The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 225 Day 1 in Rio de Janeiro

Ahead is a ten-story Holiday Inn.

Kalena drove uphill for most of the second half of the journey. By the time the car passed through the iron gate and drove along the path into the small square, Watson could already overlook half of Rio de Janeiro. Green trees and carvings stretch from the small square in the front yard to both sides. The midday sun shines through the gaps between the leaves, reflecting shiny spots on the marble statues. If the number of rooms is reduced to half, it can be regarded as a small manor.

Elegant without being over the top.

Obviously, all the guests who can stay here have at least a little money.

Watson withdrew his gaze from the swimming pool next to him, put on his hood and sunglasses, and silently followed the wolf mother with his bag on his back. He has no desire to chat now. After all, he will see Michela later. He hasn’t met for more than a month, and he doesn’t know how Miss Butterfly Knife will react. After that kiss before takeoff, the relationship between the two could no longer be concealed with any excuses. Just like Captain America Steve and Peggy Carter, everyone knew what was going on and just didn't reveal it.

Well, after all, Mr. Watson and Miss Butterfly Knife had kissed and hugged each other so many times, it was better than the unlucky would-be couple.


The sightseeing elevator door closed and began to climb slowly.

The light of the floor buttons gradually moved upwards. Watson faced the sightseeing glass. In front of him was the city of Rio de Janeiro, and beyond was the blue coastline. Kalena thought the beautiful boy was looking at the scenery, so she smiled and gave a guide-like introduction: "Isn't the scenery beautiful? The room I left for you also has a separate viewing balcony. You can enjoy it by yourself at night. ."

"Well, thank you." Watson's response was a bit bland.

He is actually looking at himself in the glass.

The face was gradually reflected as the angle of light changed. Watson slowly took off his sunglasses and stared into his own eyes. Until the day of transfer on March 3, he was still in the female form, and now it has been maintained for nearly 7 months. The more Watson thinks about what he has done recently, the more he can realize the huge difference between the two roles of men and women.

When the plane bound for Rio de Janeiro finally left the runway, he looked at the clouds outside the window and felt inexplicable discomfort for the first time. It's a bit like being forced to go back to work/school after a vacation. How free you were before, you feel so constrained and reluctant now. This feeling is especially obvious when the "environment" has been completely changed, and when I truly "sit in the classroom" and recall the happy times of staying up late playing games.

It's like being trapped in a cage...

It was as if Mr. Watson and Miss Watson were already two different people.

However, it didn't take long for him to understand the meaning of that inexplicable discomfort.

Guilt and guilt.

The conclusion drawn before is actually extremely correct: Miss Watson is willing to indulge, do whatever she wants, and enjoy the pleasure of venting her desires; while Mr. Watson chose to restrain himself. But no matter what excuses they make, they are both part of themselves and should not use this to excuse what they have done. Strictly speaking, from the moment Miss Watson was willingly carried into the bathroom by faceless nurse Lisa, the nature of this "role play" has completely changed.

There is the first time, there is the second time, the third time, and possibly countless times.

Later, when faced with the countess' family who had just been infected, Miss Watson didn't have much psychological burden. Black light servants are not human beings, and they are not even intelligent creatures. They will not betray themselves. No matter how abused they are, these creatures will not be dissatisfied and will still be loyal to them. If you take a closer look, they are no different from moving inflatable dolls or even slaves. Who would feel guilty about touching a blow-up doll?

how can that be possible?

That's how she deceived herself at that time.

I have to admit that when I "played" Miss Watson, I was in a state of excitement and pleasure. Even the way I looked at problems and handled things was different. But after leaving this role, these feelings gradually faded away, and reason regained the high ground. Watson realized that he had finally gone down the most unbearable path. He did not really put himself in the position and perspective of a woman, but treated it all as a game and did whatever he wanted. Apart from the gender factor, what he did was undoubtedly indulgent.

The most obvious point is that if the genders of Michela, Miss Watson and the black light servants were completely reversed, everything would completely change. At least from a male's perspective, he cannot accept that a girl he is having an affair with has such an intimate relationship with another male "creature", no matter what the ingredients of this "creature" are.

There is one factor that adds fuel to the fire, and that is the inner possessiveness for Michela.

"Hey! Pretty boy? Come to your senses!"

Luper's call interrupted his thoughts. The elevator had reached the top floor. Watson quickly apologized and followed a few steps to a heavy wooden door. Now the whole floor is basically only occupied by members of the wolf team, and the wolf mother must have spent a lot of money on this. The two talked about some related topics on the way. Beltway and Ghost were particularly troublesome when they were drunk, disturbing everyone's sleep in the middle of the night, and Kalena once wanted to kick these two guys out of the house.

Watson fully suspected that the duo simply lived in the red light district because of this.

"This is your room."

Leading Watson into the living room, Kalena threw him a key: "The things brought from Le Havre are piled up with me and Si Yan, including your weapons. You can go there later. Get it from us. But you can’t wait to find Bertha now, right? I’m going to call her right now. Anyway, we have a lot of time today. Come to me when you two are satisfied~"

The woman blinked and disappeared out the door.

After sitting on the sofa in silence for a while, Watson walked to the viewing balcony and opened the large horizontal sliding French windows on both sides. Hot and humid air immediately followed the warm breeze and blew in his face. The southern hemisphere's summer has just ended, and the seaside city hasn't cooled down much yet. The view was blocked by leaves just downstairs, but now he could see the entire swimming pool area. Many people dragged their families in to play in the water, and the hot-bodied girls in swimsuits showed bold postures and enthusiastic smiles.

This is the bad thing about the black light body.

Vision is too clear.

But after half a minute of admiration, Watson's attempt to divert attention failed, and his thoughts turned back again. On the way back after killing the warlord Tolan, Michela once mentioned the experience of being almost killed by a bullet. The meaning behind the words was obvious, otherwise the girl would not take the initiative to ask for a kiss. If nothing else happens - during his stay in Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Watson can at least catch up with Miss Watson's progress in some aspects.

But do I really want this?

Pretend that nothing happened, shirk the responsibility of those few pleasures to "another person", and then sit in front of Michela with peace of mind, look at her face, and happily say "Long time no see"? Then what? Accept this feeling as a man? Watson then thought of one night in New York, when he was sitting next to the vampire princess Nissa, emphasizing in his heart "Don't treat reality as a game", and suddenly felt the urge to laugh out loud.

He laughed at himself for being so hypocritical. When he became Miss Watson and was so high, why didn't he think about this situation now?

Do you really like them?

Or is it just using this good skin to pick some easy prey? Just like the games I played before, I won them one by one and collected them one by one. Isn't this what I did to the black light servants? Why are they now all women and only women? Aren't you willing to admit the reason?

Combat power is only one aspect, and more... it is just wanting to possess those beautiful bodies.

You've already taken that step.

Can you turn back?

How do you turn around?

Are you really willing to look back?

Unconsciously, Watson tightened his grip on the iron railing and looked down at the beautiful carvings on it. He finally realized that if he were asked to choose again, the result might not change.

I'm such a bad person.

At this moment, there was a soft touch on the head. The floating cloak felt the owner's emotions, stretched out its collars on both sides, and patted Watson back and forth near the top of the back of his head, as if comforting an unhappy child. Of course Watson didn't like this, but he really didn't have the heart to explain, so he could only say simply: "Stop, you idiot."

"You didn't close the door."

A slightly cold female voice sounded from behind.

His mind immediately matched Michela's timbre. Watson's whole body trembled, and even the levitating cloak was frightened. After a few long seconds, he forced himself to turn his head. Miss Butterfly Knife, whom he had not seen for a long time, was standing in front of him. The girl seemed to have just taken a shower. She was wearing a bathrobe and slippers, and her blond hair was draped wetly on her shoulders. His eyes then focused on that face, and the scar seemed to have become lighter, and his complexion also improved significantly. It should be due to the sufficient rest during this period.


There was nothing to say in his mind for a moment, so Watson could only follow the pretense and say: "Did you just take a shower?"

This question was not answered. Michela walked over in slippers, and Watson looked into those blue eyes, still in a semi-conscious state. The girl stretched out a plain white hand, touched the hood and slowly lifted it off. Her warm fingertips then parted her bangs and inserted them deeply into the long light blond hair on the left side of her head. Watson's lips wriggled a few times, but in the end he still didn't say anything. However, the next second, Michela grabbed Watson's shoulder tightly with her other hand, and then kissed him.

What follows is a sense of imbalance.

The height difference between the two of them is actually not that far apart, which makes Watson's entire body pulled into the girl's arms. The skin and bathrobe next to his body are obviously soft and smooth, but Michelle's actions are so tough. , full of unquestionable and defiant flavor. In Watson's field of vision, Michela closed her eyes tightly, and the glistening spots in the corners of her eyes, which were either water drops or tears, completely dispelled his slight subconscious impulse to struggle. But even so, Watson did not close his eyes, but continued to look at the face, trying to see the girl's emotions at the moment.

The breath hitting his face was as hot and humid as the warm wind. But Michela's body temperature was higher, and the heat penetrated through the bathrobe, and she even felt a little hot. Watson couldn't help but follow his breathing, trying to calm his body's reaction. But the girl noticed immediately and gently raised her two eyelashes. In that layer of mist, there was fiery tenderness and a hint of smile.


"and many more......"

"I've locked the door."


This reaction has not appeared for a long time. I thought it had disappeared as the black light body continued to upgrade, but now this scene proved that my body was still not as obedient as I imagined. Although it is not clear why they did not come out when Miss Watson was playing with Tie Tie before, but the good thing is that they have been "continuously upgraded". The surface of these thick tentacles is now very tough. As long as they are not damaged, they will not leak black light. Virus.

But thinking about it, I still feel dangerous...

The palm of his hand gently pressed on Michela's shoulder.

After all, there was no choice to push away.

Forget it, wait until she has finished venting. You shouldn't reject her like this, especially since you don't really want to. Watson made an excuse for himself in his mind, and at the same time tried his best to restrain the male pride that almost jumped into rebellion. After all, he is a man now, but he behaves so passively when kissing, and even gets rubbed into the woman's arms. To put it bluntly, the roles of both parties have now been almost completely reversed, which is really humiliating for a macho man.

The kiss lasted for several minutes.

"...I wanted to say to you, Happy International Women's Day."

Their lips finally separated, Watson took a breath, and his nose was filled with the faint scent of toothpaste. After such a stimulation, emotional intelligence finally made a grand return from his mind: "As you know, on March 3th, if I hadn't been in a hurry, I would have thought of buying you a small gift or something on the street. But anyway, we You should at least say hello first, right? Do you need to be in such a hurry?"

"You make me happy right now."

Michela didn't let go at all, she smiled and kissed the beautiful face in front of her again, and then she was about to push the person away: "I can lend you your hair dryer."

Embarrassingly, she failed.

Five or six tentacles were tightly wrapped around the girl's shoulders, waist, hips and thighs, making it difficult to break away easily. Michelle looked up with doubts in her eyes. Under the girl's gaze, Watson rarely blushed slightly: "Well... they may not be very obedient now. Please wait for a while, I will try Let’s see if we can…”

He pulled apart several tentacles.

New tentacles then wrapped around it.

Seeing Watson's embarrassed look, Michela secretly raised the corners of her mouth. She no longer had any dislike for these tentacles. At this moment, she only found them funny. She even took the initiative to pinch one of the tentacles: "Aren't they an integral part of your body? Why are they disobedient?"

Trying to keep a straight face, the girl continued to whisper two German words in a questioning tone.

"Can you stop being so blunt?"

Watson couldn't avoid those two glances, so he simply stared with dead eyes. The next second, Michela buried her face hard in Watson's chest, letting out uncontrollable laughter, and her whole body trembled with panting. The action just now was already very intense. The girl's loose bathrobe had been partially torn open, and her white shoulders were completely exposed in front of Watson.

What a shame!

Looking at those tentacles, Watson was really angry.

"Your body is honest, isn't it?"

Miss Butterfly Knife raised her face and showed a happy smile that Watson had never seen before. Although the scars scattered all over the face somewhat ruined the beauty, the emotion was extremely real. He could understand these blue eyes and feel the cheerfulness, joy, and increasingly obvious tenderness and charm. At this moment, Michela seemed to have completely disconnected from the gloomy and cold female butcher before, and normally showed the strong emotions of an ordinary person.

" body doesn't want to lie to you." Watson didn't want to continue looking into the girl's eyes. He was moved and ashamed at the same time. He began to think about whether he should take the initiative to tell Michelle about Miss Watson. Ridiculous things I've done.

"In this case......"

Michelle's lips became hotter and hotter: "Then are you ready?"

"What are you here for? You don't want to borrow the hair...!"

Before he finished speaking, the female body in Watson's arms burst out with violent force, throwing the two of them onto the bed next to them.

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