Being limited to an almost instinctive IQ cannot help this T-103 tyrant accurately analyze the current battle situation. So when it saw the creature approaching it, it only made one action.


The T-103's explosive power theoretically reaches several tons, but this is not obvious in the Biochemical series of games. After all, the production team needs to consider the balance of the game, so the tyrant with huge strength can tear the helicopter in half, but cannot kill the human protagonist with one fist.

Watson didn't want to taste its punch.

The reflex nerves in his body were stretched to the limit. In the rapidly rotating scene in front of him, Watson adjusted his body to avoid the tyrant's fist. Two samurai swords struck its arms and shoulders one after the other, ripping open the protection of the bulletproof military coat.

Most of the blade successfully cut into the target's body, and Watson, whose momentum continued unabated, missed the tyrant.

But he failed to cut the opponent's neck as he wished.

The Tyrant roared in pain, and its entire right shoulder was almost disabled. Two deep stab wounds spread directly to the chest. If it weren't for the T virus that was desperately healing itself, this arm would have been hanging down like the fallen leaves of a coconut tree.

Turned around in mid-air.

The black light virus in the body quickly acted as a buffer, and Watson stopped on the ground nearly 10 meters away from the tyrant. Another tentacle protruding from the abdomen rolled up a grenade and threw it out. This was his backup plan from the ammunition box.


The grenade exploded in front of the Tyrant, but because the tarmac was relatively open, it did not raise too much smoke. At the same time, the two rope guns that had been retracted around Watson's waist were re-launched under the control of the tentacles.

The target is clearly the tyrant.

Before the tyrant could recover from the grenade explosion, two thin ropes were suddenly nailed to his abdomen. Watson started off with his feet off the ground. At this time, he was already reaching the limit that he had never touched before.

The angle of attack is not good.

The tyrant was currently bending over due to the dizziness caused by the explosion. The head whose face was torn by the fragments was slightly drooped. From the height of a normal person, it would be difficult for Watson to cut its neck at this angle.

But the tyrant's huge size of 2.8 meters tall has become his fatal injury at this time.

The sword light lit up.

Watson's whole body hit the tyrant's generous arms, and the outcome of this attack was no longer in suspense. Two samurai swords were deeply intertwined at its neck, and dark red liquid splashed out, staining Watson's face.

But it's not over yet.

The arms raised high on both sides of the body then turned over, and Watson's double knives slashed hard again. The tyrant's head separated from his body and fell heavily to the floor.

The strong body in a dark green military coat fell to the ground like a hill.

Watson stood up from the tyrant's body with his two swords, lightly jumped to the ground, and began to return to his original defensive position. His legs jumped several meters high, and the rope gun on his waist was fired again in the air, carrying Watson's body towards the ground dozens of meters away.

The Blacklight Virus's buffering capabilities aren't limited to just gliding to the ground.

After absorbing various combat experiences, Watson quickly realized this in the continuous fierce confrontation. Many skills that do not seem to be directly related to combat can actually be used flexibly.

This is an almost subconscious action.

If the battle with this tyrant had happened two days ago, Watson most likely would not have thought of using the black light virus's buffering ability to adjust his position. After flying towards the tyrant to attack, he would definitely land on the ground with both feet and use the power of his body to stop his momentum.

Perhaps even Watson himself did not realize how powerful the black light virus's learning ability is. If the buffering capacity is used properly, the body can adjust quickly; but if it is used improperly, the momentum originally relying on inertia will be eliminated in advance and become weak.

It's like a sports car about to drift around a corner.

The driver must pull down the handbrake and use the steering wheel to turn the car sideways at the most appropriate time. Pulling the handbrake one second earlier, one second later, one second less or one second more will lead to a different result of the drift.

And learned a wealth of combat experience.

Watson's body is learning these combat skills "without a teacher", and it takes a long time for ordinary people to master combat skills.

Putting a knife back on his back, pulling out an M9 pistol with his backhand, Watson rushed into the approaching group of corpses. If it was just money that allowed Batwoman to defend the helicopter at first, he no longer thinks so.

Improve your fighting skills by a few percent.

This is far more meaningful than four million dollars.

Instead of using the remaining heavy firearms in the arsenal, Watson wanted to use his own abilities to deal with the enemies in front of him if conditions permitted. This is a ridiculous world full of gods and demons, and sometimes bullets can't even move faster than swords.

And he believes that he will be able to do it sooner or later.

Another knife stabbed through the back of the head of the licker at his feet, and the fierce battle that lasted no more than ten seconds came to an end. Before the infected people in the distance approached, Watson turned his head and looked at the small door he first ran out of.

He was guarding against the Tyrant Type 3 attack.

An ordinary Tyrant model would have broken through the wall and rushed out, but the opponent has not appeared until now. This can't help but make Watson wary. How intelligent is the Tyrant 3 transformed by Howard?

Even Mrs. Viper doesn't know this.

At this time, Brucey's voice sounded in the headset.

"Zero! Get ready to cover me!"

"Oh okay, where are you?"

"Behind you!"

Watson turned around suddenly and saw the wall exploded on the high platform behind him, and four people ran out in the smoke. Brucy, who was running behind, tied the three survivors with ropes and dropped the rope gun to the ground.

Followed by.

A group of ferocious-looking hunters emerged from the hole in the wall and jumped directly from the edge of the nearly 10-meter-high platform. They seemed to be staring at Brucy and the group in front of them.

call out!

The rocket nest on the Bat Fighter was launched, and several rockets exploded the small platform into a blaze of flames. Many hunters who had just emerged from the breach were directly torn apart by the explosion, and countless debris fell on the heads of Brucy and the others.

Watson looked up at the Batfighter.

The Bat fighter, which was still at full fire a few minutes ago, is almost out of ammunition and food. The belly of the aircraft, which was originally full of missiles, is now empty, and even the four rocket nests are almost completely used up.

"I'm not talking too much, but if you don't have other fire support, it's best to leave as soon as you finish picking up this group of people."

Watson picked up the M249 machine gun on the ground and ran in the direction of Brucie.

Of course, he did not forget to disarm the two rope guns on his waist.

After rushing forward for tens of meters, he knelt down and got into a shooting stance. Watson pulled the trigger and fired violently from the M249 machine gun in his hand. Unlike ordinary assault rifles, the mass of the machine gun itself is greater, so the recoil felt by many light machine guns is smaller when fired from the end.

"Pick them up, we'll be right away..."

Before Bruce could finish her words, a missile flew out from the hole in the platform, ignited and shot towards the Bat fighter in mid-air!

The butler Xia Afu, who was driving remotely in Denver, reacted quickly, and the Bat-Fighter evaded while firing thermal bombs. A figure jumped down from the platform filled with smoke and fire, and stepped heavily on the ground.

With a height of more than 3 meters, the body is covered with several pieces of gray-white armor, with a small amount of pale skin exposed; the left hand is wearing a huge cylindrical thick shell; and the right shoulder is connected to a long four-tube missile launcher device.

The head covered by the cold mask, the two aiming launchers in the right eye flashed red, looking extremely scary.

It's that Tyrant Type 3.

Mrs. Viper's memory helped Watson identify the monster for which the specially designed alloy armor was made. Tyrant Type 3 is able to partially deform its body to balance the weight of equipment on its left and right sides.

But this girl actually picks up equipment by herself? Pick it up or pick it up all over? Watson felt that the intelligence of this Tyrant Type 3 completely exceeded his expectations. No, perhaps it should be called the "Upgraded Tyrant Talos".

In the original biochemical game setting, the tyrant codenamed "Talos" was one of the final products of Umbrella Company's exploration of the combination of artificial intelligence and biochemical weapons. With the help of computers, it can use various long-range heavy firepower while retaining powerful melee capabilities.

Talos the Tyrant is exactly what the Umbrella Corporation expected from the outset.

rather say......

Talos the Tyrant is a biochemical machine controlled by a built-in computer chip. With the help of Howard Stark, the "upgraded version of Talos the Tyrant" in front of Watson and others will undoubtedly be more terrifying in all aspects of combat.


Brucy roared loudly, turned around and fired, trying to attract the monster's attention. The three survivors had been completely frightened by the series of pursuits, and even their escape movements were somewhat deformed.

call out!

Under the remote control of Butler Man Afu, the Bat Fighter fired the last few rockets towards Tyrant Talos. I saw it raised its left arm wrapped in a thick shell, and then began to pounce forward!

This guy even knows how to dodge!

The huge body burst out with incredible agility and speed, and Tyrant Talos moved a full five or six meters before the rocket arrived. An explosion was set off behind it, but Tyrant Talos only shook his body.

Ignoring the human woman ten meters away who was pointing a gun at her, the red light of the aiming transmitter on the visor of Tyrant Talos's right face continued to flash, and after a moment, he fired two missiles in succession.

This wave of missiles has two targets, one is the Bat fighter in the air, and the other is the arms box on the ground. The smart chip quickly allowed Tyrant Talos to judge the threat level of each target in front of him. In its eyes, the helicopter was not as important as the weapons that destroyed the enemy.

The missile flew so fast that Watson, who was dozens of meters away, could only watch the arms box behind him explode into pieces.

"Good job, Howard."

Turning back and looking at the 5.56mm M249 machine gun in his hand, Watson grimaced. If Batwoman didn't have any secret weapons to support her, she might have to pull out her samurai sword to fight in close combat later.

It wasn't that he was afraid of fighting that monster in close combat.

Mainly because he was afraid that Bruce would detect his abilities.

"The thermal bombs are only enough for one use, Miss Wayne."

The missile fired at the aircraft was distorted by the thermal bomb, hit the far wall eaves and turned into two dazzling flames. Controlling the Bat Fighter again to stabilize the balance, the housekeeper Afu had to remind his lady with a helpless tone.

"...Then prepare to hit!"

Brucie's voice came out.


"I said hit it!"

Brucy emptied the last rifle magazine in her body, threw away the M4A1, and pulled out a Steyr TMP submachine gun: "The helicopter is about to take off, we have to make sure that this monster will not interfere with them!"

"Okay, as you wish."

Flames burst out from the bat fighter's nozzle, roaring and crashing into the tyrant Talos on the ground. An earth-shaking loud noise echoed in the cylindrical lift shaft, and the ground on the entire apron suddenly shook.

Fire and thick smoke covered the entire impact site, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Good guy, so tragic?

Watson glanced behind him. The CH-53 helicopter that had taken in the survivors had slowly lifted off the ground, accelerating in the rain and rising toward the night sky above the apron. He pressed the headset and spoke to Brucey, who was running back dozens of meters away:

"I don't think that guy will die like this. Where is your secret weapon?"

"You hold it, and I'll fly...the plane!"

Brucy, who was running at full speed, was so tired that she couldn't even speak smoothly. She strode past Watson, and a Steyr TMP submachine gun and several grenades with safety bolts were thrown in front of Watson. .

"Wait, isn't your plane gone?"

Watson turned around and asked.

"I have one more."

Batwoman doesn't look back.

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