"... (Brazilian Portuguese) According to incomplete statistics, this gang conflict that occurred at night has caused at least 132 casualties, including 29 residents. The Cardoso Federal Hospital closest to the incident site is currently 16 people have been admitted. Affected by this incident, 15 law students from the Federal University of Rio launched a march this afternoon. Let us review the scene."

In the TV screen, a group of people appeared in front of the camera holding signs. Watson tried to read the slogans in his half-familiar native language, but he could only make out a rough outline. Fortunately, demonstrations usually have clear themes, and he easily figured out the purpose of this group of students' demonstrations: against killing and violence.

"Such a tragedy should never happen again!"

A student approached the microphone and shouted: "I can't imagine that such sad things are happening around us! What's the use of the government giving BOPE so much money every year? Crimes still happen every day! Look at the slums!" If it is not impossible to survive, who would choose to commit crime? And do you know what is the most ironic thing? BOPE! An elite government force whose badge is actually a skull! The only thing they can do is kill! They are all perverts! Butchers! Nothing..."

"We need love! No guns!"

The crowd nearby shouted slogans: "Give up violence! Learn to embrace! Criminals are human beings too..."


There was a muffled sound behind him.

"Humph, a bunch of lunatics."

Looking back, Watson saw a strong young black man cursing and banging the hollow iron pipe railing, and then walked away quickly. From the profile, you can see that this guy is wearing glasses, walking steadily, and has no tattoos. His style is somewhat rare. After staring at the back for a while, Watson returned his gaze to the TV.

At this moment, the scene has cut to the studio, where a fat man in a suit is talking to the female host: "...Obviously, BOPE is just a purely violent organization, and it cannot solve all problems. We all know that The problem is that this damn society is forcing people to commit crimes! We don’t need a second BOPE, we need unity..."

"I'm ready."

Michela touched her belt and came over: "Do you still want to watch?"

"No, let's go."

Watson took his girlfriend's hand and slowly left the street store. The two of them are now on the street near the beach, and they don't have any clear goals. They just wander around wherever they go, buy something if they like it, and prepare to spend the whole afternoon. Miss Butterfly Knife rarely wanted to go out for a walk, so of course he had to accompany her well.

Watson was actually a little worried when he went out. Apart from the extremely excited state of "Miss Watson", he himself was not a very good person to find topics to talk about - especially for the opposite sex. The scene of going shopping with my ex-girlfriend in my previous life is still vivid in my mind. It was really awkward to be silent for a while after talking. It's also because my love experience is too short, and I don't know how to time things like hugging and kissing. One time, I actually scared the other person.

As for why this is so...

He is actually acting.

Watson actually doesn't have much feelings for his ex-girlfriends, only occasionally. The initial whim won't last long, so there certainly won't be much initiative. One of the important reasons is his shameful habit of dressing up as a woman. There was little opportunity for psychotherapy in his previous life, and Watson did not know whether he was a transvestite, schizophrenia, gender identity disorder, personality disorder, or schizophrenia.

He had tried to activate the male side of his heart.

But it turns out that when it comes to relationships, Watson can't pretend to be a good partner.

The Wolfpack team had rested in Le Havre, France several times before. It was not that he had not accompanied Michela out to eat and go shopping. The feeling at that time was indeed somewhat similar to that of his previous life. At that time, the relationship between the two had not yet reached this point, so the girl didn't talk much, and Watson didn't talk much either. They were quiet along the way, and they ate their meals face to face. Even if Michela stares at him after eating, it is because of his good skin in this life.

But now, everything seems very comfortable.

At this moment, Watson can calmly put his eyes on Michela's face for a long time, and looking at each other no longer makes people feel embarrassed. He could hold those hands, wrap his arms around that shoulder, and obey his heart's longing for closeness. He began to engage in it willingly, read the other person's eyes and movements, and began to empathize with this woman. Although there are high-frequency "frank and honest" factors in this, Watson is still surprised that he has actually taken this step now.

Well, after all, Michela has already met "Miss Watson".

And she doesn't even mind at all.

Perhaps that's the most important thing.

As the distance grew further and there were no more buildings to block it, the hot and humid sea breeze blew in again.

Blowing Miss Butterfly Knife's blond hair.

Michela was wearing hot pants, a tank top and a short-sleeved shirt today. She was facing the beach, her neck and chest covered with a thin layer of sweat, which shimmered in the sun. The wind made the clothes on the front stick to the body, creating a large and graceful outline, which made Watson couldn't help but think of the lingering love of the past few days. Dynamic rhythm music came from the front, just like the beautiful mood at this moment.

Unfortunately, thunder soon sounded in the sky.

"Looks like we're out of luck."

Watson grabbed the ice cream and took two licks: "How about we find a place to have afternoon tea?"

The benefits of the black light body are once again reflected. The ice cream is so warm that it can be chewed casually, even if it's a big mouthful, it won't freeze your mouth. Michela looked at the row of shops on the street and pointed to one of the cafes: "How is it there?"

"Okay, you like..."

Before he finished speaking, a faint tingling sensation followed.


Watson turned his head and slapped away the hand reaching for his pocket. The black child who tried to steal probably saw that he was easy to bully, and then wanted to rob him forcefully. Michela on the right also encountered another thief. Their division of labor was very clear, but unfortunately they chose the wrong target. Watson pushed the person to the ground with just a slight force. He was in a good mood today and rarely wanted to get things done.

I killed enough people last night.

But the black kid got up and took out a knife from his pocket.

The next second, Michela let go of Watson's hand. The person on the right who wanted to rob her was knocked down with a fist. When the black child rushed up, Miss Butterfly Knife left her left hand from her waist and swung her butterfly knife to meet him. With just one move, she knocked off the robber's weapon, and lightly slashed the robber's face with the tip of the knife. The black child covered his eyes and fell to the ground.

At this time, the surrounding passers-by finally realized the situation and dispersed screaming.

"I cut off his eyelashes, let's go."

After blowing on the blade, Michela grabbed Watson and walked towards the shopping street. Watson looked back at the ice cream that fell on the ground, then looked at the frightened look on the child's face, and sighed helplessly. According to the memory fragments of gang members, this kind of underage thieves are everywhere in Rio. They are energetic, ignorant and fearless, and their methods are sometimes more cruel than many adults. The fat man in the suit on that TV show was right about at least one thing. A small part of crime is due to natural factors, but more is due to a series of problems such as the gap between rich and poor, racial hatred, class solidification, survival pressure, and lack of education.

To change all this, it is not as simple as just talking.


The thunder grew louder and louder.

"Hurry up!"

Michela's shout interrupted Watson's thoughts. At this moment, raindrops were falling from the sky, but the two of them were still on the seaside path. Countless passers-by were rushing to avoid the sudden rain, but looking at Miss Butterfly Knife's back, Watson gave up the idea of ​​picking her up and running. He could hear the undisguised gasps in front of him. Michelle was not afraid of getting wet at all. She probably found it particularly interesting to drag her boyfriend around on the street.

"Baby, can we go take shelter from the rain first?"

"Ha! Never!"

...This has certainly never been done.

Running around in the rain is only done by naughty children and young people. Who among adults would do this?

But for Watson, it is of great significance that Michela is willing to go crazy like this, which means that the other party's mental state continues to improve. Even though there were surprised looks from both sides of the street, Watson only felt that his mood was as relaxed and comfortable as his footsteps. The rain increased rapidly within a few minutes, and water began to form on the road. Michela also ran faster and faster. The two rushed from the seaside path into the commercial street, and jumped over the fence in a short run. The raindrops were finally isolated on the eaves. outside.

The location here is quite remote. Miss Butterfly Knife turned around, her whole body was wet. When she saw her boyfriend looking equally embarrassed, she suddenly broke out into a bright smile. Watson smoothed his hair and allowed the excited Michela to press herself against the wall: "You know what? I like to hear you speak English."

"why do you like it?"

"Because your German accent is so cute...um..."

Watson's mouth was gagged.

Having just experienced intense physical exertion, Michela was still panting, like a fish short of water, eager to get oxygen from Watson's mouth. He wanted to put his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders, but the other party forcefully pressed his wrist against the wall. The fiery body filled the entire front of Watson's chest, and he could completely feel the rhythm of the ups and downs. The tips of his hair were condensed by the rain, and it was a little itchy when it poked his face, but it also aroused Watson's mind.


Lightning instantly illuminated the ground.

The two moist lips slowly parted.

"I don't think we can have afternoon tea like this." Watson blinked and reached out to help his girlfriend tidy up her hair: "Dear Miss Michela, is there anything else you want to play? That fountain pool is very beautiful. Yes, we can go swimming for a few laps, and then we don’t have to go back to the hotel later. We can just find a hotel and take a hot bath.”

"Has anyone ever said a word to you?"

"...What words?"

Michela kissed Watson again and said with a smile: "The only thing that's hard about you is your mouth, little cutie."

"Hehe, if you call me that again, you will be in big trouble tonight."

"Hmm." The woman stroked Watson's face, and the smile in her eyes grew stronger: "But you are right, I do have something else I really want to play with."


In the evening, in a restaurant on the commercial street.

The weather outside the window has returned to normal. Rain in Rio always comes and goes quickly, and this time is no exception. Only the puddles on the street still bear witness to what happened a few hours ago. Luper walked into the door with four eyes and walked to the position in the text message. Michela was already sitting on the seat cutting candy bars, while Watson inside only had half of his head exposed due to the angle.

"It's rare that you are willing to treat me, Bertha. I heard that the fruit salad in this restaurant is very good." As soon as Luper approached, he was attracted by Watson's appearance - he was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt and a coat. A breast-baring vest, with a women's leather watch on her left hand; the lower part of the body is a black gothic skirt with a rather stage-like style, which perfectly forms a set with the vest on the upper body. And the next second, Kalena's eyes were attracted by those two pure white thighs.

The beautiful boy in front of him just changed his clothes and didn't even need to change his hairstyle, and he completely lost any trace of his masculine appearance. Even though her chest is flat, no one would think that she is a man in front of her just because of her beautiful long legs, fair and slender hands, and alluring red lips.

"Did I see it wrong?"

After standing next to the table and looking at it for a few seconds, Luper turned his attention to Bertha: "Or did you let your boyfriend wear women's clothes?"

"Yes, it's me, you don't have to guess."

Miss Watson stuffed a strawberry into her mouth and said in a female voice: "Bertha is just such a perverted woman."

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