Miss Watson controlled the direction, trying to find a relatively remote landing point. However, as the distance got closer, she soon discovered that this idea was not realistic. The hell creatures were really beaten out of their wits, and their flesh and blood stumps were everywhere, making it impossible for them to land quietly. Just when Miss Watson was ready to face the battle, a turning point suddenly popped up by pressing the flash button - the spider sensor alerted that a creature was targeting her.


Two huge bat wings first came into view. When Miss Watson turned her head, a bloody mouth was approaching rapidly, and the sharp teeth in the mouth were clearly visible. The head of this flying creature resembles a lizard, but its body has no limbs. It looks like a stubby carrot with wings, which looks very abrupt. After quickly calculating the distance between the two sides, Miss Watson activated the suspension cloak to adjust her body, and launched a sprint just when the mouth was about to hit her.

Only then did she see clearly that there was a "driver" on the lizard's back.


The hardened fingertips made deep grooves on the scales. Ms. Watson exerted force on her wrists and fixed her whole body on the monster's back. The hell kid, less than half a meter tall, screamed and rushed over, and was tied tightly by several tentacles in the next second. After looking at the overly realistic mummified skull of the other party, Miss Watson couldn't help but sigh. The guy in front of her was really ugly to a new level. He was just like a skinny dwarf who was addicted to drugs.

Ms. Watson didn’t know much about hell in the Marvel world. In fact, she didn’t think she would come to hell so early. If you describe it as a game, hell is a dangerous and difficult level. The black light body currently lacks the combat power at the magic level. It can kill mobs without any problem. If it is against some powerful beings who are born with magical talents, it is difficult to say that there are What are the odds of winning.

Not to mention the hell lords.

Maybe this guy has the will of a certain hell lord?

After hesitating for a moment, Miss Watson decided to give up her plan to devour this hell imp, broke its neck and threw it out of the flying mount. Anyway, there are a lot of hellish creatures here, so you don’t have to worry about finding the unlucky ones. Let’s find the Kama Taj mages first.


The lizard finally realized that there was a guest on its back, and roared and rolled its body, trying to throw it away. While Miss Watson kept fixating her body with her tentacles, she moved steadily towards the lizard's head, then transformed her left hand into the form of a hammer and hit it lightly with two to three points of force. Although it had been given a suit of scale armor, the lizard was still hit hard by Miss Watson's heavy hammer until its skull cracked, the whole piece was dented, and its left eyeball exploded.

The monster howled miserably and shook its head desperately. However, the pain also aroused its ferocity. It roared and accelerated towards the ground below. Even if it was seriously injured, it would kill the enemy on its back. Miss Watson leaned close to the lizard's ear hole, and let out a huge beast-like roar from her mouth, which was even louder than the lizard. The flying mount didn't expect this at all. It was yelled so hard that its neck tightened, and then it was hit on the forehead again. Miss Watson reduced the intensity and continued to hit it seven or eight times in a row.

Compared with swords, blunt blows cause less bleeding, but can affect deeper flesh and organs. Especially the brain, once hammered down, the lizard in front of him was obviously in a trance, and it didn't look as ferocious as before. Miss Watson grabbed the reins with one hand and pulled back. The lizard was forced to raise its head, as if it finally remembered how to obey, and waved its bat wings again to stop its downward trend.

Is this any different from training a stupid dog?

Miss Watson rolled her eyes, the giant hammer in her left hand returned to its original position, and the lace palm cover that had been flipped to the elbow in advance was pulled back to its original position by the tentacles. In just over half a minute, she became familiar with the basic operations of driving this lizard. Fortunately, the current battle was very chaotic, and no other enemies noticed her for the time being.

This scene of fireballs flying around is really shocking.

After observing for a while, she found that these guys were indeed very similar to what she had guessed. They were generally divided into melee and long-range combat units. In addition to physical long-range combat units such as archers, the latter basically threw fireballs, summoned meteorites and Mainly magma pools. There are also some who look more elite and belong to the category of magic and martial arts practitioners. As for the roles of carrying heavy firepower and resisting damage, they will naturally be played by various large hell creatures. Miss Watson even saw some big guys in the air force, carrying a few strong little devils on their backs, throwing bombs on the ground using ghost labor.

The bomber belongs.

So what on earth are the Karma Taj wizards doing here?

After watching for a long time, Miss Watson could not distinguish the two warring parties. The hell creatures on the field seemed to look similar. But not long after, a howl accompanied by a spider-sensor warning reached his ears. She turned around and saw three flying snake knights chasing her, so she gently pulled the reins and drove the mount to increase height.

call out--

Several arrows struck from behind, piercing the scales on the lizard's body. It screamed in pain and flapped its wings faster, but it didn't realize that its temporary master had left. Miss Watson accelerated her descent, and with the help of the levitation cloak, she pounced on the nearest flying snake knight. The snake with two pairs of wings saw the enemy approaching and couldn't wait to open its mouth full of fangs. The next moment, the black light sword cut through the jaw and chopped off the upper half of its head. The knight on the flying snake's back was unable to react in time, and the whole person was cut in half from the chest.

Miss Watson stopped her momentum, stepped heavily on the snake's back, and turned to the second target. The distance between the two sides was about tens of meters. Two tentacles pierced out from the chest and accurately wrapped around the base of the flying snake's tail. The Flying Snake Knight reacted quickly and immediately fired arrows, but Miss Watson moved faster and hit her like a cannonball. The long knife of black light pierced the snake's body, and Miss Watson strode forward, dragging the long knife and cutting open the entire back of the flying snake.

An arrow pierced the left eye.

It was cut open by the long knife that was pulled out of the snake's body.

The knight had no time to shoot another arrow. The sword flashed and the body without its forearm and head fell limply. Miss Watson cut open the flying snake's brain with a knife, and then jumped to the last target again. The third flying snake knight was shooting arrows here one second, and the next second he drove his mount to move away. He thought he could avoid the fate of being punched in the face, but he saw the enemy's figure flashing in mid-air, and he was directly Appear in front of yourself.


After killing the flying snake knight with one knife, while Miss Watson was still hesitating whether to train the snake under her, a portal in front of her sent her and the snake directly to the ground. Under the action of inertia, the flying snake plowed a long furrow like a fighter jet making an emergency landing, and then hit several large rocks in succession, causing its brain to burst and unable to recover.

"Watson! This way! Come in quickly!"

After passing through the portal, Miss Watson jumped up early, and heard a familiar call in mid-air. Melee mage Hamil, wearing medieval infantry plate armor, was huddled in a large protective cover and waving to himself. The suspended cloak automatically landed in the cover with its owner without wind. This is a hilly highland in the battlefield, and the mages use it as a temporary defense point.

However, it looks like the shield can only protect against projectiles.

Mages armed with weapons stood in a circle at the edge of the shield to resist the hellish creatures that rushed into the shield. As for Uncle Hamill, his arms have become weirdly folded, and he is completely unable to undertake combat missions. Miss Watson walked over, and the other party immediately gave her weapon a look: "Come and help me, Master Wang is positioning himself. If we hold on for a while, we can all leave here!"

"Where is the Sorcerer Supreme?"

Miss Watson picked up Master Hamil's ax gun: "I guess there's no time for you to explain what happened?"

"The Sorcerer Supreme is fighting a powerful outsider!"

Uncle Hamil was in good spirits and his voice was still loud: "It's different from before. This outsider appeared in hell. He took away the territory of a hell lord. Now this guy has found a way to the earth and has sent the first Bo’s men attacked, so we had to intervene!”


Upon hearing this, Miss Watson understood that the three temples in London, New York, and Hong Kong had indeed built an incredible protective array for the earth, isolating those powerful beings who intended to invade. But this thing itself is not invulnerable. On the one hand, sparse and weak alien creatures can occasionally escape its detection mechanism, but they are usually wiped out by the Kama Taj mages. On the other hand, there are still extremely powerful creatures on the earth. A few nodes that can easily communicate with other dimensions such as hell.

Guarding nodes is also one of the jobs of mages.

These nodes are not man-made, but were formed when the dimensions were originally split. Although they are difficult to repair and strengthen, they will also be suppressed by the global defense array. But relatively speaking, it would be easier to invade the earth through these nodes. The outsider obviously found such a node in the hell dimension and urgently decided to launch an invasion.

He obviously didn't know the Sorcerer Supreme.

"Slope needs support!!"

On one side of the stronghold, a sharp-eyed mage saw the enemy and shouted to his companions.

"Please give way."

When he noticed someone tapping his shoulder, he turned around and saw a flat-chested maid in a miniskirt holding an ax gun standing behind him.

"Who are you?" He was stunned by this scene. Miss Watson looked at the other party's distinctive Asian face, curled her lips and passed through the protective shield: "You are from the Hong Kong Temple, right? The Supreme Mage does not allow me to When you go to the Hong Kong Temple, you don’t know that I am normal. Ask the short-haired man on your right, he must know me.”

Before the mage could reply, Miss Watson had already walked out.

A group of tauren about three meters high rushed forward. Miss Watson held the ax gun in front of her and flexed her muscles as she walked. The tauren closest to him had already begun to charge. It lowered its head and pointed its two sharp horns this way. Its intention was obvious. When the two sides shortened to 5 meters, Miss Watson ejected, swung the axe, and struck the opponent on the head.

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