
A splash of cold water fell on Donna's head, making her neck shrink.

"look up!"

Miss Watson flicked Donna's head and continued to scoop water from the basin: "Look at you, how many days have you not washed your hair? It's not like there's no water in Silent Hill, can't you just rinse it yourself? And those clothes of yours, It’s so dirty that it can be thrown away, even if I go to the church toilet to find a rag, it will be cleaner than it!”


The wet Donna's whole body was tense and she couldn't relax at all, not because of the water, but because of the plump body that was pressed against her back. His bare shoulders were cushioned by two elastic peaks. God, he had never had such close contact with anyone in his entire life, even if he was of the same sex. As long as Miss Watson made the slightest big move, the friction between skin would spread like electricity, making it impossible for Donna to relax at all.


"Relax, Donna, why are you nervous? Have you never taken a shower with a woman? Or are you afraid that I will beat you? Why should I beat you when you are so miserable?" Miss Watson poured another basin of water. , looking at the dirty water in the bathtub below him, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "It's all your fault for breaking one of your hands. Otherwise, why would I have to wait for you to take a bath? It makes me look like a maid, ouch... ...Stand up! I’m done washing!”

With that said, she got up from the bathtub first, lifted Donna up and put her on the ground. Miss Watson carried the large bathtub directly from the hotel bathroom. If Donna hadn't been unable to leave Silent Hill, she would have even tried to pull the other person over. Fortunately, the bathroom in that high-end hotel was also very luxurious. There were more than a dozen bath and toiletries alone, enough to keep Donna clean from start to finish.

But the girl looked as if she was petrified.

A full three hours had passed since she found Donna, and until ten minutes ago this girl was still crying and refused to let go of Miss Watson no matter what. After several attempts to persuade her to no avail, Miss Watson waited until the bathtub was filled with water and directly used her tentacles to peel off the other person's greasy and dirty clothes, scaring Donna to the point where she almost fainted on the spot.

In fact, most of the reasons lie in that face.

Without the cover of the hood, the abscess on the face was completely exposed, like a completely rotted tree stump, with some short granulations still remaining on the surface. For Donna, who was used to covering her head and face, only covering her face at this moment could give her some sense of security - so she did just that. Fortunately, the sky has returned to normal now, and there are no creatures around, otherwise Ms. Benevento would probably go crazy.

"Hands down!"


Miss Watson pinched the towel and found that Donna was still covering her face. She was so angry that she slapped her face down: "Believe it or not, I'll spank you!"


The puppeteer started whimpering again.

"Oh, I'm impressed. No wonder the "Resident Evil: Village" Fandom Encyclopedia said you are mentally unsound." Miss Watson said fiercely, but she slowly wiped Donna's hair clean. In the end, she simply threw the towel on and poured water into the bathtub herself: "You can do it yourself slowly. Don't wear the original clothes anymore. Don't there are nuns' clothes in the church? Choose one yourself, I'll go Yes."

"Don't! Don't go..." Seeing Miss Watson carrying the empty bathtub and preparing to leave, Donna hurriedly followed her. She subconsciously wanted to reach out and grab her clothes, but then she remembered that the woman in front of her was still naked. They walked all the way back to the church. Miss Watson kicked open the heavy door, and the countess and her family immediately stared at them.

Mainly staring at Donna.

The puppeteer exclaimed and hugged Miss Watson's waist.

"Is that why you dare not stay in church?"

Miss Watson put down the bathtub and rolled her eyes: "What's there to be afraid of? They won't really come over. I told you, you won't be attacked if you don't get close."

Donna was still shaking.

"Okay, stop shaking. You are so cowardly. Sit over here." Miss Watson took out a camouflage jacket from the ammunition box, pulled Donna to sit on the bench, and gently stroked the long black hair. , letting the other person squeeze into his arms: "I saw a lot of broken dolls. You must have made them yourself, right? Where did you find the parts?"

"Toy store... Then, take the gun apart and put it together..."

"Tear down the gun? I asked why there are only bullets left in the ammunition box. You won't dismantle all the guns, right?"


"What the hell, my little cutie, you don't use a good gun, but disassemble it and use it to install a battle doll? Did I teach you to disassemble the gun to let you do this? There are so many bullets, you can't shoot them all first How hard can it be to aim and pull the trigger?" Miss Watson's eyes widened, she held up Donna's little face, kissed her hard twice, and then gave her a headbutt: "What do you think about those dolls all day long? Hand grenades You didn’t bring many of them, and you didn’t move any of the RPGs. Do you want to piss me off?”

"Uh..." Donna closed her eyes tightly, trying to play dead.

"If you don't open your eyes, I will throw you to that Didi, Didi, Didi..."

"do not want!"

Donna screamed in fright, buried her face in Miss Watson's chest, and began to speak incoherently: "I, I, I was wrong! I listen to you! I listen to you! Don't leave me! My Angie is dead, what am I doing?" All gone, woo woo woo... They all came to me, dad, mom, sister, they turned into big centipedes and wanted to eat me woo woo woo, please don't go, I'm so scared... ....”

It’s over, I cried again.

Miss Watson rolled her eyes, leaned back in her chair, and patted Donna on the back. After waiting for several minutes, Donna showed no signs of relenting. Miss Watson thought for a while and decided to change her plan. She used her tentacles to open the door to the hotel room, reached in and pulled out her Gibson J-200: "Stop crying, okay? How about I sing a song for you?" Song?"


As night falls in London, fine snow begins to fall again. Customers from bars and nightclubs gradually walked out of the taxis, smelling of smoke and alcohol. At this point, only the real drunkards and frustrated people would continue to sink. In the dark street separated by a wall, gang members also returned to their lair shoulder to shoulder to count the day's profits. Since the knight no longer appeared, the gang power in the underworld has been able to grow further, and a new ecosystem was established in less than half a year. The business in the red light district next door quickly improved, and the dividends doubled several times. Everyone was in a high mood every day.

I don’t even want to do the job of robbery anymore.

On the surface, the crime rate has declined instead of rising.

But behind the scenes, the fighting between the gangs intensified. Because overall, the most profitable items are illegal drugs. These gadgets will always sell well in entertainment venues, let alone in a red light district? The vendors are experienced, and their mixing techniques in their minds are as good as cocktails, and they are invincible under the light of lustful desires. The cost of these chemicals is low, and the transportation time is almost non-existent. The plate was just taken out a minute ago, and it can be delivered to the bar in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette. It is sold directly by the manufacturer.

Everyone wants a piece of this cake.

If something big happens to any gang, their peers will definitely be eager to grab the territory.

Pink Taurus...what the hell is that name?

The brown-skinned version of Miss Watson stood on the roof of the building, sorting out the memory fragments she had just absorbed, and fixed her sights on a dark four-story apartment. This is the headquarters of the gang with the largest scale of selling drugs on the underworld, and thanks to the repeated wealth-making, the armed level of this gang is also in the first echelon, and they even own a lot of military light weapons - of course, this is different from heavy machine guns and pickup trucks. There is no comparison with the Albanian gangsters with mortars.


Checking the weapon again, Miss Watson fell into the air, her tentacles pulled the telegraph pole, and swung her body to the other side of the high wall. Her palms then pressed against the wall, and she leaned half of her face out of the window. When she saw the messy scene inside, she couldn't help but shrink back and roll her eyes. If it wasn't for the purpose of replenishing food for the Countess and her family, he could have gone back to Dagenham tonight to stay with Michela and Donna. The girl hugged him and didn't want to let go. In the end, she coaxed him for another half an hour before she was willing to let go. .

Then I have to go back later, which gives me a headache.

After finding a remote window and climbing in, Miss Watson used her ears to identify the direction of the voice and slowly took out two Ruger MK II pistols. This is a new toy she bought on the London Underground arms black market. It uses .22LR (5.6x15mm) bullets, which is the smallest caliber of all her weapons. But even this small warhead is enough to penetrate the skull of an average adult at close range, and at Miss Watson's current level, the performance of the weapon can no longer significantly affect the close combat effectiveness.

She bought these two things mainly because of the quietness.

Due to their short size and small charge, .22LR bullets generally have low noise and light recoil, making them very suitable for use with suppressors; their subsonic variants usually use heavier warheads, which can improve accuracy while further reducing Gunshots. The two Ruger MK IIs in Miss Watson's hands are special models, specially designed with integrated suppressors. The overall noise reduction performance is very good, and they have been purchased and used by the federal Navy SEALs.


The man in front of him trembled and melted into Miss Watson's arms.

Four people are playing cards in the room on the left...

He slowly moved to the door that was open a crack, and after confirming the target location, he poked his tentacles along the wall and turned off the lights in the room. Miss Watson pushed the door open almost at the same time, pulled the trigger at the enemy facing her, moved her arms left and right, and accurately hit four heads with her two guns in just half a second. Locking the door with the key on the corpse, she continued walking along the corridor, and heard a hoarse laughter in front of her.

At least 8 people.

The fleshy girls inside were not targets for killing, but they could easily create noise if left alone. Miss Watson quietly climbed out of the window and climbed downstairs, planning to skip this wave first. There are actually not many Pink Taurus personnel stationed upstairs in the apartment building. Most of them are located in the basement, which is also the area where the drugs are made.

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