The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 372 Gotham City with simple folk customs

After going down to the ground, Jill followed the woman codenamed "Zero" for about 3 minutes.

The word "walk" is not quite appropriate, because the two of them were almost jogging all the way. During this period, she heard more than 300 insults in total, mixed with accents from different regions, from men and women of different ages, and it seemed that these Gotham residents had grudges against each other and were arguing madly with each other.

There were shouts like "Are you dead, old man? I own your bed," "Mom, my homework was blown up, I can't do it anymore," and "When have you ever been to school at 16?"... There were also people who shouted for help, but only a few pulled out guns while shouting. For example, the two of them just passed by a bakery, and the owner was being held at gunpoint by a few thugs. Teammate Zero fired a few shots, scaring the thugs into hiding, and then the owner took the opportunity to pull out a submachine gun and fired at the robbers.

Speaking of firing, there were more gunshots and grenade explosions along the way than Jill had heard in the past month combined. She even saw a little kid swinging a pistol, emptying the magazine into the window of a roadside store, and then running away with a smirk on his face as the store owner yelled at him.

Not to mention the homeless guy who hid a grenade in his torn coat.

I don’t know why he still wanders around when he has such firepower.

And his teammate and commander "Zero"...

Ms. Valentine fully suspected that the other party was a local, otherwise he would not be so familiar with alleys and secret passages, and took her to avoid most of the firefights. Until she stepped into the side door of the water supply station, the chaotic movement seemed to still echo around her. Jill shook her head vigorously and followed Zero's footsteps.


A fist suddenly rose up in front of me.

Zero paused for a few seconds, then turned around and ordered, "I'll go in first. You'll be in charge of intercepting people who might escape. Remember to leave every one alive. We must get clues from them."


Jill hesitated: "But how do you know there's someone inside?"

“Focus on action.”

Bruce stopped her partner from asking further questions. She certainly wouldn't tell him that the water supply station was filled with door lock signalers, cameras and infrared sensors that she had installed, and that she had Red Bat analyze them 24 hours a day. The alarm was triggered before the gang broke into the house.


Ms. Valentine closed her mouth and watched Zero throw a flashbang grenade in and quickly disappear behind the iron gate. She picked up the M4 carbine and looked left and right. She felt that she had acted a little stupid today. She didn't understand any details and was just a tool to follow orders.

There was a lot of noise inside for about ten seconds, mixed with a few gunshots, and then Zero's voice came in: "Done, come in."

There were several burly men lying on the ground.

Jill took a quick look and had a new understanding of Zero's combat power, but she couldn't understand how he could do all this in just a dozen seconds. Bruce, on the other hand, first used a first aid kit to stabilize the injuries of the unlucky guys who were shot, and then began to torture them skillfully. Jill's eyebrows jumped when she saw a series of permanent disability methods.

She did not choose to interfere, and turned to collect the T-virus preparations. This group of people wanted to release the virus into the water supply system, and they should not be forgiven in any case. Looking at the suitcase full of preparations, she frowned and looked at Zero, but found that he had also stood up.

"Did you ask?"

Without answering Jill's question, Bruce took out a palm-sized computer from her body, stared at the screen while operating it, and then said, "They are from outside the city."


"They landed at Gotham Harbor, with a total of 22 people, and divided into three groups heading to the three main islands. The team on Lower City Island had 8 people, but only half of them were left when they entered the water supply station." Bruce said, switching a few screens: "There is no movement at the other water supply stations, perhaps the other two groups failed."

Failure is normal. Who would have thought that even an elementary school student could pull out a submachine gun in this place?

"So we need to find them as soon as possible?"

"The T virus preparations in their hands cannot be leaked out, especially to the hands of the gangs." Bruce said as he walked out, shaking off his blood-stained gloves. "Let's leave first. Don't worry about this place anymore. The police will be here soon."

Who are these reinforcements you're talking about? When will they arrive?

Even Jill felt that she had too many questions, so she simply shut up and followed Zero's footsteps.

Gotham City is bustling this morning.

But off the coast to the southeast, a luxury yacht began to turn around and escape.


The plate with the goblet was swept onto the thin carpet, spilling the bright red wine. The fat man at the desk was sweating profusely, and trembling as he picked up the remote control to turn off the air conditioner. But even so, he still felt cold all over, and walked quickly to open the window, and his face was slightly relieved when he ran into the warm air.

"You might consider jumping from there."

On the sofa behind him, a middle-aged man in a suit said slowly, "At least then you don't have to worry about tomorrow. After all, you really don't have a tomorrow, dear Director Julian Val, but I fully doubt whether your weight can successfully climb onto the windowsill."

"Damn it! You said it!" Fatty Julian turned his head and strode towards the man in a suit with a ferocious look on his face: "You were the one who promised that it would be okay! Now that all the operations have failed, do you think you can escape the reckoning?!"

"Yes, indeed I can."

In response to a mocking smile, the man raised his glass towards him: "After all, how can you prove that it was my guarantee?"


Julian's forehead veins bulged and he pounced forward.


The man's other hand was wearing a glove for some reason, and when he stretched it out, there was a gun in it. The bullet pierced Julian's forehead accurately, ending the conflict completely. He put the gun into the fat man's hand, drank the red wine in the glass, and then stood up, adjusted his coat and walked out the door: "I'm glad I don't have to endure your stench anymore, Fatty."

"nailed it?"

A row of fully armed soldiers stood outside the door.

"Relax, Klein. I told you not to be nervous." The man in the suit smiled and shook hands with the leader. "The plan was successful, wasn't it? Those who should shut up have shut up forever. Every time we work together, it goes so smoothly. Aren't you going to buy me a drink?"


Watson stayed at Carter House for nearly a week.

The death of the old butler Griffith did disrupt the plan, but for Watson, the importance of Mrs. Peggy was definitely not comparable to recording an album. He even considered adopting Peggy's previous short travel plan and going to Scotland with the old lady to change the environment, such as looking at the ranch.

However, Peggy also knew that this pretty boy had a lot of things to do, so she took the initiative to postpone the trip until the two of them really found free time in the future. After a dinner that was finally somewhat warm, Watson left Carter Manor and went to Michelle's residence.

It was already early September, and manager Frey called and wanted the talented Miss Jessica to go back and finish the album. He didn't want to rush her, but producer Ted dragged several executives from Hot Wave Records to the scene, listened to the unfinished "Jessica Drew" album, and then couldn't wait to urge for the complete version.

As an agent, Frey still has a clear mind.

Jessica emphasized that she did not intend to rework the work early, and he did not ask the question a second time.

Walking in from the backyard skillfully, Watson pushed open the door, and then his spider-sense immediately sounded the alarm. He stretched out his hand forward to block the toy air hammer attacking from the side and above.

There are also a few pink ponies printed on it.

Deadpool Wade Wilson would probably like it.

This guy seemed to be doing something with a pink pony doll in the movie. And the boomerang monster in the old version of "Suicide Squad" also treasured his tattered pink pony doll very much. I don't know if it was the screenwriter's bad taste.

After cleaning the soles of his boots on the shoe-shining mat, Watson walked into the living room with his pink pony hammer. Michelle was watching TV with her back to the door, and the screen was showing the news of the riot at Blackgate Prison in Gotham City. Watson was not surprised by such things. In a place like Gotham where people were simple and honest, it was natural for a biochemical crisis to happen one day.

The T virus may not be able to defeat the locals.

Maybe it can evolve into an ultimate special infected body... But to be honest, the reason why there are so many crazy people in Gotham has a lot to do with the "highly toxic substances" buried in it. These things are mixed in most building materials, local products, food, water sources and other media. Gotham people consume them every day without knowing it, so it's strange that they don't go crazy.

I don’t know if it still exists now?

But this is just a comic book setting, which may not be restored to reality, not to mention that the situation in this universe is very special. Watson took off his clothes while thinking about the setting of the Marvel world. There is no Joker in this version of Gotham, and perhaps even that crazy poison has disappeared.

"came back?"

Michelle looked back, accustomed to the horrific sight of her boyfriend's body transformed into tentacles.


The pink pony hammer hit the coffee table.

Miss Watson sat down on the sofa and looked at her stupidly.

"I've helped Nisha find a hiding place. It's in a maintenance tool room on an abandoned railway, not too far from us." Michelle looked like she had just taken a shower, wearing only underwear and a bathrobe. The bottle of cold beer in her hand was also an international practice. "To be honest, it took the two of us a lot of effort to eliminate the small gang there."

Miss Watson looked at her stupidly.

"How's Peggy?"

Miss Watson looked at her stupidly.

Michella sighed, "Well, I missed you."

"Mimi you are so nice!"

Miss Watson smiled and hugged her girlfriend and nuzzled her. Michella rolled her eyes and said, "I told you not to call me Mimi."

"Okay Mimi."

"...Forget it. How's Peggy? Is her mental state better?"

"I wanted to take her out for a walk, like to go to a Scottish ranch to see black-faced lambs. Do you know black-faced lambs?" Miss Watson's eyes sparkled. "When you wave your hand, it will jump towards you, and if you imitate its bark, it will...meah~~~~~~~~"

As she spoke, Miss Watson began to bleat like a sheep.

Michelle couldn't hold it anymore and covered her mouth with one hand: "Shut up!"

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