The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 68 "Thank you for coming to me"

There was no time to see what the tyrant Talos was like after being blown up.

The whole person has been flying up in the shock wave.

The body knocked over a wooden telephone pole and stopped when it hit a second one. This would normally hurt, but Watson couldn't feel anything at this point. His body, which had been able to be controlled just now, had no feedback at all, and he could hardly move.

My spine is broken?

This is the first time Watson has experienced this special moment in a sober state. He was unaware of the changes taking place in his body at this time. He only felt that it was most likely damaged by the explosion shock wave and collision, and it would take some time to repair.

Perhaps he should be thankful that Watson is fully clothed at the moment.

The entire body under the combat uniform has completely changed, and the skin has temporarily returned to its original blood-red filaments; countless muscles and nerve fibers are undergoing decomposition, regeneration, and connection. The limbs shook erratically as they began to adapt to the new structure.

I really made a mistake.

I didn't expect that smoking a "gorilla" would have such a serious reaction, but those people didn't know what I had done, so the result was acceptable.

Just...give me a few more minutes.

Watson, who was paralyzed on the ground, slowly turned his eyes and watched two B-2 bombers passing overhead. Their fuselages were as long and graceful as the necks of black swans. Watson could vaguely see several bomb bays in the belly of the plane slowly closing. It seemed that the bombing mission had been completed.

But it seems like such a big guy shouldn’t fly so low, right?

At this time, the sky was already vaguely illuminated by the light of dawn, the stars were disappearing one by one, and the light blue curtain was slowly spreading. Someone seemed to be calling his name in the earphones, but Watson's ears had not yet recovered basic functions and he couldn't tell whether the voice was male or female.

The picture in front of me suddenly shook.

A large cloud of black dust rose up from the edge of his vision, mixed with a small amount of dazzling firelight. This was just a bomb that detonated successfully, but in Watson's eyes it was like a war scene with the sound turned off on the screen. He was clearly in it, but it was filled with a sense of absurd distance.

Several F-111 fighter-bombers passed by at low altitude, kicking up a stream of sand particles that covered his mask.

It felt like being buried alive.

A figure appeared in front of him. Looking from the bottom up... he was a zombie who had narrowly escaped the bombing. Watson wanted to laugh a little, because when this zombie with clumsy legs and feet bent down towards him, his posture was as if he was kneeling down to his biological father.

The next moment, blood flowers bloomed on its forehead.

Before the dirty saliva mixed with the virus could drip from the corner of his mouth, the zombie leaned back and disappeared from Watson's sight. A familiar pair of dark gray military boots and kneepads appeared, and then a few more yellow bullet casings fell from above.

It's Michela.

She tugged at her collar, and Watson guessed that the mouth behind the mask was talking to her. Unfortunately, not only can he not hear anything clearly now, but the vocal cords in his throat have also temporarily lost the ability to produce sounds.

You don't have to be like this, I can't die, really.

If possible, Watson really wants to say this. But now he could only let Michela drag his body, and the images in his field of vision kept receding. Several zombies approached and were shot down by a barrage of bullets.

A Licker rushed forward.

The picture in his eyes flickered back, and Watson realized that he had been put down by Michela. He turned his eyes desperately and could only see some images at the edge of his vision. There was a pink tongue wrapped around Michela's arm, which was obviously attacked by the licker's tongue.

Her sword skills are still so sharp.

The licker finally appeared in Watson's sight. Its long tongue had been cut off. At this time, the monster raised its claws high and wanted to chop off the head of the woman in front of him.

But its own head was hit by a machete first.

The Licker's body tumbled and flew several meters away. After the fight ended, Michela didn't even have time to pick up the machete. She quickly returned to Watson and threw him into the back seat of the Hummer like a sack.

Luper, the co-pilot, turned around and glanced at Watson. Four Eyes, who was beside him, was holding the steering wheel with one hand and holding her M4 carbine against the window to fire. The machine gun position in the center of the Humvee was riding on a conspicuous prosthetic leg. That's Beltway's unique distinguishing feature.

Most of the Wolfpack team is here.

As for Michela, who got on the bus last, Watson had no idea what she was doing due to the obstruction of her vision. It wasn't until a pair of hands took off the helmet of the secret combat uniform that the vision of his eyes was completely liberated.

The two of them were very close.

Watson realized that he had never had the opportunity to look at Michela so closely before.

She was still wearing the cold gas mask, but on the small piece of neck exposed at the collar, a few red scars were so eye-catching. The short hair looked a bit rough due to lack of care, and the golden hair color was also slightly mottled.

The roots of her hair were completely soaked with sweat, and her plump breasts were rising and falling violently. It was obvious that the series of actions just now put a lot of burden on her body.

This is really embarrassing.

This idea suddenly came to my mind, not from Michela in front of me, but from Watson himself. He had a clear memory of the details of the previous battle. He was covered in blood, and he was blown away by the blast wave and rolled on the gravel ground so many times...

I must be completely dirty now.

Watson could feel that the touch of his body was returning to normal little by little, which filled him with so much joy that he half-deliberately ignored the apprehension that quietly emerged in his heart.

He inexplicably didn't want to explore why he felt this way at that moment.

"'s okay..."

Watson struggled to squeeze out a few words from his throat, and his ears and vocal cords that were temporarily offline were slowly returning, but he was not sure whether his volume was received by Michela in front of him.

I don’t know whether he understood Watson’s lip movements or whether the palms covering his chest felt obvious fluctuations. Michela, who was as motionless as a sculpture, finally relaxed his body at this moment. The girl curled up and leaned back on the front seat. The not-so-large space meant that she could only draw her knees up to her chest.

This look is no longer threatening at all.

"We're getting there!"

Luper's voice came from the front seat. She turned around and looked at Watson, who was already moving his hands and feet: "Are you okay? Someone was eager to find you before the bombing was over. We have to return the car to those soldiers now. .”

Anyone can taste the teasing tone in her words.

"Yeah, hunk."

Beltway, who was in the machine gun position, bent down and shouted his nickname for Watson: "I have to call you Superman now. You actually carried two knives to fight that big guy! For God's sake, If I were a woman, I would fall in love with you too hahahaha!"

After saying this, the Hummer happened to have just stopped, and he straightened up immediately.

As if he was afraid of the sudden attack of Bertha at his feet, the fat man flexibly propped himself up and climbed up to the roof of the car from the machine gun hatch. Immediately afterwards, the car body suddenly lightened up, and Beltway appeared a few meters away with a mean running motion.

Watson turned around and saw that Luper and Siyan in the front row had also left at some point. For a while, he and Michela were the only two people left in the Hummer.

"Thank you for coming to me."

While expressing his gratitude to Michela, Watson picked up the fallen helmet. Those soldiers and agents were standing outside now, and he didn't want anyone to see his appearance.

"The Heinzwafen family will always be your allies."

When this sentence suddenly came out, Michelle straightened her waist and stretched out her hand to open the car door.


Watson called out her name, and the girl stopped and slowly turned around. But the gas mask she wore on her face made it difficult for Watson to understand the other person's expression and demeanor at this time.

"I will never ask you to do anything for this reason again." Watson looked at the two single-lens eyepieces on the gas mask: "Do you still remember what I told you back then?"

"...What happened next?"

Seeing that Michela still responded with silence, Watson took the initiative to ask another question: "Is Hydra back again? Or is our plan at that time discovered..."

"That has nothing to do with you."

Michela finally spoke, interrupting Watson with a slightly heavy tone: "Stop talking."

His sensitive hearing caught the ups and downs at the end of the sentence, and Watson could tell that her mood was not stable at this time. But after waiting for a long time, I only heard one sentence from the girl.

There was a hint of hoarseness in the words.

"Nice to see you again, Watson."

Michela lowered her head gently, her throat rose and fell several times, but in the end she said nothing more. The girl pushed the door open and got out of the car. When her feet hit the ground, she turned back again: "And... thank you for coming to me."

After saying this, she walked towards her teammates in the distance without looking back.


On the edge of the fiery horizon, a red sun was slowly rising. This morning light stung his eyes, and Watson even had the illusion of watching a nuclear explosion.

Sporadic gunfire still sounded from the position.

The bomber formation attack called by the ensign had remarkable results, successfully destroying most of the infected people and biochemical weapons, including Tyrant Talos. The remaining "lucky ones" became the targets of target practice for soldiers and agents.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back with us?"

On the roof of the four-story building, Dugan Dugan held a cigar in his mouth and asked Watson beside him: "Director Carter is so old, I have never seen anyone who can make her particularly considerate, except for Steve You are the only husband, and none of her nieces are treated like this."

After saying this, Captain Dugan took out the flat metal flask from his arms and took a sip, then laughed out loud: "Do you know what she said to me at that time?" If Watson If you need a bomber, just send it to him, hahaha..."

"I'm not the right person to be in SHIELD, Dugan."

Watson smiled and shook his head: "You should know the reason very well."


Captain Dugan looked at the wreckage of the electromagnetic gun in the distance and sighed softly: "In 1944, the guys we had still had wooden butts. But look at that thing, the world has changed so fast. "

"There are still some things that haven't changed, like the war itself."

"Yeah...damn, you're right."

After pouring another large gulp of whiskey into his mouth, Captain Dugan brought the cigar to his mouth and took a puff, his eyes half-closed comfortably. At this time, the cold and ruthless temperament of the agent was gone in him, and it was replaced by...

He is a pure old man.

Watson carefully observed the wrinkles on Captain Dugan's face, and the old face of Mrs. Carter came to mind. On this sunrise morning, a comfortable silence filled the rooftops.

Until the sound of the propeller motor approaches.

"Ah, our plane has arrived!"

Captain Dugan squinted his eyes for a while, then turned back to Watson: "So...that's it?"


"By the way, I almost forgot something."

After groping for a while, Captain Dugan took out a box as big as two palms and handed it to Watson: "This is a specially made miniature phone. Director Carter said it would be difficult for her to contact you directly..."

"She and I have been comrades-in-arms for decades, I can tell." Looking into Watson's eyes, perhaps because he drank more than half a bottle of wine, the old man's attitude was very sincere: "Carter has been lonely for most of his life, so If you have time in the future..."

"Talk to her more, okay? After all...she doesn't have much time left."


The scene of more than a dozen Black Hawk helicopters taking off was quite spectacular.

Watson and the Wolfpack team on the ground also returned to their vehicle, which was a Black Hawk helicopter equipped with two auxiliary fuel tanks. The maximum range of more than 2 kilometers is enough for the wolf team to fly across the Colorado border and contact their own transportation channels.

Yes, Watson is leaving with the Wolf Pack.

After observing Michela's performance along the way, he felt that there was a big problem.

It was not Watson's intention to sleep directly from 1990 to 1997. He knew that he had missed many things. For example, the 1992 vibranium theft incident in the Marvel series "Black Panther" and the 1995 Skrull incident in "Captain Marvel".

Nowadays, something has obviously happened in the Heinzwafen family, and it may have something to do with herself, but for some reason, Michela doesn't want to reveal it.

But Watson hates such ambiguity.

He wanted to know why.

The two of them had known each other for a long time, and there was something obviously wrong with Michela's somewhat inexplicable and even inconsistent attitude. If the changes in the Heinzwafen family really have something to do with him, or even with Hydra...

Well, no matter what, Watson doesn't want to stay out of it.

The conversation with captain Luper went well, and several members of the Wolfpack squad voted directly in favor. But Michela was stunned for a moment when she heard the news, and then remained silent from beginning to end.

Luper asked her to show her approval by raising her right hand.

Under the gaze of the team members, Michela only raised his right hand for less than half a second. Then she stood up directly and climbed into the cabin of the Black Hawk helicopter first. Beltway raised his arms in an attempt to coax, but was immediately forced to lower his body to avoid a flying axe.


"What's up with him?"

Seeing Beltway lying like a dead man in the corner of the cabin, Watson couldn't help but asked curiously. The ghost opposite had taken off his mask at this time, revealing a face of typical Slavic descent. Hearing Watson's words, he raised his eyebrows and replied:

"Ignore him."

After saying this, the ghost began to rummage through the equipment box under the seat: "He will be resurrected when the plane lands."

"Okay, so what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a drink, man!"

I don’t know if it’s because of the end of the battle, but this man who was always silent after putting on a mask is now talking with an inexplicably high interest: “This is why I don’t like the Federals, they don’t put alcohol on their planes! Even beer is good..."

Looking for a drink?

Watson remembered that he still had a few bottles of beer in his bag. This small backpack was usually thrown aside when he was fighting, and he would only come back to pick it up after the battle was over, so everything was still in good condition.

"Go to hell, ghost!"

Beltway, who was pretending to be dead in the corner, suddenly came to life. He raised an international friendly gesture towards the ghost: "You are the only idiots in the world who like to drink vodka during a war!"

"Without vodka, what's the point of living?"

The ghost suddenly became energetic when he saw the bottle of beer that Watson silently handed over. He held the bottle with one hand and opened the bottle cap with a swipe of his hand: "It seems that the lesson I gave you at the wine table last time is still there." Not enough, Federalist."

After saying that, he raised his head, tons, tons, tons, tons...

"Hey! Macho!"

Beltway snapped his fingers, trying to attract Watson's attention: "You should be able to drink well, right?"


"Then it's settled!" The fat man pointed a finger at Watson: "After we land, we will complete a round. You and I are a team, and we will knock that idiot to the floor no matter what!"

"Help me, I can't help you."

Victor, who was cleaning his knife, suddenly said something in Japanese.

This taunt successfully attracted firepower for him. Beltway, who became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, directly changed the muzzle of his gun: "Oh~ Look, look! The cold ninja has appeared! But with all due respect, the sake you have there is , it tastes as light as salt water."

"The fat man is right."

The ghost who had drunk half a bottle of wine joined the battle line: "But let me tell you, the women there are not interesting enough! What was the name of the girl last time? Qingye..."

"Hey! Be careful what you say!"

Beltway pulled off his mask, revealing a big bald head: "The one flying the plane in front now is Si Yan! What if you piss off that Japanese woman?"

"Come on, Four Eyes doesn't care about this!"

The ghost opened another bottle of beer. He turned half of his body towards the cockpit and fired unscrupulously: "Hey! Four Eyes! What do you think we can have a drink alone after landing?"

Si Yan, who was in the driver's seat in front, turned his head when he heard someone calling him.

"I'm coming!"

Beltway was so excited that he sat down next to Watson and put his arms around his shoulders: "Don't miss this scene! Man, that guy's dark history is so exciting!"

"drink wine?"

Four Eyes tilted his head and killed the game with one sentence: "Is it that time you rode a motorcycle naked on the street? Or was it that time you 'peeed' on the exhaust port?"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Before she could finish her words, laughter burst into laughter in the small cabin. Even Victor, who was leaning up next to him and pretending to sleep, couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

The ghost immediately blushed: "Damn it! That's because you secretly drugged the wine!"

"Hahahaha! Who told you to want to seduce a woman on the first day you joined the team?" Beltway clapped his hands vigorously and sat back next to the ghost: "There are no simple roles in the wolf pack, such as the one opposite. German......"

He pointed at Bertha, and then saw Watson next to Bertha.

"...Well, now it's two Germans."

The cabin was filled with a cheerful atmosphere again, and Watson felt that he was a little out of ideas. What's so funny about this?

"Are you always like this after fighting?" Watson touched Michela, who was pretending to be a sculpture next to him, with his elbow. He could feel the girl's body visibly trembling when his elbow touched his shoulder.

"... (German) Yes."

Michela still didn't take off her mask. She twisted the safety rope several times and tied it diagonally to the seat. She leaned her head up. It seemed that she really wanted to sleep: "When these guys finish the battle, They will become fools and you should ignore them. And..."

"Welcome to the pack."

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