taste, Watson also deliberately showed it to the little girl.

When I turned around and saw Alessa's clone...

Watson knew he had done the right thing.

"What? No more procedures?" Standing up in his arms, the masked nurse who was as stiff as a wooden pole, Watson looked at the little girl Alessa approaching him and spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

Alessa said nothing.

She ran up and kicked Watson on the calf, then grabbed his wrist and walked toward the elevator.

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