Click, click, click...

At the large dining table, Bruce Wayne ate breakfast with one hand while tapping on the laptop keyboard with her fingertips.

At dawn today, a blackout swept across half of Gotham City. Batwoman rushed out to defeat a gang that destroyed the power relay station. But that's not the end. The power outage caused the surging undercurrent to surge, directly leading to some "Gotham citizens" taking to the streets to celebrate. Bruce had to give up interrogating the existing criminals and rushed to the streets to help the police restore order.

She beat up dozens of people in a few hours, and even though she used a lot of props, she can still sit down and eat breakfast in high spirits. One has to marvel at Batwoman's physical fitness and willpower, although it still makes the old butler Alfred Pennyworth frown.

But we have to mention the artificial intelligence "Red Queen".

Or maybe it should be called "Red Bat" now.

Even the all-round genius Bruce Wayne had to say "this is awesome" early on. This artificial intelligence was the most valuable thing she had ever gotten from the Umbrella Group's Hive Base - nothing else. It even took on the monitoring and analysis work of the entire Gotham City. While eavesdropping on the alarm system, it could also independently judge crime-related incidents and transmit them to the onboard computers of the Batmobile and Batfighter.

The point is that the accuracy is pretty good.

Batwoman is currently designing a drone that will work with Wayne Group's satellite communications to circulate information more quickly in harsh environments. She is like a chairman sitting in the office, only having to make the final round of judgment based on the information and plans provided by her subordinates.

It is also not difficult to review the details at any time, as the "Red Bat" will not deliberately conceal or deceive.

At least it's hard to fool Brucey, who is in the late stage of paranoia.

Now, Batwoman is looking at the latest action report from the BSAA.

After receiving capital injection from the Wayne Group, the organization quickly regained new vitality, with branches in all continents fully mobilized. In particular, the two founders, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, repeatedly led the team in the mission of combating the black market BOW.

While reaching a new peak in popularity among the public, BSAA is also hated by the rulers of a considerable number of countries, especially those countries that want to secretly tinker with BOW. At least in the Federation, the government has recently adopted an absolute prohibition against BSAA. Even though the latter has official authorization for action from the United Nations, no one can solve the problem of a superpower like the Federation refusing to recognize it.

Therefore, the BSAA currently serves as the Federation's equivalent of spectators, that is, when a BOW event occurs, a small number of observers are sent to the scene. Observers can make suggestions, but are never allowed to participate in actual actions, and must endure the exclusion of military personnel at any time.

The kind that gets death stares when I go to the toilet.

Just think about it and you will know that suggestions will not be heeded.

The federation has its reasons for taking this attitude. From what Brucey has heard so far, the federal government is already preparing an anti-bioterrorism organization under their full control, which will then conduct operations based in federal military bases around the world.

It's clear that they want to confront the BSAA.

This is essentially just sending troops to participate in biological terrorism under a different name. After all, they are using their own military bases as their bases, so how can people not guess what is going on? But the Federation is not afraid of being questioned. They have a lot of experience in this. Otherwise, how could they set up military bases around the world like they do today?

If we really want to talk about third-party supervision...

It would probably be like the inexplicable death of the auditor sent to the Pentagon, such as being shot in the back on the way home, and the police ruling it as suicide.

Moreover, after the establishment of this "official organization", Wayne Group's move to fund BSAA was somewhat embarrassing, after all, it was a local enterprise of the Federation. Especially with such a large scale, if it ignored the "official organization" and continued to support BSAA, it might be suspected of its position.

If that situation really happens, we will probably have no choice but to provide secret funding instead.

Unless the "official agencies" cause big trouble.

Given the conduct of the federal government and the military, this is quite possible.

Putting aside these things that she could not interfere with, Bruce put her mind back on BSAA. She still had high hopes for this organization. Especially after interviewing Chris, Jill and others, Batwoman carefully studied their experiences, which were undoubtedly more credible than any so-called leader who stood on the platform and shouted slogans to organize protests.

Speaking of Jill Valentine…

Bruce stared at the beautiful face on the screen, recalling the scene last night, and touched her red lips with her fingertips. But the next second, the emotionless voice of "Red Bat" sounded: "Breaking Event: Prison Break, Location: Black Gate Island, Black Gate Prison."

With a whoosh, Batwoman stood up.

She walked quickly to the grandfather clock on the wall and turned the hands back 1 and 3 times, pointing to two numbers. Then the grandfather clock slid aside like a door. Bruce stepped in and the floor dropped silently. She was already familiar with this process and could walk to the bat cave smoothly with her eyes closed.

"Start the Batfighter."

"Instructions accepted."

As the elevator descended, a passageway with dim lights slowly rose before her eyes. Strangely, it was not paved with a regular floor, but with a track. Bruce took two steps forward, and the platform on the track moved forward autonomously, and the vertical equipment box on it also opened synchronously.

The light grey bathrobe fell to the ground, and the light illuminated a tall, sexy naked female body. However, if you look closely, you can see many scars of varying sizes all over the skin. Bruce turned her head, raised the tip of the blade on her arm armor, and pressed the switch inside with her finger, and a row of sharp blades stood up neatly.

The platform stopped at the end, and below it was a huge passage with several lights arranged in a regular pattern.

The roar of the bat fighter faintly reached my ears.

Like a ferocious beast.

Batwoman, dressed up, jumped out, her black cape fully unfolded, gliding along the passage, and gradually falling to the bottom of the ready-to-go Batfighter. Compared with Raccoon City in Colorado, Gotham City has completely different performance requirements for Batfighters, such as not emphasizing high altitude and high speed, but more multi-functional combat, so the wealthy Batwoman has modified several different versions.

The aircraft in front of us also has a forward-swept wing design to obtain better low-speed hovering performance. With the vertical take-off and landing system, it is not much less convenient than a helicopter in the city. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of current technology, more fuselage space must be used to store fuel, so the equipment compartment capacity is very limited, and in half of the cases, it has to be hoisted.

For example, hanging the Batmobile.

This kind of precision airdrop is currently difficult to achieve without the assistance of the "Red Bat" to operate the onboard computer.

As soon as she got into the cabin, the external display on the right showed the real-time image of Arkham Asylum. Bruce took a look and switched to other camera angles around her. It looked like someone had blown up the outer wall of the building, but given the current chaos, it was unclear who was being taken away.

"The police have been dispatched and are expected to arrive in 5 minutes and 22 seconds." The childish voice of the little girl "Red Bat" came from the onboard computer, but it still sounded very indifferent.

"Perform channel check."

"Inspection completed, exit clear."

Batwoman pushed the throttle, and the fighter plane rose diagonally upward, accelerating all the way to the exit. It was an artificially widened hole, with a wide waterfall on the surface. The water from Gotham's North River hit the fuselage, creating a rumbling sound.

Soon, the brightly lit Gotham City appeared outside the plane window, but the night sky was still covered with a thick layer of dark green cumulus clouds, and there were occasional flashes of lightning. Bruce's eyes passed through the plane window and cast towards this ominous place, her eyes calm and indifferent.

Gotham can be called an archipelago city. From north to south, it consists of three large islands and more than a dozen small islands of varying sizes, connected by several bridges and tunnels. This state is very unique in the world. Starting from Wayne Manor in the northeast, you have to fly south through the three main areas of Upper City Island, Middle City Island and Lower City Island in turn to reach Blackgate Prison at the southernmost end.

"Miss Wayne."

Just after flying up in the sky for a while, the old butler Afu called: "Miss Valentine just woke up and wants to leave now. Should we send her to the airport? Or should I try to persuade her to stay for breakfast first?"

"Drive her to the airport..."

"We are about to arrive above Blackgate Prison." Batwoman hadn't finished her words when the onboard computer issued a prompt. As Bruce spoke, she activated the airborne hatch. A half-meter-wide hole suddenly opened under the seat. After confirming that the autopilot was in effect, Batwoman pulled the lever and fell into the vast night sky.

She spread her cape and slid down to the top of the observation tower of Blackgate Prison with the precision of a professional skydiver. The guards below her shouted hysterically, the whole building was brightly lit, and the alarms rang out. Bruce squatted on the edge of the tower, frowning deeply. She felt that this was not an ordinary prison break.

Why is the guard so panicked?


Then gunshots were heard from below.


Before Batwoman had time to think, she saw a fire in the southeast building, and more than a dozen figures fell out from the upper floors. Bruce took out a pocket telescope from her waist, and in the enlarged picture in front of her, a figure with a body on fire stumbled forward, pressed down the unconscious prisoner on the ground, and then ate the prisoner's limbs like a hungry beast.

Bruce's fingers clenched instantly.

After observing the surroundings, she put on the rope gun, quickly hung over, and took advantage of the momentum to kick the figure that was eating its own kind. The other party was obviously completely unprepared, and the kick hit him hard, and he was kicked down twice.

After exhaling, Bruce didn't even look at the screaming prisoner on the ground, his eyes were still fixed on the "burnt corpse" in front of him. Sure enough, the other party rolled over a few times, slowly got up from the ground, and looked at this side with his almost burned eyes.

As he walked forward, he raised his hands to Bruce: "Uh..."


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