The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 209 Baby——! Where are you-?

In the evening, a mud man stood outside the werewolf fortress.

Miss Watson's appearance at this time is somewhat similar to that of an Amazonian cannibal. She is fully equipped with weapons and equipment, but because she is covered in mud, even though they are products of modern technology, they are still full of strange primitive styles. And she knows that her current mental state is very wrong. Perhaps Miranda, the old mother who has lived for more than a hundred years and still wants to resurrect her daughter, has finally begun to "take effect". Miss Watson now sees that everyone has an inexplicable maternal love. .

At the moment she is looking for the black light werewolf.

Halfway through the walk, she suddenly remembered that there was still such a group of guys. Miss Watson had to speed up quickly, cross the collapsed cliff outside Dimitrescu Castle, and continue traveling in the southeast direction. There were densely packed corpses of biochemical armor soldiers and werewolves along the way - but they were basically half-buried in the soil. Occasionally there were some survivors wandering around, but in the face of Miss Watson's mud-head collision, they were only worthy of being killed. Kicked away.

This time there is no IFF available.

The artillery position that was once there was now completely empty. Miss Watson had to expand the search area, run around in circles at the top of her lungs, and spend a long time devouring these confused kobolds one by one. But now there is one last one left, and I can’t find it no matter what.

"Baby! Where are you?"

After shouting a few words in boredom, several werewolves stood up from the ground.

"Oh, it's not my cub."

The soldier whirled his hand ax and flew over, splitting a dog's head. Then it was pulled by the magnetic beam and flew back to his hand, and then he threw it again. This is a new move that Miss Watson came up with. The magnetic beam can not only pull the axe, but also control its direction during its flight, thereby achieving a more precise point attack...

Or an arc attack.

However, the success rate of this trick is not too high. Currently, the black light body is far from being proficient in the use of magnetism. Perhaps with more experience in the future, it may be able to affect the trajectory of bullets at close range...

Turn the bullet!

It’s cool to think about.

After taking care of these few soldiers, Miss Watson finally found the last black light werewolf. It was wandering in the dilapidated fortress, and its size had grown larger. Moreover, its hair is thicker, black and shiny, and you can tell at a glance that it is well-nourished. As for what this cub ate, there is no second answer.

"Oh, you've grown so big?"

【come over】

Miss Watson waved, and Plaka's parasite-blessed control was still firm. The black-light werewolf turned its head and strode up to its owner. Looking closely at the ferocious beast, Miss Watson had a second thought and simply gave up the idea of ​​absorbing it. There are a total of 4 targets in Dimitrescu Castle, and I really need the unlucky guy to share the firepower.

"The decision is yours! Dog Head!"

Tentacles oozing with golden liquid protruded from the arm and plunged into the mouth of the black light werewolf, and it immediately started to tremble. It can be seen from the strip-like bulges surging under the surface that the black light servant is going through some changes in his body. This is another skill gain brought to Miss Watson by fungal roots - an upgrade in control ability. This mainly refers to voice control. In the past, Miss Watson could only use high-frequency sound waves to control the black light servants, but now it is different. She can also speak directly.

This time the sound transmission range was directly expanded by nearly 100 meters.

But just like the previous flaw of voice control, how complex the instructions can be understood depends on the IQ of the original black light servant. The transformation process will greatly damage intelligence. Now with the help of fungal roots, this "intelligence-lowering" symptom can be alleviated to some extent. Miss Watson patted the back muscles of the black light werewolf with a wicked smile on her face: "We will enter the castle later. When we see a 3-meter-tall woman wearing a white dress, follow my instructions and rush forward to tear it apart. Her clothes, and then bite her butt, you know?”

The dog head blinked stupidly.

"Well, you don't understand."

What a bummer.

At this time, several charred wooden beams fell from a high place and were broken several times on the steps. The Werewolf Fortress was already the hardest-hit area stung by fungal root tentacles. It had just experienced another round of earthquakes, and the progress of the collapse had not stopped at all. Miss Watson waved an order, and the black light werewolf broke open the wall and ran out first.

Outside is a group of biochemical armor soldiers who have successfully climbed to the ground.

Along the way, we rarely saw a few werewolves. It seemed that the biochemical armor soldiers finally won the battle before. Miss Watson ordered the dog to stay put, while she walked towards the enemy step by step. The guns that had basically run out of ammunition were just a burden now. She was not in a hurry anyway, so she couldn't miss this rare opportunity to exercise.

Pulled by the magnetic beam, the military hand ax floated out of thin air and was held tightly by one hand.

To a certain extent, Heisenberg is indeed a boring person. He equipped the biochemical armor soldiers with a variety of armor and propulsion systems, but the weapons are basically monotonous electric drills. The same goes for these guys in front of me. Even if there are two models that can slide and jump, in Miss Watson's eyes, they are all in slow motion.


The ax blade split the head controller of a biochemical armor soldier, cutting the entire head into a gap, and then continued to spin forward. Miss Watson tried to use the magnetic beam to pull it back, but found that the momentum of the ax was very strong this time, and had exceeded the limit of the magnetic beam's pulling strength. No matter how hard she tried to increase the magnetic force, it could only make the weapon gradually slow down. .

As the effective distance was exhausted, the military hand ax flew forward for another ten meters, and finally fell to the ground.

Sorry, you used too much force.


A few hours later.

Miss Watson squatted on the top of a hill and held up the telescope.

It started to snow again in the sky, and the clusters of spiers in the castle shrouded in darkness looked very hideous. Most of the rooms are lit by candlesticks, so they have not been affected by the successive earthquakes, but if the power is cut off, things like elevators may not be usable. Miss Watson led the dog's head over the outer wall and all the way to the gate. She rarely had the opportunity to see large medieval buildings at such a close range, so Miss Watson even had a somewhat playful attitude towards this completely stress-free battle.

It's like traveling.

She was not worried about alarming the countess and her family, and walked to the door carelessly.

Pushing open a heavy door, a large entrance hall decorated with exquisite reliefs appears in sight. As you go up the short steps, there is a portrait of a woman in the center of the wall. In the painting are the three daughters of the Countess, Bella and Dani. Ella and Cassandra. To be honest, in the game, these three ladies have uniform costumes and makeup, and even wear hoods, making it impossible for Ms. Watson to tell who is who. As for this painting, in fact, she can basically only be distinguished by her hairstyle.

" this gold plated or real gold?"

Gently caressing a porcelain bottle about half a person's height, on which the dancers' clothes were drawn with a large amount of golden material. The four dancers stretched out their hands to connect the bottle exactly one week, and their hair spread around the mouth of the bottle, forming a circle. . As for their dancing postures, they are a little dull and a little lively, which perfectly combines the strong classical atmosphere.

There are nearly a hundred of these large and small bottles in the castle.

Then in the game, as soon as the protagonist Ethan, controlled by the player, comes in, he will smash all these beautiful little cuties to obtain the medicines, bullets, coins and materials that are put in by who knows who.

It's just uncomfortable.

Miss Watson looked back at the carpet. It was covered with mud marks left by her soles, and there were many "foot marks" that spread to the wooden floor outside. She put her hands on her hips and felt a little embarrassed. She couldn't help biting her lips and slapped the black light werewolf next to her. The dog shook his head, his little eyes full of doubts.

"It's all your fault!"


"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It's your fault! The hair is so hard, you can't let me ride it, and when you ride it, you prick my butt. Shouldn't you reflect on yourself?"


After hitting the other person on the head again, Miss Watson squatted down with a clear conscience, wiped the soles of her feet with a blanket, raised her legs and continued walking inside. Turn left, go straight, then turn right, follow the high steps and open the door, and you will arrive at the gorgeous main hall. This area, which is three stories high, represents the ultimate expression of Baroque luxury style. Just the huge, exquisite multi-layered chandelier in the center is enough to make people unable to take their eyes away.

"Sigh... I've been a woman for so long that I can't help but like this kind of thing."

After looking left and touching for a while, Miss Watson began to walk upstairs. Although it's not fun enough, let's get down to business now. She knew very well that this big castle actually had many places that were in disrepair or could be called terrifying, such as cellars, dungeons, and brewing rooms used to extract human blood for processing.

Using the blood of young girls as ingredients for wine-making, and using men as food, eating them dry and then throwing them out to make scarecrows, this has been the life of the vampire countess and her family for more than half a century.

Beneath the luxury and elegance, all that flows is sin.

Why haven't these guys shown up yet?

I really didn’t know there was a thief in the house?

Not to mention the countess and her family, I have been here for so long and haven't even seen a maid. Before the mother goddess Miranda issued the massacre order for the resurrection ceremony in 2021, there were also many servants working in the castle, responsible for daily cleaning and maintenance. Most of them are young girls hired from nearby villages. These servants are very cautious on weekdays. If they make a mistake, they will be taken to the cellar. Even if they don't make a mistake, they will slowly disappear after a year or two. Of course, the Countess's family has always been very secretive about the follow-up to such things.

Just as Miss Watson hesitated to fire, she heard a scream.

"Ah——! Please, no!"

She peeked out half of her face and saw a maid being dragged out by the Earl's daughters in black. The blood on her chest showed that she was injured, but the ladies in black showed no intention of stopping. They were covered in insects and grabbed one of the maid's legs and disappeared at the end of the corridor. A burst of sharp laughter echoed from the ceiling, chilling the ears.

good chance.

Miss Watson pulled the black light servant and followed closely. The terrifying laughter of the earl's daughters was enough to scare away the servants around who had not committed any crime. The doors on both sides of the corridor after the corner were closed tightly, and no one poked his or her head.

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