To be honest, Watson doesn't experience this often. In the past, I always walked armed in the wilderness. When I entered a town, I would always choose uninhabited places. Otherwise, the surroundings would be full of enemies. If I saw a living creature, I would just shoot. How had I ever encountered this kind of situation? But looking at the expressions of the adults and children in front of them, they didn't seem too panicked.

Also, the police and gangs exchange fire in the slums from time to time. They should be used to it.

Although a lot of time was wasted due to traffic jams, it was not yet late at night. Watson continued to lower his gun and began to trot along the junction between the auditorium and the stadium. He deliberately slowed down so that he seemed more like an unrelated person passing by. Unexpectedly, this move had a very good effect. As the referee blew the whistle, the kid who picked up the ball raised his foot and volleyed, and the players started fighting again. The adults in the audience also looked away from Watson. Only a few young people did not think it was a big deal and deliberately cheered at him. They didn't know what they meant.

This "court" was actually not very large. Watson quickly reached the other end and pushed open the twisted iron gate. At this moment, someone seemed to have scored a goal, and the cheers from the audience suddenly increased a bit. Looking back at the busy stadium, Watson silently walked out with his gun. Perhaps he was approaching a gang den. Someone in front of him was playing a high-pitched song loudly, making it as noisy as an open-air party.

At the end of the street, a red light flickered.

There were several men smoking and chatting.

The entire slum is built on a mountain. Even though the mountain is not high, the terrain is basically all the way up. Watson is equivalent to climbing halfway up the mountain. This was very similar to the Illyrian westward offensive he participated in in Albania last time, but no matter how excessive the urban gangs were, they would not be able to produce large quantities of weapons such as Deshka heavy machine guns and mortars. Therefore, the actual situation is more favorable to Watson, who is relaxed without the death knell armor.

The dense buildings are like stairs, allowing Watson to jump up floor by floor.

The distance quickly shortened.

The red-hot vision and bacterial vision in his eyes repeatedly switched, and Watson easily avoided the high-altitude vision along the way. The lighting conditions in the slum were originally very poor. Many people were enjoying the cool breeze on the roof of the building, but they could not see this ghostly figure at all. The sound wave in front became stronger and stronger. Watson felt it for a while, hung the AUG in front of his abdomen, and took out a hunting knife from his leg.

This was a gift that Michela gave to herself in 1990. The hunting knife is slightly slender overall, with no other bells and whistles except for the slightly downward curvature of the shape. The entire blade surface has a beautiful and complex pattern, which is the result of cutting the steel multiple times, stacking and welding it multiple times, and then beating and stretching it. The more layers you stack, the denser the pattern will be without losing the sense of regularity. After getting it, Watson has never used it. He used to fight with his body and carry explosions at every turn. It is very likely that a short knife will be damaged if he carries it with him.

"Watson, there are two gunmen above the wall at 1 o'clock, over."


Watson hid in the canopy of trees and carefully observed the men smoking below. If you don't look at the weapons, the appearance of these guys is indeed no different from civilians. Watson and Luper had a discussion just now, but they didn't understand how Ghost and Beltway could sneak in in the slums where gangsters gathered. Logically speaking, this is unlikely. Maybe there are some special circumstances here, but since the Blood Paint Gang is already looking for people all over the city, they will reach here sooner or later, so Watson must speed up.

Ordinary intelligence agents don't have any professional ethics.

"Wait a minute, there's a car going up the mountain."

At this moment, Luper suddenly said something. Watson grabbed the binoculars and saw a police car coming up from a remote road. The gang members also made new moves. They shouted a few words into the alley behind, and soon someone pulled out a body wrapped in a black plastic bag. At this time, there were still a few passers-by walking by on the street below, but they didn't panic at all. They just quickened their pace and turned sideways to get around.

The police car was moving very slowly, and the sound of its engine sounded very old, making it difficult for the old guy to climb all the way up the hill. The two parties seemed to have known each other for a long time. After a few simple conversations, the police received the money and packages and loaded the body into the trunk. The gang members left a few standing guard while the rest dispersed into the alleys. Watson had no interest in watching this dirty deal. He selected two targets and followed them closely from above. It has to be said that most of the buildings in the slum are very crowded, and in many places the walkways below are not even visible.

In the darkness, tentacles quietly hung above the head, piercing the neck of the prey like lightning.

"Watson, I can't see you."

Fragments of memories flooded into his brain, and Watson had no time to reply. These two unlucky guys were very familiar with the local situation. Dense paths, gaps, and pipes emerged one after another, as well as many rooms that were ostensibly disguised as civilian residences but were actually warehouses and temporary passages... And among the mountains Inside, these gangsters even dug tunnels. Immediately afterwards, the life experiences of the two unlucky men also emerged.

No, the title should be changed to "drug dealer" now.

Good guys, the younger ones are more exaggerated than the last.

"I am sworn in with gambling and drugs."

"What?" Luper on the other end of the communicator was stunned for a moment: "Watson? What are you talking about? Are you speaking English?"

"Ah no, I was just interrogating."

Watson clung to the wall and climbed to the top of the building, then took out the compass to identify the direction: "There is a small ruins in the southeast, which were destroyed by landslides due to heavy rain some time ago. There are no people inhabiting them now. I think Ghost and Beltway should be hiding there." There. Less than half of the ten people in the settlement are gang members, and they are unlikely to run into the building."

"It depends on the situation. Pay more attention to high places and corners."

The Wolf Mother was not in the slums, so she didn't know the specific situation, and she didn't give any arbitrary orders. Watson replied "received" and began to move towards the ruins. It was the peak tourist season in the city of Rio de Janeiro a while ago. Disasters like landslides have not occurred in the urban area, and basically they will not be mentioned by everyone. After watching the "cooperation between police and criminals" just now, he had no confidence in the order of this place.

boom! ! ! !

At this moment, a gunshot rang out.

The whole slum suddenly burst into shouts, but it wasn't over yet. A ball of orange-red flames suddenly appeared in the buildings. With the shaking movement, the dust under Watson's feet was even stirred up. In an instant, the people below were in chaos. Drug dealers with guns appeared at the entrance of the alley, and then rushed towards the explosion site in teams of two or three.

A series of gunshots quickly penetrated the ears.

boom--! ! !

Another explosion.

"This looks like something Fatty can do." Luper said on the communicator: "Xander said that these two bastards had nothing on them when they ran away, and the ghost might sneak into the gang station at night to steal supplies."

"Just go and take a look and you'll find out." Watson sped up and stepped heavily on the wall with his soles, crushing large cracks out of the inferior bricks. Not long after he ran, he ran into several drug dealers who were hiding on the roof of the building, shouting and shooting. The strange thing is that these people's guns are pointed at the downstairs. Is it possible that I am lucky enough to directly encounter the main battlefield this time? Under the cover of darkness and gunfire, Watson got behind the nearest drug dealer. The Damascus hunting knife passed across his neck, and then stabbed into the back of the second man's head.

"(Brazilian Portuguese) Hey! What!?"

Several drug dealers on the opposite side of the building finally noticed, roaring and pouring firepower in this direction. Watson grabbed the two bodies and blocked them in front of him. He took a few steps and shrank behind the cement wall. The crowded and messy buildings in the slums also have advantages. There is no open space on the roofs at all, and bunkers can be found everywhere, although this is objectively more beneficial to the enemy.

call out--

This is the sound of bullets streaking through the air at supersonic speed. Compared with the AK automatic rifles not far away, it sounds a bit special.

"There are four people opposite you."

Luper's voice came from the earphones, followed by another gunshot: "There are three left, they hid in the bunker."

As soon as the strength of the Spider-Sense weakens, Watson knows that the enemy's attention has been diverted. While he was talking, he had jumped to the roof of the opposite building, held up the AUG towards several drug dealers, pressed the trigger with his right index finger to the end, and knocked down all the targets with a series of 5.56mm bullets. However, the next second, the tingling feeling pointed downwards again. Just as Watson lowered his head, several small holes were punched in the roof of the rain-shielding iron roof.

"I can't see the enemy."

"It doesn't matter."

Watson changed his position and quickly looked down, but he saw no ghost or Beltway. There were only a few gunmen wearing red turbans on the street. He squatted down again and pressed the communication button: "I didn't see the ghosts and the others. There are people from other gangs fighting with local drug dealers here. They are all wearing red turbans. Are they from the Bloodstained Gang?"

"What? Red turban? Damn it, they did come looking for me."

Luper cursed in French: "Watson, do you want us to go in for backup?"

"No, don't come in, I can handle it."

After checking the magazine, Watson ignored the Blood Paint Gang gunmen below and continued to jump to the next building. To be honest, it is very difficult to attack this kind of building complex with higher floors. I can only do so easily with my powerful black light body. Otherwise, there are people everywhere, and I will die here no matter how many times I do. not enough.

Before walking a few steps, someone from the tall building on the left shot again.


A bullet accurately penetrated the attacker's forehead, and Watson then began to fire in short bursts. The drug dealers' marksmanship was worrisome, and they were also disturbed by the muzzle fireworks of inferior weapons. In the dark, none of the shots hit the target. . This time Watson used a combination of semi-automatic/full-automatic shooting, and the effect was very good. Three headshots were achieved with one pull of the gun line.

Different from the shooting mode button of traditional automatic rifles, most AUG models adopt a rare "progressive trigger" design. Pulling the trigger halfway triggers semi-automatic shooting; pulling it to the bottom triggers fully automatic shooting. This makes it awkward for many shooters who are used to dialing the speed switch, especially in tense battles. The less relaxed their fingers are, the harder it is to control the gun. But for Watson, this design was more flexible. After filling most of the magazine, he immediately fell in love with the gun in his hand.

There were people shouting around.

However, with Watson's language proficiency, which he had just "replenished", he could only half understand it. It seemed that he would have to smoke a few more words on the way.

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