The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 61 The goddess of revenge who was beaten by the protagonist’s group

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute, sir!" Seeing this murderous man suddenly pull out his gun, the black security guard Mark immediately raised his hands and flashed in front of Alyssa: "I'm very sorry!"

As he said that, he turned around and signaled to Alyssa behind him: "Put that thing away quickly! You want to kill a few of us!"

Alyssa was stunned, and then hurriedly followed the instructions.

Looking at the actions of the two people in front of him, Watson, who was gradually recovering from his blood, felt a little embarrassed. When he saw the camera pulling out a gun just now, it was completely a conditioned reflex, but since these survivors had misunderstood, it was up to them.

Putting the gun back on his body, he began to get closer to the crowd around him to identify them carefully.

Mark and Alyssa stared at each other, not knowing what the guy in front of them meant, and they all froze there for a while.

"Um...thank you for your help, sir!"

The man in camouflage uniforms who was holding a loudspeaker finally squeezed through the crowd. After staggering a few steps, he found that he was about to bump into Watson. He immediately leaned back in panic and stopped his body.

"I do not know you......"

Originally, he wanted to ask the other party why he came, but the one-sided massacre just now was too shocking. Half of the words spoken by the man in camouflage clothes were dragged around in his mouth several times, and he got stuck for a while.

Watson felt he should say something.

The two waves of survivors we saw before were nowhere near as large as they are now, so you can be sure by just walking in and taking a quick look. But given his raw material-level English, he was afraid of making some jokes.

We need to make the scene more serious first.

Thinking of this, Watson lowered his head slightly. The two long and narrow eyepieces reflected a faint light, like a ferocious wolf that was about to choose someone to devour. The hair of everyone he glanced at stood on end.

Okay, enough of the atmosphere.

"I'm looking for my... exgirlfriend (I'm looking for my... ex-girlfriend)..."

Great, what I want is this husky voice! Watson was very satisfied when no one noticed his poor pronunciation. After saying these words, he ignored the man in camouflage clothes beside him and walked towards the survivors further away.

"Ex...what? Ex-girlfriend?"

The man in camouflage clothes was stunned for a while before he realized: "Are you looking for your ex-girlfriend?"

Watson still ignored him. He had almost finished checking the survivors.

"She...what's her name? I can help you!" The man in camouflage clothes followed. He wished that this guy's ex-girlfriend was really here, so that the survivors could find a powerful person. shelter.

At this time, who cares whether this guy is a cyborg or something else, as long as he can escape alive. Wait...what if this guy wants to kill his ex-girlfriend? This shouldn't be the case, right? The man in camouflage clothes was thinking in confusion.

"She's not here."

The man carrying two samurai swords finally spoke, and then he rose into the air in front of everyone's gaze. He took advantage of the power poles on the street that had not fallen down and quickly disappeared around the corner of the building.

It came suddenly and left quickly.

The survivors in the camp were still trapped in this dream-like encounter, but reporter Alyssa was the first to wake up. She deftly removed the memory card from her SLR camera and put a new one on it.

"Did you turn off the camera just now?"

Mark on the side broke out in a cold sweat.


After Alyssa finished handling the SLR camera, she took out a waterproof metal box the size of a mobile phone from her backpack and put the memory card with the video data in it.

"It's not the first time I've met someone asking to turn off the camera. I know how to pretend." Although she said nonchalant words, Alyssa knew very well in her heart that the man carrying two samurai swords had already seen her. Behavior.

Terrible observation skills.

But for some reason, he didn't move.

"You crazy bitch..." Mark wiped his cold sweat in the biting cold wind of winter, and sat down on the concrete pillar behind him: "I tell you, sooner or later you will fall here. On the gadgets.”

"Then let's deal with it. Don't stand up for me next time. I don't want to hurt you."

Alyssa responded unceremoniously, her words full of idealist stubbornness. She chose to become a reporter just to expose the truth. If she was afraid of death, why would she be a reporter?



The wreckage of the car lying on the side of the road was violently knocked away.

A LAV-25 wheeled armored vehicle drove into the small square, ran over innocent outdoor wooden chairs, and headed for the road at the other end. In order to avoid serial car accidents on the streets, drivers have to choose to cross non-motorized lanes such as sidewalks and park paths.

The total weight of more than 11 tons also makes it impossible for scattered infected people along the way to cause trouble to it.

Naturally, this armored vehicle was carrying a wolf team.

The people from the umbrella company left in a hurry and only had time to destroy important documents, but they left behind the temporary warehouse where weapons and equipment were stored. After realizing that he had to physically ask for money, Luper immediately led his team members to raid the weapons warehouse.

This warehouse was originally used to supply "temporary workers" such as the Wolf Pack Team, so there are still many vehicles and heavy weapons left, and this wheeled armored vehicle is one of them.

However, Luper was very suspicious that the real purpose of this armored vehicle should be for soldiers of the Umbrella Company to drive onto the streets to wipe out his "temporary workers" when necessary.

"I said..." Beltway, who was sitting on his seat, held the gun with one hand and pressed the earphones with the other hand: "Are you sure we won't be beaten into pieces if we come to the door?"

"We're just going to scout, Fatty."

The ghost next to Beltway replied.

"Look at this city, the protective umbrella has made a big mistake."

The speaker was Luper, who was holding an M240 vehicle-mounted machine gun on the roof of the car. The firelight that flew along the road reflected on the fully transparent gas mask. Seeing that the front of the car hit another zombie again, Luper's eyes were very dull: "They can't let the virus spread to other places."

"You mean their manpower...oh, I see."

Beltway touched his head and stopped talking.

Allocating some energy to observe the situation ahead, Luper's brain was still thinking rapidly at this time. What happened in the safe house clearly indicated that the Umbrella Company was trying to evacuate.

Such a rush.

Luper thought of another thing, that is, he saved the survivors who were silenced after spending a night. There is no doubt that Umbrella is removing evidence and trying to remove itself from this incident.

Are they giving up on Raccoon City?


With speculations and mysteries mixed in her mind, Luper took a few deep breaths to focus her attention. We can only wait until we confirm the situation of the hive base before making a decision, she thought to herself. It really didn't work, so I tried to steal the European branch of the umbrella company.

If he really took action there, he could call a few more friends.

Just then, a bright light appeared in the distance. Luper took a closer look and found that it was the light of a car. She immediately pressed the earphone and gave the command: "There is a vehicle approaching 350 yards ahead, prepare to take a detour."

It took her a little more time to confirm the direction of the car more than 300 meters away.

Now the Wolf Pack team has no intention of getting involved in the mess in Raccoon City. After setting off from the safe house, once they encounter difficult enemies such as survivors or tyrants, they will choose to take a direct detour.


Four eyes in the driver's seat confirmed the command.

The car is approaching here.

Luper looked at it for a while and finally recognized it as a Raccoon City Police Department patrol car. But Raccoon City has become like this, will there still be police? Her brows furrowed tightly.

This is the first time I have encountered a survivor driving a car. If I am discovered here, I hope the other party will not think that they have encountered some rescue troops sent by the government, and then eagerly chase after me.

"Turn right and take a detour, quickly!"

The driver turned the steering wheel steadily with four eyes, and the wheeled armored vehicle slowed down slightly before turning and driving onto the sidewalk on the right. After rudely knocking away two motorcycles on the side of the road, he finally successfully entered the forked road.

But no matter how superb the four-eye driving skills are, he has to step on the brakes next.

Ahead is the scene of a series of car accidents that number at least 20 people.

"Merde (French)!" Luper slapped the car hood: "Turn around and prepare to drive away by force."

The so-called forceful expulsion means simply and directly firing a few shots into the sky to drive people away. They have often done this during missions in the Middle East to avoid accidentally killing civilians.

Luper has no intention of helping these survivors at all. The Wolf Pack are mercenaries who are paid to do things, not an international humanitarian rescue team. They are in the business of killing people and selling goods. Unless the mission requires it, they usually don't do any volunteer rescue work.

The sound is closer.

It's not the sound of a car engine. The engine of the wheeled armored vehicle the Wolf Pack team is riding in is quite noisy, enough to cover up the movement of other small ground vehicles.

What gradually reached his ears was the sound of gunshots.

"Non-crew members get off the vehicle and prepare to engage the enemy."

Luper grabbed the M240 vehicle-mounted machine gun in front of him. Victor, Ghost and Beltway in the crew compartment immediately pushed open the rear hatch and jumped out of the tank, using the vehicle body as cover to get into shooting postures.

The police car was driving very fast, but the people in the car were still firing, which only meant that the pursuing enemy was not slow.

It didn't take long.

A badly damaged police patrol car crashed into the building at the intersection, just in time to crush the two motorcycles that had just been run over by the wolf team again. Two men and two women struggled to climb out of the police car. When they looked up, they saw the Wolf Pack armored vehicle in front of them.

"Hey! Sergeant!"

A bearded man in a red vest ran up first: "My name is Barry Burton, I am a police officer from the R.P.D., these people are my colleagues, we need help!"

"What is chasing you?"

Luper didn't talk nonsense to him, and the question was simple and direct.

"It's a big one, um, it was a giant at first, and then it turned into..." Barry scratched his head and turned to look at the short-haired woman following him: "Jill, you better tell me ?”

The woman named Jill took two steps forward. The roar of the wheeled chariot's engine forced her to speak louder: "Please listen to me. I know you may not believe it, but all of this is the Umbrella Group." Caused by this! We just escaped from their secret base yesterday!"

Covering her head and coughing a few times, she was obviously shaken by the violent impact just now: "The guy following behind is called 'Nemesis'. He was sent by the Umbrella Group to hunt down those of us who know the truth. Please You guys, we need help!”

"You guys are really causing a big problem."

Luper shook his head and re-checked the status of the vehicle-mounted machine gun: "Look for cover yourself. Don't expect us to take special care of your side when the fight starts."

"Wait, aren't you sent by the government..."

The silent short-haired man standing behind Jill seemed to have some doubts when he saw Luper's attitude, so he stepped forward and asked.

"Chris, stop talking!" Jill grabbed the man behind him and interrupted the second half of his sentence. Then he turned back and smiled at Luper: "Thank you for your help."

As soon as he finished speaking, a deafening roar came from the intersection:


I saw a huge creature about 3 meters tall rushing into the intersection on all fours.

There are almost no eyes on the bald head, only a mouth with long teeth exposed; broken clothes are wrapped around its body in strips, and several rows of bone spurs grow out of its broad back, which looks extremely terrifying. .


Bang bang bang bang bang! !

Luper opened fire without hesitation.

Hearing Jill say that the monster was heading towards them, Luper originally wanted to tell Four Eyes to find an opportunity to rush out and escape, leaving the trouble back to the police. But after seeing the speed of this monster, she gave up the idea.

boom! boom! boom!

Bertha, who was in the gunner's position, pressed the launch button, and the 25mm-caliber chain shells hit the Nemesis in a rhythmic manner. These few hits were quite powerful, and the monster's body exploded with large splashes of blood in the dense rain of bullets.


Nemesis roared and charged forward, choosing to eliminate the fierce wolf squad first.


Luper only had time to shout to the team members outside the car, and the driver stepped on the accelerator with just a glance. However, the wheeled chariot is not a supercar with strong acceleration performance after all, so it is already too late to start moving now.


Beltway held the MGL grenade launcher in his hand, and a 40mm grenade exploded on the head of Nemesis: "Come on, little dog, let's have some fun."

The Goddess of Vengeance only had time to shake her head, when the right side of her body was attacked by several police officers, and her entire right arm was suddenly torn apart.

"Try this!"

Barry waved the famous .44 caliber Merlin revolver in his hand, and a bullet shot through the right arm joint of Nemesis. The opponent suddenly lost control of his body and fell to the ground and rolled.

what is this? The power of metaphysics?

Watson, who had just arrived at the scene listening to the sound of gunfire, opened his eyes wide. Everyone on the battlefield downstairs was "familiar", and the four policemen among them were well-known protagonists in the "Resident Evil" game series.

Chris Redfield (biochemical 1/5/6/7, not counting other works);

Jill Valentine (biochemistry 1/3/5, not counting other works);

Rebecca Chambers (Biology 0, not counting other works);

Barry Burton (Biological Gaiden ‘Revelation 2’, not counting other works).

Then coupled with the 6 members of the Wolf Pack team, there are a total of 10 game protagonists from the biochemical series on the scene. Where does this goddess of revenge get the confidence to fight against 10 protagonists?

Or...should I say it was too bad luck?

In short, he probably didn’t need my help anymore. Watson sat down on the edge of the roof with peace of mind, took off his helmet, opened a bottle of CORONA and took a sip.

This woman is quite fierce.

Looking at the Wolf Mother (referring to Luper) who was holding an M240 vehicle-mounted machine gun and firing close to her face, Watson admired in his heart, and then concentrated on finding Michela's location.

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