The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 202 Cavalry, Gunpowder and Thunder King

How does it feel to drive a car with poor suspension performance?

The terrain in this wilderness was rugged and rugged. Miss Watson used her tentacles to forcefully tighten the skirt of her chest to prevent the two lumps of flesh inside from shaking out. The steering control of the chariot is accomplished through the pull rod, which is far less convenient than simply flicking the mouse in the game. After twisting and turning for dozens of meters, Miss Watson immediately realized that it was no wonder that tanks like to stop and fire in the wild.

Otherwise, how could you aim accurately?

In a hurry, she simply drove with her tentacles, picked up the MSG90 herself, and shot away the approaching werewolves one by one. But Miss Watson soon learned how difficult it was to shoot from a violently turbulent vehicle. But she couldn't stop the car at any time. As the distance shortened, the werewolves' resistance increased. Once you stay too long, you will immediately be surrounded.

Nothing to say, let’s switch to a shotgun.

At this moment, two giant wolves rushed over from a distance.

The broad shoulders are full of strength. In the game, these guys are just like little bosses in the wild. Miss Watson had to start using the Deshka heavy machine gun installed on the tank. Although it looked quite compact compared to the recoilless gun, the 12.7mm caliber was enough to blast the werewolf to pieces.

Even the ammunition reserve is not much, only 450 rounds...

The gun body is welded just above the barrel, making it impossible to get close to it for aiming. The sights made by Heisenberg are also very rough, and the shooting accuracy is not very good at all. The aiming speed through the push rod operation is even more extremely slow. In addition, werewolves are running around everywhere, so if you want to hit, you can only use short bursts of fire. After firing dozens of bullets, Ms. Watson finally began to adapt to this weird trajectory.

And on the other hand, the seat under the buttocks is too crude, there is not even a flat cushion, and several iron pipes are crisscrossed horizontally and vertically, making it as uneven as the ground. Some of the not-so-good spots happen to be arched, but I haven't had time to fix them yet.

Hope it doesn't fall apart halfway.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

Fireworks were sprayed from the muzzle, and a string of bullets hit the approaching werewolf. Even though the body had been mutated and enhanced, its defense was still not enough to withstand this attack, and its limbs were torn apart on the spot. The giant wolf was also beaten to pieces, howling in pain while dodging the gun line, splitting into two sides and rushing towards Miss Watson. If she could hold this Deshka in her hand, she could guarantee to hit these two guys until their faces were bruised. Unfortunately, the gun couldn't be disassembled, so Miss Watson had to stand up, pick up the Saiga-12 shotgun and spray it towards the left end. .

In fully automatic mode, an entire 2-round magazine is completely emptied in less than 8 seconds.

Unfortunately, it was a little further away. The giant wolf in front of him was blinded in both eyes. He howled miserably, covered his head and rolled to the side. As for the one on the right, after entering the attack range, he was kicked directly by Miss Watson. Fly out. With the help of a few tentacles, the tracked chariot only paused slightly and immediately resumed its marching posture.

And more tentacles were flying up and down around the shotgun, changing and loading bullets in one go, as smooth as a factory assembly line. Faced with this fierce battle, Miss Watson decisively gave up using the magnetism that she was not familiar with. With these well-trained tentacles, she can even insert half a magazine into her back without having to worry about not being able to retrieve it.


The Werewolf Fortress was bombarded again.

This time it was napalm bombs thrown by trebuchets, and a large fire instantly ignited. A lot of firewood was used inside the medieval fortress, and the fuel seeping in caused thick smoke to billow into the clear sky. Several mortar shells followed and hit a ballista mounted on the top of the tower, causing the old guy to collapse.

This was the effect Miss Watson expected.

The Werewolf Fortress itself has some ancient defense equipment, such as ballistas, which are still in use today. The biochemical armor soldiers have no siege equipment. It is difficult to deal with these kinetic weapons with only a flesh and blood body driven by electricity. To be honest, Miss Watson felt that she had done a very thorough job. After this wave of shells were fired, if the biochemical armor soldiers could not defeat the werewolf army, they would be useless.

If it weren't for the small number of cannonballs made by Heisenberg, maybe the fortress could be leveled today.

The distance continued to shorten, and the werewolves in the fortress began to fight back, but unfortunately the accuracy was not very good. Several thick crossbow arrows pierced the small slope next to the chariot, causing a splash of snowflakes. The dark arrow shafts were inserted diagonally, giving the impression of a medieval infantry siege. At the entrance of the fortress, a group of wolf cavalry squeezed out of the door and launched a charge.

These guys were basically just going through the motions in the game and had basically never fought against the protagonist Ethan, but now he had to fight in person.


Putting a ballista into the iron sight, Miss Watson pulled the trigger at the top of the push rod, and a shell immediately roared out. This gun was modified from the Soviet-made 73mm caliber SPG-9 "Spear" recoilless rifle. When the tracked combat vehicle was originally manufactured, Heisenberg mainly wanted to use it himself, so he did not install a cumbersome automatic loading device. After all, with magnetism, loading cannonballs is not an easy task?

The same goes for Miss Watson.

The shell created a trail of white smoke and hit the supporting wall below the target, but it was not enough to collapse it. As for Miss Watson at this time, she was suffering from the sound of cannon fire. Even if she blocked her ear holes with her tentacles, there was still some rumbling noise in her eardrums. Although recoilless rifles do have little recoil, it is true that they are extremely loud.


Another shot, and this time the wall collapsed.

Miss Watson pushed the lever lightly, turned the gun and fired at the approaching Wolf Cavalry. But the next second, the pits on the ground caused the tracked chariot to clang several times, and the bullets fired completely lost their accuracy. While correcting the direction, she controlled the tentacles to unscrew the rear door of the cannon, pulled out the hot tail bolt, and inserted another cannonball into it.

After the wolf cavalry crossed the top of the slope, Miss Watson fired directly.

A brief burst of fire brought up a large amount of dust. Centered on the explosion point, several horses around were thrown to the ground like rag dolls, along with their owners. But this failed to deal a blow to the monsters. The surviving wolf cavalry speeded up again, and she could clearly see the pair of eyes, with dark yellow irises, full of wildness and violence.

A crossbow arrow pierced the body from the side, but it only penetrated half an inch and was quickly squeezed out.

The roar behind him got closer.

The fortress gate ahead was still a few hundred meters away.

Miss Watson turned on her blackened body, gave up operating the lever, and only used her tentacles to keep the chariot moving forward. With this level of turbulence, it was too time-consuming to shoot accurately. She directly picked up the Saiga-12 shotgun. At the elbow of her left arm, another refilled 8-round magazine was rolled up by the tentacles, ready at any time. It's easy to replace; and on both sides of the lower abdomen, more tentacles are moving non-stop, continuing to take out loose bullets from the backpack one by one and stuff them into empty magazines.

I just hope that the remaining 47 rounds of shotshells can sustain a fierce battle.


A giant wolf rushed up from behind first. This guy's face was covered in mud. He was the unlucky guy who had been kicked away before. Miss Watson stood firm on her legs, turned her upper body 180° like an automatic turret, and aimed at the wolf's face to empty the magazine. This time the two sides were very close, and the repeated blows caused the giant wolf's head to shatter like a beer bottle, completely losing its combat effectiveness.


The tentacle moved quickly. After changing the magazine, he pushed the newly loaded one up again. As soon as the gun was in my hand, the familiar feeling came back immediately. Miss Watson deliberately placed the enemy close to maximize the power of the shotgun. Faced with her almost self-aiming precision shooting, ordinary werewolves basically had no resistance. After finishing two magazines, the surrounding area became clear again.

The tracked chariot continued to rumble forward.

Not long after, the three wolf cavalry appeared from the top of the hillside, followed by more werewolves, coming like a tide. While the new shells were loaded, Miss Watson quickly squatted down, held the push rod, and fired a shot at the place where the enemy was most concentrated. However, the wolf cavalry were scattered, and the cannonballs only took away some of the werewolves who had no time to separate. During this delay, several more crossbow arrows hit the body. Unfortunately, facing the blackened body, they could not even break through the defense, but only pierced a layer of clothing.

Finally, the cavalry were in the face.

I'm just waiting for this.

Miss Watson, who had released her blackened body, had arcs of electricity all over her body, quickly gathering into her two palms. I don’t know if it’s due to the bonus of “Magneto”. This bioelectric ability from Spider-Woman has significantly increased in speed, efficiency and scale. Amid the continuous surge of electricity, the black light body seemed to have entered another state. Miss Watson flicked her hand, and two lightning balls flew out with their tails trailing. When they touched the object, they exploded like grenades.

Zhila! ! ! !

The werewolves around them were in bad luck.

"Smart little dogs like you need a jolt to your brains."

His eyes accurately captured the black spot in the sky, which was an arrow fired by a crossbow. Miss Watson fired while pressing the brake pedal hard. The tracked vehicle plowed three black marks on the downhill road - the color of the land after the snow has been scraped away. The arrow hit the corner tightly against the front of the car, but in the end it was still a little short of the mark. The chariot that moved forward again ran over it and completely crushed it.

The werewolf fortress not far away was already in flames.

Miss Watson aimed the last shot at the gate, abandoned the vehicle with almost exhausted ammunition, and ran towards the entrance of the fortress. She glanced at her watch and saw that only 2 minutes and 37 seconds had passed since the bombardment began, which was not a big gap from what she expected. Of course, in order to rush for time, Miss Watson was also forced to expose her abilities such as bioelectricity and tentacles. If the goddess Miranda hid in the corner and peeked, she might be short of a few trump cards when the time comes.

This is the disadvantage of not being strong enough and having to fight alone.

Ahead, the werewolves in the fortress continued to pour out, but Miss Watson was not going to waste time with them anymore. She jumped up quickly and climbed up the stone wall of the fortress, finding a gap and getting in at random.

The small square on the ground floor was crowded with werewolves, and a few floors up, wherever you could stand, there were also densely packed dog heads. Miss Watson threw the signal transmitter into a corner, then jumped onto a beam and began to move deeper into the fortress. After the round of shelling just now, the roof of this fortress, which had been in disrepair for a long time, had collapsed. Many wood embedded in the wall surface were poked out, giving her quite a lot of room to move around. She no longer had to rush into the enemy and kill them. .


A werewolf watched Miss Watson take off and couldn't help but pounce from the side. It has to be said that this guy's jumping ability is still very strong, but Miss Watson, who has a spider sense, has been prepared in advance. The graceful body turned sideways in mid-air, with a posture as graceful as a gymnast's, with her waist arched forward, just in time to avoid the pair of sharp claws; and her two legs immediately kicked out, stepping heavily on the werewolf's body, using its strength. And go.

The arc erupted at this moment.

The howling stopped suddenly, and the attacker's body smashed down the ground floor like a cannonball. More figures rushed towards her from both sides. Miss Watson quickly changed direction and stepped on several wolf heads to rush to a wall to avoid being double-teamed. Another signal transmitter has been held by the tentacles and stuffed into the gap in the wall.

There is one last one.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you let it go or not, it's just insurance.

Miss Watson slapped off the two crossbow arrows stuck on her butt, then used her legs to run on the wall at a 2° angle. However, the next moment, the Spider Sense alarmed frantically, and she turned her body sideways without hesitation and jumped to the wall on the other side. This momentum was so strong that it knocked away several werewolves blocking the way in mid-air.

With a loud noise, her original position was shattered.

"Keep running, little mouse!"

An angry female voice echoed in the building.

The werewolves who were still trying to attack completely fell silent. A group of crows flew in from the crack in the zenith and gathered into a human shape in mid-air. Five pairs of black wings stretched out, and the woman in a shawl quickly revealed her head, but her face was covered by a strange-looking mask. Only her pale lips and slightly backward hairline could be seen. .


Miss Watson pulled out two grizzly pistols and ran.

Who wants to see you showing off?

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