Along the ridge and approaching the reservoir, a fishy smell wafted faintly.

The reservoir and the flood discharge area are separated by a dam. Once the water is released, even if Morrow has great ability, he will not be able to recover it within a few days. In the scope, there are still some werewolves wandering beside the country road. This group of guys is more troublesome. Howling may call their companions or alert Moreau. Miss Watson noted their location in her mind and continued toward the reservoir. There are a lot of shelters in this area, and there must be other werewolves huddled in various corners, so we can only adapt to circumstances.

It's funny to say that I have saved up so much ammunition for this operation, but I haven't actually fired a single shot yet. I just sneaked in with an ax in hand. To a certain extent, this can be regarded as Miss Watson's good luck. Whether she is a puppet master or "Magneto", she acts very decisively and strives for a quick victory, so she has not been discovered by any enemy so far.

But things won't always be this simple.

After squeezing the soft persimmons, it’s time to gnaw on the hard bones.

As she walked, Miss Watson picked up the MSG90 sniper rifle and began to check the suppressor on the muzzle. However, even with a suppressor, the sound of a sniper rifle firing 7.62 full-power bullets can still be heard hundreds of meters away. Although the cold wind was blowing loudly, the movement was still not loud enough. If it were a rainy day with thunder and thunder, and the sound of weapons firing in a wide area could be fully covered up, she could consider truly acting as a long-range sniper.

As Deadshot's "nutrition" continues to be absorbed, Miss Watson's understanding of firearms becomes more and more sophisticated. To put it another way, shooting in her eyes is like a high-scoring academic looking at a math problem. Regardless of the height difference, temperature and humidity, wind speed and other numerical values ​​that affect the trajectory, after all, they are just a few variables that need to be calculated.

Of course, having said that, Clockwork Man's gun-sense talent also plays an important role.

Shooting is something that, in addition to hard practice, really requires talent.

Miss Watson installed the signal transmitter, then walked lightly and approached a werewolf against the wind.

Alone, remote, and in the perfect location. She also doesn't mind completing some more preparation work before the official start of filming. Several tentacles protruded from the exposed chest and neck, reaching out to the unsuspecting target. The werewolf suddenly felt that its limbs were restrained by something. It subconsciously opened its mouth to howl, but a long flexible object was thrust into its throat. With a few whimpers, the werewolf's entire body straightened up and soon went limp.

Half a minute later, watching the other party slowly get up from the ground, Miss Watson let out a high-frequency wave from her throat:

【turn around】

She finally saw what the werewolf looked like up close.

It is said to be a werewolf, but in fact the nails on its hands and feet are slightly longer, the hair is thicker, and the muzzle is relatively prominent, but overall it still looks like a human. I don't know if it's because of the strengthening of the black light virus, but the dirty hair of this werewolf has become much darker and shiny, and his body size seems to be growing. After the changes completely stopped, the black-light werewolf in front of Miss Watson had grown several centimeters taller, and its strong muscles bulged out from its clothes.

According to the content seen in the game, except for the pair of bosses of the werewolf brothers, the stronger the combat power of ordinary werewolves, the larger they are, and the closer they look to wolves. Some elite-level powerful individuals will even completely transform into giant wolves.

But when it reaches that level, intelligence will decline again.

The guy in front of her was pretty good. Miss Watson didn't expect the "black light werewolves" to charge forward. Her real intention was to let them control weapons. The mortars and trebuchets manufactured by Heisenberg are simple and brainless to use, which is just right for these black-light werewolves whose IQ is barely enough. But they can only go so far. If the tracked chariot really needs to be put on the field, Miss Watson will have to drive it herself.

Moving forward along the path, several more yellow humanoid shapes appeared in the thermal field of vision.

Miss Watson crouched up to the top of the slope, her tentacles crawling down her thighs, piercing the cold and hard ground, walking through the soil like a loach. This happens to be something she has been worrying about recently. Black light sword blades and spikes are all biomass weapons made of hardened bodies, and the same goes for hardened tentacles. In order to break through frozen soil, they must be hardened and strengthened. However, doing so will increase the density of biomass. Although the target can be killed or dissolved and absorbed after piercing it, it is impossible to transport the golden infection liquid.

Hope it can improve in the future.


The werewolf in the farthest place was stabbed through its lower body. The black light spikes were of different lengths, and the longest one happened to come out of its throat. Before the companion next to him could react, he received a flying ax on his head. Miss Watson had never split a werewolf's head before, so she used more strength to be on the safe side. The ax blade directly split the head in half horizontally, and the bursting plasma spread all over the floor. But the inertia on the ax had not completely disappeared. It passed over the werewolf's head and sank into the frozen soil on one side.

Well, it's not that hard...

Throwing aside the second transforming black light werewolf, Miss Watson stretched out her hand, and the ax flew into the air under the pull of the magnetic beam. Taking back the weapon, she turned to the next target.


Ouch————! !

The moonlight gradually faded away, and the howls of the werewolves in the distance began to decrease. Of course, there were definitely none nearby, as they had all been cleaned up and transformed. After working for several hours, in addition to cleaning up the area, Miss Watson also gathered a team of 8 black light werewolves. Originally, she wanted to get a few more, but the more there were, the more chaotic the voice control management would become. The black light werewolves had no self-awareness, nor did they have the cognition of "he is him and I am me". When they heard the order, they would The whole society followed suit, and Miss Watson couldn't even pick a code name.

Obviously, using wired controls will be more troublesome.

There is still no trace of "Fishman" Salvador Moro, and he doesn't know whether he hid in a corner or simply turned into a big catfish and scurryed around underwater. Miss Watson didn't want to alarm the other party at all. She left the black light werewolf team in the remote woods and climbed up to the windmill by the water storage lake by herself.

There is a small brick house on the lakeshore, which is the main switch that controls the entire dam gate. Miss Watson just slipped in to take a look, and as expected, the main switch power supply was faulty. But speaking from common sense, there is no protection in this place. Even half of the wall has collapsed. It would be too dangerous for anyone to come and drain the reservoir. The "key" must be hidden elsewhere.

This "key" is the windmill crank.

The windmill must be driven by the crank handle and the wind turbine can be restarted so that the main switch of the dam can receive power.

If put into the game, the player would have to control the protagonist "Ethan", step on various floating planks on the lake, and run around fearfully while being chased by the big catfish Morrow, until he can get enough to start the wind turbine. all conditions. But Miss Watson had already prepared for this trip, but it was just a broken gear crank. Couldn't Heisenberg's factory find a replacement?


The hand-cut iron rod was driven into the groove, and Miss Watson exerted slight pressure, and the old windmill gears began to rotate with a creaking sound. This movement seemed very sudden in the silent dawn, completely beyond her expectation. Miss Watson immediately stopped her movements, took off with two steps, and sprinted through the air to glide to the top of the hill on the shore. As soon as she stepped on the snow, she rolled over and crawled, holding up the binoculars.

Not long after, large ripples appeared on the water.

A back covered with bumps and tentacles emerged from the water and moved slowly toward the shore. Finally, a giant catfish climbed onto the shore with two short pectoral fins. It was about ten meters long, and the entire fish head was covered with large and small eyeballs, which would make people with trypophobia go crazy just by looking at it. The swinging tail fin also proves that this guy has something to do with fish.

Salvador Moro's fish-man form.

Miss Watson continued to hold the telescope, motionless.

With so many eyes on Morrow's head, he couldn't be seen.


The big catfish suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a large pool of green tissue liquid. Then it roared low, started to shake its big head and looked around, and turned towards the windmill. Miss Watson couldn't help but began to feel lucky that she was more vigilant and moved her position in advance. The hilltop was still safe at least now.


The sound of heavy impacts came closer and closer, and the sound of rough belly scraping against the ground became more and more obvious.

Well, he should have noticed.

Miss Watson had no intention of showing up again and chose to retreat directly. Anyway, her goal has been achieved. Practice has proved that the power supply of the reservoir dam can indeed be restored with homemade tools. The surrounding area has also been cleaned up. She is sure that she will not disturb Moreau in the water before turning the windmill next time. After all, the real world and the game are two different things. Monsters will not be refreshed regularly. Even if the Werewolf Fortress wants to send soldiers to the reservoir again, it will have to wait until they know that there are no more people.

This also means that you have to speed up.

But for Ms. Watson, the more important thing is that the signal transmitter has limited power and can only be kept for a little over 2 days. On the other hand, in terms of identifying friend or foe, since Heisenberg planned to rebel, he naturally could not let the biochemical armor soldiers be controlled by the mother goddess Miranda. Therefore, after years of modification, these soldiers have been able to distinguish between friend and foe through electronic signals.

Anyone without such a signal is the enemy.

Unlike the high-power grenade-like signal transmitter with a wooden handle, the friendly force identification signal machine is small, like a lighter, and can be easily carried on the body. But the problem came again. In Heisenberg's plan, this thing was only for his own use, so only 3 were made in total. Excluding Miss Watson's share, there are eight black-light werewolves, which is completely insufficient. Therefore, the heavy firearms firing positions and the biochemical armor army must be separated, otherwise accidental damage will occur.

According to the plan, the Black Light Werewolf team was abandoned in the forest near the reservoir. Miss Watson rushed back to the factory and took out all the heavy weapons made by Heisenberg. 2 homemade mortars, 1 trebuchet and the tracked combat vehicle, these are all the heavy weapons that can be invested this time. Except for the tracked chariot, which is controlled by Miss Watson herself, everything else can be left to the black light werewolves.

As for the two wire-controlled howitzers...

The operations of loading and locking the breech were still a bit complicated. She was afraid that the black light werewolves wouldn't understand, so she simply didn't bring it.

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about transportation.

Just like the previous "human vehicle", heavy weapons can also be pulled by biochemical armor soldiers after being loaded onto the vehicle. But they are also disposable and must be disposed of after being transported to the location to prevent these stupid things from attacking the "artillery". A dozen biochemical armor soldiers were dragged out from the side door of the warehouse. Miss Watson put on the reins one by one, checked the friendly force identification signal on her body again, and then used wires to activate their head controllers.

There was a slight beeping sound.

The corpse door controlled by the current started to move one after another, dragging the cart behind it and taking steps step by step. The exit of the factory's external passage slowly opened, and the cold wave poured in along the airflow, blowing Miss Watson's hair. Beside her, a military ax circled around and occasionally made rolling movements.

After continuing to exercise for a while, Miss Watson also wanted to try firing a remote-controlled pistol.


After following the two people and vehicles out of the factory and confirming that there was no problem with signal reception, Ms. Watson returned underground. Amidst the harsh sound of gears turning, the warehouse door opened to both sides. Rows of biochemical armor soldiers were neatly displayed, full of chilling aura. She took a deep breath and silently turned on the switch.

Crack! ! !

Large electric sparks exploded on the ceiling, and then all the lights went out in just a few seconds. Just when Miss Watson was about to see if there was something wrong with the line, rows of red light spots lit up in front of her eyes. The sound of messy footsteps echoed in the cave, and accompanied by the sound of wires being ripped off, the biochemical armor soldiers gathered together and headed for the exit of the external passage.

"Okay, cannon fodder, have a nice trip~"

Miss Watson pretended to take off her hat, turned around and ran to the next warehouse.

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