Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang——!

In the recording booth, Lucia was clacking her drumsticks at a fast tempo, shaking her head and her braids. Along with the fierce drum beats, the electric guitar played the classic "Canon" melody, and Jessica's fingers danced quickly on the fretboard. She half-closed her eyes and shook her body even more than Lucia.

This song "Canon Rock" is the only instrumental music in the album, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the tranquility and warmth of the original "Canon", especially after Jessica replaced the strings in the original accompaniment with another electric guitar with effects, the whole song went in the direction of rock and roll and never looked back.

Album producer Ted had previously suggested that Jessica make the album in two parts.

No wonder he had such thoughts.

The first five songs are obviously pop songs, but the last five are rock music, the styles are very different. It would be better to add a few more songs and divide them into two albums, so that each can become much purer. And with Jessica's enchanting voice, if you say that the two albums are sung by the same person, some listeners may still doubt it.

Ms. Drew’s response was simple.

Wouldn't it be less suspicious if I played the entire album?

The effect is better.

As Ted was distracted, all movement in the recording studio stopped.

"Perfect! It's perfect!" Seeing Jessica push the door open, manager Frey stood up and clapped his hands vigorously. "I can't believe it, it's almost over? It's not even a month yet, Jesse, you're going to set the fastest album recording case in our company's history!"

"Don't worry, Frey, there are still three songs to go." Jessica shook her head and said nothing more. She sat on the sofa and was in a daze. The band members were already used to the lead singer's silence in the past two days, so they didn't bother her. She smoked and enjoyed the fresh air.

"…Are you okay Jesse?"

Lucia hesitated for a few seconds, but couldn't help but come over and ask.

"Women have those days every month."

Jessica curled her lips and waved her hands: “I’ll be fine soon.”

"OK, OK."

The energetic girl gestured and slipped away. Not long after, Jessica was the only one left in the recording studio. Looking through the glass window at the empty chairs in the recording room, Jessica continued to lie on her back with her eyes half closed. She vaguely saw that there seemed to be several people sitting on them.

A distant voice came to my ears: "......3.....2...1, speak."

Open mic.

Her left hand unconsciously pressed the sofa, looking for a non-existent button. She suddenly woke up and the ceiling fan was turning slowly.

Did I fall asleep?

After opening her eyes for a while, Ms. Drew looked at her watch and found that only a few minutes had passed since the break. She stood up silently, walked back into the recording booth, and grabbed her Gibson guitar. Of course, the menstruation was a lie. The real reason was that she was upset. Jessica plucked the strings and sang a song at random, and then she felt calm again.

For the duration of this song, she stopped thinking about anything else.

Ever since Nisha's sudden visit, Jessica, or Mr. Watson, gradually had an idea that frightened him:

do not wanna go Home.

I don't want to continue to be awkwardly caught between my girlfriend and the person I'm ambiguous with.

Because of the shameless and sinful fantasy in his heart that he was unwilling to give up, even when he was intimate with Michelle, Watson couldn't help but think of Nisha upstairs, and was even afraid that she would see him. This mentality made Watson feel more and more ugly, so that he began to avoid the male form.

But Michela was very active in the intimate actions, probably because showing affection in front of her rival could fully satisfy her inner sense of achievement in asserting her sovereignty. In any case, she naturally couldn't tell her girlfriend about this idea of ​​not wanting to go home, so Jessica could only use the album recording as an excuse to stay in the recording studio frequently these days.

Nisha would be moving out soon anyway.

Let Miss Butterfly Knife and the Princess in Distress stay alone for the time being. These two women have had meals together several times before and have experience getting along with each other. To put it another way, the house is Michelle's home after all, and she won't tear down the whole house.

However, I still have to go back tonight, because I haven't left the Hammer Forge District for three days, and I haven't made many phone calls or text messages. If I don't show up again, Miss Butterfly Knife might go to the King's Tavern Apartment in the Hammer Forge District to block me.

"When I was young, I never needed anyone...And making love was just for fun..."

(When I was young, I never needed anyone... indulgence was just for fun...)

Jessica did not make any arrangement for the song "All By Myself", and the accompaniment was just simple basic chords with a small amount of melody and embellishments to meet the limitations of a single acoustic guitar accompaniment.

Even so, there is no doubt that this song is difficult.

Especially the exaggerated high note F5 in Celine Dion's studio version. Even if Watson was a woman in his previous life, he might not be able to perform it in the original key after 10 years of hard practice. Not to mention being able to sing it, usually female voices at this level of pitch will inevitably become sharp and piercing, but Celine Dion can still maintain a certain thickness and full texture. That voice is hard to find.

So the Blacklight virus is simply a cheat.

There is no need to worry about muscle fatigue, the risk of a broken voice, or causing harm. Just raise the pitch and ravage it like a toy.

Even if there is damage, it can be fully restored.

"All by myself...Don't wanna be, All by myself—anymore."

(I am alone... I don't want to be like this anymore. I don't want to be alone anymore.)

When the chorus was sung, Jessica felt the back of her head vibrate along with her throat.

To be honest, it would seem a bit hypocritical for someone with a girlfriend to sing this kind of song, but Jessica was imagining a breakup at the moment. Although she would definitely not let this happen, it did not prevent her from using it to build up the emotion for singing.

"All by myself...ah——!!!!"

The lyrics of this song are not complicated at all, the difficulty lies entirely in the singing technique. When she sang the third chorus, Jessica tried to raise the pitch according to the original version. She stood up from the chair almost subconsciously, and fortunately the guitar strap was hung on her shoulder, so the instrument did not fall.

The door of the recording booth was pushed open, and rhythm guitarist Miller walked in front, followed by the other band members who were still chatting. A loud high note came from the front and instantly hit everyone's ears, and Lucia and Morris's chattering stopped immediately.

Jessica wasn't going to stop.

There are only a few words left.

The manager Frey came in next, but since the band members were all outside, he could only crane his neck to look in. Jessica's powerful high voice filled the room, almost completely drowning out the unplugged acoustic guitar accompaniment, creating an effect similar to a cappella singing.

But this did not prevent Frey from getting goose bumps on his back. He couldn't help but reach out and push Lucia and Morris in front of him, and squeeze the band members into the recording booth. Jessica had already put down her acoustic guitar, sat back in the chair and started to fix her hair: "Oh, I thought you guys were going to rest for a few more minutes."

"How old are you? Jesse, 25?"

"Hey! Frey!"

Lucia protested against such impolite remarks.

"Sorry, my bad." Frey raised his hands in surrender, but the excitement on his face could not be suppressed: "Why, why didn't you bring out this song earlier? I know it's a cover, but we can handle it, right? Damn it, Ted has left, otherwise he would have gone crazy if he heard your singing!"

"Relax, Frey." Jessica shook her head. "This song is a test of both technique and emotion. I have the hardware required, but not enough to fully perform it."

"Don't say that, Jesse, you sing very well."

Morris interjected: "Just the pitch and texture you showed is enough to make all the female singers of the same age in London go to the pub and cry and get drunk. I'm not kidding... God, if I were a female singer, I would start to envy you."

"Okay, let's continue recording the song."

Jessica plucked the strings a few times, thought for a moment, and then said, "If you have time tonight, how about we have dinner together? It's my treat."

"Wow! Really?"

Rhythm guitarist Miller was the first to respond. This guy is not very old, but he is quite heavy. He is very active when talking about food, which fits the stereotype of fat people. Seeing that the band members agreed, Jessica turned around and called her agent Frey: "Can you help us book a table? Frey, find a restaurant nearby."

"No problem, but you might want to consider hiring a life assistant, Jesse."

"I haven't even released my first album yet, and I don't know how it will sell. Now I want to hire a personal assistant?" Ms. Drew rolled her eyes at him, causing the band members to laugh.


At midnight.

Standing at the side door of the house on Park Street in Chiswick, Watson took a deep breath and walked forward to open the door.

Michela could actually see that she was in trouble.

But she did it on purpose...

Damn it, why can't I, a man, bear this?

After some self-examination, Watson slowly walked towards the living room, where the sound of a TV program was coming from. Michelle was wearing a bathrobe, sitting alone on the sofa eating a midnight snack. Her wet hair proved that she had just bathed not long ago, and she still exuded a faint medicinal fragrance.

"Nissa is out looking for a place?"

"I left at nightfall."

Miss Butterfly Knife turned her head and asked: "How is the album progress?"

"If nothing else interferes, we should be able to finish recording within the next week." Watson touched the restored levitation cloak, sat down next to his girlfriend, and looked around: "Um, you guys haven't done anything else these days, have you?"

"Do you think I really want to meet her?" Michelle rolled her eyes and tucked her left forearm with a new scar into her bathrobe. "Anyway, this woman can't eat human food. There's no need for her to meet me. Just get lost once she finds a good place."


"Why, you don't want her to leave?"

Leaning on her boyfriend's shoulder, Miss Butterfly Knife blew into his ear: "You haven't come back for three consecutive days. You don't know how many times she mentioned your name."

"I'd rather know how many times you thought about me."

After living in fear for several days, Watson decided not to be timid anymore and he wanted to fight back.

"How many times do you think it was?" Michelle turned over and sat on his legs, looking at him face to face. The living room quickly fell silent, and gradually only a slight gasp remained. The levitating cloak spread its hands helplessly, then turned and floated towards the kitchen to see if there was anything it could clean up.

Not long after, a phone call interrupted the atmosphere.

"Who at this time......"

Watson held Michelle's bare shoulders and took out the phone from his jeans pocket with difficulty. He took a look at the number on the screen and immediately frowned.

I'm calling you at this time. Is there something wrong?

"Watson..." Peggy's crying voice came from the other end of the phone: "I'm sorry, can you..."

"Where are you? I'm coming over now!"

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