The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 66 Long time no see, Watson

Tyrant Talos shook its nearly three-story-high body, and the missile launcher on its left shoulder once again locked onto the F-3 fighter jet. The missiles from both sides were launched almost at the same time, and then Trigger showed what a cheating battle was.

Enemy missiles staggered past the rolling F-16 amid heat-decoys that were as bright as fireworks in the sky. Although most missile heads of this era were equipped with proximity fuses, the dense heat source successfully deceived their guidance systems.

And those two Sidewinder missiles...

One hit Tyrant Talos in the head, and the other hit the electromagnetic gun in its hand.

"here you go!!"

People retreating toward the train dispatch center cheered when they saw this scene. The huge electromagnetic gun body exploded into pieces of electric sparks, and the long and narrow muzzle that had been opened up and down and had begun to accumulate blazing energy was no longer alive at this moment.

The F-16 fighter jet that had completed the attack had not yet recovered from the rolling posture and seemed to be about to hit the ground in the next second.

At this time, the blue flame at the tail nozzle quickly became thicker, obviously entering the afterburner state.

Trigger in the cockpit jerked the control stick, and the fighter plane successfully raised its head when it was less than 10 meters above the ground and passed over the convoy at low altitude. The deafening sound of the wings breaking through the air announced the victory of this round.

"You just want to show off your skills to everyone, don't you?"

Konok saw this scene in his eyes and said helplessly. I thought that Trigger usually didn't like to talk much and was a down-to-earth person, but I didn't expect that I would be mistaken sometimes.

He used air-to-air missiles like Sidewinder to shoot at ground targets, and he still hit them all. You must know that although thermal decoys work, they cannot deceive the guidance system every time. Otherwise, why would Konok be so nervous when he was locked just now?

Trigger, who showed off a wave of extreme maneuvers, remained silent and drove the fighter plane back.


It took Talos the Tyrant a while to recover from the explosion. It roared and turned around again, trying to launch missiles. However, Trigger deliberately increased the distance after leaving just now. The two guided missiles flew far away and were easily thrown away after he exhausted their fuel by maneuvering.

This guy is outrageous!

Watson, who was running towards the railway dispatch center, also saw this scene. Because he recognized his old comrade Dugan who had been in the Howling Commandos, after a brief discussion with Luper, the members of the Wolf Team They finally decided to join the human team on the battlefield.

With Captain Dugan's relationship, the soldiers would at least not point their guns at themselves. After all, the wolf team had spent more than half a month in the Aklay Mountains before, and they really didn't want to hike through that dangerous place.

And no matter how many of these messed-up things kill, will there still be bonuses?

Of course, to be on the safe side, Watson still has to make the first move.


The sound of two gas jets sounded at the same time, and a rope gun was wrapped around the tall power tower. Watson's running body immediately broke away from the ground and rushed tens of meters into the air under the action of inertia.

"Hell, why doesn't he give me one too?"

Looking at Watson's retreating back, Beltway, who was trotting with a shotgun, muttered: "It's so unfair to let a disabled person like me run a marathon."

"You don't weigh enough to fly."

Bertha laughed at the fat man mercilessly.

"Awesome! You actually spoke for Watson!" In terms of eccentricity, it is obvious that the fat man Beltway is at the dominant level in the wolf team: "I thought you two were not familiar with each other before!"

Seeing that Bertha didn't respond to this, Beltwine decided to increase his intensity a little: "Come on! Tell me about this macho man. If I hadn't seen him fighting, I would really feel that face, even if Measured by female standards, her skin is too good.”

"He does have great skin."

Bertha spoke up.

"Really? Wait, you haven't touched it with your own hands, have you? So you guys..."

"I stabbed him with a knife."

Bang! Beltway didn't pay attention and tripped on a stone. He staggered forward several steps before adjusting his center of gravity. When he looked up, he saw that his teammates had already run to the front.

"If you don't want to talk to me, why don't you just say so?"

Shaking his head, Beltway continued running.


Adjusting its direction like a glider, with the help of this high-voltage power line tower, Watson quickly overtook the fleet of Hummers and landed on the train at the railway dispatch center first.

After finding a commanding height to hide, Watson planned to use a rope gun to tie Dugan out later. Although this was very rude to the old man, it was better than taking off his helmet and going down to show his face. With a "hostage" in hand, those soldiers and agents would not dare to shoot easily.

As long as the misunderstanding is cleared up afterwards, it will be fine.


After waiting for dozens of seconds, the sound of braking came from downstairs. Watson looked over and saw that a team of soldiers and agents had begun to arrange the site urgently. His target, Dugan Dugan, was sitting in a Humvee near the center.

From time to time, gunfire rang out, as soldiers from the perimeter were cleaning up scattered infected people nearby.

The mage team in the sky successfully created an escape opportunity for the people on the ground. Now it is expected that it will take a few minutes for the monster to catch up. When they were in the car, Captain Dugan and the second lieutenant had urgently formulated a response plan, and now it is almost completed.

"...Yes, all agents dispatched previously have been confirmed dead."

Everyone around the Humvee has been sent away, and Dugan Dugan used the vehicle communication station to report to Director Carter in New York: "The situation is more serious than everyone expected, and everyone in the entire hive base has become infected. By."

"Did you destroy it?"

Peggy Carter, who is now 76 years old, sounds old and tired. It is really too much to ask someone of such an age to follow up on such an all-night operation. So Carter had actually gone to bed, just waiting for Damtan Dugan to call him when necessary.

Although it seems more tiring this way.

"We can't completely destroy it. Hydra hides a powerful biological weapon."

"What about Watson? You probably didn't have time to find him, right?"

"...Yes, I'm sorry."

The other end of the communicator was quiet for a while, and then Carter's voice sounded again: "I will take care of the hive base. You just said there is a powerful biological weapon on the battlefield? Do you need any other support?"

"Bombing support is already on the way." Captain Dugan turned his head to look at the huge figure in the distance, then slowly turned back: "We will get it done before the military arrives."

After a pause, he asked again: "What about Watson?"

"I'm actually not too worried about this. He can protect himself. Since manpower is tight, don't go looking for him." Carter's voice did not make any waves: "Evacuate directly after the battle is over."


After hanging up the communication, Captain Dugan opened the door and got out of the car again, but before he could stand firmly, a rope wrapped around his body.


The agents on guard seven or eight meters away saw their captain suddenly rising to the sky, and they all shouted and raised their weapons. A dozen beams of light shone on the electric tower overhead, and a man wrapped in a black tights was seen holding Captain Dugan's back collar with one hand.

"Hurry up and let go..."

Before Nick Fury could shout out a catchphrase, Watson jumped out quickly. Another rope gun was fired in the air, but within a few seconds, the figures of the two people had disappeared on the roof of the four-story building dozens of meters away.

Captain Dugan punched Watson as soon as he landed.

Lowering his shoulders to avoid the whip kick, Watson jumped back lightly and distanced himself, but Captain Dugan's reaction was not slow either. The M9 pistol on his leg was immediately pulled out and pointed at the person in front of him...


Watson had taken off his helmet and stood quietly in front of Damtan Dugan.

"(German) I'm glad that you are still in good health at your age, Mr. Dugan." Watson held the helmet at his collar and stared at the other person's fingers. If Mr. Dugan had bad eyesight and fired, he would be sure to use it to block it.

"...Are you Watson? Watson Taxner?"

After raising the pistol and aiming it for a while, Captain Dugan spoke with a somewhat uncertain tone. Although I had seen the recent photo of Watson provided by Mrs. Carter before the operation, for agents, appearance can always be deceiving.

"Well, I'm sorry about nearly soiling your hat."

Watson shrugged his shoulders and said something somewhat incomprehensible.

Hearing these words, Dugan suddenly fell into silence.

His habit of wearing jazz hats was already very famous among the Howling Commandos during World War II. This precious hat was never touched, but one day, Watson couldn't resist his curiosity and lent it to him for the first time.

Maybe it's Miss Watson's pretty face.

Damn Dugan still remembers what happened that day. The hat in Watson's hand almost fell to the ground, and he screamed in worry. Then a small firework tube rang out of nowhere, and a group of people walked into the room, with Steve in front holding a cake.

Then I said happy birthday to myself.

After drinking heavily that night, Watson defeated all his opponents by himself. The last thing he saw before falling asleep was Watson and Steve drinking wine bottle after bottle. Director Carter, who secretly provided drinks for the entire birthday party, was watching with a smile.

Captain Dugan put down his pistol, and a smile slowly appeared on his rough face:

"It's been so long, Watson."


At the same time, thousands of kilometers away in New York.

Old Mrs. Carter, who had just finished a phone call with a certain old general, put down her cell phone, lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling in silence. At this time, it was raining heavily outside the window, and the sound of thunder faintly penetrated from the window wall with good sound insulation performance.

She has formally tendered her resignation.

Although I don't want to admit it in my heart, decades of power struggle have gradually emptied my mind.

Hydra is like cancer cells in the Federation's body. No matter how many are removed, they will gradually increase after a while. Unknowingly, most of the people in the circle were forcing themselves to leave voluntarily and then officially start a new game round.

This will happen sooner or later.

Carter was mentally prepared for this.

This time, the virus crisis broke out again in less than 3 months, and SHIELD will undoubtedly bear part of the responsibility. And this time she wanted to destroy the hive base to defeat their intention of obtaining biochemical weapons information.

Human experiments, serum enhancement, super soldiers, long lifespan...

Most people in the circle are thinking of doing this.

The most important thing is that they will never think of making this kind of technological achievements public to benefit ordinary people. These people will only benefit their own families and allies, and use the strengthening serum to build up the walls of this circle and isolate the "poor people" from outside.

Carter knew this.

Now I am relying on my past achievements and connections to do such offending things single-handedly. Although he does have the capital to do so, at the same time, all parties have exhausted their patience through years of constant forbearance.

If Carter himself were the one in power, he would not allow such a "subordinate" to be around him who secretly rebels every day, especially since this is not the first time this subordinate has done such a thing.

This generation of "insiders" is even more ambitious.

Although the various strengths of the Federation are enough to support this country, it will embark on interstellar colonization like the Eastern Kingdom in a hundred years. But these people don't want to wait. They wish they could live a thousand years tomorrow and have a loyal and invincible army.

If not for this, Thaddeus Ross would never have been able to reach a high position in the military so quickly. Today, federal soldiers are still wandering around various small countries, sadly continuing to promote their delusions of dominating the third world.

Carter is sometimes confused. What is the difference between these people and Hydra?

Even if it is not a Hydra, it is already in the shape of a Hydra.

Even with Howard's secret help, she couldn't change this trend. She was disgusted with it all.

A drowsy feeling like drowsiness came from the brain. This phenomenon has become somewhat frequent in recent years. Carter sat up with difficulty, opened the pill bottle with trembling fingers, and put a pill into his mouth.

I'm really sorry when you wake up to a world like this, Steve.

After being in a daze for a while, Watson's beautiful face came to mind again. Although he usually looks like an ignorant young man, Carter knows that he is just pretending. Watson's experiences over the past few decades remain a mystery, but how does he feel about it all?

After a long silence, a gentle sigh sounded.

"I'm really old..."

After murmuring these words, Carter slowly closed his eyes in the darkness. A fierce lightning flashed through the gauze curtains, illuminating the dense wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

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