This is where Mrs. Viper stayed when her career was on the rise. The apartment building itself was very old, so she did not spend a lot of money on decoration. She only invested the necessary resources in weapons rooms, escape exits and other places. However, after entering the bathroom, Jessica noticed that the decoration had obviously improved to a higher level. It was obvious that Mrs. Viper still had very high requirements for bathing.

As for the weapons room...

There is nothing worth mentioning. After shifting her career focus to Raccoon City, Mrs. Viper rarely goes to England to do things in person, otherwise this safe house would not have been untouched for more than a year. During this period of time, other residents in the building also experienced great changes, such as the energetic girl Lucia.


Just then, a cat meowed outside the window.

"Ouch, why did you run out again?"

Seeing Dede standing on the narrow decorative wall strip, Jessica gently opened the window and let the short-haired cat into the house. Facing this stranger whom she met for the first time, Dede was as unwary as those animals before. She walked around the room curiously, and finally walked towards Jessica's feet.

The floors haven't been mopped in a while.

Jessica picked up the short-haired cat, and sure enough she saw that the four pads were dirty. Feeling the woman's cold question, Dede whimpered in confusion for a while, but finally felt uncomfortable and struggled to jump down. Jessica didn't let go and opened the cat's two hind legs: "Ah... As expected, there are no balls anymore, poor little kitty. No wonder you think I'm cold. You don't have enough yang energy in your body. Take some Chinese medicine to replenish your health. Do you know what it means to be physically disabled but mentally strong? Go back and search the Internet for Hawking’s stories, but for a kitten like you, cuteness is enough.”


She kissed Maomao several times on the head. After confirming the condition of the room, Jessica did not intend to stay long. She sent Dede back to the first floor to return it to Lucia, and then rode her bicycle back to the hotel on the South Bank. I haven't got my ID yet, and being missing for a long time may cause unnecessary trouble.



The man lit a cigar, leaned back, and looked quietly at the electric fan spinning above his head. Across the table, Nick Fury was playing with the lighter in his hand, not in a hurry to start the next conversation, but letting the other person enjoy this high-end cigar. Although it was difficult to bypass the military in the early stage of lobbying, Comran is now willing to go to the appointment, which already represents his basic attitude.

Coulson's nice face actually works.

But because of this, Agent Phil is moved around almost like a key building block when it comes to important missions like this. After taking care of Comran, he got on the plane and went on to implement his "talent recruitment plan." Obviously, this guy's hairline is getting higher and higher, probably because he is too busy at work.

"Smoke another one?"

The tequila liquid sloshed at the bottom of the glass, reflecting Nick Fury's one eye.

"Need not."

Comran pinched his cigar and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Nick did not reply immediately, his eyes lingered on the man's gray temples. It had only been a month since that incident, and the appearance of the former Lieutenant Colonel Colmran Bellamy had changed drastically. His whole person was full of decadence and confusion, just like Those soldiers who returned from the battlefield and felt at a loss in the face of a peaceful society used alcohol to relieve their sorrows all day long.

"You had a great future, Lieutenant Colonel."

The big black man held the wine glass: "You have a firm stance, a tough style, and you know how to be considerate of your subordinates. Although you and Brigadier General Ross belong to different military branches, you are definitely the kind of person he appreciates most, not to mention you are not old. You You have a bright future. Until you were sent to perform this damn mission, and the commander who gave you the order... I personally feel that compared to you, he was just a symbolic punishment."

"I don't think I did anything wrong. I was loyal to the order."

"That's the problem, soldier." Nick leaned forward slightly and looked into Comran's eyes: "Those soldiers who perform their duties on the battlefield do not think they are at fault. They obey orders, are loyal to their mission, and are loyal to the Federation. . But when all this goes wrong, they will find that they have become victims, bear infamy, and suffer the same unfair treatment as you. And this country will not understand them, and society will not tolerate them, and will even regard them as as an enemy."

Looking at the silent man, he added: "Since the founding of the country, the Federation has never stopped fighting. Soldiers, wars, beliefs, shoulders, responsibilities, missions... As long as you have really fought a war, you will understand this. TM is all bullshit. Don’t deny me, Komran, I have also carried a gun for this country, and definitely more than you. But many people are lucky, or maybe they really believed it until they were forced to Going into this ending, just like you.”

The empty tavern fell into silence.

Comran poured himself another glass of wine.

"I don't think you told the truth completely during the hearing." Nick didn't care about the other party's indifferent attitude: "No one knows what that woman said to you, so they have reason to doubt you, and I also believe that at least you concealed it I got some information, right? And after that woman escaped, you once said that you couldn't contact your direct commander for several hours, and it took almost half a day to get a response to your request to the command center. They said it was an equipment failure, but I didn't Believe it, do you believe it?”

“Does it matter whether I believe it or not?”

Comran held his cigar in his mouth and moved his gaze out the window: "There is actually no problem with the communication. I confronted Sanderson in the bridge at that time. I asked him about the true purpose of this mission. Of course he would deny it. The entire bridge The soldiers heard it."

"So you actually got in touch right away. Why did you say there was an equipment failure?"

"That's the problem, Nick." The man replied with the same forward posture and intonation: "Why? Because when I first sat in the interrogation room, I emphasized the importance of confronting Sanderson. What did you think of the result? The person opposite said, 'You must have remembered wrongly. We couldn't contact the Heller at that time, and the equipment failure lasted for several hours.' I knew at that time that no matter what I said, my The ending will not change."

"Who is interrogating you?"

"You know, with a one-way lens, I can only see myself." Comran shrugged and stared at the big black man's one eye: "I would like to ask you, there were several soldiers on the bridge at that time, didn't they Reveal this matter?”

Looking at Nick's expression, the man sneered and leaned back in his chair: "That's it, Nick, don't think of me as a new recruit. I'm loyal to the mission, but I'm not stupid. I know that if I keep fighting against them, then My ending will only be worse. Facts have proved that I was right. Now I can still go home to sleep, drink every day, and even sneak out to see you face to face."

"So that's why you withheld information from the hearing."

The one-eyed agent seemed not to have heard the other party's ridicule: "Since you are willing to agree to my invitation, it proves that you are not willing to accept it. Agent Coulson also said before that this is a new war, Comran. You There is an opportunity to join us now. You may not be able to clear your name in the future, but we can save the Federation and even save the world in another way. This is the only thing I can guarantee you.

So... tell me, soldier, is there anything else you haven't said? "

"...The woman said to me, Hail Hydra."


The last trace of afterglow passed from the horizon. Nick put on the long trench coat, stood at the back door of the pub and watched the night fall, and strode towards the parking lot. Agent Coulson leaned against the door of an SUV, still wearing the good-guy smile on his face: "Two hours, it looks like your conversation went smoothly."


Nick got into the driver's seat, turned the steering wheel and hit the road. Colson, the co-pilot, straightened the collar of his suit and then turned the knob of the radio to adjust the channel: "I heard that there are several good radio channels here. I have to listen to them carefully before I leave. By the way, it's rare to see you recently. , do you want to find a place to eat on the way?"

"You decide."

The one-eyed agent glanced at the rearview mirror and then looked forward. But Coulson's appearance in the passenger seat has changed. He is no longer the elegant man in suits and ties just now. His skin has turned green, his ears have become wider and pointed, and his hair has completely disappeared. The mouth is also surrounded by long, almost symmetrical folds.

This is a Skrull.

He took a few deep breaths as if taking off his mask, then adjusted his seat and lay down comfortably: "Every time you tell me what you want to do, I think: Oh! Damn Nick , he wants me to change my appearance and engage in some shameful deeds, when will we be freed from it?"

"There will be a day, Talos, you have my promise." The one-eyed agent rarely smiled: "I still can't forget that you pointed a gun at me. If I had known, I should have killed you."

"Just be tough, Nick Fury."

Talos snorted: "Without our help in the past few years, how could you be in this position? Look what they call you? The future king of agents, Nick Fury! He is extremely capable! He makes people I can’t see through! Hehe, even the most elite agents among you humans can’t compete with any of our members in terms of sneaking in to spy on intelligence, so you’d better show some gratitude when you speak to me in the future.”

"Yes, I appreciate it. But you are too annoyed. Can a chicken wrap stop your mouth?"

"At least three, plus a bottle of whiskey."

Both men in the car laughed.

After a while of silence, Talos returned to Coulson's appearance: "Okay, Nick, why did you suddenly call me back this time? What important task do you have?"

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