The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 397 Cross-Time Zone Operation

Jessica walked lightly, following the wall and moving towards the living room.

She saw a man with a buzz cut sitting with his back to the door.

Like a man.

"Damn it! Who are you?" Ms. Drew decisively put herself in the mindset of an ordinary person, turned on the light, and shouted at the man on the sofa with his back to her: "Why are you in my room? Who are you? How did you get in?"

"Arachne, don't you remember me?" The man on the sofa stood up and turned around, revealing a rough stubbled face, a typical Eastern European strongman style: "Do you think we won't be able to find you if you escape to London? It's stupid to be a vigilante in a tights."

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Jessica had never seen this face before. Perhaps the long-term brainwashing process of Spider-Woman by Hydra was too painful, so she only remembered Otto Wilmitz, who she frequently contacted: "Please leave immediately! Otherwise, I will call the police!"

"You acted very convincingly. If you had hidden a submachine gun in the closet, I might have really believed it." The man laughed and pointed to the scar on his face: "You gave me this scar. I remember it clearly, Arachne."

"...Don't call me that name."

Ms. Drew lamented that Baron Otto was too cautious and insisted on sending a small minion over.

Can devouring him reveal Otto's whereabouts?

...It’s hard to say. What if this guy only reports by phone?

"You two have a really good relationship, don't you?"

The man took out some photos from the table and said, "We know you're in a band. To be honest, why didn't we realize you had talent in this area before? Maybe we were too harsh on you before. Look at you. Do your good friends know about your past experience?"

"what do you want?"

"Don't worry, we will meet again." The man turned and walked out the door. When he passed by Jessica, he said, "I say hello to you on behalf of the Baron. By the way, don't try to track me unless you want to see the little girl's arm tomorrow. Her name is Lucia, right?"

Jessica's fists hardened.

It wasn't that he was angry about the threat, but he was hesitating whether to take action or not. By the time this guy walked downstairs, it would be too late to keep him. But if he didn't find any news about Baron Otto after devouring him, it would undoubtedly make him hide deeper. He could dig out the band members now, and maybe even catch Michela and Nisha's whereabouts in the future.

I can't just temporarily cancel the identity of Jessica Drew... although it's not impossible.

The footsteps faded away and the man reached the door.

The tentacles surged under the clothes, but eventually calmed down. Jessica closed the door and immediately began to check the entire house. The weapons room was indeed searched, but fortunately she didn't have the habit of hiding all the equipment in one place, so at least Miss Watson's combat uniform and T-shaped sword in the gap between the beds were not discovered.

The pet cat Wowo also crawled out from under the bed. The little guy didn't say a word until he heard his owner calling him. Jessica really didn't expect the apartment to be invaded. The precautions she took before were partly out of professional habit and partly to deal with the energetic girl Lucia who might come to visit.

I didn't expect this unexpected effect.

NMD, even the underwear is turned over?

After a quick check, most of the private items in the closet were destroyed. Perhaps because they were so explosive, the man did not carefully search other places. The pet cat Wowo kept meowing at his feet, but Jessica didn't want to pay attention to it. She was very nauseous now.

"I'm going to go out for a while, be careful."

After using electromagnetic induction to confirm that there were no pocket cameras or eavesdropping devices in the house, Ms. Drew changed into Ms. Watson, put on some clothes casually, and used her pocket watch to open the door to Silent Hill. She didn't want to make a phone call here. Who knows if Otto has tampered with the nearby communication base station? It would be a big trouble if he was eavesdropped.

As the door was pushed open, a familiar church scene appeared before his eyes. He hadn't been in there for a while. When someone appeared, Donna in the corner stood up and trotted towards him: "Madam..."

"I'm busy now. I'll play with you next time."

Miss Watson hugged her and kissed Donna on the forehead through the veil, then activated the teleportation array engraved in the center of the hall and disappeared in a burst of light. Ms. Benevento was stunned in place, touched her forehead that was kissed, and then slowly took off the veil.

In the corner, the doll that looked like Miss Watson came forward and hugged Donna from behind. But this time she gently pushed him away, sat down on the chair with a sullen look on her face, and stared blankly at the place where Miss Watson disappeared.

"Hey! Hamill!"

At this moment Miss Watson was already at Kamar-Taj in the morning.

After saying hello to the plate armor mage Hamil, she operated her cell phone to call Michaela and Nisha in London respectively. Then, under Hamil's strange gaze, she once again stepped onto the teleportation array that the other party had adjusted and headed for Silent Hill.

Suddenly, Donna saw Miss Watson again.

"What happened to you? Why did you take off your veil?"

Miss Watson was a little surprised: "Don't you like wearing it the most? You don't even want to take it off when I ask you to."

"No...just now..."

Donna stood up and muttered timidly, subconsciously touching her forehead with her hand.

"Oh~~~~" Miss Watson understood, a mischievous smile appeared on her face, she hugged Ms. Benevento and kissed her face a few times: "You didn't kiss you directly just now, right? Then will it be enough if I kiss you a few more times? Mua——!"

The red lips touched her face like raindrops, and Donna's expression suddenly turned shy.

"Hmm? Another kiss!"


Phew! Much more comfortable!

After teasing Donna, Miss Watson did not give her time to react. She pushed open the door she had made with her pocket watch and once again returned from Silent Hill to the King's Tavern Apartment in London. She glanced at her watch and saw that the whole process took less than two minutes, which was very fast.

Turning back into Jessica Drew, she immediately took the cleaning tools and tidied the room, focusing on throwing all the clothes that had been turned out into the washing machine. Jessica felt sick at the thought that all these things had been touched secretly by a man. If it was in Michelle's house, this guy's body would probably have been dissolved by now.

Next time we meet, I'll break both of his hands.

...Shit! I also lost two pairs of stockings!


Ms. Drew covered the washing machine and shook with anger.


The pet cat Wowo squatted aside and made a puzzled sound.


"Calm down, Watson, isn't this your goal? If Baron Otto really sends someone here, we will catch him sooner or later." Nisha nudged the pretty boy with her shoulder. "At least it's good news to confirm that Otto is really in London. We just need to perfect our response plan."

"First, I'm not uncalm."

Watson held up a finger. "Second, it's been two days. It's November 11th, and there's been no follow-up. I really don't want to play this game of hide-and-seek with Otto, but I guess he must be enjoying this state, especially secretly watching Spider-Woman anxiously but not daring to move."

"What do you think he'll do next?"

"Jessica hasn't reached the stage of mental breakdown yet. Otto will gradually increase the threat until Ms. Drew surrenders." Watson frowned and turned the dagger in his hand. "Only then will Otto choose to show up. I don't think they have any secret weapons to restrict Jessica, or they are not strong enough, otherwise they would have just kidnapped me that night."

"That stuff could be dangerous to you, too."

Michella followed suit and twirled the knife.

Yes for Spider-Woman, but probably not for me.

"I'll be careful." Watson knew his girlfriend was worried about him. "On the contrary, you two should be more careful recently. Although I no longer come to you in the form of Jessica, it does not mean that you are absolutely safe."

“Oh, leave it to me.” Nisha sat next to Michelle and put her arm around her shoulders: “I will take good care of your little girlfriend.”

"You can't even get some sun, and you're taking care of me?"

Miss Butterfly Knife rolled her eyes: "Why didn't you tell me that I went out in broad daylight to buy blood for you to drink?"


Nisha put one leg across Michelle's knee. "You're so nice to me, honey."

"I said, don't call me that."

"Well, I'm leaving first." Not having time to deal with the two bickering women, Watson put on his coat and left the house. Ms. Drew still had band matters to deal with today.

Taking a taxi to the nearest subway station, Watson took the opportunity to change trains and exited the station and walked into a shopping mall. He had frequently transformed himself during this period, and for ease of operation, Watson had to maintain a neutral dress even in male form.

It is mainly to facilitate entering the women's restroom and becoming a woman.

Anyway, with his appearance and body proportions, even if he wears a small mask and doesn't wear very masculine clothes, few people would think Watson is a man. So he often goes straight to the public women's restroom, and when he walks out, he already looks like Spider-Woman Jessica Drew.

But there are also hidden dangers in doing so. For example, when there are too many people in the women's toilet, everyone will line up. Once there are people waiting outside your cubicle, it will be difficult to change your appearance. It can only be said that compared with men, it is indeed much more troublesome for women to go to the toilet. Every time this happens, Watson even wants to support those groups who call for increasing the number of women's toilets.

on the other hand......

What a perverted voyeur!

God knows how many idiots ran through Watson's mind when he had the inexplicable spider sense and saw an eye in the crack outside the wall. To be honest, if it weren't for the spider sense, he would have performed a terrifying scene of his tentacles transforming in front of a peeping Tom that day.

Of course, that bastard is now...

Thinking of this, the spider sense suddenly sounded the alarm again.

Is it over?

Turning her head and catching a glimpse of a sneaky gaze, Ms. Drew raised her hand to cover her forehead.

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