By the time the two of them changed cars, changed clothes, and destroyed all traces midway, it was already past three in the morning. The thunderstorm gradually subsided, revealing a clear dark purple sky, a sight that is very rare even in London. Compared to the main city, in Dagenham there are basically only drunkards hanging out on the streets late at night. The street lights shine alone on the ground, and the stagnant water reflects the dim light.

When it comes to abandoned factory areas, there are large areas of weeds, and some places are even inaccessible to people. But tonight, this warehouse hidden among bushes, abandoned vehicles and railroad tracks once again welcomed a new owner, although the two new owners have no intention of coming in for the time being.

"Something is watching us."


"It looks like a wild dog. I saw its head." On the car seat, Watson gently stroked his girlfriend's bare shoulders and turned up the heating again: "Those goods have been following the car just now. , although the volume is not loud, the wild dog can definitely hear it."

"Well, I should have known that this kind of wasteland would attract animals, and the warehouse can provide shelter from wind and rain. They like to use it as a nest." Miss Butterfly Knife was still lying in her boyfriend's arms, not even bothering to raise her head: "Maybe From now on... Phew, what am I talking about? When I have time to mix some odorants, no animals will get into the warehouse."

"Wait, it doesn't matter to you, right?"

Seeing that his girlfriend showed no intention of getting up, Watson recalled the scene last time with a nervous expression: "I think I shouldn't have gone too far this time."

"How can I be so delicate?"

After kissing that pretty face a few times, Michelle straightened up, yawned lazily, and then turned to look at the car floor: "Strange, where are my underwear?"

After a lot of fussing, it took a few minutes.

Watson got out of the car first, opened the main door of the warehouse, and activated the battery lights placed in the four corners. When I came here a few days ago, the floor of the warehouse was covered with rusty iron frames, spider webs and wooden boxes. The latter was chewed to pieces by ants and the like, making it completely unusable. Watson and Michela had to carry out general cleaning to basically clear out the vacant land, and drove more than ten kilometers to throw the waste to the garbage dump.

"How about it?"

"You're right, in just a few days, rats have already sneaked in." Scanning twice with his thermal vision, Watson looked at Michela who got out of the car behind him: "It's too late now, let's move the goods first. Just come in and go straight back to the safe house later, you need to rest."

"I told you! I'm not that delicate."

Miss Butterfly Knife was holding a tool box in her hand, but she had not put on her pants yet, revealing half of the black lace: "It doesn't take long to sort these things. I already sorted them when I packed them. The main thing is that we need more equipment next." , I also need to buy tables and chairs, and I will clearly divide the areas tonight."

"That's fine."

Watson returned to the car, his hands turned into tentacles, propped up all four directions of the cargo box, and firmly lifted it away from the car. For a black light body, these boxes really don't take long. Michela has already drawn lines in the warehouse and used chalk to write out all the locations on the floor that need to be punched and fixed. According to her plan, a military isolation tent was to be built in the warehouse, which was simple, direct and convenient.

Last time the two of them were here, in addition to cleaning, they also obtained some boards to strengthen the dilapidated warehouse with air leakage from the inside. As for installation issues, with Watson, the universal tool man, everything becomes easy. However, even so, it cannot resist the all-pervasive rats and cockroaches.

"I kind of want to get a cat."

Looking at his busy girlfriend with his hands on his hips, Watson took another look at the mouse in the corner, and suddenly an idea came to him.

"Having a cat?"

Miss Butterfly Knife was squatting on the ground writing and drawing, but her expression was full of disgust: "Do you know how many bacteria there are on cats? They also like to run around, and they might get lost in a week."

"...Indeed." Watson held the cargo box with one hand and admired his girlfriend's crouched buttocks openly: "Dr. Heinzwafen, have you noticed that your figure is much better than before? ?I’m not saying you’re fat, I mean, your waist and hip curves are really sexy.”

"Isn't that all your fault?"

Michela glanced back, her eyes slightly complaining. She actually enjoyed her boyfriend's eyes full of appreciation and affection, as if there was a kind of warmth touching her skin, and then seeping into her heart bit by bit. And when it can't be restrained, the blazing heat in those beautiful eyes will spread out without reservation, followed by request and possession. Greed seems to have no end until it completely conquers every inch of the heart... From this From a perspective, it would definitely not be Miss Watson who was eaten clean first.

Of course, Michelle would never admit it.

The dilapidated poison workshop fell into silence. Only a lone wild dog in the distance sniffed its nose, as if it smelled the sour smell of love, then lowered its head and ran away. Watson was bored, so he ran to the car to get some guns to disassemble and assemble. After almost ten minutes, Miss Butterfly Knife completed the planning work.

Highlight the rigor of a German.


"Of course." Michela packed her things and walked to the car, taking a few breaths of the fresh earthy smell after the rain, and then noticed the night sky above her head: "Oh, how long has it been since we came to London? I haven't seen it in my memory. A night like this.”

"Because today is special."

Watson came behind her: "The male and female robbers successfully took the first vote."

The woman burst into laughter: "Yes, the male and female robbers who used gas bombs and machine guns also wiped out the largest drug manufacturing den in the underworld."

Looking at Michela's blue eyes, Watson slowly hugged the body and gently touched the other person's forehead: "What are you thinking about?"

"I just feel... very peaceful." After a moment of silence, Michelle closed her eyes and kissed her boyfriend's hair gently with her lips: "I feel very relaxed here, as if there are no worries at all. I often I will think about some random things, but now I don’t want to think about anything, maybe it’s because the weather is so nice?”

"Although I'm glad that you are starting to enjoy nature, I always feel that there are some problems. For example, are we out of combat too quickly? Don't forget that we just killed dozens of people a few hours ago, although most of them were moved by me. hand."

"Oh, that's right, you little pervert."


"Why are these people so perverted?"

Under the same starry sky, Chris Redfield, who was in the BSAA Eastern European branch office, was holding photos and documents and frowning tightly. After more than a month of investigation, the intelligence team finally produced a report on the incident in the Romanian village. Chris was shocked after just reading a few pages.

The word "shocked" is not quite accurate. I have seen too many disgusting and ugly virus-infected bodies in Raccoon City. But the contents described in the document about eating raw human flesh, brewing wine with human blood, killing villagers, human sacrifice, and human experiments were like those horrific legends from his childhood coming true, making him feel horrified from the bottom of his heart.

This is completely different from Umbrella.

But the two are definitely connected.

I took another look at the badge that was photographed in the village. The familiar umbrella-shaped logo was indistinguishable from the Umbrella Group's icon. But that village had a long history. Even if Chris didn't want to believe it, he had to accept the fact that the coat of arms had existed for hundreds of years.

And the family in the castle.

He has not forgotten the scene he and Jill saw in the castle, the maid whose position was unknown but fierce in combat, and the slender hand that pinched him unconscious. Chris never thought that such a thing could explode from a woman's body. kind of strength.


Just then, someone pushed the door in and threw a lunch box on the table: "It's already this time. I guess you haven't had dinner? You're always like this."

"Thanks, Jill." Chris recognized the person as soon as he heard the voice: "Do you remember the masked maid we saw in the Romanian village? I just finished reading the intelligence analysis, and the villagers said she appeared suddenly There, I think this maid is the key. As long as we find her, maybe we can find traces of Wesker."

"Okay, Detective, let me see..." Jill pulled up a chair and sat down, adjusted the direction of the desk lamp, and then picked up the file: "The problem is that the maid did not leave any image data, we There is only a 'criminal sketch' in her hand. And you have also seen that she took care of Umbrella's tactical team by herself. Let me tell you, she and Wesker are not necessarily on the same journey."

"At least they're related."

Chris opened the lunch box and munched without any image: "This is the only clue we have now. There is a little girl who escaped from the castle. The intelligence team spent a lot of time convincing her to talk. She said that The maid calls herself Arturia Arthur Pendragon, but I feel like it’s a fake name.”

"I guess so."

Gil yawned: "The collapsed altar hasn't been excavated yet? Since the 'Mother Goddess' lives in that place, a lot of information must be found."

"I don't know much about this. I heard that the funds in the Eastern European Branch are a bit tight. You know, most of our sponsorship comes from the Global Pharmaceutical Alliance. To be honest, I hate those guys. Their relationship with Umbrella must be more than just It’s as simple as what the news says, but we don’t have the evidence yet.”

"Then what can you do, Chris?"

The woman across the table shrugged: "Not just the Eastern European branch, the BSAA is already short of money. The official certification from the United Nations only means that our actions are legal, but it does not mean that we can take the initiative to solicit sponsorship. I am not good at this kind of thing. But. I guess you haven’t been out here much recently, right? News just came out two days ago that we have a new sponsor.”

"New sponsor?"

"Yes, Wayne Group."

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