"So the 32nd floor is so high, how do we attack from the top?"

Slightly adjusting the knob of the telescope, Watson looked at the Telos Pharmaceutical Building a hundred meters away. Although the lights were bright at night, the building gave people a gloomy feeling when thinking that it was the vampire's lair inside. It's not difficult to go in alone, but what's difficult is to find Danica quickly, because the other party is likely to escape during this period.

So others have to follow.

"I found a helicopter that can be lowered from the roof." Nisha leaned on the railing with one arm, twisting her waist and hips into an attractive curve: "Let's not talk about it for now. Anyway, the route is basically planned. Let's talk about it. Anything else, where have you been since you left New York for so long?"

Watson glanced around subconsciously.

Michela didn't come out tonight. She was determined to show her worth, so she stayed with Karen to study vampires. But the reason why Miss Butterfly Knife is confident about letting her love rival follow her boyfriend out is because Wade and Abigail are following this reconnaissance operation. They happen to be two men and two women. Nessa can't seduce people in person, right?

However, Michela still doesn't know Wade well enough.

This man had already slipped away to a small corner with his girlfriend Abigail in his arms.

Dating at public expense is a yes.

"You also know that I am a mercenary, just like Wade..." Watson recalled the combat operations he participated in in the past six months or so, and briefly said those that could be mentioned: "... Later I took Michela to England and we live there to this day.”

"It sounds like you guys have traveled half the world. It's so romantic." Nisha was still about to speak, but there was a sound of footsteps not far away. They both turned their heads and saw Wade running toward the car while swearing under his breath. His upper body was fully clothed, but his lower body was only left with a pair of pants and a pair of Martin boots, which looked a bit funny.

"Where? Where? Where?" Wade pulled out his backpack and rummaged through it. Abigail's voice came from the distance, which seemed very loud in the empty parking lot: "Wade—— "

"Wait a minute! Baby!"

Wade turned around and shouted: "I'm going to... fxck! Here!"

He grabbed a small pink box, picked up a small bottle of suspicious transparent liquid, turned around and ran back.

"...Do they often do this?"

"No, we have only known each other for less than half a month, and there is old Whistler in the base, so... we are more restrained." Nisha shrugged her shoulders: "But according to my understanding of Wade , he will indeed do this kind of thing."

After speaking, the two fell into silence.

"You really like this, don't you?"

After looking at Watson for a while, Nessa suddenly said this.


"When you were still in New York, I talked to Michela several times." Nisha stretched out her hand and rubbed the beautiful face in front of her with her cold fingertips: "She told me some about your life. You really You rarely take the initiative, right? It was the same when you were getting along with me before, so I’m curious as to why you were so proactive in the first place. Is there any other reason? "

Watson was silent for a few seconds and sighed: "I want to apologize to you. It was not me who took the initiative, but...well, I hope you can be mentally prepared."

Nessa twitched her eyebrows in confusion, and suddenly felt a strange touch on her other hand. She lowered her head and found that her right hand was covered with tiny dark red tentacles at some point, and these little things came from Watson's cuffs. The woman subconsciously pulled her arm back, but she couldn't get rid of the tentacles at all. She couldn't help but use her other hand to dig at them: "Wait! What is this? Take them away quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tentacles retracted from Watson's cuffs.

"...What is this?" Looking at Nissa's surprised gaze, Watson glanced at the direction of Wade and the two men, then raised his left hand, and the entire palm split into dense pieces under Nissa's gaze. Tentacles, then back to normal: "My body is made of them, and what you see of me... is just a collection. You thought I was a superhuman before, right? It's a pity that I can't even be human Calculate."

"How did you...those tentacles..." Nissa was stuck for a while, and then quickly glanced in Wade's direction to confirm that no one was there before moving her gaze back. She stared closely at Watson's face and finally regained her composure: "Does Michela know about this?"

"Her initial reaction was similar to yours."

Watson shrugged: "I got used to it later, and I even liked it."

"What do you mean I quite like it?"

"You know, like..." Watson raised his finger and pointed in the direction of Wade and Abigail.

Then Nisha stopped talking again.

"These tentacles, they were not very obedient before." Noticing that the other party quietly took half a step back, Watson carefully considered his words: "When I first met you last year, I couldn't fully control the tentacles. In some cases, they would I acted directly according to my body's instinct. So as soon as you hugged me, they crawled onto your body. I'm really sorry that I didn't discover this in time."


Nisha got the point right.

"It's what you think." Watson was a little embarrassed and pretended to cough twice: "Of course, this won't happen now."

"...This is completely beyond my expectation. I need to think about it." Nisha took out a bottle of human blood from her pocket and said while drinking: "So you were not human from the beginning? You were before Aren't you lying to me? How did you get here? You can't be an alien, right? Just like what was said in that movie, you followed the meteorite to the earth? How long have you lived? "

"No, I was indeed born in Germany." Watson looked at her: "Later, I was forced to undergo human experiments when I was a teenager, probably at the end of World War II. I was supposed to die on the test bed, but a miracle happened , so I became what I am now.”

"Pfft-cough cough cough!!!"

These words directly made Nesa choke: "Really? World War II?"

"Yes, so don't think of me as a little boy anymore. Although I have been sleeping for the past few decades, just like your vampires..." Watson said, turning around and seeing Wade hugging him Abigail walked back, and the strange thing was that this guy seemed to have really lost his pants, and his legs were still bare: "Hey Watson! Have you finished your reconnaissance? Can you go back?"

"Done." Looking at each other with Nessa, Watson walked towards the car: "Where are your pants?"

"Well...ruined by a fierce love affair."

Wade raised his eyebrows: "Hey! How about we get some pizza to take back on the way? I feel like I can eat the whole thing! Oh, and where did you buy it last time? It tastes great!"

"Then I'll drive?"

After consulting Nisha for her opinion, Watson looked up his watch and looked at the time. It was still just after 9 pm, so he could indeed take a detour. Several people got into the van, and Watson gently stepped on the accelerator to the end, and skillfully drove the car toward the exit.

The journey was not peaceful.

Mainly referring to Wade's mouth.

Watson has fully experienced the skill of chatterbox. He can talk about a lot of topics from arms to history, from dirty jokes to women's health care, and from time to time he even sings along with the music on the radio. Moreover, this guy hasn't got cancer yet, and he hasn't yet had no choice but to do human experiments and become Deadpool. If he were to become a lunatic like Deadpool, he felt that he would definitely be mentally contaminated.

Nessa was sitting in the passenger seat, folding her arms and saying nothing along the way. Occasionally, her eyes would fall on Watson, but she would quickly move away. A car of people drove like this for more than half an hour, and the sign of the pizza shop finally appeared in sight. Watson turned off the car radio and turned to call Wade, who was singing behind him: "Hey, what's the name of the pizza we just talked about?" Remember?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

When the car stopped, Vedra opened the door and asked Abigail to come with him: "Come on, baby."


The car door closed, leaving Watson and Nessa silent.

"Well, if you're rough and ready for love...

(well, if you're ready to love)

Honey I'm tougher than the rest!

(Honey, I'm stronger than everyone else)"

The car continued to be silent for a while, and to ease the embarrassment, Watson turned the radio back on. Bruce Springsteen's rough singing echoed in the car, and the rock tough guy's lyrical style also had a unique flavor, as smooth and romantic as sweet dance steps. But as far as the current atmosphere is concerned, this song is not very suitable. Watson regrets that he took this unnecessary step. He turned on the radio station very deliberately just now, and now he is even more deliberate about tuning in.

This is a different feeling than getting along with Michela.

Even if the latter doesn't speak, the atmosphere will not become awkward.

The optic nerve of the black light body played a key role. Watson turned his head slightly and saw Nissa's face clearly. The vampire princess was now crossing her arms and looking at the pizza shop sign. Her face was very calm. This posture made him feel a little strange. The word "sorry" came to his mouth for no reason. Watson immediately felt that this sentence was stupid and quickly shut up.

It seems like this has been the case since we met.

He couldn't talk about ordinary topics like hobbies, and he couldn't even be ordinary friends... Watson knew why, because he simply couldn't get into the mindset of chatting with friends. Every time I met Nisha, I would start to struggle with the old problems of "walking in two different boats". I would go back and forth between conscience, reason, instinct and impulse, and I couldn't calm down no matter what.

Wouldn't it be better to just end it?

The idea startled Watson himself.

"Watson, you said before that you have been sleeping for decades?" At this moment, Nisha took the initiative to start the topic. It's a bit ridiculous to say that Watson actually felt a little grateful in his heart: "Yes, the human experiment back then was not completely successful. I need time to grow my body, otherwise one day I will lose control and may kill my beloved." people."

"for example?"

Nisha looked at him: “Like the last time I kissed you?”

"Uh... yes, you can't bear the virus in my body. Once you are infected, you will die. That's why I was so nervous last time. After all, the vampire's canine teeth are very sharp, and your bite force is much stronger than that of ordinary humans. .”

"I understand, so Michela can kiss you casually without worrying about hurting your mouth." Nessa didn't know what she thought of, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "You know Watson? I'm looking for you again this afternoon She chatted a bit.”

"Oh? What did you talk about?"

"I thought this would be a surprise for you."

"No, I think it's most likely a shock."

"Oh... don't be so sure, pretty boy." Looking at Watson's reaction, the smile on Nisha's face became more and more obvious: "By the way, I haven't told you much about my previous life. Well, you know my father El, he has lived for hundreds of years."

"Well, then what?"

"Do you know how many lovers he had? I know of sixty-eight."


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