The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 31 Don’t be nervous, Sir, I’m just passing by.

Walking down the empty ramp in the villa area, Watson sorted out the information revealed by Grand Duke El. In those short few minutes of "interview time", Watson not only got several important names, but also learned more information that was beneficial to the operation.

For example, can vampires go out in the sun if they apply sunscreen?

This thing that sounds ridiculous is actually a serious story plot in the "Blade" movie. So Watson specifically asked Grand Duke El for confirmation, and the answer given by the other party was affirmative. However, this kind of sunscreen is troublesome to apply and expensive to make, making it unaffordable for ordinary vampires. And compared to full-coverage clothing, the way to destroy these sunscreens is also extremely simple.

Just throw a glass of water on it.

Of course, for daytime tasks, vampires still prefer to send their own human servants. After all, apart from those rich people, there are many people who are willing to take the initiative to become a dog in order to gain immortality. Therefore, excluding the special operations personnel, basically only those powerful people who need to attend major events during the day will use these special sunscreens.


After buying a white hockey mask from a roadside store, Watson stepped into a street.

The scene before me was a mess.

Burning cars, damaged shops, swaying light poles and broken limbs, the reapers here have been basically eliminated, and combat teams from various units have gone to other areas to provide support. Except for the helicopters flying over the sky from time to time, the sound of gunfire in the distance made the street in front of them extremely quiet.

But the calm was soon broken.

An ambulance rushed out of the intersection crookedly, with several reapers clinging to the outside of the vehicle. Screams could be heard in the distance. The ambulance drove in the direction of Watson, but soon the front of the car swerved and crashed into a nearby store, leaving only half of the rear compartment exposed.

What? Another side mission?

Watson rolled his eyes at the small group of reapers chasing the ambulance at the intersection.


"Felicia, give me another magazine!"

After experiencing a brutal fight, Patrolman Max and several colleagues finally escaped from the hospital where they were trapped with several survivors. But they are now at the end of their rope, with most of their weapons and ammunition consumed. Felicia is the only surviving police officer.

"Only three left, Max."

Policewoman Felicia threw an M16 rifle magazine at her colleagues, and then picked up the weapon to refill the reapers that were knocked dizzy. Max opened the somewhat deformed carriage door and dragged several survivors onto the street.

But before he could stand firmly on his feet, Max showed a wry smile as he looked at a dozen reapers rushing dozens of meters closer.

"What are you doing?"

Policewoman Felicia followed and walked out. When she turned around, she was shocked. She turned to several survivors and shouted: "Find a place to hide quickly, don't run too far! There may be other monsters around!" After shouting, Felicia stood up to Max with a shotgun in hand. Beside me, prepare for what may be the last battle in your life.

No one, including the survivors, proposed to escape, because the fighting and attrition for most of the past day made them understand that it was impossible for people to outrun these monsters on foot.

"If we can't withstand it, you should spread out and run away!" Max turned his head and shouted behind him: "May God bless..."

But mid-sentence, he froze.

A man wearing a white hockey mask walked past him. Max wanted to loudly warn him of the danger ahead, but the man's combat uniform, which looked like a special forces unit, and the weapons and equipment all over his body, made him hold back. own voice. As he walked past, the man tilted his head, and his eyes behind the mask lightly glanced over.

Although it was only for a brief moment, Max remembered that lifeless look.

The distance between the Reaper and the human side was rapidly shrinking, and Watson drew out the two dogleg knives on his back. The night wind blew the breath of death from the tip of the knife, and the eyes behind the mask exuded a little bit of scarlet light.

He took a few steps forward and hit an approaching reaper with his sword. A heavy blade over 30cm long split open his head, and Watson ducked to avoid the attack that followed. Excellent dynamic vision captured the scene as it passed by, and Watson's brain quickly calculated the order of the reapers closest to him.

With the spinning body, the sword flashed, and all the reapers surrounding Watson were chopped down. Watson deliberately slowed down his slashing speed so that the reapers could move in an arc, and the two dog-leg knives hit the target one after the other.

Immediately afterwards, Watson exerted force on his feet, jumped up on the spot, and rushed towards the reaper on the edge, leaving the encirclement.

"Who is he?"

Looking at the man who was killing everyone among the monsters, policewoman Felicia held the shotgun in her hand blankly.

"I don't know... I sincerely hope he is an agent of some strange department. If he is the murderous Jason, we will both have to play tonight."

Max made a cold joke. The "Jason the Killer" in his mouth is the famous villain in the American classic horror film "Friday the 13th". His most representative feature is the white hockey mask on his face. . Policewoman Felicia twitched her lips and gave a rare compliment: "It doesn't matter. After these two days of stimulation, I am no longer afraid of horror movies in my life."


The thick blade passed through the head of the last Reaper and cut into the hood of the car under the body, ending its life. Watson pulled out the dog-leg knife stuck on the car, wiped the blood with the reaper's tattered pants, and then put it back on his back.

Watson wanted to leave directly, but when he turned around, he saw two police officers, a man and a woman, walking up to him.


You speak first! I'll watch his movements.

Policewoman Felicia winked at Max.

You speak first! I act based on your face.

Max looked away.


Felicia swallowed and spoke.

"(English) Well, sir, thank you very much for your actions just now."

Watson: (tilts head)

Max on the side couldn't help but clenched the M16 rifle in his hand. He had just discussed with his colleagues and decided to try to invite this masked man to join their team. Although the other party had been very helpful just now, out of caution, they still wanted to make sure that the guy in front of them would not suddenly draw a knife and kill someone.

After all, he really doesn't look like a normal person.

"We are police officers from the New York City Police Department (NYPD). I am Felicia, and this is my colleague Max." Seeing the man in front of her making a strange move, the female police officer Felicia was confused. , but continued to speak.

"We need help, I wonder if you are willing..."

Watson understood this sentence, so he interrupted the other party directly.

"You need help? (You need help?)"


After thinking for a while, Watson unhooked the two Colt Python revolvers from his waist, took off the ammunition belt on his body, and handed them both to the beautiful policewoman with blond hair in front of him. Anyway, he planned to call the helicopter to leave after a while, and since he didn't buy these weapons himself, he wouldn't feel bad if he just gave them away.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

When Max saw the man opposite reaching for the gun, he was so nervous that he almost raised his hand to pull the trigger. However, his hands shook a few times and he restrained himself.

As expected of a beacon of freedom country with daily gunfights, this policeman has developed conditioned reflexes. Watson caught sight of Max's movements from the corner of his eye, but Watson said nothing. Anyone would be nervous if they touched a gun at the police, and their actions could easily be misunderstood.

Policewoman Felicia looked at the weapons and ammunition belts raised in front of her. She was silent for a long time and finally reached out to take them.

"(English) Goodbye."

Without a word of plastic English, Watson turned and left.

"Um...I'm sorry for just now! Sir!"

Max shouted at the man's back, but the man did not turn around. The silver blade on his back reflected the cold light under the streetlight. He walked straight and disappeared around the corner.

"Are you sure you don't want to chase him?"

The two policemen turned and walked back, and Max couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't his meaning already obvious?" Felicia rolled her eyes: "Maybe he is really some kind of agent, and he has some special mission, and he was just helping out? I have carefully looked at his equipment. No, ordinary killers or gangsters can’t afford it.”

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. We have to find a safe place." After Max said that, he walked up and asked the survivors if any of them knew how to use a gun. Felicia didn't say anything, she just followed silently, wondering what she was thinking about.


During this hellish night, in addition to New York City, the neighboring state of New Jersey was also attacked by Reapers. However, the overall situation there is much better than in New York. On the one hand, this is because the number of reapers is relatively small and they were discovered just after crossing the state border; on the other hand...

The Dark Knight's watch never stops.

Gotham City, New Jersey.

Bruce Wayne stayed up all night. She just got off the Bat Fighter, entered her laboratory without stopping, and began to dissect and analyze the captured Reapers. After a round of textbook-standard surgical incisions, Bruce looked at the brain-dead "corpse" on the operating table, but the body's digestive system was still working normally and fell into deep thought.

After a while, an old man with gray hair on his temples walked into the laboratory.

Although the wrinkles on the face are already very obvious, age spots can still be seen on the cheeks. But the old man's back is still as straight as a soldier's, and his steps and movements are still very steady. He took out the hood that Brucey had left in the plane: "Miss Wayne, although we are not short of money, if you lose this hood again, you will only have 2 spare ones left before next month. Hood up.”

"Thank you, Afu."

Brucey turned her head. At this time, her whole body was wrapped in a black lightweight combat uniform, and the most conspicuous thing was the two... ah no, a big bat logo on her chest. From the slender waist down, there is a standard multi-functional tactical belt; two slender thighs are each tied with a short extendable stick.

Isn’t the painting style a bit strange?

Because at this time, our billionaire Miss Bruce Wayne has just become "Batwoman", and many of her equipment are ready-made military supplies. Even the "Bat Fighter" on the tarmac was modified from a secretly purchased AV-8B Harrier vertical take-off and landing attack aircraft.

"So, this is the 'Reaper'?"

Alfred, the butler, looked closely at the "corpse" on the operating table and frowned slightly: "The structure of its abdominal cavity reminds me of a crocodile. I was in the army when I was young..."

"Tell me a story later, Afu." Bruce interrupted the housekeeper Afu: "The reapers are not a big problem now. According to our news, the US military has controlled the situation. Tomorrow morning A comprehensive cleanup of sewers will be carried out.”

Then Brucey called up a picture on the computer.

"That's what we need to focus on."

A surveillance video was played on the computer screen on a street in New York. A man holding two dog-leg knives and wearing a white hockey mask was slashing the reapers around him with power and speed that ordinary people could not match.

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