Noon the next day, Chiswick district, Michela's residence.


Ms. Watson lifted the heavy culture bin, pouted and imitated the movement of the hydraulic machinery, and steadily placed the goods on the ground. Not far away, Michela was assembling tables and chairs with a hammer and screwdriver. The basement was quite spacious, so the two of them decided to move some of the items from the Dagenham safe house as soon as possible.

After finishing the job, she went to harass Miss Butterfly Knife.

Because the woman had to do physical work today, she wore stain-resistant work boots, jeans and a sports vest, and she also tied a ponytail on the back of her head. In addition, the toned muscle lines on her body were covered with a layer of scars and sweat. Hein Dr. Zwafen looks very cool.

"Is there any more? Is there any more?"

Stopping her movements, Miss Butterfly Knife glanced at her girlfriend's pink loving eyes, reluctantly leaned over and kissed her cheek: "No more, go and rest."

"Then shall we still have a prop match tonight?"

Miss Watson's eyes sparkled.

"Do not hit."

"Oh." Miss Watson suddenly looked disappointed and walked out muttering: "You were not like this during the prop competition last night."

As soon as she finished speaking, she received a hard slap on the butt.

After bidding farewell to her arrogant girlfriend for the time being, Miss Watson returned to the living room, took off her clothes stained by moving goods, simply used tentacles to clean off the dust, and lay down comfortably on the sofa. After blowing on the electric fan for a while, she took out the pocket watch from her body. The avatar on the inside of the cover had returned to that of the evil little girl Alessa.

At that time, she barely hesitated and chose to stand by and watch Tom Rowe end his short journey in Silent Hill. When the portrait was completely shattered, the bloody sky of Silent Hill returned to normal again, and the monsters all over the street dispersed like ashes.

Thick fog fell, leaving only her and Donna.

Other than that there is no feedback.

Silent Hill "absorbed" Tom Rowe's soul, but nothing new came into Miss Watson's mind, as if none of this had ever happened. She thought for a while on the way and thought that maybe this fat man was not heavy enough and it might be feasible to kill a few more psychopaths in the future.

Normal people can't touch the entry threshold of Silent Hill.

Of course, this work is not currently ranked among the top three priorities. Miss Watson has many more important things to do. For example, my mercenary career started in Raccoon City, and the scope of my missions gradually extended to Europe, Africa, and America. It was time to consolidate my assets.

Among them are various bank account and safe deposit passwords obtained by devouring memories, as well as various types of cash and precious metals stored in the search, especially the property of Mrs. Viper and Dr. Brand Bailey, the top executive of the Umbrella African Base. Overall, Looks extremely complicated.

What's more important is that most of the memory fragments have not been recalled for a long time, and they are in a state of gradually passing away. What's more terrible is that until he and Michela raided the drug manufacturing den on the underworld in April, Watson The young lady discovered that she still forgets things.

So after finishing the props competition last night, she quickly wrote a notebook.

I once wrote about the onset of math phobia.

The good news is that not only 100% of the money you haven’t withdrawn yet, but 70% is still remembered.

The bad news is that these bank accounts cannot be opened in a short period of time, and a large number of them cannot be withdrawn in the UK. In addition, this kind of large-amount transfer is not a simple matter of entering a password. If you want to reduce the risk of being investigated, you have to rely on professional service providers in the end.

Moreover, her manager has made an appointment with the record company for her tomorrow, but she can’t forget to make an appointment with Old Bert...

Oh, and I also need to seize the time to record the album.

I have to call the drummer Lucia to break it down.

Thinking about it this way, a lot of things suddenly happened.

Lazy, so annoying.

Why can't I be separated?

Miss Watson groaned drowsily, turned over and buried her face in the sofa, squirming like an earthworm. It wasn't until Michelle climbed upstairs in sweat that Miss Watson turned half of her face, only to see that she was standing motionless under the fan.

The two pairs of eyes met, Dr. Heinz Waffen's expression was expressionless.

5 seconds...10 seconds...15 seconds...

"Ang-a-a-a-a-a-a-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao!" Miss Watson punched and kicked her legs, flopping and braying like a cow.

"what happened?"

"I suddenly realized that I was too busy!"

"What's too busy?"

"Negotiating contracts, forming a band, recording albums, setting up accounts..." Miss Watson counted them one by one on her fingers, and her expression became more and more broken the more she counted: "How can I finish it? It's so annoying! What's inside? There are so many things I can’t leave to others! You can’t help me either!”

"I'm glad you finally discovered this problem." Dr. Heinzwafen went to the refrigerator and took out a can of iced Coke: "This is not the beginning yet. When your Hydra plan officially starts, how many people under your control will When you are ten people, you will know what a headache is.”

"…Shall we ask Luper to come over?"

After a pause, Miss Watson opened her eyes with hopeless eyes: "Isn't she quite boring now anyway? When we have people under her in the future, we can just hire her to manage, and we don't need her to fight. Or now... Well, there is something she can help with now."

"You really want to hire her?"

Michela narrowed her eyes.

"Well, what else?"

Miss Watson also narrowed her eyes: "There are not many people we can trust. Or should I call Princess Nissa?"

"I think you want to quarrel."

"What's the fuss about? Why don't we have a fight!"

Dr. Heinzwafen stopped talking, threw away the unopened ice Coke, and rushed towards him with a sullen face. The two women then rolled into a ball on the sofa.

The levitating cloak still acted as a cleaner, rolling up the Coke cans rolling on the floor and placing it back on the table. However, the next second, a hand snatched it away, and Miss Watson's screams rang out from the sofa.


Monday, April 8th.

"Thank you for your trust, Jessica." The man across the table stood up, smiled and extended his right hand to Ms. Drew: "I heard that you have started recording an album? Are there any difficulties with personnel, venue and equipment? We have Can help solve it.”

"Thank you, Ted."

Jessica shook hands with the other party: "Let's talk about publicity first."

"No problem, Frey, just wait for my call."

Ted shook his suit jacket gracefully and nodded to Jessica's agent Frey, who also shook his coat and bowed in greeting in an elegant manner. The two men began to compete with each other from the moment they sat down, and each word was more refined than the other. It must be said that the British did have a strange desire to win in this regard.

But there are also people who don't care about the situation at all.

"Have you had a great time today? Mr. Bert?"

"Is it that obvious?"

Private lawyer Bert Morgan, who was packing up contract documents, raised his head with bright eyes, which did not match his rather old face: "Oh, please forgive my gaffe, Jessica, I really haven't done this for a long time. It’s something like this, and I’m happy that my level hasn’t dropped.”

"Yes, you put a lot of pressure on them, especially when the lawyer opposite also knows you."

Hearing Jessica's words, Old Bert couldn't help laughing.

As for agent Frey, he was visibly more relaxed after finally finalizing the important matter of the contract. After bidding farewell to Old Bert, Frey drove Jessica to the recording studio, whistling all the way. However, Ms. Drew was completely silent on the road, mainly because Michelle was still angry. The quarrel two days ago put the two of them in a semi-cold war.

The main reason was, of course, that Miss Watson deliberately caused a dispute by not opening the pot and picking up which pot, and of course she was severely beaten in the end. So the situation wasn't actually that serious. Dr. Heinz Waffen, who finally won a prop competition, didn't show any emotion, but it was best not to show up to Miss Watson until she was completely angry.

It doesn't matter, Mr. Watson will deal with that arrogant female doctor tonight.

And speaking of Rupert and Nisha…

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Jessica always felt that Michela's opinion of the former was obviously greater than that of the latter. The reason may be "I regard you as the captain, but in the end you not only care about my boyfriend, you even care about me." And from a time point of view, it’s hard to say when the wolf mother started having this idea. In comparison, Nissa, who made her position clear from the beginning, seems to be aboveboard.

As a superhuman, Princess Nyssa's combat prowess is undoubted, and she has defeated Miss Butterfly Knife head-on several times. As for the level of the wolf mother... It's not like Jessica had never talked to Michela. At that time, the woman's eyes were fierce and she swung the knife: "I will kill her within 10 moves."

It can only be said that for this kind of competition between women, there are relatively few intrigues and more real fights. Not to mention that Mr. Watson had a headache, and Jessica had nothing to do about it. Miss Watson deserved to be meowed for having the guts to mention such a thing.

Forget it, what else can we do?

Drop the topic.

"Jesse? Jesse? We're here."

"Oh, I'm sorry." After hearing her manager's voice, Jessica quickly came back to her senses, thanked the other person, and pushed the door open while carrying her guitar case. As soon as she took her legs out, a figure rushed over from the other side of the stairs: "Jesse! You are finally here!"

"Didn't I keep you waiting too long?"

"No, no, I just arrived." Lucia stepped forward to help take the guitar case: "Which song should we practice today? Can we do the last few songs first? You are really a genius! Jesse, I'm waiting. Not as good as that!”

"Okay, but let me remind you, Miss Lucia." Jessica sighed helplessly: "Half of the tracks on this album are pop styles. I hope you don't ignore their importance, especially during rehearsals. good......"

"I see!"

Lucia gave a crooked military salute: "Whatever you say is what you say, I will never talk nonsense."

"That's best."

Jessica took out the second guitar case from the car: "Let's go and get to know the rest of the band."

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