Some people have a fever, cold, and feel dizzy.

Some people experience brief bouts of psychosis.

After coaxing Michelle like a mentally retarded person for a long time, Watson finally let his girlfriend lie down quietly on the bed. The two of them were lucky enough to walk a few hundred meters on the street and met a taxi. When she returned to the hotel, Miss Butterfly Knife's body temperature and voice condition were already getting worse. Fortunately, she still knew how to take medicine by herself. Watson was like a nanny, helping people undress, wash their faces and feet, boil water and adjust the temperature, which was a lot of work.

And now this girl is still holding on to him and won't let go.

It’s called a sense of security.

A sense of security, right?

After touching the sweat on her girlfriend's forehead, Miss Watson simply took off her coat, lay down on the bed, and directly put Michelle into her arms. As soon as the cold body pressed against her, the woman trembled twice and made a muffled sound of comfort. Several tentacles stretched out from Miss Watson's hands and feet, rolled up the wet towel in the basin, and wiped it back and forth on the upward side of Michelle's body. Miss Butterfly Knife's body temperature is actually a bit high, and she must use physical means to cool her down. In terms of effect, Miss Watson herself is even better than the cooling effect of warm water.

Originally this job was supposed to be done by Mr. Watson.

It's a pity that he doesn't have many fleshy parts on his body, so it's not comfortable at all to lie on it. Miss Watson held Michaela in her arms and looked at the ceiling in the dark room. It is now 3:22 in the morning, and the snowflakes outside the window are still falling, occasionally bringing in some small movements. And Michela was really asleep. She had to open her mouth to breathe because of a stuffy nose, looking stupid.

Very cute.

Miss Watson was so bored that she expanded her bacterial sense vision. She had not used this skill for a while. At this moment, she was surprised to find that the color of the gas exhaled by Michelle's mouth and nose changed when she was in a cold state. After several confirmations, Miss Watson realized that she had begun to be able to distinguish whether human breath contained bacteria and viruses, although... this enhancement was not directly helpful in combat.

But how did you say that?

There are no useless skills, only players who can’t use them.

After gently kissing her girlfriend on the forehead, Miss Watson turned her gaze to the window. The light of the neon lights flickered through the curtains, revealing a hazy and psychedelic beauty. Gradually, the sound of helicopter engines reached my ears far away, and began to pass over the tops of buildings. Michelle in her arms suddenly trembled, frowned and opened her eyelids. Miss Watson quickly touched her hair: "It's okay, it's not a war. You are safe, I am here."

Michela listened to the sound in a daze and cast doubtful eyes on Miss Watson's chest. After a while, she hummed softly and put her head down again.


"It's really safe here, isn't it?"

Looking at the helicopter landing slowly on the snow, a man in a suit stood in front of the window and said to the black man next to him: "Sorry, sir, I'm a little allergic to those biochemical weapons recently. You have to know, what Umbrella left behind There are just too many. Last week I led people to clean up the arms black market, and now when I look at the window, I feel like there are a few lickers hanging outside."

"You need to get some sleep, Phil."

Nick Fury, a big black man, said: "I can give you a leave after this is over today."

Unlike Phil Coulson, a man in a suit, Nick Fury wore a combat uniform, a long black leather trench coat, and the left eyepatch, which revealed a dark and low atmosphere. In fact, this appearance is very unique even within SHIELD. However, he has been rising rapidly in recent years, and his achievements have not been watered down at all. There are fewer and fewer people who dare to comment on Nick's style of doing things.

In Coulson's eyes, his old chief can always solve problems.

It is also becoming increasingly elusive.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Before Coulson could finish speaking, Fury left the corridor on his own. At this moment, a man came down from the helicopter. Coulson took out a spy telescope and raised an eyebrow slightly: "Okay, the protagonist is here. So, this is the unlucky Komran Bay." Captain Lamy?”

"He is no longer the captain."

A female voice answered Coulson: "Maybe not anymore, so, what on earth are we doing here?"

"This incident involves superhumans and probably biological weapons, so S.H.I.E.L.D. has reason to intervene. The Federation Navy has not suffered such heavy losses since World War II, and many people are paying attention." Coulson turned his head, Looking at his old partner: "By the way, I don't even have time to congratulate you, Mei. Happy wedding."

"Come on you."

The woman responded with a gentle smile: "Do you really want to congratulate me?"

"why not?"

Colson also showed his iconic good-guy smile: "In our industry, it is not easy to marry the person you love. May, you are luckier than many of us. No matter what, I hope You and Andrew can have a happy future."

"Thank you."

Mei nodded, turned around and walked out: "Come on, the hearing is about to begin."

A few minutes later, the emergency temporary hearing was finally convened. Lieutenant Colonel Comran Bellamy sat in the middle of the venue, silently watching more and more people gather around him. Except for Brigadier General Thaddeus Ross, he didn't know most of the people. Since the attack, Komran had been undergoing various interrogations, large and small, and he was now numb. Even if someone said that the military court in a few days was just a formality, and that although the hearing was not public and there would be no official records, it could really determine his own fate, Komran couldn't be too interested. .

Bang bang bang! ! !

Seeing that everyone had arrived, the man in the middle of the long table knocked on the table hard: "Please be quiet! Ladies and gentlemen, I believe you didn't come here at 4 o'clock in the morning just to chat. We are in a hurry!"

"let's start."

Brigadier General Ross sat on the man's side, raised his head slightly and tugged on his collar. Just this tone and action made many people in the venue shut their mouths.

"Ahem... Lieutenant Colonel Colmran Bellamy, I am Josh Robbins. I represent the Minister of Defense. I will now preside over this temporary hearing." The man in the center of the long table Coughing twice, he raised his eyes and looked at Comran: "Let's skip those meaningless links. Are you ready to be questioned?"

"I'm ready."

Komran sat upright, his eyes calm.

"Then, I won't follow the order." Josh opened the folder in his hand and pulled out a few pieces of paper: "This operation resulted in the death of 14 SEALs, and the remaining 2 were seriously injured, and were attacked by the enemy. Fang tortured; one SH-60 helicopter crashed into the sea on its way back... Although the other one successfully returned to the ship, three crew members still died of excessive injuries; in the end, a total of 3 crew members died on the warship. 47 people were injured to varying degrees, and 29 others were missing, including the 13 Marines stationed on the ship at the time. The highest officer on the warship at that time was you, and everyone obeyed your orders."

Josh let go of the document, took a breath, and asked again: "Lieutenant Colonel Comran Bellamy, do you have any objection to the above facts?"

"I have no objection."

Komulan still looked calm, without any hesitation.

"Okay, so about the enemies invading the ship..." Josh motioned the operator to turn off the lights and put a picture on the projector. It was a black woman with half of her body exposed in the surveillance screen: "Navigation data It shows that the Heller was about 15 nautical miles away from the target cargo ship when it encountered the invasion, and then an explosion occurred on the side of the ship?"


"In other words, this woman moved at least 15 nautical miles in the water before she met the warship at that time. Then she blew open the hull of the ship and rushed into the ammunition depot alone. She only used... .Less than 3 minutes?”

As soon as these words came out, the people behind Comran began to whisper among themselves.

"...and before encountering the guards, the only weapons she used were two large wrenches?"

The entire hearing room was in an uproar.

"Please keep quiet!"

Host Josh had to raise his voice: "Quiet down, I know that many of you are learning about this incident for the first time, and I also know who you represent, but every material submitted by the Federal Navy has been investigated in detail. When collecting evidence, the basic facts are clear and there is no falsehood, so don’t think you are listening to some fantasy story, calm down!”


Brigadier General Ross hit the table, like a slap in the face, and the hearing room fell silent within a few seconds. There were sullen looks on many people's faces, but in the end they didn't say anything anymore and honestly returned their gaze to the center of the field.

"General Thunderbolt, hmm?"

In a remote corner, Coulson glanced at Chief Fury, who was sitting in front of him, and tilted his head slightly towards Mei: "This is really in line with his style of doing things."

"Who is that fat man?"

Agent May clearly cares more about other people.

"That's Julian Val, the CEO of Esser Pharmaceutical Group." Coulson immediately recognized the image of the other person with a fat head and a big belly: "The military canceled the Valhalla project in 1995. It was a big blow to the Esser Group, but last year’s Raccoon City incident must have made the military change its mind.”


The woman sighed softly and stopped talking.

Coulson also shut up, knowing that his old partner was also under great pressure. Since the outbreak of the Raccoon City Incident, biological and chemical weapons have flowed into the black market in large quantities with the collapse of the Umbrella Group. This simple description represents the actual situation being much more serious than what was stated on the TV news. Combating such smuggling operations has almost become a daily task for security agencies in various countries, and SHIELD is no exception, even if no one has ever learned how to fight these terrifying creatures before.

No one taught them what to do.

In the face of the keen senses, ferocious instincts and tyrannical bodies of biochemical weapons, the various tactics, experiences and techniques learned in the past are of little use, even conventional weapons. Logically speaking, the military should be responsible for combat missions, but almost every country's first attitude toward biological and chemical weapons is to research rather than destroy them. They will only destroy them if they cannot be taken away. This results in intelligence personnel, with agents as an important group, often having to face these monsters at close range with small firearms.

More than half a year has passed, not to mention the rookies, even the senior agents have more or less worsened their psychological problems. The most obvious point is to be particularly vigilant about ceilings, windows and dark corners.

and the fear of corpses jumping up and biting people.

"... There is another problem, that is the monitoring system. In the cabin where the attacker passed, almost all the monitoring probes were destroyed." When Colson was distracted, the hearing had gone through several sessions in a row. , the host flipped through a few more pages of the folder in his hand: "Obviously, the attacker knew the structure of the warship very well. Not only did she avoid leaving too much image data, she was also able to accurately find the ammunition depot. But how is this possible? ?How did she know? Lieutenant Colonel Comran, can you explain this?"

"I do not know."

Komran said calmly: "If you are going to question whether I colluded with the attackers next, then I swear on my epaulette that I am loyal to my duties and I am loyal to the United States. I have not been ashamed of any comrade." I think I made the right choice under the circumstances and I had to save my crew and I would do it again if it happened again."

"Then how do you explain that the attacker didn't kill you?" A man sitting on the edge of the long table suddenly interrupted: "You were the only one who had contact with her and had a conversation. The other crew members were only a few meters away at that time. According to their testimony, you were very relaxed talking to your attacker, how can I believe that you had no contact with her?"

Seeing Comran's silence, the man wanted to speak, but Brigadier General Ross turned his head and glanced over, and he suppressed his words.

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