After dying once, can you now kill someone without changing your expression?

Wandering aimlessly along the waterway, Watson asked himself in his mind. He did not regret killing these soldiers. Not only did they see his face, but the leader actually had no intention of sparing his life.

But after the intense adrenaline stimulation passed, the officer's shocked expression when his neck was strangled, the frightened eyes of the soldiers looking at him, and the last man's eyes that revealed a meaning of begging for mercy before he died, all... kept popping up in Watson's mind.

I killed them.

Watson wants to know how Captain America, who has had a close relationship with him, thinks of the enemies he killed. Maybe he really feels from the bottom of his heart that he is serving justice? What those superhero movies ignore, or deliberately downplay in order to get lower ratings, is that every time superheroes fight villains, a lot of people die.

Most superhero movies only focus on how good defeats evil, but there are few works that focus on such serious content.

Because the movies are all fake.

Watson smiled self-deprecatingly. No matter how many people die in the movie, they are all fake. They are actors, digital special effects, and dramatic scenes arranged to set off the theme and atmosphere. The audience knows this well. bright.

At best, it's about appreciating humanistic and artistic works, but at worst, it's just hypocritical and deceiving oneself.

But those people I just killed were not fake.

It’s not about acting in a movie anymore.

I will continue to kill people, no doubt about it. Watson looked at the few gray rats that were frightened by his footsteps and were running around. He thought to himself, the concrete meaning of war is that you kill me and I kill you. If you don't kill, you will be killed. There is no suspense in the single choice. question.

Gradually, Watson no longer struggled with the soldiers he had just killed.

According to Marvel's timeline, the Cold War, the Chitauri invasion, the Serpentis Shield aircraft carrier ascending into the sky, Thanos snaps his fingers... almost every Marvel movie plot will trigger several wars of varying sizes. , can I be able to survive without killing anyone every time?

After all, in this Marvel world, even if you go to Antarctica to live in seclusion, you can still encounter Hydra!

What's more, this may not be just a simple Marvel world...

Not thinking about this anymore, Watson shook his head. The first priority was to find a city map, and then go to Heidelberg Old Bridge to look for clues. Let the murderers who killed my cheap parents pay for their lives. This is the last thing I do for you, Watson said silently to the original owner of this body.

As for this war, leave it to Captain America to work hard. Anyway, according to the plot, Hydra’s imperial dream will not be possible in the end, probably... and there are thousands of superheroes, there will always be someone who can stand. Come out and do the heavy lifting, I'll just make a soy sauce salted fish.

As for killing people, if you don't come to kill me, I won't bother to kill you anyway.


After leaving the sewer and dressing up in a clothing store at night, Watson gradually discovered the changes in his body. The first is the problem of automatic feeding that he is most worried about. Since he swallowed a dog and two humans not long ago (incorrectly), he no longer feels hungry.

Watson speculated that his body might only try to actively liquefy and suck out the living things it comes in direct contact with when it is very hungry. In order to verify this, Watson previously caught a squirrel in the sewer, and the poor squirrel was held in Watson's hand and walked for more than half an hour without any incident.

It seems that from now on I just need to eat in time when I am hungry. But there was a problem that Watson never understood. His body never seemed to sweat. After wandering around in the smelly sewer for a long time, he took off the smelly sack and smelled his body again, but he didn't smell anything. What an odor.

Then why did that dog become so vicious last time when he smelled me?

Am I too handsome? Watson never figured it out.

After solving the time bomb of "sucking" in stages, Watson finally relaxed a little to worry about other problems, such as getting a map. This was not difficult. After eating and drinking, Watson seemed to transform into the protagonist Ezio of Assassin's Creed, constantly jumping and walking across the rooftops.

Soon he found a bookstore. Fortunately, the door was equipped with an external door lock. Watson broke off the entire lock and most of the rivets without making much noise.

After searching for a while, Watson found the city map he wanted, and then looked at it for a long time before finding the location of the Heidelberg Old Bridge among the densely packed street names.

All that's left is to go to the street and read the street signs to confirm which street you are on, and then use the map to find it directly.

Watson made up his mind.

At this time, his keen ears heard some movement outside the door.

Watson folded the map and put it in his pocket. He crouched to the door and quietly poked his head out. All he could see was a quiet street, accompanied by the barking of dogs in the distance. It made him feel like a child when he woke up in the middle of the night and ran to the balcony. The illusion of looking at the scenery. For a moment, he began to miss the carefree and leisurely days when he would wear women's clothes and play games alone at home during college holidays.

Although he didn't see any useful information at first glance, Watson immediately began to try to use the three-line observation method to re-search.

This is a technique he learned while playing "Arma 3" in his previous life. The general method is to divide the scenery in front of him into three categories: near, middle, and far, and then connect the top edges of the three types of scenery into a rough line. , divide the entire area that needs to be observed based on these three lines, conduct quick observations in an orderly and focused manner, and improve the success rate of finding the enemy's location.

He soon discovered a sneaky figure with his face covered at the entrance of an alley in the middle distance. He ran out alone like me in the middle of the night. Could it be that you are also looking for a dog? Watson's habit of playing side quests in games began to surface. He knew that there was definitely something wrong with this sneaky guy. Do you want to follow him?

Come on, you're not a nerd now, and this isn't a game.

Watson hammered his head and said to himself, the first priority is to find the location of the Heidelberg Old Bridge, and all other things that are not my business should be put aside.

He walked into the bookstore again and took away a compass on the counter. He quietly climbed up to the building opposite. Thanks to his excellent physical fitness, he learned the parkour videos he had watched before and cosplayed the games he had played. After being an assassin for a while, Watson really has some experience in climbing and sneaking.

After reconfirming the direction of the moonlight to prevent the shadows on the ground from betraying him to the patrols on the road, Watson kept moving between the eaves, looking at the map from time to time, and headed in the direction of the Heidelberg Old Bridge.

Heidelberg Old Bridge is near.

The Heidelberg Old Bridge, also known as the Ka-Tiode Bridge, was built in the late 18s. Gradually approaching the streets near the Old Bridge in Heidelberg, Watson felt that the surrounding scenery was slowly becoming familiar. This was the area where the original owner of the body, Almendo Taxner, lived.

Watson looked at the old bridge from a distance. With his excellent eyesight, he saw many soldiers stationed on the bridge, and pale searchlights swept across the river from time to time. So how do I find clues? I ran over and asked you who killed my parents? Watson began to glare. Maybe it would be better to wait until daytime when there are more people? The original owner of the body lived here for more than ten years after he was born. Maybe he can meet someone who knows him?

Watson felt that this was a very feasible approach, and he had done enough for one night. He decided to wait until daylight to enjoy the breeze on the roof of the building, and by the way, take a look at the first sunrise since he traveled through time.

But then he noticed a familiar figure on the street not far downstairs.

This seems to be the sneaky person just now?

Watson thought to himself, why not follow him and take a look?

The foot that stepped out was taken back again.


Anyway, I’m just bored now, so I’ll just take a look, just take a look.

Watson followed.


With his face covered, Perez carefully avoided the dim street lights and walked through the shadows of the street, always paying attention to the footsteps that might sound nearby at any time. His heart was beating violently, and his destination was across the street. Perez raised his body slightly, turned his head left and right to make sure there was no one next to him, and then crouched and sprinted all the way to the small door on the other side of the street.

Knocked lightly on the door.

After an anxious countdown of 10 seconds, Perez raised his hand again.

This time it was 5 short rhythmic strokes.

Another ten seconds of silence followed.

Perez finally said softly: "Good morning."

This time there was movement behind the door: "It's midnight."

"Good morning."

"who are you?"


The door opened, and a man with his face covered cautiously poked his head out and looked outside. Perez didn't talk nonsense and quickly squeezed in through the door. The man took another look at the empty street and immediately closed the door gently.

After the door closed, Watson on the building opposite popped his head out again. Are you really Allied agents? Watson thought he had discovered the truth.

You're here, why don't you come closer and listen?

Anyway, his body's hearing had been greatly enhanced, so he decided to find a way from above to get closer and listen to the chat of this mysterious group of people.

After all, in the middle of the night, apart from the room in front of me, there was nowhere else anyone could talk.

"Perez, why did you come here in the middle of the night?"

"Something serious has happened! I heard the alarm suddenly sounded in the middle of the night at the military camp, and the two infantry companies on the west side of the city all rushed into the street!"

"what happened?"

The person who asked this question did not cover his face. His bald head stood on a tall and strong body, and with the full beard on his face, he looked like a gangster. Perez briefly described how he heard gunshots in the middle of the night and then the siren sounded and the troops took to the streets. The bearded man frowned: Could it be that Geller's stronghold in the west of the city was discovered? He started questioning Perez again.

"Have you observed any other information?"

"No, the streets are full of soldiers, and I don't dare to get close to confirm. I think those sons of bitches must have some information. I suspect that we may have been exposed..."

"Okay, let me think."

The bearded man raised his hand to interrupt Perez's words. After a while of silence, the man spoke again: "In more than ten hours, our army will officially attack Heidelberg. Our internal response is crucial. This Never miss a beat.”

After a pause, the big man continued: "We have been lurking here for more than half a year, developed so many channels, made so many preparations, and made such detailed plans, just for this moment!"

"And most of the channels and preparations are one-time." A masked man next to the big man added.

"That's right." The big man nodded: "This means that we only have one chance to launch our plan, so we must do our best to ensure its effectiveness." He picked up a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath. Then he continued: "But I am not that kind of idealist. I believe you all know how serious the consequences will be if the plan fails and our army's attack fails."

The big man looked at Perez: "Cancel the original meeting plan. You can go directly to the market hall tomorrow to confirm with Kalk whether there is any problem with the installed bomb, and then proceed according to the original detonation plan." Then he turned to look. To another masked man: "Bernard, is there any new incident regarding the response to the Howling Commandos?"

"Everything is going according to the original plan." Bernard shrugged: "There are always people who can do it with money, especially now that our army has pressed them to the doorstep, there are more people who calm down and want to find a way out for themselves. "

"What about Geller?" Perez asked.

"He knows where he should bomb. Now Geller's side is completely filled with shells, flying alone." The big man was glad that he had taken insurance in advance: "And he doesn't know all our plans, even if he's there Unfortunately, if we are caught, it will not directly interfere with our main operations. Once our army starts attacking, those sons of bitches in the City Guard will not have much energy to control us."

Perez asked no more questions and turned around to go out, preparing to leave as planned after dawn.


Watson, who was upstairs not far away, listened to the conversation. It was good news for him that the Allies would launch an attack on Heidelberg. By then, the entire Heidelberg and its surroundings would definitely be in chaos. After he finished this vote, he could take advantage of the chaos and run out. As long as he was not blocked by the Allies as an enemy, he would be free to fly, probably.

Just as Watson was blowing the wind and thinking wildly, the sky finally began to dawn.

The golden sunshine in the early morning shines on the black roofs of ancient European-style buildings and slowly spreads towards the red brick walls under the eaves. The green woods wrapping around the edge of the city ripple like the river under the ancient bridge, stretching towards the distant mountains. Finally someone opened the door and walked onto the street, and this quaint city gradually came to life.

If you ignore the war machines that are moving and stopping, this picture is no different from the beautiful pictures of European tourist city attractions that Watson saw online in his previous life. (Note: Heidelberg was one of the very few German cities that was not bombed by Allied aircraft during World War II)

Good morning, it's time.

A few minutes later, watching the number of pedestrians on the street gradually increase, Watson, wearing a hat and thin scarf, walked out of the alley and started walking around the Heidelberg Old Bridge.

Not long after, when Watson was slowly passing by an alley, he saw an old woman wearing a headscarf staring at him closely.

Does this old lady know me?

He stopped and tilted his head at the old woman.

A long time passed, and just when Watson thought the old woman was going to shout "Guard", the old woman asked tremblingly: "You...are you Armendo?" Watson didn't To speak, he just pulled down his scarf to reveal his face, and then nodded.

"Oh my god......"

The old woman covered her mouth with one hand, and stretched out her other hand to pull Watson and lead him into the alley.

"Poor little Armendo, I'm so sorry about what happened to your parents."

Before Watson could react, the old woman pulled him into her arms. The sudden concern caught Watson, a guy who was used to living alone, a bit off guard, and he was dumbfounded.

This really surprised me. We in China do not like this way of saying hello. Watson, who had never interacted with foreigners many times in his previous life, thought to himself.

"I saw you were taken away by them. What did they do to you? Were you injured? Did you escape?" After letting go of Watson, the old woman chattered in a low voice and stretched out her hand to start. He rummaged through Watson's scarf and collar to see if he was injured.

After rummaging through the memory of the original owner Almendo for a long time, Watson finally remembered who this old woman was. She was a neighbor who lived not far from the Almendo family. Almendo called her Granny Leah, and the two The people are very friendly. Grandma Leah had no children and lived alone. Little Almendo would often visit her house after school to get snacks.

"Why don't you speak? Did they cut your throat..."

"Um...I'm fine, I'm fine."

Watson suddenly felt like he was on the phone with his parents and the elderly at home, asking 10 questions and answering one by himself. But Granny Leah didn't mind. She took Watson to the small house where she lived. "I'm so sorry that I don't have anything delicious to entertain you now. Since the war started, everything has become very difficult..."

Seeing Granny Leah who kept nagging and rummaging through the cupboards to find food for herself, Watson's feeling of déjà vu became even stronger as she returned to her hometown on vacation. He quickly interrupted: "Grandma Leah, I want to ask you about the group of soldiers who killed my parents that day."

Grandma Leah turned around and looked at Watson in surprise.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Do you want to take revenge?"

"Armendo! They are soldiers, we are just ordinary people!"

After a set of standard three rounds, Granny Leah staggered over and put her hands on Watson's shoulders: "Don't think about this, I know you are sad. But you are not 15 years old, you go alone What can be done? They will kill you!"

Tears began to well up in Granny Leah's cloudy, wrinkled eyes.

"You hide here for a few days. I know a man, do you remember Grandpa Hayden from Nissant Street? He can take you out of here! I will try to get you some food and clothes in the next few days. With..."

As she spoke, Granny Leah hugged Watson again.

"Listen to Grandma Leah and stop thinking about revenge. Leave here, run far away, and live well, okay?"

At this time, Watson was most embarrassed to cry. He had to first think of ways to comfort Granny Leah, and then think about how to get words out of her mouth.

(This thought is...well, there are only three things that can be done)

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