The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 263 The first level of Novice Village

"Thank you, I don't need it."

Felicia declined the kindness of her teammates and continued walking on the far right with the gun in hand.


The captain's voice came from the earphones: "Don't worry about those civilians with guns. They are not a threat."

As soon as she heard this, the blonde policewoman frowned, but she looked around and found that her teammates seemed to really believe it. After the captain finished speaking, the others relaxed visibly. Felicia looked at the young police officer Lane next to her. He obviously had a crush on her, which was not difficult to detect. At this time, Ren threw a kind look at her, and the policewoman almost opened her mouth to ask the other party about this obviously wrong order.

But she still didn't say anything after all.

Clenching the handle of the gun, Felicia continued to follow the team in silence. From the moment she stepped into Hell's Kitchen, her impression of the "prosperous and orderly" Manhattan peninsula was completely shattered. Even the old man who went out to take out the trash in the middle of the night had a gun hanging on his waist, and prying eyes seeped through the cracks in some windows and doors. , making one's hair stand on end. Gangsters have guns, and residents also have guns. There is almost no difference in appearance between the two types of people, and their identities can even be switched at any time.

This situation is also very common in other areas with high crime rates in New York - especially in black areas. If you accidentally knock down a passerby, there is a high probability that contraband will be found on him. Therefore, every patrol officer will be highly vigilant when entering such areas. When in doubt, it is better to shoot a few times first than to die.

But Hell's Kitchen is different.

It was scarier than any of the above similar areas. The blonde policewoman had the illusion that her group was like prey in a steel jungle, surrounded by ferocious beasts. And according to the female vampire Nissa, Hell's Kitchen also has the largest blood bank in Manhattan Peninsula. Those stowaways will be forcibly detained after landing. First, their personal property will be confiscated, and then a sufficient amount of blood will be drawn, and then other arrangements will be made. Those who are strong and healthy will be taken away to work as coolies; women who basically meet the standard in body and appearance will be forced to enter the sex industry. And the remaining ones who are thin and weak...

It's not impossible for his organs to be harvested.

There are many gangs in Hell's Kitchen, and smuggling alone has already formed a complete chain of interests.


Suddenly there was another gunshot.

Fire flashed at the edge of her vision, and the policewoman subconsciously rushed towards the garbage dump bunker on the right.


The team's voice started to get confused the next moment, and the SWAT officers ducked to avoid the situation and launched attacks in the direction of the gunfire. This scene has happened several times in the past ten minutes, but I don't know if the attacker's shooting skills were too bad. Until now, no one in the entire team has been hurt. Felicia counted the 30 seconds quietly, and sure enough, after firing one shot, the attacker also disappeared.

"He's gone."

"No target found, over."

"Keep going." The captain gave the order, and the SWAT officers started moving again. Felicia slowly followed Ren and said to him in a small voice: "With such a big movement, we must have been discovered by the dock."

"Anyway, we don't plan to sneak in today." Renn adjusted his helmet: "This time we have the New York Police Department Port Authority to provide tactical support. You don't have to worry, just leave it to them. Many members of the Black Forest Gang are here. Across the Desun River, as long as they intercept their people, there will definitely be no problems with this operation."

"...There must be important people in that group of stowaways, otherwise how could they use us." Someone next to him interrupted, and a relaxed and happy atmosphere disappeared inexplicably, but was immediately stopped by the captain. Stay: "Don't talk about irrelevant topics and focus. We are almost reaching the target point."

What's going on with these people?

Felicia's doubts became more serious, but there was no time for her to think now. After walking out of the path ahead, the sparse lights of the old dock had already appeared in her field of vision. The map of this port has already been placed on the table. The SWAT officers spread out slightly and each entered the attack position.

There was silence ahead.

A dozen members of the Black Forest Gang had already formed a formation, and two searchlights were sweeping back and forth towards the ground. But a few minutes later, a gunshot from the water broke the deadlock. Seeing chaos ahead, the captain pressed the communication button:


Bang bang bang bang—!

"Fire! Fire!!!"

"I can't see where she is!"

"Right! Corridor! Corridor!!"

Bang bang bang bang bang-! ! !

On the other side of Hell's Kitchen, the same fierce gunshots echoed in the basement. At this time, seven or eight corpses were lying on the ground. The last few people were sweating coldly and stared at the smoke-filled brick wall for two seconds before they hurriedly went to help. Weapon replacement magazine. At this moment, the closed door at the side and rear suddenly fell down. They were so startled that they immediately turned around and shot out the last few bullets in the magazine.

However, the corpse on the door panel was their companion.


The sword blade penetrated a gunman's torso from the back, and then quickly pulled away. The man only had time to groan before falling to his knees. The remaining three people rushed outside, grabbed the weapons scattered on the ground and prepared to fight back, but with a crisp sound, the room suddenly fell into darkness. Fear gripped their hearts instantly, and almost at the same time, they all chose to rush out of the door.

Unfortunately, one unlucky guy ran in the wrong direction.

Damn it!

The man stepped hard on the floor, his heart full of despair. There was a closed room in front of him, and he was on the verge of death. Now he was praying desperately that the ghostly woman had chased his companions so that he could have a chance to escape. Just as he rushed into the room, the sound of gunshots coming from outside immediately made the man secretly delighted. He gasped for air, preparing to seize the time to regain some strength.


"Ahhhh!!! fxckyou!!!"

That's right, it's the old smoker's cry. The man waited quietly for more than ten seconds, then slowly returned to the room where the battle had just occurred, picked up a revolver from the ground, and then turned and walked towards the side door. He had already planned his route. After entering the corridor, he climbed out of the window, climbed to the top of the building, and jumped to a nearby building to successfully escape.

Thinking like this, the door suddenly opened.

The subtle creaking sound, accompanied by the slender arm, made the man's heart beat suddenly. The corridor outside the door was lit with lights, which reflected half of the woman's body appearing on one side of the door. The uneven curves were full of temptation. But the man's back was completely cold at this time. He couldn't see the other person's front clearly. He only saw the cold light of the two sword blades, so he raised his pistol with his eyes wide open and pulled the trigger hard.


The muzzle flash of the large-caliber revolver was so powerful that it not only left an afterimage in the center of the field of vision, but also illuminated the scene for a moment. The man still stared, and immediately fired the second shot. This time he finally saw this frozen scene clearly: the woman danced her swords, folded her arms gracefully, and the bullet happened to hit the middle of the sword blade, completely deflecting away. original direction.


The man tightened his grip on the gun and pulled the trigger twice.

But he didn't get a chance to dunk again.

The slender blade cut off the entire right wrist, and then the neck was hit hard, and a miserable howl was choked to death in the throat. The man's whole body fell backwards and he could no longer get up. Miss Watson picked up the revolver on the ground, fired two bullets into the painful mask, then tilted her head half way, and muttered syllables of unknown meaning in her mouth. After a long while, she finally turned her head back and looked at the corpses around her. Basically none of these gang members are intact. The floor of the room is full of mutilated limbs and bloodstains. In the outer corridor, the walls on both sides are full of large and small bullet holes.

"Go get your backpack."

With a gentle word on the shoulder, Miss Watson's combat uniform seemed to have peeled off a layer of skin, revealing the original texture of the fabric. The "skin" that left the body squirmed in mid-air, quickly transformed back into a suspended cloak, and slipped directly out of the basement window. This abandoned underground parking lot seems to have fallen into complete silence.

Faint breathing.

Behind the iron door on the left, a heart is still beating. Miss Watson walked over and pulled off the iron chain, and pulled the iron door open with a slight force, and then met two lifeless eyes. This is a woman lying on the operating table. Her abdominal cavity has been cut open. It seems that halfway through the operation, the doctor had to draw a gun to deal with his attacker.

But Miss Watson knew the truth.

Because this basement belongs to a gang that makes a living by selling organs. The moment she devoured the enemy, a large number of memory images filled Miss Watson's mind. She seemed to be transformed into a person holding a scalpel, slicing the tendons with her own hands, deep into the body cavity, and then ruthlessly cut them off like picking fruits and vegetables. The second knife. Throughout the entire process, a strange sense of peace and joy repeatedly intertwined in my heart, spreading like germs toward the entire mind. Miss Watson understood that this emotion came from the enemy, but she was still a little surprised, surprised that the human heart could really be so crazy and sick.

I entered Hell's Kitchen from the south, originally thinking of "asking for directions", but this ordinary-looking half-baked doctor gave me such a shock tonight that my body that should have been hidden behind the wall sluggished for a while. , and was immediately discovered by other gang members.

Then came this snowy night killing.

Cruel, but also fun.

Miss Watson had completely calmed down. She was too lazy to remember the name of the gang. She just picked up a pistol from the corpse in the white coat outside the door and walked into the operating room. The woman has been following him with her eyes. There is no fear or hope in her eyes, but only the calmness after despair. Miss Watson glanced into her abdomen and knew that this woman was close to death.

"What's your name?"

The woman's lips moved, unable to speak.

The memory fragment came into play at this time. Miss Watson picked up an epinephrine from the tray, inserted it into the vein of the woman's arm, and pushed it all the way. After waiting quietly for a few minutes, the woman suddenly coughed and bowed her head forward. Miss Watson watched the other person begin to regain consciousness and continued to ask: "What is your name?"


"I killed them all." Miss Watson sat on the operating chair next to her, put the handle of the gun into Katina's hand, then held her wrist and put it on the operating table: "I can't save you, but You can give yourself a shot. Or if you still have the strength, you can talk to me, such as where you are from, and I will write a postcard and stick it on the boss’s forehead.”

Katina was stunned for a while, then smiled slightly, but two lines of tears fell from her eyes and hid deeply in her neck: "Can you push me out? I want to see."

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