The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 270 Miss Watson’s big life crisis

"Huh? Watson isn't here?"

Ten minutes later, when he saw Master Gu Yi walking out of the portal alone, Master Wang looked a little surprised. There was someone his boss couldn't invite? Even for Watson, this is too disrespectful, right?

"Don't look for Watson yet, he's in quite a lot of trouble." The upper half of Ms. Yao's face was hidden in the hood of the monk's robe, and her lips were dark in color, making her look a little strange. But in the dim environment, Fatty Wang simply ignored it: "Hamil has trapped outsiders in the mirror space. Fortunately, this is a parking lot, so it didn't cause much damage."


Instructing Master Wang to continue working, Gu Yi turned his back and looked up at the night sky. The previous sudden thunder tore apart the dimension, and almost at the same time, the alarm in the New York Temple sounded. After the mages arrived at the scene one after another, the experienced Hamil directly ordered the construction of a mirror space to avoid further spread of the disaster. Continuing to calm down the dark energy in his body, Master Gu Yi turned back and walked into the space barrier. When she saw the two strange figures in front of her, Ms. Yao frowned secretly, because these two people looked really strange.

A man and a woman were standing in the open space.

The former is more like a devil from hell than a man. At least he is very similar in details such as the exoskeleton hard armor, orange-red skin and energy lines flowing on the surface. As for the latter, he looks just like ordinary people. The bikini with fishnets even looks like an underwear model. Even with a gorgeous disc crown on top, it doesn't make people feel majestic. But behind her, a pair of wing-shaped smoke screens floated in the wind, proving her extraordinary abilities.

"Everything is ready."

For ordinary mages, it is expensive to build such a large mirror space, and it is difficult to maintain stable operation by a single person, so several companions must be added to assist. After confirming the status of his men, Master Ancient One walked slowly towards the couple, his hands quietly forming patterns behind his back: "If you don't mind, could you introduce yourselves to me?"

The demonic man, who was about 3 meters tall, roared angrily. He just took two steps, but was stopped by the crowned woman behind him. Then, the woman came forward, her walking posture was inexplicably like a female model: "Human, you... are very special."

"for example?"

The Ancient One Master began to smile.

"You have a special power, I can see... the power, it's strange, it feels different, it's unfamiliar..." The woman with the crown began to circle around, watching the mirror space rotate repeatedly. and moving buildings, showing an expression of obsession: "Here, all this... what is this place? This world..."

"I'm glad you know the current situation." Master Ancient One, while feeling the magic power fluctuation behind him, turned his attention to the tattoo pattern on the skin of the woman with the crown: "Many outsiders cannot communicate normally at all, and they don't know that they have left. I have left my original world, and to be honest, I rarely meet outsiders with whom I can communicate fluently."

"You shouldn't call me that."

Seemingly noticing the wording, the crowned woman looked at Ancient One again: "Humans once worshiped me as a god, but now they have abandoned me and my brothers and started worshiping machines. I will destroy all of this and re-establish the correct Order, even here...Give me your loyalty, human, and I will consider allowing you to join my new world."

"I'm afraid that won't work."

The Ancient One Master kept smiling.


As soon as he finished speaking, the demon man roared again. But at this moment, a huge portal swept across from left to right, disappearing into thin air with the three people in the center of the field. Tens of meters away, the old mage Hamil finally relaxed his eyebrows and reached out to pat his companion: "Okay, okay, it's over, it's all gone."


Miss Watson sat up from the bed and looked at the levitating cloak stupidly.

She had a long dream.

No, it’s a lot of dreams.

There must have been a large-scale battle in that small Romanian village back then, for the fungal roots to absorb the consciousness of so many fallen soldiers. In her dreams, Miss Watson put on her armor more than once and launched a charge for the Holy Roman Empire. That kind of incomparably pure and ultimate fanaticism has not completely faded from my mind until now. But to be fair, if more people died from the Crusaders, wouldn't it mean... that they lost?

It doesn't matter, it's none of my business.

After remaining in a daze for a few minutes, Miss Watson then touched her head belatedly.

Why do you feel a little pain in your head?

...butt hurts too.

"Did you beat me while I was sleeping?" She frowned and stared at the floating cloak floating beside her, who quickly imitated the action of spreading his hands. After staring for a while, Miss Watson turned over and got out of bed: "Forget it, you guy can't speak, ugh... That's weird, where did I throw my underwear? I put it here, no. Could it be you who took it?!"

The levitating cloak continued to spread his hands.

"Oh... I have a headache. What's going on..." Miss Watson rubbed her head and simply left the room naked, but when she reached the door, she suddenly turned around. The levitating cloak was rolling out two pieces of fabric from under the bed. When the owner looked over, he shuddered and dropped the things on the bed. Miss Watson strode over, glanced at her underwear, and pulled off her cloak: "Ha! What else do you have to explain?!"

The levitating cloak gestured wildly.

"You can't say it, right?" Miss Watson bullied it into having no mouth and punched it with a fist: "I knew you were a bad guy! Look how I will teach you a lesson today!"

A portal suddenly opened beside me.

"噫噫 噫 噫噫? ?????" Miss Watson's eyes were fast, covering the suspended cloak on his body, and rushing into the bed instantly. Master Gu Yi stepped into the room and saw a small head peeking out from under the quilt. He laughed dumbly: "You finally woke up? Put on your clothes. I just caught an outsider here, come and help me see what's going on."

"...What do you mean I finally woke up?"

Miss Watson sat down on the levitating cloak that was struggling wildly: "Were you here just now?"


Master Gu Yi stretched out his hand to hold up the crooked picture frame on the wall: "I patted you a few times, and your body suddenly started to move on its own, and you tried to attack me. I could only pull you into the mirror space to solve the situation. I'm sorry to mess up your room, but since I have Cloak to clean it up for you, I'll go deal with those outsiders first, you know, urgent matters."

"So the cloak is helping me clean the room?" Miss Watson understood, and quickly pulled out the floating cloak from under her buttocks, instantly switching to a warm smile, and diligently smoothing out the wrinkles: "Hey~ah~ What are you doing? Why don't you explain... Just tell me, right? You made me misunderstand, it's my fault, my fault. Oh, poor child, where does it hurt? Who hit you so hard? Let me Rub it~”

call out!

Just as Miss Watson kissed her, the levitating cloak broke free and suddenly stepped away.

"...Good friend?" Miss Watson rolled her eyes and gave a thumbs up.

Cloak mimicked crossing his arms and ignored her.

"Okay, okay, you are angry now. I will come back later and treat you to KFC." Miss Watson let out a sigh of relief, jumped from the bed to Ms. Yao, and put on a curtain call gesture like a gymnastics performance: "Okay. Come on, let’s make a quick decision, let’s set off right away. I forgot to put on my clothes..."

She turned back and shouted towards the living room while rummaging through the closet: "Baby! I'm awake! I'm going out for a moment!"

No one responded.


Miss Watson walked out and found a piece of paper on the coffee table: I’m going to have dinner with Nisha.

"It's over -!" She rushed back to the bedroom, grabbed Master Gu Yi's hand and shook it back and forth: "What should I do, what should I do, what should I do? My life is in a big crisis now. My girlfriend went to have dinner with her love rival and she can't beat him. Something big will happen to that woman! You must help me. You are the omnipotent Supreme Mage. Please think of a way to open the door for me!"


Ms. Yao raised her knuckles and knocked on the head in front of her: "Still want to go crazy? I can pull you out for another round."

"...It's because you always like to hit me on the head that I became a psychopath." Miss Watson held her head in her hands and walked through the portal honestly, with the tentacles on her waist still raised. A piece of clothing. When the clothes were ready, her whole style changed suddenly, and her original long silver hair quickly became shorter. Set off by a motorcycle jacket, overalls and short boots, she showed a strong punk rock temperament.

All that's left is lip nails and tattoos.

Regarding this kind of scene, Master Gu Yi is now very experienced: "There are two outsiders this time, and both of them can manipulate matter and project energy. It is a relatively rare situation. I am still studying it."

"...That's magic."

For some unknown reason, the Ancient One Master is rarely willing to use the word "magic" on outsiders, but Miss Watson is not strict in this regard: "I also told you that other dimensional universes and ours are Very similar, most magic comes from the gods... I'll just call them gods. Logically speaking, in a different world, just like a mobile phone leaving the signal area, these abilities given by the gods will Loses effect quickly... at least most of it."

"Yes, I can feel that the woman is not in the right state."

"Woman? Where is someone else?"



"That woman kept shouting for me to kill her because I had killed her only relative." Master Gu Yi said in a calm tone, with no emotion audible: "She can also create hallucinations. Although it is ineffective for me, it may It will affect you.”

"and then?"

"If you recognize who she is, you should know better than me." There was no one in the secret realm. Ms. Yao lifted her hood, but Ms. Watson frowned: "Why do I feel that you have become much younger? ?The last time we met...your crow's feet and nasolabial folds were not like this. Did you secretly use the Eye of Agamotto? Oh no, you don't need to be secretly..."

"It will be fine after few days."

Master Gu Yi obviously didn't want to say more.

"Okay then." Miss Watson continued to take two steps. She thought of the appearance of Tilda Swinton, who played the Ancient One, in "Hell Detective" when she was 45 years old. She couldn't help but turn around and said, "Well, that , if you grow your hair again one day, you can consider getting a perm and wearing a women's suit. I guarantee that look will be very handsome, and maybe some women will come to chat with you."

"Your little head is always so full of strange ideas."

As expected, I still don’t want to say more.

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