The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 42 Protective umbrella always only recruits talents

After a few minutes.

Looking at the headless corpses in front of him, Watson pinched his temples and fell into deep thought. He needed some time to sort out the memory fragments he just knew, but he had to say...

These guys are all talented people.

The heinous kind.

Killing prisoners, killing civilians, smuggling drugs, abandoning teammates, looting villages... This is the life the six soldiers in front of them lived before joining the U.S.S. Most of them were former soldiers, but ended up being court-martialed for making various serious mistakes.

The umbrella "protects" them.

The price is to be a dog.

But maybe they are very happy? After all, I finally have a backer who can make me lawless.

After processing the scene and finding a remote corner, Watson began to try to eliminate these redundant memories and emotions.

But after searching for a long time, he couldn't find any part that was helpful to his task. I don't know if these soldiers have never seen the Clockwork Man, or if they are not skilled enough in memory retrieval.

Or maybe my body is currently not capable enough to extract more complete memories?

Watson felt that this might be the main reason, because the memory fragment he just saw was actually more like a "recollection of a major life episode."

To describe it in another simpler way, that is a long-standing saying: When everyone is dying, various things he has experienced in his life will flash before his eyes, and the more significant a certain thing is to him. , the deeper it is, the more obvious and complete the scene it emerges.

And that's what Watson just saw.

Perhaps for these soldiers, meeting the Clockwork Man is really not a major episode in their lives.

This can be a real headache.

Just when Watson was thinking about whether to wait for another team to come over and try his luck, footsteps came from the silent passage. It sounds like there's more than one person, so it's probably another team coming.

Watson decided to take another shot.

After a while, several U.S.S. soldiers wearing the same uniform walked out from around the corner.

"Zombie remains found."

The soldiers raised their guns vigilantly and advanced slowly. Some of them even turned on their muzzle flashlights and shined them at the ceiling, trying to look for possible biochemical mutations.

But there was nothing on the ceiling.

When approaching the place where the previous team had an accident, the captain raised his left hand to signal everyone to stop. He bent down and picked up a 9mm bullet casing from a pool of blood.

"We may have found the location where Beta Team encountered the enemy, but no bodies were found."

Reporting to the headquarters in a brief tone, the captain immediately noticed a blood stain on the ground. He was very familiar with this kind of blood stain, which was left when the human body was dragged along. He had often done this kind of work when he led the team on missions in the past six months.

Following the blood trail, I found a room not far away.

The door of this windowless room was closed, and there was silence all around.

The captain gave a hand signal, and his soldiers formed an assault formation. After all, the opponent is a severely damaged creature of the β team, so the most basic caution must be maintained. The captain was actually very suspicious, suspecting that the blood stain was a deliberate bait left by the other party.

But the orders from the headquarters cannot be disobeyed.

When mutants with this kind of fighting power appear, especially "wild" mutants, they must be captured no matter what. In order to achieve this goal, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his own team.

All he can do is try to survive.

A soldier took out an instrument that looked like a smartphone, pulled out a slender wired camera probe from it, and slowly inserted it into the crack of the door. After a while, the soldier put away the instrument and shook his head at the captain.

This means that there are no living people or monsters inside.

This information gave the captain some relief.

This kind of portable probe is very easy to use. Although using it alone will cause many blind spots in the field of view, in the past, when conducting exploration, it was safest to use multiple positions for simultaneous observation.

But who made this room not even have windows...

Opening the door gently, the members of the β team were lying inside.

It's best that this monster has left, so that I don't have to worry about it anymore. After peeking at the door for a while, he didn't see any suspicious figure. The captain couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as the U.S.S. soldiers entered the room one by one, a black shadow fell from above them.

Let's skip the battle process. There's really nothing to say. It's just repeating the same old tricks, using people as hammers to hit them. After a knee-breaking combo of batons and pistols, the U.S.S. team played GG amidst laughter (crossed out).

This time Watson got something.

The following memory comes from the guy who looked like the captain.

"Madam's figure is really great. Unfortunately, I don't really like her green outfit, but that doesn't stop me from following her and admiring it carefully. The advantage of wearing tactical goggles is that others can't detect where your eyes are. .

But since the masked man wielding two swords arrived a few months ago, I have never had the chance to follow Madam. So I asked him for a challenge, and I will never forget that day in my life.

In front of my wife, it took the masked man more than half an hour to defeat me. It seems to have given me face, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that bastard was teasing me the whole time, and I didn't even hit him with a few fists from beginning to end!

I have never been so embarrassed in my life..."

This memory ends here.

It’s hard to say whether this U.S.S. captain is a licker, but the old pervert is sure. Just like Watson once met a guy in his previous life who wore sunglasses all day long. He called it a hip-hop trend, but in fact he used his sunglasses to peek at girls' breasts every day.

The last scene in my memory happened to be what the captain saw before boarding the plane: Clockwork Man was following Mrs. Viper, along with the commander of U.S.S. Colonel Sergey Vladimir.

So Clockwork Man is really at the Umbrella Company headquarters and has not been sent out to hunt down a certain protagonist.

This is really good news.

Although the location of this headquarters is a bit far away.

Watson shook his head, trying to get rid of the inexplicable emotion in this memory as soon as possible. Although there are relatively few memory fragments that I can retrieve at present, this is also beneficial. The emotions accompanying these scattered memories come and go quickly, and they will not have long-lasting effects.

Run out the door and find the backpack and shotgun you removed earlier.

Watson began to think about his next plan.

The Umbrella Group's "headquarters" building in Raccoon City is actually just a cover, used to maintain surface operations and negotiate projects that do not involve biological and chemical weapons. The real headquarters is located on the Colorado Plateau dozens of kilometers southwest of Raccoon City. underground.

What surprised Watson was that there was no such huge underground headquarters in the Resident Evil game series.

Yes, this underground headquarters is a setting only found in movie plots.

But no matter what, the reason why the dozen or so special forces in the movie plot could easily break in was because a biological crisis had broken out in the underground headquarters.

After the central computer "Red Queen" discovered that the virus was leaked, it weighed the risks and took it upon itself to block all external exits. The computer didn't show any hesitation and blocked it immediately, so the entire defense force in the building was basically devoured by zombies.

But now that base is still fine, how can I break into it with so few people at my disposal?

For the first time, Watson began to feel that he should be like the protagonists in the novels who traveled through time, build their own power and cultivate an army loyal to themselves, so that they could solve any problem.

I don’t know if the current communication system in Raccoon City can still be used. How about calling Mrs. Carter and asking?

crooked? I'm Watson!

Do you want to drop a nuclear bomb?

If so, when will you drop it?

According to what the old lady said on the phone call last night, it is certain that personnel from all parties, including the military, the National Guard, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. team, will enter. This is a necessary means to conduct risk assessment.

Logically speaking, it is normal to send someone to try out a round. Just like in the movie, the operation of directly blocking external exports and then throwing a nuclear bomb over, let alone what kind of magic the umbrella company did in it...

That government is absolutely mentally ill.

While Watson was thinking, he suddenly felt a burning sensation coming from the cat's paw mark on the palm of his left hand. He raised his left hand in front of him. The appearance of the cat's claw mark did not change at all, but the burning sensation was obviously not his imagination.

What exactly is going on?

Before he could think about it, the roar of a propeller came from far away and came closer.

Looking up, he saw two Black Hawk helicopters carrying soldiers flying in his direction in the distance. Watson ran away and hid in the roof of a building near the substation.

I have to say that the Umbrella Company's reinforcements were really fast.

The burning sensation in his palms became more and more intense. Watson frowned as he watched the two Black Hawk helicopters come to an emergency stop on the green lawn in front of the substation. The figure jumping down from above made his pupils shrink.

Clockwork Man.


"You know what I like most about you?"


"Yes, I just like your reticence to talk."

When the second U.S.S. team was attacked by Watson ten minutes ago, the U.S.S. command room at the Umbrella Group headquarters had already reported the news to Mrs. Viper.

In the office, Mrs. Viper held a glass of whiskey and said to Clockwork Man sitting on the other end of the sofa. The other party did not respond to her words, but silently lowered his head and played with a mechanical device.

"We lost contact with the team sent to the Raccoon City substation."

At this moment, the commander of U.S.S. Colonel Sergey knocked on the door and reported bad news: "The combat effectiveness of the unidentified biochemical mutant has exceeded the limit of normal soldiers. If you still want to catch it, , I suggest sending out a tyrant.”

"Tyrant? No...those big guys are not suitable for capture. I have a better idea."

Mrs. Viper shook her head and rejected Colonel Sergei's suggestion, and turned her head to the clockwork man beside her: "How about leaving this matter to you? Just think of it as a way to get some exercise before leaving here?"

Clockwork Man said nothing.

He flipped his wrist flexibly and put the mechanical device back into his body. Then Clockwork Man stood up, moved his body and walked slowly towards Colonel Sergei.

Neither the latter nor Mrs. Viper spoke, as they knew that Clockwork Man's reaction represented his acceptance. Watching Clockwork Man leave the room behind Colonel Sergei, Mrs. Viper took a sip of the whiskey in her glass.

The cell phone on the table rang.

Mrs. Viper put down her wine glass gracefully and picked up her mobile phone: "You are much later than I expected, Alexander. I hope you brought me good news."

A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"The president will not agree to this plan easily, Ophelia. The Colorado National Guard is already on the way, and the military's spy satellites will be online early this morning. If they still think the situation is controllable, then the special forces will meeting......"

"Let them come, Pierce." Mrs. Viper picked up the wine glass on the table again: "No matter who comes as a guest, I guarantee that they will go to hell with this city, so that you can always pass the nuclear bomb plan. Alright?"

"All I can say is try your best."

The man's voice was a little heavy: "If it comes time to activate a backup plan, we can only sacrifice the hidden line buried in the military."

"I understand, please call me again if you have any news."

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Viper drank all the wine in the glass with a trace of ridicule on her lips: "If you hadn't successfully brought down that old woman Peggy Carter, we would have to consider backup now. plan?"

Putting down her wine glass, she asked without looking back: "How are things being packed?"

A shadow of a little girl lit up in a room that was empty except for Mrs. Viper. It was the central computer of the underground headquarters and the artificial AI that the Umbrella Group had spent a lot of effort building: the Red Queen.

"The data backup has been completed, and the loading of the experimental body has been 56% completed."

A few seconds after the words fell, the little girl's voice from the Red Queen sounded again: "Dr. Howard Stark from AG-284 Laboratory raised objections to our evacuation plan. He claimed that if the experiment is interrupted now... ."

"Okay, okay, that's it, I understand."

Mrs. Viper raised her hand without looking back, interrupting the Red Queen's report.

That old ghost Howard just wants to delay time. It seems that the warning I gave you last time was not enough. After standing up and stretching her wrists, Mrs. Viper walked towards the door with graceful steps.

She's bringing out Howard's wife, Maria Stark.

Teach that old immortal a lesson he will never forget.


On the Colorado Plateau where the yellow sand blew, the ground covered with sand slowly cracked open, and a hexagonal platform carrying two Black Hawk helicopters rose up from the dark hole.

"what's up?"

Watching the Black Hawk helicopter carrying Clockwork Man take off, Colonel Sergei connected the communicator on his ear.

"A helicopter returned from the mansion in the Arklay Mountains a few minutes ago. On board were the remaining members of the Raccoon City Police Department's S.T.A.R.S. team." A report from his subordinate came through the headset.

A few minutes later, Colonel Sergei quickly walked into the U.S.S. command room.

No need to ask, the subordinate waiting inside the door immediately handed over an incident report.

"Tyrant Type 1 can't stop them..."

Looking at the on-site investigation described in the report, Sergey pondered for a moment and then turned to ask his men: "How many manpower do we have that we can mobilize now?" He was referring to the manpower of the U.S.S., not counting the defense personnel and forces in the base. Inside.

"Six U.S.S. standard combat teams and three UH-60 utility helicopters. Do you want to send them all out, sir?"

"These survivors have experience fighting zombies and tyrants. We need to send more powerful biological weapons to deal with them." Sergey shook his head, walked to the window and looked at the busy laboratory outside, as well as a body soaked in culture A huge figure in the warehouse.

"Just send two combat teams. They are not responsible for the main work against the enemy..."

After a moment of silence, Sergey continued to speak.

"Activate Nemesis and let her do the job."

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