Miranda is very upset today.

Almost everything exceeded expectations.

Originally processing materials in the laboratory, there was a vague noise. The woman who was upset by the noise walked to the surface and discovered that something happened at the other end of the reservoir. Looking over, Morrow, who had transformed into a giant catfish, was being surrounded by a large group of humanoid creatures, howling in pain. Seeing the arrival of the Mother Goddess, the fishman immediately changed his mind and shouted, "Mom, look at me! I'm fighting! Look at me! I'm the best!" and rushed over to fight with those creatures.

The battle scenes are naturally invisible.

Although no one mentioned it openly, both Miranda and the other lords had a tacit understanding of the attitude towards Salvador Moro, a mentally retarded person. The woman focused her attention on the humanoids, the electric drill, the antenna, the armor, and the flashing red light. Who else but Heisenberg would do this?

Is this guy going to rebel?

Where did he get the courage? !

So Miranda turned around and headed towards the factory, but unfortunately she couldn't find any trace of this guy after walking around for more than half of the circle. Instead, she was annoyed by the sporadic biochemical soldiers. She simply returned to her room and called to order an emergency meeting. As a result, the numbers were dialed one by one, but only the countess responded... "Puppet Master" Donna is usually so well-behaved and always the most obedient. What happened this time?

With an ominous premonition, Miranda visited the Benevento mansion and found only a damaged doll. Donna was also missing. At this moment, there was an explosion in the direction of the werewolf fortress. The woman did not hesitate at all and ran straight over, finally finding an outsider who looked like the culprit. The old mother, who had been scratching her head for a long time, was no longer ready to talk nonsense. She just gave a symbolic shout and was ready to arrest the person.

It's just that this female soldier...

She is as slippery as a loach and impossible to catch, and every few rounds of fighting, he can refresh his impression of her.

Just like now.

By the time Miranda reacted, a large hammerhead had appeared in front of her.

Miss Watson, in the form of a heavy hammer, smashed the old mother to the ground with one hand. The body with fluttering wings was like a kite with broken strings, cracking the surface of the stone altar below. Although this purely physical blow could be recovered immediately, it still severely hindered the woman's movements. Miranda tried to fight back, but when she swung out her sharp claws, she only drew sparks on the fist. Miss Watson, on the other hand, hit the woman hard in the abdomen again.

Before Miranda could recover, she made a small jump and raised her hammers high.

The black light body in the form of a heavy hammer feels very different. The most obvious one is the feeling of heaviness. Movement and sprinting will be much slower. As for the fist swing, since the center of gravity shifted significantly to the hands, the two fists were not so much punched out as the whole person was thrown out with the fists. This kind of performance is exactly the same as in the game "The Prototype". It can only be done once and for all. It is even impossible to imitate a boxer's left and right uppercuts and double combos.

boom! ! !

The heavy hammer shattered the stone surface, but missed its target.

"Interesting...your body is anything but simple. What secrets does it hide?"

Miranda had turned into a flock of crows and fled. She condensed her figure in mid-air and rushed towards this side again. Miss Watson quickly calculated the distance, jumped forward with bent legs, and smashed the woman's body with a pair of hammers. However, Miranda didn't want to fight head-on. She nimbly rolled to the left barrel and barely managed to avoid the two hammers. The next moment, several thick roots burst out of the ground and wrapped directly around Miss Watson's body.

A sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, the woman raised her right hand slightly, and more roots grew out from around it. The "Black God" was at his feet, and he responded to his thoughts more than a little faster. This female soldier fled all the way, but finally chose to start a war here. She was extremely stupid.

But things didn't go as she expected.

Faced with this almost certain sneak attack, Miss Watson only did one thing: sprint in reverse. The two of them had just passed each other, and Miranda saw the other person's body glowing with black light, and he was right in front of her in an instant. Although in the previous battles, the female soldiers had shown inhuman physical strength, speed, reactions and body changes, this scene that completely violated physical inertia was still far beyond Miranda's expectations.

Too late!

It was too late to turn into a flock of crows. She could only raise her arms and suddenly felt a huge force hitting herself. In Miss Watson's eyes, Miranda's entire chest and arms were dented. The hammer hit her hastily, but it was enough to hit her to the other side of the altar. After landing on the ground and taking two steps forward, Miss Watson jumped high again and bumped into Miranda who had not yet gotten up.

The hammer was naturally empty.

The falling time was more than 3 seconds, and Miranda, who was well prepared, did not even need to transform into a crowd of crows, she could easily avoid it with just a quick duck.

Miss Watson hit the ground with two heavy hammers, and the entire altar began to shake faintly as cracks spread. This large polygonal disk is actually a lifting platform. Although there is only one road leading to the factory after going down, there is no doubt that the fungal roots are nearby. This area was not that big to begin with, but Miranda summoned several roots three to four meters thick at every turn, which had already made many holes in the ground. If this continued, the entire area might collapse.

What Miss Watson has to do next is not difficult, just continue to beat this woman until she becomes furious and throws her ultimate moves like crazy. Now it seems that the old mechanical structure is not too strong, and it started to loosen after the second hit, and Miranda did not seem to notice this. Standing still with both feet on the altar, Miss Watson was not going to move any further. Before she even touched the fungus root, she gave the other party the impression that she was not good at long-range attacks.

"I can do this all day (I can fight like this all day)!"

She didn't think the effect was enough, so she imitated Captain America and yelled, then punched her fist twice in amusement.

But in Miranda's eyes, this is a sign that the female soldier's physical strength has been exhausted...

Weren't you very diligent in chasing me just now?

"Your resistance is pointless."

With his arms straightened, several pairs of black wings on his back were fully unfolded, and more than a dozen roots grew from the feet of Miranda, who was slowly rising: "Look around you, this is the power of the Black God, endless! All of them. Use it for me! How long can you hold on? Surrender obediently! You have many secrets, and I can promise not to kill you."

Oh, I understand, you want to see if I am suitable to be the vessel for your daughter's resurrection.

Miss Watson immediately realized the other party's intention. She took a deep breath and raised her middle finger with two big fists: "You want me to surrender? Why don't you ask your daughter who has been dead for almost a hundred years to come back to life immediately!"

"you wanna die!"

The ground shook, and more roots burst out of the ground.

Not only is the lifting platform now, but the entire place is starting to look a little crooked. Miss Watson imitated the most annoying preaching tone, rolled to avoid the woman's attack, and gave the woman a hammer on the butt with her backhand. She said righteously: "You used so many lives for experiments, and so many people died. Just to resurrect your daughter, won’t your conscience hurt? If she comes alive, if she knows that her mother has done such a horrible thing, I’m afraid she will disown you!”

"Shut up!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the spider sense reached its peak again. Miss Watson rolled to the left, and the altar she was standing on was now pierced by a cluster of crystal-like black thorns. Miranda roared in mid-air and spread her wings, and several large yellow balls of light appeared out of thin air and smashed towards Miss Watson. However, there were more than thirty roots popping up on the field. As soon as she hid them, these light balls hit the roots. After throwing a wave of balls, Miranda hugged her body, and a layer of callus quickly formed on the surface: "Ant! I will make your life worse than death!"

Around the altar, another pile of roots surged up.

They spread upwards and soon formed a dome, completely cutting off the sky. This scene is just like the final battle in the game. Miss Watson seizes the opportunity and slams the floor so hard that she can hear the rock cracking. A few seconds later, Miranda emerged from the cocoon with a roar, and her large wings were replaced by two pairs of thick and long claws, like a mixture of a crab and a spider.

"Be judged!"

The huge pincers slammed down hard, and Miss Watson stepped sideways to avoid it, but the spider sense pierced her brain like a needle at this moment. She didn't have time to think too much and decisively activated her black body. The next second, as if a fatal trap switch was triggered, hundreds of crystalline black thorns poked out of the ground, almost completely filling the altar and the surrounding area.

The only sound left at the scene was the sound of twisting roots.


Miranda laughed wildly, urging the spikes to retreat underground. As the supporting fillings were collectively pulled away, the riddled central altar collapsed completely, and a small figure fell into the black hole below. The woman was not in a hurry. The joy of victory made her intoxicated. How long had it been since she had felt like this? I have to admit that this strange female soldier has caused a lot of trouble, but now, Miranda is enjoying a rare good mood, and all her annoyance has temporarily disappeared.

She quickly found her target.

The naked body was lying on the steps in front of the Black God. Although it was dirty with root secretions and mud, many areas of snow-white and delicate skin could still be seen. Miranda released the combat form and suddenly saw the other party raising her arms. Instead, she looked happy and lifted the female soldier up with one hand: "Hahaha... Very good, you are still alive. Ah~ let me Take a good look at you..."

Feeling something strange coming from her body, Miss Watson couldn't help but squeeze her legs: "Sure enough, this big tumor is your secret!"

"It's "Black God"! It's not a tumor!"

Miranda didn't like hearing this. She grabbed the female soldier's neck and lifted her up in the air: "You know nothing about the power of the Black God, just like your stupid actions before. But it doesn't matter, now we have many Time, you caused me a lot of trouble today, I will punish you well!!!"

The woman's voice stopped suddenly.

The female soldier in front of her had dense tentacles all over her body, piercing through her chest and into the black god behind her. It was completely different from the previous injuries. A sharp pain swept over him, his whole body began to tremble, and his healing ability was completely ineffective. Miranda stared, meeting two scarlet pupils.

Compared with the pain, what frightened her more was the Black God.

The Black God is withering.

"Hoo...! Well, uh..."

A small hand pinched her neck. Miranda was speechless and watched as gray quickly spread across the surface of the Black God. She was no stranger to this situation. In the past, when those fungal root creations died of injuries, their entire bodies would turn gray, then harden and break into small pieces. But the woman simply couldn't believe that the Black God would do the same thing!

What kind of damage can cause it to collapse?

What kind of creature is this female soldier?

Seeing two lines of black tears falling from Miranda's eyes, Miss Watson turned her face away and stared quietly at the two increasingly desperate and crazy eyes. She was also in pain. Although she had made very bad estimates in advance, the consciousness contained in the roots of the fungus for hundreds of years, the kind of torrent and tsunami-like, destructive storm-like destruction, was unprecedented, and it was completely beyond the ability of words. range of description.

I'm going crazy too.


Why haven't I fainted yet?


Miranda's eyes were dilated, and she struggled to squeeze these two words out of her throat. Black lines covered the face, and the two lips opened and closed a few times, then came together with a slight trembling. Miss Watson has begun to lose her human form, and her whole body has decomposed into tentacles, which wrap around the woman's body and slowly move towards the inside of the fungus root.

so cold......

Miss Watson used her last bit of strength to hug Miranda's body tightly.

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