The artificial intelligence Red Queen quietly sounded the alarm, and now the guards in the entire underground base knew that two uninvited guests had broken into the AI ​​computer room. Ever since Ling walked out of this door, the gunfire outside the door never stopped.

Brucy asked Zero outside the door several times if he wanted to come back, but he said he had no problem. Although she wanted to go out and help, she knew very well that if the system could not be blocked, more than a thousand employees in the Hive underground base might die tragically.

Zero's performance along the way is obviously closely related to the Umbrella Company. If he has any other ulterior motives, then now is the best time to act. Facing this 'comrade' whom she had just met for less than a day, Batwoman was already prepared for the worst.

Even if I have to hold this room alone.



Done (setup completed).


Brucey ripped off the hard drive containing the main program of the artificial intelligence Red Queen and the evidence of the Umbrella crime, and stuffed it into her backpack as she ran. Rushing to the door of the AI ​​machine room, she hammered the switch with one fist and held the blast shotgun in her other hand.


The door opened.

Zero stood alone outside the door.

His helmet fell by his feet, and his shoulder-length brown-black hair was blown by the airflow when the door opened, and the faint smell of blood floated to the tip of Brucey's nose. The long-handled wall-cutting hammer stood quietly on the ground, supported by hands, and traces of scarlet could still be seen on the frosted metal hammer surface.

The ground in the not very wide passage was filled with Umbrella Company guards, nearly 50 of them at first glance. Long and short weapons and equipment such as batons, riot shields, pistols, and assault rifles were littered on the ground, and many people's bodies were stacked in twos and threes.

Brucie glanced over...

These people are still breathing.

Zero completed this incredible battle alone, facing dozens of enemies with sufficient firepower in this passage with almost no cover, and single-handedly knocked down every one of them.

But at what cost?

His whole body was stained red with blood, and with his back to Batwoman, Zero's head was shaking slightly to prove that he was not dead yet. This could not help but make Brucey's breathing rate slow down a bit, although she was barely aware of it.

"Are you OK......"

He stopped before he finished speaking. Zero in front of him turned around, with two daggers clearly stuck in his chest. The dagger blade was almost completely submerged, and a small part of the metal blade was exposed outside the body, which caught Brucey's eyes under the light of the ceiling light.

That handsome face that seemed to have been carved from Greek mythology was now as calm as a sculpture. Only when she saw it with her own eyes at such a close distance did Bruce realize how stunning the face in front of her was.

It's so perfect that people can't bear to hurt it, want to possess it all, or destroy it completely.

But she couldn't read his eyes.

"Stay still and let me handle it."

He opened the buckle with his fingers and touched the pocket first aid kit on his waist. But before Brucy could take out the things, she saw Zero reaching out and pulling out a dagger from his chest.

Brucey grabbed Zero's wrist: "Stop! Do you know what you are doing?"

"I know what I'm doing."

Zero moved slowly and firmly as he grabbed the remaining dagger and continued to pull it out of his body. But the huge force coming from it made Brucey, who was holding the opponent's wrist, completely unable to resist.

"Sometimes people need to go beyond their limits. This is also a... small request I put on myself. I think I did a pretty good job, don't you?"

Watson certainly didn't go beyond any limits. These dozens of people came in batches, so they wouldn't push him to a dead end. For the purpose of practicing his fighting skills, he tried his best to complete this battle with prerequisites, but the price was... Watson hadn't been so hungry for a long time.

Hungry enough to eat a cow.

Therefore, he needs to replenish some energy later. He just doesn't know about those biochemical weapons. He should...can try them, right?


The dagger fell to the ground with a crisp sound, like the click of a camera when taking a picture, and the two men's movements paused for a few seconds.

"Don't touch me, okay?"

Seeing that the wound on the opponent's chest, which should have been bleeding profusely, was now healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, Brucey released her hand holding the opponent's wrist, and the red lips behind the mask opened and closed, but In the end nothing was said.

"Did you get that information?" Watson asked Brucey as if nothing happened just now.


"Okay, then let's do it."

The two had discussed before the operation that after successfully handling the AI ​​computer room, Watson would leave this temporary team and act alone. Watson knows very well in his heart that although Batwoman Brucey is fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged, calm and talkative...

But the no-kill principle she follows conflicts with Watson.

Some people are better off dead.

Like Lady Viper.

For example, Loki, well, this guy hasn't messed with him yet. Maybe the Loki of this world is also a woman? Or has he become a law-abiding do-gooder? Well, this is the only one that is obviously impossible.

Batwoman is unlikely to change her stance in the short to medium term, maybe not in her lifetime. The previous requirement that Watson not kill was an act that obviously intensified the conflict. That is to say, Watson was in a position of killing or not killing, and he chose not to kill.

Ensuring that Batwoman obtains evidence of the Umbrella Company's crimes and rescues employees from the underground headquarters as tainted witnesses is also in line with Watson's expectations of fighting Umbrella and fighting Hydra's forces.

But he kills Lady Viper next.

So Miss Brucy should go and do other things, lest it be difficult for everyone to do. Fortunately, an entire base of more than a thousand employees is waiting for her to rescue her. This is a very good reason.

Zero stepped on the bullet casings on the ground and left.

When Zero said he was leaving, Batwoman had not thought of catching him. The moment the other party turned around, she was almost ready to extend the ultra-high voltage electric shock device that Ah Fu had secretly sent over.

But the scene that just happened made Batwoman wonder if this person had more unknown cards.

Silently picking up the helmet equipped with a GPS locator on the ground, Brucy looked at the bullet casings on the ground and then at Zero's back. No one could dodge all the bullets in this environment, and Zero definitely got hit.

But that incredible speed of wound healing...

Who is he?

"Miss Wayne." Shortly after Zero disappeared around the corner, the housekeeper Afu sent a message: "I think I found the identity of Mr. Zero, but... I think We may have all misjudged his age."

An image was sent to the laptop.

Looking at the famous picture that was quite old, Brucy suddenly wanted to rush out and catch Zero, capture his face and think about it carefully, and check whether he was a boy or a girl.


The corridor in front of him was in chaos, and the dozens of seconds of short films edited by Brucey were played repeatedly on the screen. Everyone was going crazy, there was a mix of people screaming, smashing things, running around, and some people were rummaging around, apparently trying to take advantage of the situation.

Several soldiers wearing gas masks rushed into the corridor, raised their guns and started shooting without saying a word.

At the same time, large amounts of thick light blue smoke suddenly poured out from the vents on the ceiling. The man in the white coat who was the first to come into contact with the blue smoke strangled his neck tightly, and the blood vessels turned into deep purple and spread from his mouth and nose to his neck.

The curses and quarrels all around were unified into screams in just a few seconds.

Watson smelled it too.

This is the smell of the T-Virus.

The Umbrella Company actually has the means to spread viruses on a large scale through the air. It is unknown whether Howard Stark contributed to this. Of course, whether in gaseous or liquid form, the T virus cannot survive in Watson's body.

Pick up a sledgehammer.

Watson charged at the soldiers wearing gas masks, hitting him with a few bullets, but that was all. The sledgehammer came out heavily, sending a soldier flying backwards.

With one step, Watson grabbed another soldier. With his left hand, Watson turned the man over to use as a human shield, and with his right hand, he pulled out the MP5 submachine gun from his waist. One magazine was emptied, and Watson was once again standing alone in the corridor.

Just like a few minutes ago.

I turned around and looked around. All the umbrella company employees had fallen to the ground. Every face is covered with deep purple veins, and their expressions are so twisted and desperate.

I'm afraid there aren't that many people to save you now, Brucey.


After recalling the memory fragments found in the clockwork man, Watson rushed towards the AG-284 laboratory on the ground floor. He wanted to rescue the Howards first. Fortunately, the AI ​​computer room is relatively close to the bottom of the base, so it doesn't take too long.


There was a sound of breaking wind in the blue smoke in front of him, and a long scarlet tongue struck Watson! The running footsteps stopped instantly. Watson raised a hand and grabbed the tongue with lightning speed. With a strong pull, a flesh-red humanoid creature rushed towards him from the smoke.

The skinless tendons are clearly visible, and what's even more impressive is the head, whose entire brain is completely exposed.


This biochemical weapon that is humanoid but likes to crawl on all fours is probably the most impressive monster in "Resident Evil". It's ugly in a distinctive and stylish way, unlike other biochemical weapons that simply disgust people with its huge size or the eyeballs, rotten flesh and tentacles covering its body.

No time to introduce myself.

Watson is straight to the point.

Ah no, get started.

Pulling off his gloves and stabbing the Licker's chest with his right hand like a knife, Watson activated the sucking ability of the black light virus. Without any surprise, the licker leaping in mid-air melted on the spot, and the 'appearance animation' didn't even have time to finish playing.

This feels a little strange.

After getting rid of the licker that escaped from the cultivation warehouse, Watson wanted to continue running to the bottom, but he was immediately aware of the strange feeling coming from his body. This feeling is hard to describe, it's a bit like the sound of blood rushing faster when stretching.

After taking a few seconds to make sure he didn't have any adverse reactions such as nausea or vomiting, Watson picked up the gloves on the ground and ran to the bottom at a faster speed. Now that the killing operation has begun, it should not be long before Mrs. Viper packs up her things and runs away.

Fortunately, Brucey promised to keep an eye on the skies over this area.

Maybe that's her secret weapon.

Just as she thought of Batwoman, her broadcast rang in the passage: "Fellow survivors, you have been abandoned by Umbrella. If you can still continue to move, please go to the central landing platform on the middle level of the hive to evacuate, and be careful to avoid the persistent gun......"

The voice has been changed, but only Brucey can do such a thing at this time. In fact, she had no choice. The rescue incident came so suddenly that she didn't have time to carefully investigate, think and plan.

The survivors had no choice, either to be killed by mutated biochemical monsters, or to gamble that the broadcast was not a conspiracy. Or some who are braver will try to escape through other channels alone.

No one expected that Umbrella Company also had the gaseous T-virus.

After walking around Raccoon City for most of the day, Watson didn't see anyone who had mutated due to inhaling the virus. At the time, he even felt that the T virus could not be transmitted through the air, otherwise the more than 30 survivors collected by Batwoman would have been diagnosed with infection problems long ago.

Hurrying down the last few steps.

A sturdy metal door with a card swipe and password authentication desk stood in front of Watson. Looking at the big exclamation mark on the top of the door, he felt that there might be some fatal defense measures behind the door.

Where can I find the password and access card at this time?

If you were the protagonist of the game, you would probably have to go find the two things mentioned above at this time. After all, as a horror puzzle game, "Resident Evil" will always find ways for players to solve various puzzles.

In the game, designers will think of many ways for players to pass through this door, and even add another very hidden route. For gameplay reasons, players usually cannot choose to simply blow open the door directly.

But Watson is no game protagonist.

After estimating the possibility and time required to find the access card and password, Watson decided to use another method. He held the sledgehammer tightly in his hand and struck it hard against the metal facade.


A huge sound echoed in the foyer. The hammer Brucy gave her was of quite good quality, and it made a circular dent visible to the naked eye in the metal door. However, the entire metal door is quite large. With Watson's strength, it would probably take dozens of hits to open it with a hammer.

Why do you have to be so tired?

After rummaging around in his backpack for a while, Watson took out a flat can-shaped wall-blasting explosive. The method of use of this explosive, also produced by Wayne Enterprises' black technology, is simple: stick it in the middle of the wall, pull the wire loop, and wait for the 5-second countdown to end.


There was another loud noise, and Watson reached out to brush away the explosion smoke in front of him and saw that the metal door had been completely blown open. The scene that appeared behind the door made Watson's pupils suddenly shrink.

Laser channel.

The violent destruction of the entrance and exit may have triggered the emergency device. The passage in front of them, which was only a few meters long, was filled with dozens of bright red lasers. Watson stretched out a tentacle and swiped the laser in front of him, only to hear a few "squeak" sounds of high temperature touching the flesh...

The tentacle broke into several pieces and fell on the smooth metal floor.

Well, at least these lasers don't move around like in the movies. Watson's mouth twitched and he comforted himself. After all, black technology generally has a high cost. Although these lasers in the channel do not rotate, they already form a tight enough obstacle.

It's impossible for an Olympic gymnastics champion to pass through even if he comes.

Looking at the ceiling, there is obviously no cheating ventilation duct, allowing Watson to dodge lasers like a heroine in a movie.

After observing for a long time, Watson took out the only three pieces of wall-blasting explosives he had left. Although the gap between these lasers is not enough to pass through the human body, there is no problem in inserting explosives the size of a can, and there is even a dozen centimeters of space left.

Take a deep breath.

Now it’s time to put micromanagement to the test.

Watson conjured up several tentacles, rolled up a piece of explosive and sent it towards the laser gap. There are three pieces of explosives in total, and in addition to blowing up the door at the other end of the passage, Watson also has two pieces of explosives to destroy the wall covered with laser transmitters.

If Wayne's technology is powerful enough, the metal walls will be blown to pieces and these high-temperature lasers will cease to exist.

But if Wayne Technology goes too far, the passage may be blown down, and he will have to find another way.

I don't know if it was because he had a licker with a particularly good tongue before, but Watson felt that the speed, flexibility and sensitivity of his tentacles had significantly increased compared to before.

I beat professional e-sports players in college.

After taking a break, Watson turned his attention back to the explosive. The dark red tentacles rolled with explosives passed between several laser beams and soon reached the metal door at the end of the passage.

After finishing the farthest part, several tentacles slowly retreated and continued to roll up the second piece of explosive.

Then comes the final piece.

There was no tragedy like the explosive hitting the laser. Watson finally used three tentacles to pull the trigger of the explosive at the same time. It was too late to slowly retract the tentacles. He hid by the door despite the pain of laser cutting.

The explosion this time was much stronger than the one just now.

There was an obvious shaking sensation from the wall that was tightly attached to it, and Watson couldn't help but worry whether the passage had been blown down.

Squinting his eyes, he braved the thick smoke and looked in. There were more than a dozen lasers looming in the passage. The explosion destroyed most of the laser transmitters, and the remaining dozen were also obviously damaged, and the lasers they emitted flickered on and off.

Enough to get by.

The metal door at the end of the passage was naturally blown open, and most of it was destroyed by the laser. Fortunately, the explosive did not cause the collapse after all. For this result, Watson didn’t know whether to praise Wayne Technology or Umbrella Technology.

Take a few deep breaths.

Watson is still a little frightened by this high-temperature laser that can cut an entire person into two pieces. Although they are now as unreliable as light bars with poor contact, no one can be sure that they will suddenly light up when they bump into them.

There was no time to hesitate.

It's only a few meters away.

You can do it.

The black light virus will not die even if its head is cut off, have you forgotten? After desperately giving himself a few psychological hints, Watson looked at the moment when there were only a few lasers left in the passage, and rushed out as fast as possible.

A breath stuck firmly in his throat.

The shoe stepped heavily on the gravel-covered floor, sending up a circle of gray smoke. The laser emitters along the way all shut up as if they had made an appointment, but the next moment Watson was about to jump out of the door...

The red light suddenly brightens.

The body, cut in two, fell to the floor outside the door.

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