I could hear voices faintly.

"Don't, don't kiss..."

"What are you afraid of? She's asleep anyway, right?"

Michelle shuddered and suddenly opened her eyes.

Familiar bedroom ceiling.

With her head dazed and unable to remember what happened last night, Miss Butterfly Knife continued to lie on the bed for a while, then struggled to get up. As soon as she moved, the pain immediately spread from all parts of her body, and Michelle didn't stand firmly and sat down directly on the carpet beside the bed.

It had been a while since she had felt this familiar feeling. At least she was very sure of one thing: she and Watson had gone crazy last night. Michelle climbed up from the bed, stumbling out without putting on her clothes. It was not until she had solved her personal problems and looked in the bathroom mirror that she discovered several kiss marks on her chest and neck, and a little skin on the corner of her lips.

"You were really crazy last night."

A female voice suddenly came from the side, which scared Michelle and made her sober up a little.

Nisha leaned her shoulder against the bathroom door frame with a teasing look on her face.


Miss Butterfly Knife tried to respond coldly: "I thought you had gone back to that sewer a long time ago."

"If I hadn't driven you last night, Watson would have dragged you back alive. You have no idea how crazy you were. You were like a little cutie who had inhaled catnip." Nisha's smile did not diminish at all. "It was almost dawn when we got back here. You can't blame me for this, right?"

Michelle brushed her teeth and then deliberately rinsed her mouth with a "puff" sound as if she were spitting.

"Okay, see you tonight, little wildcat."

Nisha waved her hand and left a sentence before disappearing: "By the way... your skin tastes good."

Michelle in front of the mirror was stunned.

A few minutes later, she rushed downstairs to find her boyfriend watching TV: "What the hell did I do last night?"

"you're awake?"

Watson was watching a wildlife documentary and eating two boxes of French fries with gusto. When he heard his girlfriend's question, he immediately rolled his eyes again: "How dare you ask? Why don't I let Ms. Drew answer you first? First of all, when I put you in the car, you started yelling."

"What did I say?"

"Wait, let me imitate you, ahem... Watson! Why is this woman in my car? You must kill her immediately... Um!" Watson raised a finger, looked up at the ceiling, and changed his voice. But before he finished speaking, Michelle rushed over and covered his mouth. When she saw Watson purring, she moved her hand away: "Okay, stop talking, what's next?"

"Then you kept trying to pull out a knife and stab Nisha, but she was driving, so of course I had to stop you. You also kept asking Ms. Drew to change back into Mr. Watson, so I had to change back first. I didn't expect that you would be quiet for a short while before suddenly starting to take off your coat. Nisha was stunned by you."

"…Why should I take off my coat?"

Michelle had a bad feeling.

"What else can I do? It's just what you thought. I couldn't stop you, so I had to use my tentacles to tie you up." Watson rolled his eyes the most today, breaking his life record again. "Within the remaining ten minutes of the drive you were yelling for me to kiss you, and as soon as I moved my mouth away you started to make a scene without saying a word. If it weren't for the tentacles tying up your limbs, I think you would have twisted your body."

Miss Butterfly Knife lay down on the sofa and covered her face.

"We finally got home. Nisha and I bent down to take off our shoes, and you continued to take off your clothes." Watson crossed his arms and continued to complain unhappily: "Nisha was right next to us. What were you thinking at the time? Dr. Heinzwafen, I want to interview you. Would it make you feel accomplished to push me on the sofa and kiss me hard in front of her?"

"Yes, it's really a great sense of accomplishment, isn't it?" Michelle also gave it her all, with a stern face: "Who made her think about you all the time?"

"Do you really think so? No wonder you wanted to do it for real at that time."



Watson leaned close to his girlfriend's face and repeated her questioning words: "Ah-? You really can't remember anything, baby. Nisha sat on the sofa to the side and said you two go on, I'll watch here."

"Then she said 'little wild cat' again, and you got mad, jumping out of the sofa in your underwear and trying to pick a fight with her." After a few seconds, Watson continued, "Do you think I should have continued to stop you? No, I didn't want to stop you at that time. You two can solve it yourselves. I'm going upstairs to take a shower."


A group of wild wolves happened to appear on the TV screen, raising their necks and howling towards the night sky.

The sound was just right, like a signal, and Michelle took the pillow expressionlessly and pressed her face into it, acting like an ostrich. She no longer dared to ask about the kiss marks on her neck. If there was any more excitement, she was afraid that she would rush upstairs to fight the vampire.

Seeing that his girlfriend didn't ask any more questions, Watson breathed a sigh of relief. He had just been thinking about whether to tell a lie, because every time it came to Nisha, Michelle would easily lose control of her emotions. He did leave the battlefield to the two women at the time, and the result was not unexpected. Miss Butterfly Knife was naturally no match for the vampire princess.

What's more, he was so drunk that he couldn't stand steadily?

When Watson went downstairs, his girlfriend had already been pressed down on the sofa.

The levitation cloak was still fanning beside him.

The scene was extremely magical, but the point was that Michelle's expression didn't look completely humiliated, so it seemed that what the vampire princess said before about her masochistic nature was true. Nisha was probably carrying out her strategy, which was to deal with Michelle first. Watson had clearly refused before because he knew it was unfair to his girlfriend.

But now look at Michela...

Watson still remembered what Nisha said to him last night.

If a person can accept that her partner has intimate contact with her in a completely different appearance, there are only two possibilities: either she loves the other person so much that she doesn't care about the appearance, or she actually likes all these appearances. Leaving Miss Watson aside for now, judging from the details of Michelle's relationship with Ms. Drew, she does have the latter mentality to some extent.

Isn't this what I planned from the beginning?

...Does Michelle really hate Nisha as much as she says?

That was true at the beginning, but what about now?

Quietly watching the wolf pack on the TV screen, the camera naturally focused on the wolf king, the leader of the pack who usually has the sole right to mate. Watson realized that he had unknowingly acquiesced to Nisha's behavior. Perhaps from another perspective, he had never thought of truly refusing from the beginning.

What I really think in my heart is that I should stay out of it and look for an opportunity to push it from behind. When the two women really hook up, I will stand up and say that you two took the initiative and it has nothing to do with me. I can only passively accept the development of things to this point.

He was surprised that he had the nerve to think such a thought.

Nisha was even upstairs.

After rubbing his temples for a while, Watson chose to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch for his girlfriend.

Eggs, ham, toast and a slice of cheese. Watson fiddled with the pan and spatula with his hands, and stretched out his tentacles to wash the oranges, chop them up and throw them into the juicer. In the past few days, whenever he was at home, he would never miss this opportunity to practice multitasking. In just a few minutes, the egg toast with orange juice was sizzling on the coffee table.

Michella sat up and reached for the frozen orange juice, but was blocked by a tentacle.


Watson pointed expressionlessly at the glass of warm water on the plate.

Miss Butterfly Knife sighed, picked it up and drank it. "Honestly, where did you get this habit from? Did you learn it from the Dongguo people?"

“There is a saying in the East: If you don’t take care of your health, you’ll get a doctor; if you don’t exercise, you’ll end up in the hospital.”

"Then you don't take care of your health, you don't exercise, and you don't need to go to the hospital. I really envy you." Even though more than ten hours had passed, Michelle's breath still smelled of alcohol: "It's a pity that the magical potion that transformed you back then is gone, otherwise I would also like to have a shot."

"Then you might die on the test bench." Watson said, and used the remote control to change the news channel, but saw several zombies appear on the screen. He stared for a while and confirmed that the news channel was not broadcasting any Halloween activities. The big Gotham word was extremely glaring.

A biohazard outbreak in Gotham City?

Recalling the news about the riot at Blackgate Prison in Gotham City last week, Miss Watson was mainly focused on flirting with Michelle and paid little attention to the news footage.

resident Evil......

The tragic situation in Raccoon City came to mind again, but when Watson thought of the tough people in Gotham City, he was afraid that even if a few tyrants rushed in, they might not be enough to beat them, and there was also Batwoman. Bruce Wayne had dealt with him before, so she wouldn't be infected, right? This possibility should not exist. The other party had the "Red Queen" and a large number of copied Umbrella product information, and the T virus vaccine must also be there.

Why not just go and take a look? Anyway, I don't have to get involved in the production of the album, and Nisha is in charge of the intelligence work in London, so I can come back anytime.

"I want to go to Gotham."

"What?" Michelle was stunned for a moment, then looked at the TV screen and understood immediately: "Do you need my help?"

"Don't you know me yet?"

Watson shook his head. "But you don't know Gotham. Many areas there are as chaotic as the slums in Rio de Janeiro. There are a lot of crazy people there. I can't guarantee your safety."

"Then be careful yourself."

Michelle would not lose her temper over such things. When it came to combat operations, her professional state immediately returned: "Is there anything I can help with? For example, poison gas bombs?"

"No, I'll be leaving soon."

"Where are you going?"

A few minutes later, Nisha came down from upstairs and saw Watson standing in the living room, fully armed. He was wearing a combat uniform that she had never seen before, especially the full-coverage helmet, which gave off an inexplicable chill. He did bring a pair of T-shaped swords, two Glock 17s, and an MSG-90 semi-automatic sniper rifle with a suppressor installed on the gun head.


Pointing at the TV screen, Watson began to activate the teleportation ring given by the Ancient One, and drew circles in the air with one hand: "I'll leave this place to you for now. If you need anything, call me. I should be able to come back at any time."

"Come back anytime? But the Gotham you mentioned..." Nisha frowned: "Gotham City in New Jersey, right? It takes a lot of time to get there from London..."

A portal flashing with golden sparks opened up in front of her, stopping the woman from speaking.

"See you."

Watson waved his hand, raised his leg and stepped in, and the levitation cloak followed. The portal was quickly retracted, so fast that Nisha had no time to react. The only sound in the quiet living room was the TV. The woman turned to look at Michela: "Did I see it wrong just now, or did Watson throw himself into that sparking circle? And he disappeared?"

"you saw it."

Michela's eyes flickered over Nisha for a few moments, then he lowered his head and concentrated on the food.

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